
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Feb 26, 2021 04:41
And even though the domain will be a strict subset of X we still consider that a function X ->X?
Feb 26, 2021 04:40
We can literally take f^-1 for each element that’s mapped to right?
Feb 26, 2021 04:39
Yup I just got it thank you
Feb 26, 2021 04:31
rather than a group
Feb 26, 2021 04:31
oh wait X being a set doesn’t change anything right?
Feb 26, 2021 04:22
for some reason our homework is to prove that we can so i was a bit confused lol
Feb 26, 2021 04:21
okay so we can't, that's what i thought
Feb 26, 2021 04:16
@Thorgott so the inverse would be g(x)=x/2 but thats not a map from Z->Z, right?
Feb 26, 2021 04:15
i think the domains are just confusing me because neccesarily we have elements in the codomain of f that aren't mapped to, so how could g o f be the identity?
Feb 26, 2021 04:13
Hey quick sanity-check group theory q: if we have f: X->X is injective but not surjective, can we show there exists a map g : X->X such that g(f(x)) is the identity?
Feb 15, 2021 10:13
I'm having trouble thinking of what the vectors (and other scalars) would be in such a space, such that scalar addition and multiplication by a vector satisfy the normal axioms
Feb 15, 2021 10:12
and i'm wondering if we can construct a vector space where the complex numbers (taken as a field, set, topological space, whatever you want) sort of "naturally appear" as one of the scalars.
Feb 15, 2021 10:12
i have a crazy, pretty non-mathematical question - but I was talking with some friends about how the scalars in a vector space don't necessarily need to be reals or complex numbers, the conversation devolved
Feb 3, 2021 00:05
Also the Yang paper is only for Riemannian manifolds, do you know if there's an answer / result for psuedo-Riemannian manifolds?
Feb 3, 2021 00:01
But thank you that makes sense!
Feb 3, 2021 00:01
Yeah it's on sci hub
Feb 2, 2021 23:04
It certainly might, i'm just trying teach myself rn
Feb 2, 2021 23:02
@TedShifrin ?
Feb 2, 2021 22:59
Hey quick diff geo question - is there a name for the class of manifolds such that you could define the surface in terms of a parametrization S where all the partial derivatives of S with respect to each parameter at any point produces a set of orthogonal vectors? Is this just all differentiable manifolds?
May 31, 2018 21:13
Dang it. Guess I'll have to, thanks.
May 31, 2018 21:12
Ok I'm scared to ask this on main because it's probably incredibly stupid, but I'm currently modeling a problem where a guy is at height $h$ and has to get over a wall of height $1$, is there any way to create a function saying how far he has to go to get over the wall without using a piecewise function? Because if he's above $1$ the function should return $0$, otherwise just $1-h$.

 Math Mods' Office

For informal chat with the site moderators about moderation, s...
Oct 9, 2020 03:31
Hey, are there any mods online that could help me out quickly in a private room?
Sep 24, 2020 17:44
If you’re familiar with tensor categories, is a great example of color making some difficult computation much more intuitive. I’m not sure if there are similar tools in other fields, though - I’ve never seen anything quite like it.
Sep 24, 2020 17:44
@rschwieb Similar questions about mathematical typesetting tools and representing mathematics visually have been well-received here (…,…), what makes this one different?

 Ten fold

CrossValidated's general room for gossip, grumbles, and idle c...
Oct 15, 2019 21:05
Can anyone do a sanity-check for me rq? If a distribution gives a certain probability p(x) for each pixel x in an image, the probability of generating the whole image is the product of p(x) over every pixel in the image?

 Wolfram Mathematica

Welcome! This is the main Mathematica chat room for mathematic...
Jul 7, 2019 18:11
@CarlLange I was too. I ended up going with a CatenateLayer followed by a ReshapeLayer, which is a little ugly but works fine
Jul 7, 2019 15:26
I'm making a neural network - at one step, there are 5 10-long vectors. How do I just join them together to a 5x10 vector? CatentateLayer makes them a 50 long vector
Jul 1, 2019 19:40
@CATrevillian Newest. Desktop 12
Jul 1, 2019 18:48
But the problem still doesn't seem to be fixed
Jul 1, 2019 18:48
Nevermind, my question was a dupe of this:…
Jul 1, 2019 18:20
Q: Calling NetPortGradient changes the value of the neural network

TreFoxI'm using Wolfram Desktop 12. Let's load a simple neural net model and an image to test it on: imageId = NetModel["Wolfram ImageIdentify Net V1"] image=ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Apples"}] Now, when I run imageId[image, "TopProbabilities"] I get: {Red Delicious -> 0.959278} Now, let's get t...

Jul 1, 2019 18:20
Is anyone else getting this weird behavior?
Jun 29, 2019 13:11
Is there a neural net layer just to take the maximum element of an array?
Jun 23, 2019 23:01
Still new to this framework
Jun 23, 2019 23:01
Maybe I'm being an idiot here
Jun 23, 2019 23:01
I'm trying to make a neural net that takes a 16x100x100 matrix and splits it into each 100x100 part, puts each through a dense layer, and then puts them them together once again to form a 16x10x10 matrix. Is there any easier way than sending the input to 16 PartLayers and then each PartLayer to a LinearLayer?
Jun 23, 2019 17:07
Perfect! Thank you
Jun 23, 2019 16:26
Seems like solution would be too simple to warrant a question but for some reason I can't find a simple way to take a list that includes some rules and extract a certain rule. For example take {"a","b","c"->"test"} and get the value of the key "c"
Feb 13, 2019 03:31
Hey, anyone know a way I could get in touch with a mod privately? Thanks!

 The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for codegolf.stackexc...
Jun 4, 2018 15:15
Jun 4, 2018 15:15
That was creepy :P
Jun 4, 2018 15:14
I used tricks I know from other languages, so it's mostly the basic python stuff that I'm worried about, like that verbose for and range
Jun 4, 2018 15:13
return [i%3/2*'Fizz'+i%5/4*'Buzz'or-~i for i in range(100)]
Jun 4, 2018 15:13
Ok does anyone see a way to golf this for a function that returns a fizzbuzz list [1,2,Fizz,4,..]?
Jun 4, 2018 15:03
Thanks! That works
Jun 4, 2018 15:00
Jun 4, 2018 15:00
Hey, I'm sort of new to python and I'm trying out some code golfing - does anyone know a shorted way to append to a list than a.append(b)?
Jun 1, 2018 16:37
Even if the solution is really elegant using that math
Jun 1, 2018 16:37
How high-level can the math required to solve a puzzle get before it's off-topic?
May 31, 2018 21:23
@Deusovi What do you use to create crossword images?