@FlagAsSpam For your Minecraft Answer on the output the time question with the repeaters wouldn't it technically be outputting every X Ticks not every Second and be affected by the TPS of the host?
@Rainbolt Hmmm so that question isn't Bad in VBA. The Handling of Open Tags without close tags needs to be addressed. I assume it would be the same way SE handles them. But I agree that the challenge needs some work. But I think its Scope isn't too big for VBA to handle once the rules are fleshed out.
Looking at the Question to output the current time every second. How Accurate is a Second? 0.0001 of a day? or 0.000011574 of a day? Like if it skips a second every day is that wrong? What about a second every week? I can get 100% accurate but golfing down SigFigs helps the byte count.
@Stefnotch For the Duck Tape Challenge have we confirmed that The Code copied Can't be posted after the Challenge? Or should I start hiding the code i need in my other Answers?
@MartinBüttner Ok i wasn't sure as all the examples say Bytes and the BF answer that is 3 characters or 61 bytes is listed as 61 but I think I see why now. As the Bytes were listed second
Not to be Nit Picky about it. But Op did Specify that winner would be in Characters not Bytes yet the leader board is still in Bytes? Though I agree Bytes is better do we want to be consistent or leave that for OP to decide?
I noticed that some Challenges have "For any submission, there must be a free interpreter of the language somewhere" What is this trying to exclude? and Why? Maybe I'm just salty because my main Languages don't; but it seems needlessly restrictive.
@quartata I don't work in IT.(accounting) But that don't stop people from e-mailing me IT questions." If you look Smart and tech/code related that must mean you can answer my tech/code question" is a train of thought I feel many people have. Even though they shouldn't. Maybe they have tried to ask SO without any luck and are Grasping at straws?
I would agree with the Meta Post. Really its up to the OP, But If that is for some reason shorter then printing to SDOUT i don't see why it would be a problem....