Nov 13, 2016 16:14
"This post has been locked while disputes about its content are being resolved. For more info visit meta." If there are ongoing disputes, maybe there is a question already open. I'll wait for a while and see if I can get Emrakul to clarify or point out the relevant question in chat.
Nov 13, 2016 16:12
@Randal'Thor I knew the meta police would be up in arms, so that link is already present, right at the top of the answer.
Nov 13, 2016 16:09
If there's actually some discussion around it, I would like to be involved. That answer is one of my masterpieces in creative writing.
Nov 13, 2016 16:08
@Randal'Thor That link opens up the front page of the SE main meta.
Nov 13, 2016 16:08
@Sid I blame myself too. Some jokes just turn into nightmares.
Nov 13, 2016 16:07
moderator lock on this answer*
Nov 13, 2016 16:06
There's a moderator lock on this question put by @Emrakul. Anyone aware of any discussion around this post?
Nov 13, 2016 16:06
A: 2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

CodeNewbieDISCLAIMER: This is simply a set of mock funny answers to the questionnaire. I am NOT contesting the moderator elections and I urge you to read the answers posted by the serious contenders before reading this answer for a few laughs. Any light jibes or attacks at moderators or SE staff are simp...

Nov 13, 2016 16:06
hey guys
Nov 13, 2016 15:46
@Emrakul: You around?
Sep 1, 2015 07:14
@Emrakul: So just to be clear, rand's suspension is final and irrevocable, right?
Aug 31, 2015 14:22
@Emrakul: Not that I am looking to boot anyone, but how feasible is this suggestion from lloyd about a poll?
Aug 31, 2015 10:21
@d'alar'cop: That comment being?
Aug 31, 2015 10:02
@d'alar'cop: Does he have any priveleges at all right now?

 Bot Overflow

Room for chatbot-related clutter from Root Access. The bot is ...
Nov 10, 2016 10:15
Nov 10, 2016 10:14
Nov 10, 2016 10:13
Jul 27, 2016 08:16
Googling "What do SE mods do?" ..... Shit, can we repeat the referendum/election for mods? #Pexit
Jul 25, 2016 17:46
Jul 25, 2016 17:45
To anyone who was reading the mock answer to the questionnaire, it's now complete. Thank you for the positive responses, everyone. And thank you, @GraceNote for letting me indulge in this debauchery. :)
Jul 22, 2016 05:28
Please let me know if anything in that post happens to be offensive or violates any rules.
Jul 22, 2016 05:27
As approved by @GraceNote, here is a link to the mock questionnaire answers with a big bold disclaimer up top.
Jul 21, 2016 14:39
got* my creatice juices
Jul 21, 2016 14:39
Welp, I guess it's better to know for the future. :) Not that I'm all for trolling, but I guess this idea for my creative juices flowing in a major way. Better to check before spilling the milk than crying over spilled milk.
Jul 21, 2016 13:35
(*Mock answer to the questionnaire*)

9. How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of valuable answers, but tends to generate a large number of arguments/flags from comments?

You know, this site, it's got a lot of users. Different kind of users. Sometimes they can be nasty. Because they are awful. Awful. But you see these users, they have some good answers. Great answers. Answers that need to be upvoted. But sometimes, they say these things, you know. Things that hurt other users. And I know these other users who have been hurt. Good users, god-fearing users. These users,
Jul 21, 2016 13:21
@GraceNote What is the SE policy on troll nominees? :P Because I had a strong urge to have a Trump style campaign ("Make Puzzling great again!") but then I caught up in things and gave it up because even though I planned to lose, I didn't want to do a half-assed campaign.
Jul 21, 2016 03:16
@GraceNote: How long after the end of the election phase do the results get announced? Does the meek STV algorithm run continuously in the background to calculcate who's winning? Or will it be done once all the votes are in?
Jul 20, 2016 05:19
Hey @Emrakul. Was the puzzling pro tempore moderation your first taste of the high life?
Jul 19, 2016 17:52
@GentlePurpleRain Sure, you are almost certainly going to vote for the same candidate if he makes it past the primary. But if your favourite candidate is ousted at the primary phase, it gives you another chance to take your pick. (Which IMO is good)
Jul 19, 2016 17:40
@GentlePurpleRain: One less candidate in our case. On bigger sites, it can reduce the list of candidates 3 to 4 times, so it does make sense from an overall SE perspective.
Jul 19, 2016 09:08
We have 11 nominees and only a little more than half have positive votes at the moment. Will we still have 10 nominees in the election phase?
Aug 10, 2015 13:12
I'm just not math-equipped enough to write an elegant answer to prove it.
Aug 10, 2015 13:12
Yes, indeed. I too just stumbled upon that realization.
Aug 10, 2015 13:04
There is a counter example. You could have 7,8 as incorrect factors, and still be able to construct a number till n=12.