In the search of a question

When you are looking for a specific question (using Approach0 ...
Oct 6, 2022 16:37
Is there a general question (duplicate target) for factoring cubic equations? Like one that has an answer for school kids if the cubic has a rational root AND has details of the "Scipione del Ferro"procedure where you convert to a depressed cubic first?
Oct 15, 2021 17:44
So, the user guest is guest troll now?
Jul 20, 2021 19:00
For the record, I'm a "kids these days" and had no idea there was a historical shift in the meaning of those words.
Jul 20, 2021 19:00
Yeah, I agree that the title should be changed. "It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is."
Jul 20, 2021 19:00
@JonathanZsupportsMonicaC No? It's a bit of a waste of a reader's time to have them sort through the history of "range" vs "codomain" when they're just looking for an answer to question of how to think about that mathematical object, regardless of whether they call it a codomain or range. Really the underlying question is the same regardless of whether it's the codomain or range, regardless of a reader using the modern meaning of those words versus the old meaning. Like, maybe this meta post could've been more direct: How do we maximize the find-ability of this question for future users?
Jul 20, 2021 19:00
@Joe Yeah! Is that not clear from the body of my question?
Jul 20, 2021 19:00
@Joe as a set everything in my post is the real numbers. But what are those real numbers? The domain of the PDF are peoples' heights expressed as a real number. The codomain of the corresponding CDF are proportions of people expressed as a real number. The codomain of the PDF is also real numbers, but what are they?
Jul 20, 2021 19:00
@TheAmplitwist I figured most of the responses here would be data points, or a discussion speculating at data points ;) As a data point myself, I don't think I heard the word "codomain" until I took a set theory class as a math major.
Jul 20, 2021 19:00
@amWhy I know. I used codomain because it's correct, but I recall most college textbooks not defining a codomain, but only a range. That's why I'm concerned people won't find this question. So changing it to "range" in the post wouldn't be quite correct, but might make it more easily find-able by these college students reading college texts.


For feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Undelete/Reopen/Edit...
Jul 14, 2021 08:26
@Peter Im hoping someone has the time to figure out what the user was trying to say and edit their answer to be correct. ... I'm going to bed
Jul 14, 2021 07:53
For your consideration: this answer is wrong, and my answer is pretty good


Where the trash goes.
Jun 16, 2021 01:08
Trash? The trash is a separate chat!? and someone moved my face here!!? :c
Jun 14, 2021 23:14

 Cafe and Tavern on the

A place to socialize, have fun, share humor and war stories, a...
Jun 14, 2021 23:13
@amWhy It's mildly deep dreamed. Better looking that my actual face :)
Jun 14, 2021 23:12
@XanderHenderson Nope, not a Dr :c Working on it as we speak, letting life suck the soul from me
Jun 14, 2021 21:36
@XanderHenderson nooooooo, imma ghost u don't see me

 Probability and Statistics

Any discussion on Probability and Statistics.For rendering LaT...
Feb 12, 2021 01:12
Goodnight boss!
Feb 12, 2021 01:11
The kiddos sure do love discord
Feb 12, 2021 01:11
FYI, don't consider the OpenStax Elementary Stats book
Feb 12, 2021 01:10
But yeah, dirty algebraist teaching elementary stats
Feb 12, 2021 01:10
I mean, I'm sitting in Zoom class now and my students didn't show up, so now I'm just figuring out how to make the R prompt colorful ;)
Feb 12, 2021 01:09
They're ALL probabilities
Feb 12, 2021 01:09
Thx I hate it. Because then dbinom corresponds to the Probability Distribution Function and pbinom refers to the Cumulative Distribution Function :c
Feb 12, 2021 01:06
Okay. Yes. That is pedagogically meaningful. "kids, why are these functions named this? Answer: because R hates you"
Feb 12, 2021 01:04
I don't either. That's why I'm trying to make sense of the names now so I don't have to look them up next time I use R ... everytime I use R
Feb 12, 2021 00:59
*make sense
Feb 12, 2021 00:59
Does 'p' for 'probability' sense? Or is this some historical naming relic?
Feb 12, 2021 00:30
(Like I know what the functions are) And d is probaly for "density". What does 'p' stand for though?
Feb 12, 2021 00:30
In R (and elsewhere?) there are the p___ and d___ prefixes to distribution functions. Like pbinom and dbinom. What do the p and d stand for?

 Math Education in the Time of COVID-19

A room for discussing strategies for teaching online, sharing ...
Jun 3, 2020 23:12
Yeah, but if you whisked me away, would I try to stop you? ;)
Jun 3, 2020 21:36
@XanderHenderson … can I come with? :D
Jun 3, 2020 15:41
@XanderHenderson Congrats on the job offer! More generally, you can move anywhere for your new job. Wanna rent a bungalow in New Zealand while this all blows over?

 The Crusade of Answers

Our menace: the Unanswered queue. Our goal: total annihilation...
Apr 4, 2020 22:16
Anyways, for folks' consideration, I think my CW answer is fine, but it got downvoted.
Apr 4, 2020 22:16
This chatroom isn't even on the front chat page. :c
Mar 19, 2019 19:35
@Brahadeesh unless I'm mistaken, neither of the answers were upvoted when I posted it, and I didn't have the time then to read the answers to make sure they're right.
Mar 18, 2019 15:50
Q: When can you win this directed graph game?

user326210I am trying to consider the conditions under which you can win the following directed graph game: Directed graph game: At the start of the game, you are given a directed, acyclic graph $G$ with integer values marked on each node. During each round, you pick any edge $a\rightarrow b$ in the g...



This chatroom is trying to preserve useful content on MSE. Mos...
Oct 6, 2019 01:00
@LeBlanc k. I only came to this room to figure out what GENTLE stood for, expecting something clever, because like, shouting GENTLE would be silly. ;) None of other chat names are capitalized except CRUDE, which is capitalized because it is an acronym.
Oct 6, 2019 00:37
@LeBlanc Well, it's quite capitalized, which one often does with acronyms. Is it not an acronym? Does saying the name of this chatroom require that I shout it? Or is the capitalization meant to suggest a relationship to CRUDE? (which is an acronym)
Oct 5, 2019 23:52
... GENTLE? Is that an acronym?
Aug 30, 2019 00:15
... yeah, but what exactly is legally required? (and not required?)
Aug 30, 2019 00:07
Also, the link to view the specific campus contracts are broken. :D
Aug 29, 2019 23:58
... well I'm not exactly sure what the table means honestly. Like, what is being permitted and not permitted regarding each of those types of data?
Aug 29, 2019 23:56
The exact meaning of "Consult" in that Sensitive data guidance table is a bit concerning.
Aug 29, 2019 23:53
@nick012000 @DanielR.Collins @DavidRicherby @Will In case any of y'all are interested, here's the page I was directed to regarding the University of California's (the whole UC system) agreement with Google.
Aug 28, 2019 05:54
@usul I've updated the post. It sounds like the faculty have to move theirs too? But without a redirect from the old site to a new one.
Aug 28, 2019 05:54
@J... I've updated the post. Yeah, the university email though GMail still has a .edu at least. But the fate of my [email protected] that I've been using is less certain. But it sounds like they'll do something to make that address work though Google.
Aug 28, 2019 05:54
@DanRomik I've read conflicting info about running MathJax on a a Google Site since Google has recently changed it. I think it might be a WYSIWYG sort of thing, and Google doesn't let you upload custom html/css/javascript for "security reasons."
Aug 13, 2019 01:58
Is is acceptable to advertise a question from MathSE on here that I think some Math Educators might have a good answer to? If so: