
General discussion for
Mar 11, 2020 14:07
@ToddTrimble the issue is I don't have a posts that are "sufficiently down-voted" (even if they are, there is no way to improve as they are quite old), I had one problematic post which have been deleted by SE, and it seems that "system remembers" those down-votes, In that case I can do nothing, this is a deadlock situation, and none of the posts you attached discusses this issue.
Mar 9, 2020 12:12
@ToddTrimble you don't need to know me, it is sufficient to know that an account in mathoverflowSE has been blocked, I can't post question on math-overflow, I get "You have reached your question limit" message, which does not make any sense, as a moderator, do you care to explain?
Mar 8, 2020 22:44
@ToddTrimble why am I banned? I should not be banned based on my old question, I can't change them now, reconsider.

 Ten fold

CrossValidated's general room for gossip, grumbles, and idle c...
Mar 22, 2017 08:53
Form academic point of view, how 'credible' is this accuracy? Is it good enough? should I go for more data and run cross-validation on that? Thanks.
Mar 22, 2017 08:51
I designed a feature vector with 26 features to detect face. I programmed using MATLAB and obtained data from 237 face images and 900 background images (all are fixed-size), then fed those data to LIBSVM , and ran various cross validation test (after scaling, using RBF kernel), I got 96.0422% to 98.5928% cross validation accuracy.
Mar 22, 2017 08:50
@Glen_b , Hi, I am new to SVM, so I have a query that might be a 'trivial' thing, so, instead of asking on Forum, I am asking you.

 Computer Science

General discussion for
Mar 9, 2017 11:35
I would like to know about state-of- the-art algorithm in face detection (Viola-Jones was in the past), is CSE a good place to ask or I should try somewhere else?
Nov 11, 2016 14:58
Q: Finding Irrational for a given Rational Number.

JimAny decimal number $z$ of $n$ digits after decimal point is given. Let, $q=\frac{a^{\frac{1}{c}}}{b}$ where $a,b,c$ are integers, $c>1$. Problem: Find smallest possible $a,b,c$ such that $q$ has same $n$ digits of $z$ after decimal point. Note: 1.Since we are considering smallest possible $...

Nov 11, 2016 14:47
Is this Q more appropriate for CS SE ?
Oct 24, 2016 11:58
Thanks to TK, Raphael.
Oct 22, 2016 16:51
Is the following question appropriate for CS SE ? - Given a decimal number $z$ of 8 digits after decimal Point. Is there an algorithm which will find $x,y$ such that $\frac{x}{y}=z$ ($x,y$ could be irrational, $y$ is not a power of $10$) ? example-Here, $0.29411764705882352941176470588235=\frac{5}{17}$.So, $x=5, y=17$. So, if $0.29411764705882352941176470588235$ is given, is there an algorithm which can find $5,17$ ?
Nov 10, 2016 18:00
The last message was posted 6 days ago.
Nov 4, 2016 16:32
The last message was posted 12 days ago.
Oct 23, 2016 15:12
The last message was posted 5 days ago.
Oct 18, 2016 13:49
The last message was posted 12 days ago.
Oct 6, 2016 17:59
The last message was posted 10 days ago.
Sep 26, 2016 19:54
The last message was posted 11 days ago.
Sep 15, 2016 17:34
The last message was posted 7 days ago
Sep 8, 2016 19:59
The last message was posted 8 days ago.
Aug 31, 2016 18:02
1st sep, 2016
Aug 25, 2016 23:08
@ErickWong , u r correct about $a, r$ and , yes, $\log a - \log r > n$ or $\log a - \log r < n-s_2(n)-2$ will not uniformly hold over all choices/all possible decompositions of $a$ and $r$, but it seems quite possible to show that either $\log a - \log r < n-s_2(n)-2$ or $\log a - \log r > n-s_2(n)-2$ , in other words, to show $ \log(a)-\log(r) \neq n- s_2(n)-2 $, $\forall n>n_0$, for sufficient large $n_0$ , I am considering the possibility.
Aug 25, 2016 21:12
I mean, $ \log(a)-\log(r) \neq n- s_2(n)-2 $
Aug 25, 2016 20:36
Probably, showing $ \log(a)-\log(r) \neq n$ by induction, if possible.
Aug 25, 2016 20:02
@ErickWong Brocard's problem implies $ \log(a)-\log(r)=n- s_2(n)-2 $ where $n!=2^{n- s_2(n)}\times a \times r$ ($a, r$ are odd numbers). Isn't it sufficient to show that Brocard's problem has finite solutions if $ \log(a)-\log(r) > n$ (induction), $\forall n>n_0$, for sufficient large $n_0$?
Aug 22, 2016 10:52
:) Erdos would love to say, " Elementary, my dear....
Aug 17, 2016 12:26
I really appreciate your help. Thanks! If possible, please suggenst me a note/book to get good idea in number theoretic-approximation.
Aug 17, 2016 12:25
@ErickWong I might be wrong but I think, After $(e/2)^n$ term will become $(e/e)^n$ or $(2/2)^n$ , then LHS will have $2^{O(\log(n))}$ and RHS will have $\sqrt n$ (seeing the equation 1.8), I will do the calculation in detail .
Aug 17, 2016 12:16
@ErickWong Would you suggenst me a note/book to get good idea in number theoretic-approximation, please?
Aug 17, 2016 12:07
@ErickWong , I was expecting your comment on eqaution 1.2 of my answer :) (referring to my answer to the question $n!+1$ being a perfect square)
Aug 17, 2016 11:40
Is everything ok in equation 1.2 (referring to my answer to the question $n!+1$ being a perfect square)?
Aug 17, 2016 11:12
@ErickWong , It seems quite counter intuitive to me, that even if the right hand side of equation 1.8 (referring to my answer) is greater than $n^n$ , it is not enough, don't you think so? I would learn a lot if you give example of such phenomenon , i.e. example of "size alone was enough to do the trick, then there wouldn't be real-valued solutions."
Aug 17, 2016 11:08
What you think of equation 1.2 of my answer? Don't you think, this is unusaul to have such property?
Aug 17, 2016 11:07
then my idea seems to be fundamentally inaccurate!
Aug 17, 2016 11:05
@ErickWong my idea was/is to make the equation a one variable equation, then see how big or small it is compare to n!... what about this approach?
Aug 17, 2016 11:02
ah... now I understand what you mean by "circular".
Aug 17, 2016 11:00
...seems like, right hand side of 1.8 is greater than $n^n$.

 Room for Jim and Thomas Klimpel

Protocols: (1) ... means unfinised message, so wait.
Nov 10, 2016 18:00
The last message was posted 6 days ago.
Nov 4, 2016 16:32
The last message was posted 12 days ago.
Oct 26, 2016 12:00
A: Are there lossless data compression techniques that do not exploit repetitive patterns?

Jouni SirénModeling data compression as a combination of statistical modeling and encoding seems a bit obsolete these days. In many compression algorithms, the most important step is combinatorial modeling, which finds structure in the data and uses the structure to transform the data into something that ca...

Oct 25, 2016 14:26
Andrey Kolmogorov's unmarried mother, Maria Y. Kolmogorova, died giving birth to him. Little is known about Andrey's father.
Oct 25, 2016 14:20
Q: Data compression using prime numbers

PickleI have recently stumbled upon the following interesting article which claims to efficiently compress random data sets by always more than 50%, regardless of the type and format of the data. Basically it uses prime numbers to uniquely construct a representation of 4-byte data chunks which are eas...

Oct 23, 2016 13:36
@ThomasKlimpel , Hi, I posted in MSE, here is the post:… . I don't know much about Continued Fraction (CF), but I am reading .. can you be a bit elaborate how I can use CF to solv my problem? Thanks for your kind feedback.
Oct 18, 2016 13:49
The last message was posted 12 days ago.
Oct 6, 2016 17:59
The last message was posted 10 days ago.
Sep 26, 2016 19:54
The last message was posted 11 days ago.
Sep 15, 2016 17:33
The last message was posted 7 days ago
Sep 8, 2016 19:59
The last message was posted 8 days ago.
Aug 31, 2016 18:02
1st sep, 2016
Aug 22, 2016 11:05
Insufficient Brain work.