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hello guys
posted on August 11, 2016 by Dominik Schilling

The second release candidate for WordPress 4.6 is now available. We’ve made over 30 changes since the first release candidate. RC means we think we’re done, but with millions of users and thousands of plugins and themes, it’s possible we’ve missed something. We hope to ship WordPress 4.6 on Tuesday, August 16, but we need […]

5 hours later…
I wonder, how many of you know anyone that reads the about page of new releases in the admin area
1 hour later…
@MarkKaplun I do
so they didn't waste their time yesterday discussing where to put periods. Since I never read it the seriousness of the discussion was weird for me, which is why I asked
I just follow the "make" posts
Well I translate that to my local language so I just had to read it
LOL +1
3 hours later…
Working professionally with WordPress for a week has introduced me to some of the ugliest designed sites in existence.
Really shows that buying a fancy theme and dropping a few images and content isn't really doing it.
there are always ugly sites, WP just makes getting ugly site easy and fast
Not sure I agree about the fast part, but certainly "easy".
ok, getting ugly site fast comes with experience
Seems spam
<the daily rant>So wordpress i huge on backward compatibility, but try to run the same unit tests that include generating thumbnails on 4.4 and 4.5 and you will see how BC wordpress actually is</rant>
just not going to run the test on 4.4, fuck the 54% of WP users that didn't upgrade to 4.5 yet ;)
and @rarst, you probably meant to say easy fast and cheap ;)
it won’t be cheap in the long run
in the long run everyboy dies so who cares about the long run :)
1 hour later…
I'm ready to code only if I remove my shoes
Question.. I'm stuck about procedure...
I have 2 type of user.. 1 School, 1 Seniors’ residences Manager.
For school many "customer"(prof) can be attach to a School
well, I created a PostType School and link user profil to a school.. (1-unlimited)

but about my Senior Residences, It is only 1 to 1. Only 1 account can be done for a Senior residence. Well.. Should be use only author_meta_data for residence or I proceed like School?
NB: PostType School are automatically inserted before.. Well, in the registration form, they need to select his school. It not the same for the Senior Residence.
@rarst You do use Hybrid Core, right? I guess your vendor folder is also outside web root, right? Do you just live with JS/CSS files being inaccessible?
I put vendor in wp-content (WordPress!)
if you don't want to you could always set up some asset pipeline?
Hm. That is what I've been doing now, but I just realised actually why not move it out. No need to have vendor public. Just thought you might have already solved that and I can just C&P ;)
What exactly do you mean by asset pipeline?
just Robo or whatever to copy assets over, Assetic or something if you want to be fancy about it.
I use Robo in places where I need to copy and compile assets from dev dependencies into production.
Ah okay get it. Just somehow missed the term asset pipeline for that up until now...funny
Yeah all fine, I use Grunt or Gulp. Was just about the term "asset pipeline"
I think asset pipeline was originally Ruby term which got more generic as people ripped it off elsewhere
I see
google results seem to confirm ;)
maybe I used it wrong :)
I do Robo rather than JS task runners (ew)
Whatever works, I don't care ;)
could we get all user with X user_data?
@Rarst another question for the Composer-pro: No way to install a single package outside vendor if it doesn't have a custom type that can be handled via composer/installers
mostly, like you can have different custom type and different installer for it (see WP core package)
Yeah, but that implies control over the composer.json of the package
Sorry to bother you, just found: getcomposer.org/doc/faqs/…
no worries :)
greetings oh great one!!!
Argh. I hate it when I can't cleanly do something just because of one tiny little edge case...
anyone can be help me with my project? ;-/ don't know what should I do.. what is the preference..
@Jean-philippeEmond Let me see if I understand this. School is a post type and each user can be assigned a School. There can only be one "Senior Resident" ( which I'm assuming is just a generic user ) per School Post.
I have 2 type of user they can be register: "Professor" and "Senior Residence Manager".
Professor is linked to a school. (Many prof can be linked to a school)
Manager is linked to a residence. (1Manager by Senior Residence)
For the Moment, I have A PostType School and use a user_meta_data to know if he is linked to a "school" or "residence".
I would like to know if I have 1-1 for residence.. if I should use a postType or I push it into the user_meta_data because I have only 1-1 rules.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean there
You have a user
users have some meta stored
and there is a custom post type called schools
the meta says which school the user belongs to ( if they belong to one )
I'm having trouble filling in the gaps as to what your data model is though, there's missing pieces
hm I understand.
e.g. is this user meta storing a post ID? Is there only 1 of these user meta or is this user meta a repeatable field? How do you store if a user is a professor or a senior residence manager?
can a school have many professors?
can a professor have many schools?
yes to which?
no to which?
School have many prof
residence have 1 manager
my understanding is that you never store wether a user is a Professor or a residence manager
you only imply it via other data
I have a dropdown in the profil with "school"/"residence"
and I have another dropdown with the ID of the school if the profil is set to "school"
so how do you store those?
do you have 2 user meta?
ok, so this means a user can be in a school, but only 1
are you planning to query or filter on these?
yes but A school can have many user. (thats ok .. its what I want because a school have (in life) many prof)
ok then user meta isn't the optimal storage for performance reasons
a user taxonomy would be more efficient
meta of any kind isn't optimised for searching and filtering, it's best used when you already know what the post is and you're showing information about it
a taxonomy is a better way to store things you want to look for
I'd suggest a user taxonomy, were the IDs are user IDs not post IDs, and the term slugs are the slugs of your school posts
I have already a posttype for "school"..
for the usermeta (for the prof) its only number of child and "school year"
$term = get_term( $post->post_name, 'school_user_tax');
$user_ids = get_objects_in_term( $term, 'school_user_tax' );
I'm not suggesting you eliminate or replace the school post type
Instead use a hidden taxonomy, and implement a drop down UI in your user edit profile page
and use wp_set_object_terms instead of update_user_meta
those 2 lines should be significantly faster and more scalable than use a WP_User_Query that tests user meta
Similarly you can do the same thing to distinguish between professors, students and residence managers by using another taxonomy
this also opens up the flexibility of a professor being at multiple schools should that become a requirement, all you need to do is make sure your UI constrains what the user can enter to fit your current expectations
that should cover the how part of it
at the end you'll have users, a custom post type for schools, and 2 user taxonomies
well no need to add roles
but with that.. Where I put information about residence Manager? like name, street, etc.

because this taxonomy is only for "filter" user
but I didn't fix my primary question..
should I create a "PostType" for Senior Residence Even the relation is 1-1. Or I put into the userMeta.
By you said, I souldn't use user_meta...
For Senior Residence, I'm assuming you wouldn't assign that on registration would you? Otherwise you would probably need some kind of after-form-submission check. I was thinking that the Senior Residence ( since it's 1 to 1 ) would be assigned after the school was created.
You could set a flag as usermeta _senior_res = $school_post_id
Then allow Editors to assign users with no _senior_res usermeta ( if they have _senior_res they're already allocated to another school ).
it is 2 kind of user. Independancy..
My project, currently is..
Professor Submit to a residence a planning to make some activity.

Professor and Manager need to register to my website.

The professor is linked to a school ( well, unlimit professor for a school )
but the Manager is a passif user. He can nothing except to register and viewing his message from Professor.

But Because I have only 1 manager by Senior Residence. I'm thinking if I need to create a post type for their.

I need to put like name of the residence and address of the residence but nothing else.
I'll use the @TomJNowell, solution for the user profil taxonomy. Its awesome
but for residence.. I dont know how should I build it
@kaiser I think he was directing that towards you: wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/235666/…
I dont see why they dont understand it isn't in scope, but whatever
@Jean-philippeEmond that information would be best as user meta, it doesn't sound like something you'd ever filter or search for
e.g. it's fine to put an address or hair colour in user meta, but if you're planning to show all users with blonde hair, you might want a taxonomy
if it's something more precise like a price or a weight though, that wouldn't be appropriate as you could end up with millions of terms. In that situation store as a user meta, then generate bucket terms, e.g. 5-10
I dont really need to "search" into..
I'll retrieve all user "Senior residence Manager".. but after I'll get all street of.
at that point you're trading off accuracy for performance
nifty :)
it sounds like you're all sorted then
I need it to put on ggmap ^^
I learn many thing.. thanks @TomJNowell
glad I could help
@Darth_Vader I know, but arguing with someone with that stance and no idea of the scope of this site is counter productive and pointless, so I simply do not do it.
valid, I'm starting to feel that way, too. but at times I think educating the new users should be done.
2 hours later…
any tips how should I bulk insert posttype (like 2000 insertion) with metavalue..
I create a script but the php shutdown the connection after 15minute..
An oldschool way is to redirect to the same page with an incrementing offset. example.com?offset=200 etc.
and inserting 100 between?
@Howdy_McGee as a future mod how would you address this question? wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/235210/…
@Darth_Vader Nothing, it looks like it's already been handled. The comments are spot on - had I been the "first on the scene" I would have commented that the type of question is off-topic, directed them to the WP Forums, and maybe gave a plugin recommendation.
I didn't realize until recently that mods instaclose questions with their vote so I suppose if I do become a mod I would have to be more conservative on casting close votes.
@Howdy_McGee great point to bring up in the election. At what point do you decide on it? I have to gauge wether it is blatantly or a terrible question but how are you going to make that judgement?
Depends on the question quality, the current discussion, and how many votes ( downvotes and flags ) it already has on it. If I come in and it already has 4 close votes ( 1 from being official ) then may as well close it. If the community is in discussion with OP trying to narrow down the issue to bring it back on topic then better off waiting.
Either way if I do believe it's off-topic and there are no close votes, I'd leave a comment explaining the rules and leave it for the community to either close it or OP to bring it back on topic.
stackoverflow.com/questions/5034826/… Can we not get this question migrated?
@CoderSte no it is too old
you shouldn't migrate old questions or I should say you cant migrate old questions
Oh okay didn't know that :D
when you vote to close or even when a mod looks at a question older, if I recall 6 months, it will tell you it's too old to migrate
did you know who vote for you @Howdy_McGee?
Nope - we don't get to see that. I at least voted for me ( so I got that going, which is nice ). I voted for 2 others but I won't say who :)
@Jean-philippeEmond at the end of the election they will do offer a count reference that tells you how many people people and how they decided on the mods. You will not find out who actually voted what but you can reference the numbers
ill say it, I voted for mcgee and Christine, never used my third vote as I do not know the other members or have seen them very active
it suppose to be 3 pts for the #1, 2pt #2 and 1 pt for #3 I guess
the 2 higher got the place
well there is a question Id like to ask but I dont want to be rude or step in poorly in regards to the mods
I'll vote for @ChristineCooper if she give it to me her quote Election that she promise ;-P
so.. if we are getting two new mods does that mean s_ha_dum is being removed as a mod or a mod stepping down? Wether it be personal or whatever, it's none on my business but he hasn't been active on the site since May, do mods get removed after so long of inactivity?
@Darth_Vader, im like you.. I voted for 2.. but the other one.. I don't know who is it
@Darth_Vader :D Thanks for the vote!
I'm sure you guys have seen the other electorates around - they're usually more active in answer and review than chat though.
well howdy and CC have helped me before, I know they are active so that warrants a vote in my book
@Howdy_McGee not really in chat, I think you even answered a question or mine, I know CC did.. and I still need to find time and go back and play with that shortcode =P
GM has been around for awhile and has put a lot of input on meta-topics - Gabriel put in a ton of work in reviews and edits. I have never seen the other electorate though, Joshua. I understand you guys holding your votes but I suggest looking into the other candidates too.
valid point bit I cannot look into something I cannot see, as that would entail me having 3k rep as I dont
@Howdy_McGee I understand that we are not really active in chat but for me.. I didnt know who he is... So.. I give the vote to the highest score..
@Howdy_McGee, I have checked the profile and some answer that the guys(gurl) does
IMO rep is not the issue, moderation activity is more important, and for that you don't have to know a lot about WP core
@MarkKaplun, I talk about how the answer is builded.. effort to help and not only answer for writing something.. I think if You answer well with explanation you can judge correctly what is a good question or not.
(a part of..)
it is not a 100% of my vote but it is a part of
moderators need to close questions and answers and talk with people, answering is not part of the "job". Answering is ortogonal to moderating
just because someone can write very good and detailed answer doesn't mean he will be good moderator
hihi :P @ChristineCooper ;-)
Hiya! Just read up on the thread, thanks @Darth_Vader
I think they should open up the mod positions to 4 rather than 2 because the 4 of us will contribute, each in our own way :)
if only everyone in community was given moderation tools to contribute in their own way... oh wait
I'm curious actually how the quantity is decided for moderators. Is it depending on the quantity of users/active users, amount of submissions etc.
how we know the function called tree on wordpress?
I actually call an ajax action.. and I got a " " space in the first line before my "json" return.. how I can debug this? I tried to ob_start() and trim result but.. not work ^^
@Jean-philippeEmond You could turn on debug logs and use error_log() to print certain parts of your callback function - at least narrow down what could be causing it.
ok but not possible to know what wordpress call before.. ;-/ probably the theme..
comeback in a while see you!
@Jean-philippeEmond There's also debug_backtrace() but that's assuming you have access to the callback function. At that point you probably don't need it I suppose...
2 hours later…
@Darth_Vader I asked the same question too. This was the answer: meta.wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/4221/…
@Howdy_McGee This is one thing that really bothers me :( We wait so long for questions to be closed now; I wish it was possible for mods to offer a 'vote' as an option if they don't want to hammer it. But I've said that before. I'm just ranting. :P
I've been waiting to vote until the other candidates answer the question thread in meta. I'm not sure if they just haven't seen it, or haven't had time...
@TimMalone Isn't close already a vote? I agree 5 seems like a lot for a small community - we just need to attract more active users like yourself :D
You can also cast your votes and change them at any point up until the election is closed as far as I know.
1 hour later…
@Howdy_McGee Oh, didn't realise that! I might as well vote now then :)

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