Apr 30, 2022 13:51
There is no point in installing GFCI if you don't have third, ground wire. That means rewiring everything from 2 to 3 wires, so your issue becomes moot. Also, you need separate neutrals for separate GFCls. If you have 1 GFCl like on the picture, then all neutrals go into it.
Feb 2, 2022 14:10
As a rule of thumb, don't assume any -ism as long as it's against one person. You need a recurring pattern to even find what type of -ism it is. Yes, point 5 can be relevant, but it could be that she's targeted personally so everyone on her team is just a collateral damage.
Nov 5, 2021 17:30
The question is about overnight running on a laptop in OP's bedroom. Your experience is about running on a remote station in an office. 100% irrelevant.
Sep 17, 2021 09:06
@Greg You keep evading the main point of factory argument: workers can quit their contracts, serfs could not. That's what makes them slaves. In "slaver" Greece, abusing the slaves was illegal and any citizen could start litigation against slave's owner. Both idealized image of our medieval ancestors and the "Caligola" Hollywood image of killing-slaves-for-fun Antiquity (throw in mandingo fighting, too) are false. In some aspects serfs were better of, in others ancient aspects slaves were. But they both were "not free to walk out the door", which is how we define slavery in XIX century.
Sep 17, 2021 09:06
@Greg If you reverse your question it becomes: if you buy a company, the workers are not automatically your property. Yes, in most cases serfs could be killed by the owner, because the owner was the only judge over them. They were not sex slaves, but they could not marry (thus have sex) without owner's permission. But the most important part is that unlike your factory workers could not quit the factory and move to another one. They were slaves in most aspects of modern understanding of the word. Greek "slaves" could pursue freedom, they were "less slaves" than serfs in that regard.
Sep 17, 2021 09:06
@Greg Not calling serfs "slaves" is merely how we make ourselves feel better about our own history.
Aug 9, 2021 15:11
@tuskiomi You asked, I answered.
Aug 9, 2021 15:11
@tuskiomi Organic means belonging to nobody but the unit in question. As in opposite to infantry unit being transported by a logistics or aviation unit. Think of "This is my helicopter. There are many like it, but this one is mine". Just like in business when you have organic growth that you do by your own means vs growth by acquiring other businesses.
Apr 30, 2020 12:34
If you go to a museum to watch all those exhibits brightly lit, it's not easy to tell where the light is coming from and spotlights are placed. IMHO, even without vacuum you rarely can see light that's not shining directly at you, that is unless the air is filled with dust or smoke.
Mar 13, 2020 18:21
So you won't start thinking about murdering co-passengers to save on overweight fee.
Aug 18, 2019 15:22
Breaker trips without laptop means that continuous current draw is irrelevant which means that Kill-a-Watt is useless. So, first 2 paragraphs are irrelevant and draw attention away from the real culprit: inrush current. This answer would be better without them.
Jul 28, 2019 09:10
@Chronocidal Jean said "controlled fire", not "wildfire". "Controlled fire" can mean someone building a clay furnace around the tree, fueling and blowing it. Cork can be burned in a furnace.
Jul 28, 2019 09:10
A supply of flint axes and motivation is enough to fell any tree. We have the technology since Neolithic. -1. "only diamonds can cut diamonds" doesn't mean that no tool can touch it. How was the first diamond cut then? Diamonds are not cut, they are broken.
Jul 1, 2019 11:07
@ab2 Please quote where it's advised for OP to call the police, because there is no such thing.
Jul 1, 2019 11:07
@JoL TomTom explained pretty well why he would call the police in his situation and that OP's situation is most likely different. You're reading thing that are not there. Although I agree that "you probably don't want to do this without contacting mom first" would be a nice addition.
Jun 18, 2019 03:41
@Mark "It’s the frost, it sometimes makes the blade stick."
Jun 14, 2019 13:54
@RaphaelSchmitz Ah, you're stinging like a bee again :) It's not realistic to me. But it is ill wishing and seems out of place here. For internet fights, I choose other sites.
Jun 14, 2019 13:52
@StianYttervik Dude, just read the question. The whole point is OP feeling ethically bound... And a company is people. Employees don't (usually) have feelings towards the company as a legal entity, but towards coworkers as a group, and that's what "company" is to a person that works there.
Jun 14, 2019 13:52
@user3067860 Now you're just doing singe-shaming in job context. I actually know few people that do pretty well without a job. And it has exactly same psychological background as single-shaming: you're validating your life choices by bullying others into taking same ones. In my experience, it's much easier to find a job if you're not being bothered by another one. I've never had a recruitment process outside typical work hours.
Jun 14, 2019 13:52
@R.Schmitz Snarky joke to paraphrase yours: Are you a programmer? Because I actually would expect you to get fired if your boss finds out that you can't recognize commonalities in two classes and extract them to a common base : )
Jun 14, 2019 13:52
@R.Schmitz A relationship is a relationship. They follow mostly same rules. By your own words: people do dump and get dumped without notice, just like people quit and get fired. OP has the exact same dilemma as in many romantic relationships: their empathy toward a partner in distress overpower their repulsion. Understanding your behaviour in one type of situation can help you understand your behaviour in a similar one. BTW: why get personal?
Jun 14, 2019 13:52
@ecc You're disregarding the costs of staying in an environment that's harmful to you and the impediment to finding a new job by holding the old one. It's all cost-vs-benefit, like everything in life. There are no silver bullets and no useful blanket statements. For a person with a marketable skills and a very toxic work environment, the cost of damage taken when staying is exorbitant compared to the financial cost of "the worst 15 minutes of my life". One should be prepared for about 3 months break anyway, i's the "safety net" everybody is talking about but nobody has a clue on how to use it.
Jun 14, 2019 13:52
Finding a new job is completely irrelevant to OP's dilemma. You're not required to find a new girlfriend before dumping the current one. -1
Apr 17, 2019 19:17
We're just bit paranoid. In a healthy way.
Dec 6, 2018 16:34
all that it matters is that all team arrives at once
Dec 6, 2018 16:34
so, in this case it doesn't matter if they arrive at 9 or at 12
Dec 6, 2018 16:34
they are needed let's say only between 12:00 and 16:00
Dec 6, 2018 16:33
they are not needed all 7 hours
Dec 6, 2018 16:33
and only very little with other teams
Dec 6, 2018 16:33
devs do not interact with other businesses at all
Dec 6, 2018 16:33
So they arrive at 9:30
Dec 6, 2018 16:33
I say: what you perceive as an unspoken social rule is merely a coincidence. Most people are needed between 10:00 and 17:00, because they interact with another businesses that work similar hours
Dec 6, 2018 16:31
Let's assume everbody is paid by 8 hrs of work per day
Dec 6, 2018 16:29
you said 9:30-10 and my contract says 8:00-9:00. That is a conflict
Dec 6, 2018 16:27
Are you saying that your unspoken rule is more important than my contract?
Dec 6, 2018 16:27
I have literally written in my contract that I can't arrive after 9
Dec 6, 2018 16:26
there is no such rule, look around and see that most business don't start at 9. Some start at 5, others at 10
Dec 6, 2018 16:25
The only opinion here is yours, that everybody should arrive at 9
Dec 6, 2018 16:20
@ThePassenger There is no such rule. Just because one team has their workshift offset 2 hours proves that your rule is not there. They don't appear to be less constrained, because it seems they can't come before 11. Eg in my office the rule is that we arrive between 8 and 9. But that's not unspoken, that's official. And I have a smaller constraint than you, 60 minutes instead of 30. Every business have it differently: at the supermarket near my place employees arrive at 5:30 because it opens at 6:00.
Dec 6, 2018 16:20
@ThePassenger So, what are you asking then? What do you mean by "constraint"? For me, "constraint" is the time window when I can adjust starting of my workday freely. So, if I must arrive between 11:30 and 12:00, that's 30m constraint. If I must arrive between 8:00 and 10:00 that's 2 hour constraint. Whatever the time I make it, I sit 8hours.
Dec 6, 2018 16:20
@ThePassenger This sounds like a fundamental misunderstanding. You never said when your teams leave the office. I assumed that "regular" teams work 8hrs since 10 and "dev team" works 8 hours since 12. It's not possible to "arrive 10 minutes before end of work", because by law you always arrive 8 hrs before end of your work. If devs work only 6hrs, then ask a question "why they work 2 hrs less".
Nov 21, 2018 20:10
This answer doesn't make any sense. Astronauts are not protected from acceleration with soft air: they are strapped to seats that are harder than human body. The fact that air is soft enough to let the body deform and blood escape into legs is the problem, not a solution.
Nov 15, 2018 00:32
@NicHartley The biggest thing college is not teaching you is that solution no matter how good is unacceptable if it's over budget. I actually work for banks and nobody uses C here. It's all C# or Java and memory security is provided at the firewall. Business is not about 100% coverage, it's about cheapest adequate coverage and the remaining risk gets insured at best. Finances are particularly keen on doing proper risk analysis and most often it's cheaper to insure than to secure.
Nov 15, 2018 00:32
@NicHartley It's not about what people are being taught. We're being taught lots of things we chose to forget. It's about knowledge that people want to remember because they find it useful in real life.
Nov 15, 2018 00:32
@NicHartley The biggest selling point of Java 20 years was to stop calling pointers "pointers", and make people dereference them without even realizing they're doing it. And look how big they got on "make scary things disappear" strategy. So, Ertai's phrasing is not actually an exaggeration - most of devs starting careers today hardly know what "pointer" and "derereferencig" is even though they're doing that all the time. The lack of devs is being handled by lowering the job requirements. If you don't move your stack toward "fisher price" techs, you're limiting your hiring options.
Nov 7, 2018 14:55
@Jannis It's not matter of training, it's matter of biology. Well trained 500g pigeon can carry about 75g payload. That's about 15%. 72kg angel could optimistically carry about 10kg, that budget includes clothing, the tub and the oil. Flying creatures cannot share load the way ground creatures can. "Two angels holding" is not fiction, it's "people instantly recognizing it as impossible". If one handwaves aerodynamics away, there is no point in giving them wings at all. Magic-hovering genies work way better in such scenario because they don't contradict daily knowledge.
Nov 7, 2018 14:55
@Jannis oil+fire attack relies on 1) lots of oil 2) static environment of a castle. Angels could not carry much more oil than an oil lamp, and trying to handle a burning liquid with airspeed of about 30-50 km/h - well, you can try that yourself with your car. IMHO the most reasonable weapon for an angel is a Turkish bow. Even javelin is pretty much pointless because once it's thrown, all the angel can do is head home and call it a day.
Nov 7, 2018 14:55
@Jannis The supplies are on the ground, so a race that relies on flight for combat can't stand their line to defend them. As for surviving their attack: no attack is undefendable. Even Romans already had infantry formation against attack from above - the turtle. Answer edited to include that.
Oct 26, 2018 14:39
Did students have the opportunity to choose between English and local language courses or was English the only option that was forced upon them?
Oct 16, 2018 17:36
Accountants are the main reason data types like C#'s Decimal came into existence. It's the scientists than can live with rounding errors. Science tends to be much more forgiving than law.