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hmm, has somebody recently linked to that old-time XKCD question? I've had a big bump in upvotes on that in the past couple of days. much more than usual.
not that I'm complaining, ofc...
horse stapple?
yeah that one
@AviD that was me
@AviD, I linked that in my HNQ Poker answer.
ahhh hehehe thanks
A: Internet courtship: Why would a hacker buy me poker chips?

SmokeDispenserI interpret your question as What's the motivation for someone to use an alien facebook account to play poker and stock it with chips? It's not that strange if you think about it this way: As poker is a game where knowledge about the dealt cards gives you a significant edge in the game, yo...

oh you updated that answer
right, it was suggested in the comments to add password managers, I did that and linked battery horse
Also, I did take on this challenge:
nicely done ;-)
in The Ministry of Silly Hats on Stack Overflow Chat, 22 hours ago, by Kyll
@SmokeDispenser Here's a game. In your next HNQ answer, the word "cucumber" must be present in the first revision. You only have the right to use this word once, in only one answer, so make it count!
you might also want to reference this one:
Oh, randall finally has https?
@AviD, edited in.
@AviD, I doubt it's getting hot though.
it's not borderline off topic enough for that.
2 hours later…
8k :)
2 to go.
@M'vy: n1
grats and such. I'm still <5
Someone was accusing me of being a newbie yesterday
Then they looked at the rep counter...
you newb, knowing nothing about anything
I know! I know nothing! I come from Barcelona!
oh, waaaait, that's a 10ker.
what's with that teckraf guy btw? he keeps making edits but didn't go over 1k since I am here.
And I went from 101 to 4k in 30 days.
Not sure. They're usually good edits too. Maybe they don't like writing much
right, they are.
I think I only rejected one.
I think I rejected one that slightly changed the meaning of the answer, but I agreed that it was grammatically better
I think I lost the cucumber challenge.
Too bad
I think I need more newbie questions. So I can rep train to 10k
@M'vy: take my lead.
pic the Qs from the review queues.
preferably from the CV-queue. borderline closeworthy.
The less I make effort the more I get rep.
right. you just need to review close votes and pick questions that are borderline
(and preferably low level)
look at my answers: the good ones are low-rep, the KISS-principle ones are riding the rep train
so if you cut the "writing good answers" part and just do the rep-training, you'll be >10k in 30 days.
maybe less.
I think people only up vote when they know about. Hence, the expert answers don't get that much view and votes. Unless you're @ThomasPornin
oh, for maximum efficiency, only post one post per day
because of rep cap
(the poker question for example only brought me 300 unicorn points with > 80 upvotes)
Yeah rep cap is kinda stupid.
You should rep cap on question, not on day.
also, if your post it HNQ, do not post at all
you'll rep cap either way
but tbh, unicorn-point whoring is pretty much bad for the community, so you should answer good questions as well - even preferably those.
I haven't been around SecSE that long to judge, but from other sites I have that experience, that if your question gets on the HNQ list, you'll get to rep cap... but essentially if your post is short and witty/snappy/fun... regardless of its actual merits
Yeah that too.
Has to do with count view.
@bilbo_pingouin, borderline closeworthy Qs get more views
the theory I have, is that HNQ brings unregular members... who are usually less knowledgeable, are looking to consume: so fast, fun, forgotten
especially if they have a good answer
@SmokeDispenser yep... especially if they have a clickbait title
well. lunch now d)
But it's intrinsically broken.
@SmokeDispenser Actually it might be more efficient to answer multiple Qs. Accepted answer +15 score does not count towards the repcap, nor do bounty awards.
For this reason Jon Skeet continually exceeds the repcap on SO: stackoverflow.com/users/22656/…
according to the graph the max he has earned in a single day is 871
My best is 255 on a single day, and I did have a 3 day run of more than 200
@diagprov, @M'vy was searching for the sweet spot between max rep for min input
side note, @M'vy, I repcapped during lunch. How about you?;)
+184 today
+215 yesterady
"no" that is then;) but you have a HNQ, too, don't you?
I don't think so
@M'vy you're below the Brent in the rep league stackexchange.com/leagues/66/month/security/2016-04-01/…
not for long
you're resorting to reptraining su?
I already got 400 worth of rep in 2 days. but the last one has yet to be added to the network
this you could've flagged.
290 month reputation
@SmokeDispenser I could have yeah. Probably better on SU
Damn my proposal is stuck at 40 persons.
which one?
Maybe I should advertise more aggressively :)
that's probably not for me :)
my handwriting sucks big time
the title should be changed to
it's more for Q&A on pens, paper, ink, technics and so on
not just writing
Oh, yeah, the title should be changed
pnp? pens and papers?
So far I did have a good one in my head
there you go.
Oh I do have HNQ
yeah, didn't you believe me?
It was not on my list last time
perhaps lack of refresh idk
you know they cycle, right?
if you're not using stackexchange.com/questions?tab=hot, the HNQ on the side cycle through the whole list at random
can't I get 10k already and be done with it ? ahahahahaha
I need to edit more...
we could found a voting syndicate and get ourselfes banned;)
I wonder if we could get a learning machine to create a voting syndicate that does not get you banned.
well, probably
ohohohohohohohohoh we could set up a botnet :)
but since shog's watching us closely anyways and with the low traffic here, we're fucked now.
steals your SE cookie and vote for someone ahahah
anyone here know anything about wifi?
let's make it a wormbot and call it WotUVoted
I iz in your Stackz voting for peoplez
@Sam it's the 802.11 norm?
you should ask a specific question I guess
whats an 802.11?
I'm just toying with you cause you ask if anyone knew anything about Wi-Fi. So I answer with a random fact about Wi-Fi.
But go on, feel free to ask your question. We'll be happy to help (if we can)
oh.. its just that my wifi is connecting really badly, but I have no idea why.. it used to be fine, is there anything I should check?
Individual home?
its my home wifi router, there are several devices though
I mean, it is a building, or a single individual house? (in other word, do you have very close neighbours who can have wifi too)
Check if your neighbours have new routers - it could be getting congested. Look at moving to a less busy channel on the router
it is semi detatched and neighbours networks are found by my pc
how do i change channel...?
@Sam depends of your router. I should have a parameter in the settings.
Depends on the router - should be a setting in the admin section
admin section..?
Of your router config. Usually the one you access through an address like or - if you're not sure, don't go looking though, as you can potentially lock yourself out of the network
i think mine is
i have been here before trying to fix it in the past
its a router sign in page
so, sign in then.
ok done that
@Sam, you realize we are the chat room for information security, not the chat room for super user, yes?;)
anyhow, hit the wifi settings.
@Matthew rly? are home routers checking for that?
ok i am in there, and i am just looking for people that know about networks
@SmokeDispenser Mine does. Admittedly, I have a non-standard router for my connection...
well, you seem to have a configuration issue with your wifi router - I guess that'd be a perfect question for SU.
@Matthew, mine doesn't. And I don't think most do.
I can scan all the things on my home network;)
imgur.com/BeaHOw6 what do i do now...?
Doesn't StackExchange know that we're a security chatroom?
@SmokeDispenser Depends how paranoid you are...
> PHP BLENC extension security concern
the answer is yes.
@Sam Change that thing that says "Channel: Auto" to a less congested channel. It doesn't look like it has a helpful graph of them for you though
@RoraΖ sure. why?
Also, change your passphrase.
.... there and everywhere else you use that password.
... and your WPS pin
i changed my wireless band to 5GHz what will that do?
lower the range you will get connections, probably increase your bandwidth
did you change your password?
why does the password matter?
because you posted it online
but my wifi is miles away from anyone
in an information security channel.
@Sam you just showed everyone and it's not that great anyways
Might also mean some devices can't connect anymore - most phones are OK, but some consoles or similar don't handle 5GHz wifi
@Sam, as it's crap anyway, you probably use it somewhere else.
and it's all on the interwebs now. change it everywhere, now.
@Matthew my ps3 is fine. what ancient consoles cant handle 5ghz?
Hello Everyone.
@SmokeDispenser Don't think Wii can... It can't handle some channels at all. Didn't update properly on some of them. Not sure how they managed that
For consoles that can handle both 2.4GHz and 5GHz which is better to use?
If you can use 5ghz reliably, that
it has shorter range but less interference possible
else 2.4
I run my APs with both, and have distinct SSIDs for each
is Ethernet better than wifi for a pc?
@Sam It's faster.
@Sam With Ethernet you have an actual wire. Apart from that, it is better than WiFi in all other respects.
@Sam it's less volatile and offers a smaller attack surface.
@ThomasPornin How is a wire "worse than WiFi"? It's great physical access control.
well you need a cable
well, yeah, but you need a cable (to get into the network)
@SmokeDispenser A wire incurs the risk of tripping on it and breaking your leg or something.
@ThomasPornin My wires are on the walls. seldomly walk there.
For some setups (e.g. fixed PC) a wire is no issue.
You can still have a MITM ATTACK on a wired connection.
For others (e.g. laptop PC) mobility can be an important factor.
And wireless increases physical mobility.
@HenryWhiteHatHacker, the attack surface is significantly smaller.
i have a fixed pc and a 40 meter Ethernet cable but it doesn't have the plugs on each end
I'm out of the trolling. see you later.
Can someone please connect to my http server here is the ip address:
I see Henry changed his name
@MattClendenen It's the full version of Henry WH Hack.
@MattClendenen Nah, it's a different account.
@Arperum Correct +1!
@Arperum are they ever here at the same time?
@MattClendenen I don't know, I have the other one ignored. That's how I noticed that there was a second account in play.
I don't think they are bots. Just an elaborate hoax by one really super bored guy.
@MattClendenen I am not a bot.
What hoax?
Hi, can we say that SQL injection is decreasing and will, soonly, be almost non existant in well designed websites?
By well designed website: I mean "not the one programmer that knows nothing about web security"
@BobEbert The problem with that, is that the proportion of "well-designed websites" to "WordPress sites and sites built with YOLO PHP CMSes" is, and will remain the foreseeable future, quite small.
Really, the percentage of websites that are built with WordPress is pretty staggering. It's a substantial portion of the World Wide Web.
lol I got a guru badge on that HQN @SmokeDispenser
@BobEbert SQL injection does not exist in well designed websites. But as @Xander said: there is a lot of terribly designed stuff out there, and there are new sql-injection prone website every day.
What about overflows? (stack, heap, etc)
@M'vy grats
Most modern programming languages are efficient at reducing the consequences of overflows.
@M'vy I only got one of those.
Not a lot of people are developing Web sites in C, assembly or Forth these days.
@M'vy my poker question is 1 upvote short of a gold badge for great answer, though.
@ThomasPornin Shame.
... and should be a guru as well when accepted.
@ThomasPornin I'm using Haskell. that compiles to LLVM in between. does that count?;)
Oh I scored +1, I think I just repcapped
there you go, ridin' the rep train like a bear, @M'vy
yeah... well the bear has 5x my rep of this month :)
there we go, great answer.
first "real" gold;) "populist" does not count, apparently;)
I still don't have any gold here
@M'vy "Electorate" is easy to obtain. Just click 40 times a day, on 15 days.
or the addiction badge, where all you need to visit daily.
@CodesInChaos I found that one quite harder to obtain. It turned out that I really have a life.
@CodesInChaos @ThomasPornin The first time I tried to get fanatic, I didn't realize that you needed to visit more than just the home page. That ended my streak one busy day, after I had managed to visit for 75 consecutive days, and I had to start over.
I never really tried, but there was a time where I was addicted enough to visit all the time.
Well qw could probably just setup a refresh bot
@CodesInChaos It became an addiction for me after that. It became such a part of my daily routine, that once I did get fanatic, I continued until I'd visited for over 500 consecutive days. I forced myself to take a day off at that point. I didn't want to be like one of the SO people who hit 1337 consecutive days.
I have a bunch of vacation-shaped holes in my attendance.
Ah yes, that wonderful feeling when you kill a memory leak. My day has been made.
Don't use global variables. Done.
Q: How hard is it to hack into a webmail account with a strong 8-digit password?

bws92082Assume the hacker starts with only your email address and he has high incentive to gain access.

@CodesInChaos Right. Now deal with one in a third party library (which they will not fix) via direct memory access and pointers.
But static global variables are awesome and cool!
I don't have to allocate any memory for them :D

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