The Loop

Where humor doesn’t work.
Dec 29, 2016 00:36
Aug 28, 2016 01:00
@cjbj Why thank you, that's very nice of you! :) It'll take more than just me, but it's gone up almost one percent in the last month so that's some progress!
Aug 25, 2016 07:41
Ah ok, thanks
Aug 25, 2016 04:50
Is it possible to 'contact' a user of the site if they've never come to chat? (i.e. their name doesn't show up when typing @ in chat). Purpose: wanted to ask about a pattern of edit approvals that seem they should have been rejected
Aug 17, 2016 04:15
@MayeenulIslam Wow that is awesome! Congrats Mayeenul!!
Aug 17, 2016 01:11
and yayyy on WordPress 4.6. Can't wait to use the new term queries and CPT stuff.
Aug 17, 2016 01:11
Congrats @Howdy_McGee & @gmazzap!!
Aug 15, 2016 22:59
@Darth_Vader fwiw, I think that message from kaiser was meant to refer to this situation only, not a reflection of your commitment to the site as a whole. Having said that, I'm not aware which q&a you guys are talking about, but I can probably guess how the questioner is arguing!
Aug 14, 2016 22:59
@EsonRoxas Hi Eson, welcome to WPSE! I'm not sure if we have anyone active here who knows WooCommerce well (if someone does, please speak up!) WC is technically off-topic on the main site but if someone knows it I'm sure they'd be happy to help you here in chat. Otherwise you might want to try asking at the plugin forum
Aug 11, 2016 22:58
@Howdy_McGee Oh, didn't realise that! I might as well vote now then :)
Aug 11, 2016 21:48
I've been waiting to vote until the other candidates answer the question thread in meta. I'm not sure if they just haven't seen it, or haven't had time...
Aug 11, 2016 21:46
@Howdy_McGee This is one thing that really bothers me :( We wait so long for questions to be closed now; I wish it was possible for mods to offer a 'vote' as an option if they don't want to hammer it. But I've said that before. I'm just ranting. :P
Aug 11, 2016 21:44
@Darth_Vader I asked the same question too. This was the answer:…
Aug 3, 2016 22:52
@Howdy_McGee I guess that's possible. At least, that makes it clear that 'too localized' probably wasn't the right choice. I'm coming from the point of view of trying to clean up the unanswered questions list. Perhaps the best option for this one is to move the 'answer' from the comments to an answer.
Aug 3, 2016 20:14
(it's also an old post that isn't going to be answered; the link to the patch was in the comments - it's only coming up on the active list because someone edited it)
Aug 3, 2016 20:14
I just flagged this post as 'too localized' because it's about an old WP bug (v4.4.1) and should probably be closed. Is too localized the right reason to use for that?
Jul 28, 2016 00:19
@Howdy_McGee And yes, edits take 2 approvals (3 on StackOverflow). You can see how an edit is going by visiting the review page eg.
Jul 28, 2016 00:18
@Howdy_McGee Also, if you accept and improve, the edit is approved instantly, even if you are the only person to review it.
Jul 28, 2016 00:16
@Howdy_McGee If you 'accept and improve', they still get 2 rep, and their edit is still shown in the edit history. You also start from their edit when improving. If you 'reject and improve', they don't get the rep, and their edit is discarded - you start from the existing state of the post when improving.
Jul 28, 2016 00:15
Field guide to WP 4.6, which is mostly a developer-focussed release: I'm most excited about WP_Term_Query
Jul 26, 2016 01:36
Jul 21, 2016 09:35
@bosco I haven't read your edit in detail but you could just rollback to 5 again... and then a mod could possibly remove revisions 4 and 6 from the history (I think they have the ability to remove revisions)
Jul 20, 2016 09:41
Cool cheers!
Jul 20, 2016 07:06
When reviewing low quality posts, with a 'code-only' post, what action should I take? I've posted a comment for the user and skipped this one for now - - but I wasn't sure if I should also be recommending deletion?
Jul 19, 2016 03:50
@Darth_Vader That's what I was saying :) My apologies if I caused offense.
Jul 19, 2016 03:43
@Darth_Vader I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, just in case you are, suggested edits should generally be pretty good and fix everything with a post, to avoid wasting reviewer time - more here
Jul 19, 2016 03:40
@Darth_Vader Have a look at the link. Part of the answer made it into the first code block. Also there were still backticks in the indented code. Just a reminder to double check before submitting the suggested edit, that's all. :)
Jul 19, 2016 03:37
@Rarst Exactly. I wish there was a way mods could cast a close 'vote' rather than it always be a hammer, for this exact situation. There might be times you want to contribute to the community consensus rather than force it :)
Jul 19, 2016 03:33
@Darth_Vader @Gabriel Please remember to look closely when suggesting/approving edits - this suggested edit actually added part of the answer text into a code block: (I've fixed it now)
Jul 13, 2016 06:36
Anyone else wondered why WordPress uses $pee in wpautop? I giggle everytime I come across it
Jul 12, 2016 10:53
@cjbj I guess that's where I'd trust the synonym system... i.e., I chose tinymce and the tag came up saying it was a synonym of visual editor, well I guess that must be another name for it. I guess you're saying not all users would take this at face value?
Jul 12, 2016 10:50
@cjbj i.e. categories. Just gotta find where to set hierarchical to true...
Jul 12, 2016 10:49
@cjbj Cool, that's why I asked you, figured you would have done some thinking on this. Re synonyms, this is how the system works doesn't it? i.e. a user adds the tag they think fits, but the synonym takes care of it for them. So, they could still add visual-editor OR tinymce, but it would turn out the same.
Jul 12, 2016 10:39
@cjbj On another topic, do you think visual-editor and tinymce tags should be merged? They're about the same thing; only difference being that visual-editor can apply to other visual editors too, which given they're installed by plugins would probably be off-topic anyway.
Jul 12, 2016 10:37
@cjbj I wish thumbnails showed in the starred messages on the right ;)
Jul 12, 2016 00:18
The mind boggles how people manage to find WPSE, but can't find a woocommerce forum..…
Jul 11, 2016 23:59
Oops and also - just realised you wouldn't be able to see that yet. I thought you had higher rep. You'll get access to that at 500 :)
Jul 11, 2016 23:57
Although perhaps you were asking about a pre-moderation queue

 Home Improvement

General discussion for
Aug 12, 2016 11:48
@BMitch @Shalvenay Posted a question with photos of the roof:… Love to get your advice if you have a moment!
Aug 11, 2016 21:49
@BMitch Thanks for your replies guys.
Aug 10, 2016 23:32
@Shalvenay as in, it would be on-topic? or just ask in chat? I'll need to grab photos of it when I get home, but it's basically looks like there's a leak in our roof somewhere (tin roof) because there's a couple of parts of the ceiling that are getting bumpy/dark after rain
Aug 10, 2016 23:30
@Shalvenay Well, I was gonna ask if my question would be on-topic. I'm not much of a handyperson, and I have a problem I probably can't fix myself, so I was thinking of describing the problem and asking what sort of tradesperson I should be calling for it. Would that be on-topic? Or should I be asking instead how to fix it?
Aug 10, 2016 23:29
@Shalvenay yo!

 You Are Here

Chat room for Travel.SE
Aug 2, 2016 20:30
@kaiser Stranger was a joke ;) Of course I know who you are =]
Aug 2, 2016 20:28
@kaiser Hey stranger! Yeah, I'm on over 100 sites... I have a lot of interests, SE is my library ;)
Jul 11, 2016 07:16
Spam needing some spam flags:
Jul 8, 2016 01:31
Yeah, good chance it's him. I'm flaggin' 'em all as spam.
Jul 8, 2016 01:31
" was launched on July 2016."


Chat discussion for Webmasters Stack Exchange -- Feel free to ...
Jul 21, 2016 01:15
@closetnoc Did you find anything on Apache Roller in the end? fwiw, WP is usually only hacked if it's not kept up to date