
Mar 15, 2018 17:02
Depending on how fantastical your setting, you could of course invent a creature that can perpetually regrow its tusks if they're removed.
Dec 9, 2016 20:57
Now I bet THAT's a peculiar feeling to experience! +1 for the looks I imagine this would cause on people's faces mid-teleport.
Oct 10, 2016 20:59
@sdrawkcabdear It's even in the name. "United Soviet Socialist Republics".
Oct 10, 2016 20:59
@TrEs-2b There are many, many varieties of Communism. Not all are as militant as the Soviet Union's breed of Marxism-Leninism and later Stalinism. There are also anarcho-communists (although I think the more authoritarian varieties of leftism are far more likely to actually succeed, as answers below have hinted at). See
Oct 10, 2016 20:59
"Communism was a major rival of capitalism" ideologically perhaps but if you're referring to the Soviet Union or China true Communism was never more than a far-off goal for those nations. ANd calling capitalism the "most stable" economic option is absurd. Remember that capitalism is a relatively recent phenomenon. Feudalism is far more stable from a historical perspective.
Aug 28, 2016 23:13
I don't think it's possible for "objective" reasons to explain a dislike of something.
Aug 28, 2016 23:12
I suppose it wouldn't be opinion-based if it were asking about why people didn't like the movie, as opposed to what was wrong with the movie.
Aug 28, 2016 23:07
Hi! The question is closed so I can't answer, but as someone who does in fact rank Into Darkness as the worst Trek film ever, below Nemesis and the Final Frontier, I thought I'd add my thoughts here so even if the question is not reopened Woody at least gets an explanation. Really I don't know whether or not the question should be re-opened, or whether my thoughts would make a good answer, but I thought I'd put them out here anyway.
Jul 16, 2016 19:20
This seems stupidly easy to see through, at least as written. If they can intercept the "1% power" message, surely they could intercept all the communications leading up to this operation that would make it blatantly obvious that this is a bluff? There's no way you could pull off an international effort of this scale without producing a signal that would make it clear what you're doing.