Feb 7 01:18
@FranckDernoncourt Who made the graph? How are they classifying people?
Feb 7 01:18
Given the source, it seems unlikely to me that the data shown is an accurate reflection of anything. Please look for a reasonable data source instead.
Mar 18, 2024 13:38
Why do you feel the need to do anything about it?
Mar 5, 2024 22:08
@Fattie The correct and not-evil side.
Jan 17, 2024 15:54
@dda I've travelled to Japan several times in the past decade, and I don't recall ever being questioned by customs. Certainly not for minutes!
Jul 7, 2023 14:47
If you wait for the kid to ask, you give up all control over when, where and with whom that conversation takes place.
Feb 13, 2023 15:44
@d-b That view is fetishising "the market" to an absurd degree.
Dec 8, 2022 17:56
@IamCleaver I have no clue at all about what is taught at American High Schools. But since "Precalculus" college courses are thing, there can't be much mathematics that everyone passing high school is expected to know.
Dec 8, 2022 17:56
@IamCleaver I am only talking about Gymnasium here. Stuff like differentiation, integration and basics of probability theory in math. Exposure to German and English literature (including critical analysis). In Latin, we read Seneca. Geography had stuff like wind patterns and how they shape costal climate. How the German political system works, and why. Various parts of history, with a focus on Nazi era stuff.
Dec 8, 2022 17:56
My impression is that the general education stuff taught in the first year of a US university would indeed be taught in the last year/last two years of school in Germany.
Dec 5, 2022 22:08
@TadeuszKopec You have linked an investigation into the behaviour of UK forces, not US forces.
Dec 5, 2022 22:08
@TadeuszKopec There was definitely some indiscriminate shooting of civilians going on; in one infamous case by Blackwater mercs. The whole Abu Ghraib story really didn't show the Americans in a good light here. I agree that overall the Russians are acting way worse in Ukraine than the Americans did in Iraq, but let's not pretend that the latter didn't commit a few atrocities, too.
Apr 30, 2022 07:32
If you mean "explain", don't ask "define".
Mar 27, 2022 13:45
Are you asking "How can I get away with sexually harrassing my students in Germany" or are you asking "How can I nurture a fun and safe environment in my research group at a German university"?
Feb 10, 2022 23:26
Sounds very similar to what I was doing at her age. I turned out just fine, and looking back, can't imagine that any kind of professional intervention would have gone well. But that's me.
Feb 4, 2022 13:48
@Mazura I am German, and find it rather annoying if strangers talk to me in bad German if they could just have spoken passable English instead.
Oct 18, 2021 15:39
@IlmariKaronen Yes, I like my TMs to be always on the move. For these arguments in particular.
Oct 18, 2021 15:39
@Student Yes. And as I am getting the "avoid extended discussions" warning, let's stop here.
Oct 18, 2021 15:39
@Student In Theorem 1, $w$ is one finite string provided to us as part of the input (as clearly stated).
Oct 18, 2021 15:39
@Student Again, please read what I have actually written.
Oct 18, 2021 15:39
@Student The proofs are there. Read them until you understand them.
Oct 18, 2021 15:39
@Student I have added the answer and proof for the other version of the question.
Oct 18, 2021 15:39
@Student Your language is not very clear. Do you mean instead the problem "Given a TM $T$, does there exist an input $w \in \Sigma^*$ such that $T$ when run on $w$ will ever move to the left?".
Oct 16, 2021 16:00
@Student In Theorem 1, $w$ is one finite string provided to us as part of the input (as clearly stated).
Oct 16, 2021 16:00
@Student Yes. And as I am getting the "avoid extended discussions" warning, let's stop here.
Oct 16, 2021 16:00
@Student The proofs are there. Read them until you understand them.
Oct 16, 2021 16:00
@Student Again, please read what I have actually written.
Oct 16, 2021 16:00
@Student I have added the answer and proof for the other version of the question.
Oct 16, 2021 16:00
@Student Your language is not very clear. Do you mean instead the problem "Given a TM $T$, does there exist an input $w \in \Sigma^*$ such that $T$ when run on $w$ will ever move to the left?".
Sep 25, 2021 05:32
I (a German) typically find it very hard to figure out what a person speaking very little German might be trying to say in German. Just respond in English - if the other person doesn't understand English, they'll be able to figure out from the context that you don't speak German :)
Aug 4, 2021 13:14
If the conference rules forbid posting to the arXiv, the correct course of action is to withdraw the conference submission and to boycott that particular conference.
Feb 24, 2021 02:34
@Buffy Sure, there are actual costs of publishing, but these are way lower than what commercial publishers are taking in. Look at the profit Elsevier makes. Publishing infrastructure ought to be government/university funded. Until then, Scihub has a very beneficial role to play. But we probably should stop discussing in comments.
Feb 24, 2021 02:34
@Buffy I think it is more the immoral "right" of publishers to make exploitative amounts of money using articles provided to them for free by the authors which is undermined by Scihub.
Jan 30, 2021 21:44
@CiaránTaaffe E('e') doesnt "try and build it". It just a program applied to a string. We don't run that program. We give that thing to D. Sit down and write this out in a programming language of your choice if you can't wrap your head around this.
Jan 30, 2021 21:44
@CiaránTaaffe We are running a program on a string. The fact that the string is the sourcecode of the program doesn't matter. In your example, it is perfectly well defined what F(F) does. It keeps making recursive calls to itself, which never resolve. It thus never reaches the "halt"-command and runs forever.
Jan 30, 2021 21:44
@CiaránTaaffe You've either only seen bad explanations of the proof, or misunderstood them. I've spelled out the proof.
Jan 30, 2021 21:44
@CiaránTaaffe Sure, the usual proof is constructive. I've added some explanations regarding the features that might seem fishy at first glance here.
Jun 28, 2020 09:43
@prime_hit It is utterly trivial that every $L_S$ is decidable relative to an oracle.
Jun 28, 2020 09:43
@prime_hit But that doesnt make $L_S$ decidable. You only show that there is some S with $L_S \leq_T S$.
Jun 28, 2020 09:43
The set S you are constructing in the second part is not decidable, hence your "decider" M doesnt work - it tries to start by deciding membership in S!
Jul 23, 2018 21:51
@StellaBiderman Your interpretation of my answer is indeed correct; and protesting the existence of something is different from wanting the destruction of something.
Jul 23, 2018 21:51
@ThorstenS. If someone boycotts an Israeli journal for a reason connected to that journal or the publisher, then the reaction I am describing would indeed be inappropriate. If someone boycotts an Israeli journal just because it has "Israeli" in the title, then I really don't see how this can be a non-political choice. Overall, if people don't want to be demonized for their decisions, making non-horrible decisions would be a good starting point.
Jul 23, 2018 21:51
@6005 Sure, that reevaluation would quite certainly involve speaking with the student. At least in my understanding of the word, the term "reevaluate" really does not mean the same thing as "jumping to conclusions".
Nov 30, 2017 17:12
If the conflict cannot be reconciled at all, we are talking about an earth-shattering, completely different paper. If it is just the case that the author cannot manage, then they certainly should communicate that problem. However, this communication shouldnt be done via a published paper (not at least because one wouldnt want to wait the couple of years this takes).
Nov 30, 2017 17:12
This answer does not fit the context of mathematics. Note that the point is not that we all believe the original paper is correct, we believe that the question who is correct needs to be settled before another paper is published.
Jun 23, 2017 19:58
This seems like a duplidate of academia.stackexchange.com/questions/18491/…