Another home for challenges | Discussion about creating or moving to a differ...
Dec 3, 2014 16:41
@Aioros hi
Dec 3, 2014 16:00
ie. the only thing connecting the puzzles should be an overarching theme
Dec 3, 2014 16:00
I feel like any challenge should be self-contained, neither requiring nor relying on any previous entries in a series
Dec 3, 2014 15:55
Well if we're having to lay out the entire question in titles (at least for proposal) then it would be understandable for a mod to close them as dupe if they happen to read the same way - they'd be the same question in different outfits.
Dec 3, 2014 15:54
So that might be enough.
Dec 3, 2014 15:54
Well we're a small subset of the kinds of people who'd end up moderating a or whatever (albeit an active one)
Dec 3, 2014 15:52
So an example like 'Given the following picture sequence, choose the next picture from these options...' would be vaguely tolerable
Dec 3, 2014 15:52
Dec 3, 2014 15:51
I see.
Dec 3, 2014 15:50
Are we trying to think of a way of making question titles not suck by any chance?
Dec 3, 2014 15:50
I feel like I've jumped into a conversation halfway through here, mind
Dec 3, 2014 15:49
@Joe It's okay I've found it anyway
Dec 3, 2014 15:46
I already know of Area 51, but thanks anyway I guess
Dec 3, 2014 15:44
Hello world
Nov 14, 2014 17:06
I wonder if most of the difficulty of this puzzle would be negated if it wasn't written in Unicode...