Hi there! I just searched, but it seems that my searchfu isn't good enough, so I wanted to ask if there is already a question addressing my problem. I am sure there has to be… It feels very common…
Is there any LiteCoin binary precompiled for Linux?
I would prefer staticaly linked but would also dynamicaly linked a try.
A plus is given for a .deb archive, two pluses for a ppa or other possibility to integrate it into ubuntu 11.10 packagemanagement.
@William: I dunno what CarrierIQ is, sorry... But I have another question belonging your avatar... Since it is blender logo... Do you know any tutorials about blender 2.5 or 2.6 that are NOT Screencasts?
Basically I have a bashscript that fetches Data from my server to perform a backup.
As it is now I have to start that script manually and enter the password and then wait to finish.
I would like to set up a cronjob, that handles the backup.
But I really dont know how to handle the password in ...
Hm.... I found a blog post a day or two ago, that explained how to use compiz in gnome3-failsafe. Now due to an update in gnome3-failsafe the configs has changed and I cant find that blog post again to reenable compiz... Does anyone know where to find such a tutorial?
Hmmm.... I can find update-manager project in launchpad, but I am not able to write Bugreports or Blueprints... They are not set up for the project, do you know another place where one could propose that feature?