I am not happy such people exist in this world. Like she seemed nice and adequate and then said that crap about me being fat and it seemed as if it wasn't her, like she changed all of a sudden from a nice person to a bad one.
I told her that if I get fat I'll do it on purpose to see if she leaves me just or get rid of a shitty person, and she answered, saying:"Might as well stop talking now", so I said goodbye and deleted my Facebook, she hasn't contacted me ever since.
Guys, is it normal if a girlfriend dumps you because you might get fat again? I've known the girl for 4 months and I've been in the military all this time. I lost about 80 pounds while in the military. She told me she was gonna leave me if I get fat again. I didn't give much attention to her words when she first said it, but decided to bring it up again yesterday. I told her that if I get fat I'll do it on purpose to see whether or O TBN sbr
Hello, I was wondering, who proved the fact that for every positive integer n there is a gap of n consecutive non-primes? Does this theorem have a name?
yea, but according to ABnotC=A all students who are teenagers live in a dorm and smoke. But yea, we are picking a student from a set of all teenage students
@TedShifrin that's weird then. there are other questions, describe ABnotC when a)ABnotC=A -- my answer: all students that are teens live in dorm and smoke b) notC is a subset of B -- my answer: all students that smoke also live in a dorm, so we are picking from a set of students who are teens, live in dorm and smoke. c) notA=B, my answer--all students who live in a dorm are not teens, and we pick from the set BnotC, is it correct?
@TedShifrin then probability theory question: among the students who take probability theory class we pick one, let event A denote all students that are teenagers, B that they live in a dorm, C that they don't smoke, what is "A intersect B intersect complement_of_C" when B=complement_of_B?
@Raphael why did you suggest that I add an answer to that question, even if it's a hint? Just for statistics, that cs.SE has this certain percentange of answers? I noticed that some people just leave a comment if the answer is short.
There's a Russian math forum math.hashcode.ru/questions that has a lot of people who come in and expect everyone to do their homework, the questions are literally straight up texts saying "you're given this, you need to do this" copied verbatim from the problem statements, there's no "thanks", or "I tried this and got stuck doing this".
@Raphael I read your comments, thanks. I am not yet used to different policies on different stackexchange websites, but I do agree that it's important that the person understands things.
i don't care about any finite configurations, i only care about a configuration with all zeros from which no non-zero configuration can be derived! and that's when the automaton halts, in other cases it does not
all the symbols in state s are 0, which means that if the automaton has halted, in any state t, that comes after s, we will also have all zeros, and that's what the definition says
you do realize that your x->x rules will never be triggered in places where we have all zeros, because those will be transformed into all ones, and the only rule that will be triggered in those places is 111->1
Okay, so, if at some state, after doing a certain number of steps, we have an empty tape with no non-white cells, and in all the future states we have the same tape, then the automaton has halted.