Bardi Harborow

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
May 2, 2018 06:44
@allquixotic, funnily enough, I'm actually an active editor over there, hence why I edited the answer instead of content forking it. :P
May 2, 2018 03:32
I've posted my own answer, but rejecting an edit that brings a non-answer into compliance is a waste of time for everyone involved. :/
May 2, 2018 03:25
The answer as it is, does not answer my question (i.e. how do I do X). Instead the answer links to a bug report with a solution. I've just imported the solution to the answer.
May 2, 2018 03:22
Could someone clarify why this edit was rejected?

Charcoal HQ

Where smoke is detected, diamonds are made, and we break thing...
Nov 2, 2016 04:04
@Andy yeah, fucked that up. I was following up with Magisch's idea, but I clearly messed up. Sorry about that.
Oct 24, 2016 17:35
@ArtOfCode lol, I feel like that was quite misinterpreted.
Oct 24, 2016 17:30
@Undo, I was just stalking your profile, and I realised that I've seen your posts before (specifically the NOAA-N Prime satellite one).
Oct 24, 2016 17:28
@ArtOfCode apparently. Any tips on how to stay off it? :P
Oct 24, 2016 17:17
@Undo yep, detailed discussion is here:…
Oct 24, 2016 17:12
Hmm. It's been deleted now though...
Oct 24, 2016 15:38
@Undo It is quite amusing to see the downvotes flood in when SD detects something though. I remember the days when you had to refresh the page to update vote counts.
Oct 24, 2016 15:35
@Magisch I was actually in India last year, and I'm just not sure where this stuff happens exactly.
Oct 24, 2016 15:32
@Undo how is that supposed to be profitable?
Oct 24, 2016 15:31
wow @undo has a shady double life
Oct 24, 2016 15:29
I wish I cope meet one of these spammers one day, just to ask them what on earth they are thinking.
Oct 24, 2016 15:17
@CaffeineAddiction ah, Eddie Izzard. I approve.
Oct 24, 2016 15:13
@JohnB I'm not going to disagree. Just something to think about. Looks like GD.SE have already discussed this and come to a conclution though (see my second link).
Oct 24, 2016 15:05
@Magisch, wait, this is very confusing:…
Oct 24, 2016 15:04
@Magisch I went ahead and asked on meta anyway:…
Oct 24, 2016 14:33
quietly backs away from the chaos
Oct 24, 2016 14:28
@Magisch wait, is this just specific to GD.SE? I thought inline images were allowed on SO too?
Oct 24, 2016 14:17
@Magisch Maybe we could get images hidden behind a spoiler button for users under X amount of rep?
Oct 24, 2016 14:06
Oct 24, 2016 13:56
Is it just me, or is there a kind of sad irony to the spam detector bot getting spammed.
Oct 24, 2016 13:02
I came here to check what the status with spam detection bots was after a year of not using chat.SE much, and I was reading the wiki about privileges and now I'm feeling very self-concious that my most upvoted answer is on "What to use as an initial version?" of all things, with 40 upvotes (what is it with people sometimes).
Oct 24, 2016 12:58
that moment when you've used your last flag for the day but there is still more spam
Oct 24, 2016 12:41
just unblacklist. browserstack should know better.
Oct 24, 2016 12:37
@tripleee user blacklist is a bit unnecessary for that one, no?

 Ask Ubuntu General Room

Normally: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & offic...
Oct 24, 2016 11:25
@Thijser that sounds reassuring.
Oct 11, 2016 11:38
@rinzwind, fyi as of, the issue with should be resolved.
Oct 4, 2016 07:27
@NathanOsman Oh, I was just making sure you weren't doing it before I went ahead, but it's too late anyway.
Oct 4, 2016 07:22
Oct 4, 2016 07:14
Where does that need to be reported? I'm looking at bug trackers and I've found launchpad, but that looks like it's for packages.
Oct 4, 2016 07:12
Ended? I'm getting net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID because it's for and not
Oct 4, 2016 06:57
@NathanOsman Now we know what crashed GitHub. :P
Oct 4, 2016 06:30
Well that was over before it began. Shoutout to #skynet for trying, but you failed buddy.
Oct 4, 2016 06:29
If in doubt sudo reboot.
Oct 4, 2016 06:28
And it's green!
Oct 4, 2016 06:26
@githubstatus be like: "We are currently experiencing major service outages."
Oct 4, 2016 06:24
I know this is somewhat sadistic of me, but I can't help but find it slightly funny when a major tech company has an outage.
Oct 4, 2016 06:22
@NathanOsman Ah. Thought I might find people on here running into that.
Jan 20, 2015 00:26
I can see that resolves, but I still don't know how. I'm hoping that it goes to
Jan 20, 2015 00:25
Sorry, .au should delegate to, which should delegate to Can you clarify that you can go to the home page?
Jan 20, 2015 00:08
Does DNS not work how I think it does? I'm really condused
Jan 20, 2015 00:05
@hbdgaf, how does even work? that isn't even a TLD is it?
Jan 20, 2015 00:03
@hbdgaf, I learnt the hard way that two concurrent apt-get instances DO NOT like each other.
Jan 20, 2015 00:03
Jan 19, 2015 23:55
It doesn't resolve at all. DNS traversal tools are getting NXDOMAIN.
Jan 19, 2015 23:51
The register is CrazyDomains.