Aiden Grossman

Jun 14, 2019 13:16
@alex.forencich The point that you make about the CPU clock frequency being thermally limited is only valid to a point. If you look at liquid nitrogen overclocking, you keep the temperatures well below 273K, but you still can’t run a CPU at even double the clock frequency. You can run quite a bit faster, maybe 50% on well binned silicon, but not that much faster.

 Electrical Engineering

A place to talk with friends from the EE community about vacuu...
Aug 7, 2018 02:19
Since you are using an arudino nano, you might be able to use one of its analog pins.
Aug 7, 2018 02:14
The resistance might still be too high for the digital pin to register. If you can, I would try bumping up the voltage to overcome the resistance.
Aug 7, 2018 02:08
They would need to be pretty close for you to get a reading with 2.8v dc
Aug 7, 2018 02:07
How far away was the wire from the digital pin from the wire providing Vcc?
Aug 7, 2018 01:58
Doesn't go into a huge amount of detail but gives a decent explanation.


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Dec 12, 2017 15:25
@LucasHenrique I found the textbook understanding analysis on library
Nov 18, 2017 23:29
@TedShifrin It may not be the best way to compute the $QR$ decomposition, but when I was looking into it made sense, and I was not very good at working with householder reflections.
Nov 18, 2017 23:27
It wasn't my TA. I just found the paper on the internet, and it was quite helpful in understanding how the QR decomposition can be computed with the Gram-Schmidt process.
Nov 18, 2017 23:25
@TedShifrin thanks for confirming this.
Nov 18, 2017 23:12
I was reading this…, and it looks like there is a calculation error when the author calculates $u_3$. Can anyone confirm this?
Mar 14, 2017 13:17
Happy pi day!
Mar 14, 2017 03:31
@Secret Okay, I guess I did not read the part about n being finite.
Mar 14, 2017 03:28
@DHMO you can diverge for some specific sequences. For example alternating the signs of the recirpocals of posotive integers produces a convergent series.
Mar 14, 2017 03:18
@ForeverMozart that abstract is pretty funny! the paper though actually looks fairly interesting.
Mar 14, 2017 03:41
@ChrisD I would recommend this week in machine learning and artificial intelligence. I listen to it on a regular basis and I think it is a great podcast.

 Ten fold

CrossValidated's general room for gossip, grumbles, and idle c...
Jul 7, 2016 22:27
well a model that predicts the weather
Jul 7, 2016 22:17
We should build a model that calculates the weather in Philadelphia

 Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development...
Jun 1, 2015 23:30
Oh how hard would it be to implement it into one of my games
Jun 1, 2015 23:29
how many people have attempted voxel terrain in unity