Dark Souls Chat

A room to discuss tactics, rage openly, and if the need be, cr...
Jan 16, 2015 10:18
Perhaps the next person could answer this question for me, if not already answered?

Jan 15, 2015 07:54
Mmm. Now this is a room that we need!

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
Jan 16, 2015 04:43
Ooo, was just on that question. @Lazers
Jan 16, 2015 04:43
G'day all.
Jan 14, 2015 14:25
Either way, I'm not bothered ATM. Bye
Jan 14, 2015 14:25
Or does it auto-disconnect me?
Jan 14, 2015 14:25
Can I stay in the room without the tab open?
Jan 14, 2015 14:25
Jan 14, 2015 14:25
@Arperum ;)
Jan 14, 2015 14:24
Alright all, very tired, 1:25AM here. Ill (probably not xD, but maibee) speak to you later. Bye.
Jan 14, 2015 14:23
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not. I agreed with everything you said.
Jan 14, 2015 14:22
@KevinvanderVelden I am implying that it simply just isn't one. I understand that it is very close hardware wise though. (If not completely)
Jan 14, 2015 14:19
@KevinvanderVelden *close, but not there.
Jan 14, 2015 14:18
@MattЭллен Keeping in mind that this is Microsoft doing the bagging out.
Jan 14, 2015 14:18
@KevinvanderVelden Ah right. Well it was just a joke anyhow.
Jan 14, 2015 14:17
@KevinvanderVelden Actually, the xBox isn't a computer. Fullstop.
Jan 14, 2015 14:17
@KevinvanderVelden I have no idea what your talking about anymore.
Jan 14, 2015 14:16
@MattЭллен Oh my god! Have you seen those new Surface vs Macbook ads? OMG. They disrespect the crap out of them... Seriously, get along.
Jan 14, 2015 14:16
@KevinvanderVelden Has the Stanley Parable taken over your soul?
Jan 14, 2015 14:15
@OrigamiRobot I know people who work at Microsoft who don't do anything.
Jan 14, 2015 14:15
@KevinvanderVelden Meh... Just as long as @badp doesn't see it! BE QUITE!! :)
Jan 14, 2015 14:14
@Rapitor LOL
Jan 14, 2015 14:14
@KevinvanderVelden Since Bill Gates sat in his garage.
Jan 14, 2015 14:14
@badp Your turn!
Jan 14, 2015 14:14
@badp Plus the fact that they have wonderful customer support, and give me *free (yes free! I'm an advertiser now!) Graphics Card upgrades because they thought my failing computer was a hard drive problem. Turns out I just overclocked it a little bit too much.
Jan 14, 2015 14:13
@badp Also, out of personal experience, all the problems I had with Microsoft ended up with me ringing them, rinsing their ears with their own damn problems, and having them say "Don't worry, we'll just send someone out in the next 7 days" 2 Months Later I am sitting at home with an Apple computer, smooth, 60FPS++++ and my crappy little Microsoft computer collecting garbage in my corner.
Jan 14, 2015 14:11
@badp So Apple said, alright! Copyright time, and then they began the process of copyrighting everything that they rightfully own. Then Microsoft had a better idea. They decided to make their own slide to unlock by tapping your finger against a slideshow pond running at 15FPS.
Jan 14, 2015 14:09
@badp Well first of all, since the very first iPhone came out, Samsung and Android (yeah, their getting involved too!) started outright copying. Then came Microsoft dordling along the footpath and said, "Hey! I made a new touchscreen phone! Want to see it? See! It works EXACTLY LIKE AN IPHONE AND I OBVIOUSLY DIDNT JUST COPY EVERYTHING!?!?!"
Jan 14, 2015 14:07
@Arperum Haha. Sure thing.
Jan 14, 2015 14:07
@badp Mmmmm... the looks? The GUI? The little kids moaning over their new i-devices?
Jan 14, 2015 14:06
@Arperum Any detailed links?
Jan 14, 2015 14:06
@badp So, where will I get started.
Jan 14, 2015 14:05
@badp Is now!
Jan 14, 2015 14:05
@Yuuki Yes, I wan't to know what those "CERTAIN CONDITIONS" are.
Jan 14, 2015 14:05
@badp Alright then! Let's get started! Who goes first, or was that pitiful statement it? :)
Jan 14, 2015 14:04
@fredley Then, a day later, I saw you post on another question, that you can! (Can't find it, so ironic) I'm not blaming you, I'm just asking, is there a solid answer I can find relating to this?
Jan 14, 2015 14:04
@fredley I have been meaning to ask you this for a while now. A while back, I posted a question on Arqade Meta about Game Identification. You sent me a duplicate link leading to meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/7617/…. Which had an answer saying "No, you can't ask Game Identification questions."
Jan 14, 2015 14:02
@badp Are you asking for a war? Bring it on. xD
Jan 14, 2015 14:02
Buttttt I sorta connected it through cable, and now for some reason it uninstalled it's Wi-Fi drivers automatically. But, noone needs to know that. xD
Jan 14, 2015 14:01
@badp Sure does!
Jan 14, 2015 14:00
@Yuuki It's out now.
Jan 14, 2015 13:59
@badp Well... I got a 6 year old iMac that runs like a beast, and has some crap AMD in it.
Jan 14, 2015 13:58
@Arperum Never said it was an answer. I knew we were talking about comments though.
Jan 14, 2015 13:56
I just wish more dev's/publishers would release games to OSX.
Jan 14, 2015 13:56
@Lazers Hmmm... Who here is using a Mac? I mean, no-one uses the precious things for games anymore. (Not that they ever did)...
Jan 14, 2015 13:55
Weather or not it's about Steam and OSX.
Jan 14, 2015 13:55
@Arperum Nope. I don't and never will/want any affiliation with GTA. (I hate it!) So that definitely was not me.
Jan 14, 2015 13:54
@Yukki *6 xD
Jan 14, 2015 13:52
@Yuuki Shh!! No-one needs to know!
Jan 14, 2015 13:50
@Yuuki Atleast a company releases everything to Aussies first!