Talking of 4-quarks and pentaquarks: in general, when is something declared a particle rather than just a resonance? Is it just an arbitrary "the lifetime looks long enough to call it a particle..."?
@Dilaton maybe you can switch mode of operation away from browsing and hoping to come across an interesting question towards asking substantial questions instead. There are still some good people around who can answer them, and it would help with the quality issue. Just a thought....
:-) OK guys, maybe there are some good homework questions. But as soon as I see a question with a specific force in Newtons or a specific mass in Kg, I click to the next question. Maybe I should put more effort in close-voting
Maybe we should rename the "homework" tag to something more derogatory and hence offputting, so when that gets slapped on your question, it's a badge of shame
@Dilaton Re your question It's true about the homework question ratio, but since it's a public site, perhaps not so surprising since the ratio of specialists to "newbies" is very low. I wish I knew what to do about it. TheoreticalPhysics SE didn't get off the ground.l