Oct 25, 2016 12:46
I feel stupid for not considering the amount gained or lost. 42% chance of -10, 33% of +17. And for not carefully reading your entire answer. Thanks for trying to explain.
Oct 25, 2016 12:46
42% chance of getting less, 33% chance of getting more. That does not sound like a good reason to reroll.
Mar 10, 2016 22:37
A friend of mine used to be 'allergic' to citrus fruits, and he got rid of that with hypnotherapy.
May 27, 2015 09:58
I found it on Math SE
May 27, 2015 09:51
I tried my best to explain the issue with using dice for randomization, though judging from what you two are talking about here you might want to broaden the scope of your question a bit

 The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for codegolf.stackexc...
Mar 30, 2015 12:35
Yikes, there's a sandbox for questions? Now I feel stupid.