Coding Projects and Duga Heaven :)

Minesweeper Flags, Zomis' games, PDB, MTG, Cardshifter, and al...
Aug 16, 2015 02:58
Someone still ought to do is African/Voodoo set
Aug 16, 2015 02:58
Herm... might hit that too, have one set for north american people and one for the south american people.
Aug 16, 2015 02:55
@Phrancis has anyone chosen to do Native American, or like Mayan or Inca?
Aug 16, 2015 02:54
Pick out famous or not famous characters, places, and artifacts from your chose mythology, come up with a name, characteristics (effects, attack/defense) and a description (flavor text).
Aug 16, 2015 02:52
I can still pick up more.. just got to get around to doing so. I still want to do the Nature/Wiccan set.
Aug 16, 2015 02:46
Aug 16, 2015 02:27
Aug 16, 2015 02:23
Aug 1, 2015 20:01
It's not really pretty in code form, but in game it is almost transparent (save for some potentially conflicting effects)
Aug 1, 2015 20:00
Phrancis' wife has kidnapped his MacBook while he was at a friend's house (she needed it for a video presentation)
Aug 1, 2015 19:59
Been playing around with a game concept of "self-upgrading" cards, it works and is pretty cool, see this:…
Aug 1, 2015 19:57
Hey @SirPython (this is Phrancis)
Aug 1, 2015 19:40
Yep, that was the issue.
Aug 1, 2015 19:22
@skiwi ^^ what do you think? (see my code comments)
Aug 1, 2015 19:22
card("Upgrado Mk III") {
    creature "Mech"
    flavor "Upgrades itself on each new turn up to Mk V."
    attack 3
    health 5
    sickness 0
    scrap 3
    afterPlay { change SCRAP by 2 on "you" }
    onStartOfTurn { summon 1 of "Upgrado Mk IV" to "you" zone "Battlefield" }
    // ... THIS EFFECT:
    onStartOfTurn { set HEALTH to 0 on { thisCard() } }
card("Upgrado Mk IV") {
    creature "Mech"
    flavor "Upgrades itself on each new turn up to Mk V."
Aug 1, 2015 19:21
Found it, I think.
Aug 1, 2015 19:16
Ah, looks like the bug happened while summoning Mk IV. Runtime error, the preceding Mk III did not get destroyed
Aug 1, 2015 19:12
[2015-08-01 14:55:07,931]  INFO   AISystem [    Conn-0] (
 46) - AI entities [Entity #43]
Aug 1, 2015 19:10
I think entity #43 is the AI, not sure why it would fail to end turn at that particular time (I don't even think it was its turn)
Aug 1, 2015 19:09
Send to Jay1148: CardInfo: 84 in zone 50 - {SCRAP=4, TAUNT=1, flavor=U
pgrades itself on each new turn up to Mk V., MAX_HEALTH=6, SICKNESS=0, effect=Gi
ve creatures of type Mech owned by you on Battlefield 1 ATTACK and HEALTH

Summon 1 Upgrado Mk V to your Battlefield
 at start of your turn
Set HEALTH to 0 on this card

 at start of your turn, name=Upgrado Mk IV, ATTACK=4, creatureType=Mech, HEALTH=
[2015-08-01 14:55:10,203] ERROR   AISystem [ai-thread-1] (
Aug 1, 2015 19:02
It's working, mostly. I did run into some kind of error after a few turns (I had two of Upgrado I, played one first turn, 1 next turn (so I had a II and a I), after a few turns, a new II magically appeared, or rather one of the originals probably failed to destroy itself, perhaps a conflict between the two cards
Aug 1, 2015 19:00
Aug 1, 2015 18:34
I'm asking around next door
Aug 1, 2015 18:34
Actually, it's not while copy+pasting, it's when saving the file in notepad
Aug 1, 2015 18:29
^^ Hex comparison of the orig file vs. copy+paste version
Aug 1, 2015 18:29
Aug 1, 2015 18:29
Aug 1, 2015 18:19
So... think an error related to this PC rather than the code itself?
Aug 1, 2015 18:19
I did a copy+paste of the working snapshot text into the one I'm trying to load (instead of copying the file itself), and it broke the same way
Aug 1, 2015 18:18
Ahhh found a clue
Aug 1, 2015 18:14
I'm thinking it might be a syntax error in the DSL... maybe. Kind of curious why it would compile fine but get an error at runtime
Aug 1, 2015 18:10
I used regular notepad
Aug 1, 2015 18:08
And, error happened again
Aug 1, 2015 18:06
Guess I'll try adding just the new code now and see if it bogs down
Aug 1, 2015 18:06

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about - Welcom...
Aug 1, 2015 18:52
Yeah it's not my PC (and it's crap, can barely run Java, Chrome and Notepad together) so I don't want to install stuff just for this
Aug 1, 2015 18:52
@RubberDuck RSA
Aug 1, 2015 18:50
@IsmaelMiguel @Mast that worked (opening as UTF-8) thanks so much for the help!
Aug 1, 2015 18:43
Should I open as UTF-8 to avoid issues as much as possible?
Aug 1, 2015 18:43
AH, set to ANSI
Aug 1, 2015 18:42
Or do I need command prompt?
Aug 1, 2015 18:42
Mighty good question... How do I find out? File properties?
Aug 1, 2015 18:41
Hm, looks like the encoding changes when I even just open the file. It is a .groovy file opening in Notepad, might be the issue right there
Aug 1, 2015 18:38
It is set as UTF-8 right now. I'll try Unicode. Also have Unicode big endian, and ANSI options
Aug 1, 2015 18:36
@IsmaelMiguel How do I do that? (OS is Windows 7)
Aug 1, 2015 18:34
Aug 1, 2015 18:33
Just noticed that
Aug 1, 2015 18:33
Actually, it's not while copy+pasting, it's when saving the file in notepad
Aug 1, 2015 18:32
I'm running into a really odd issue, wondering if it's a weird bug with this PC, anyone know a bit about Windows 7 inserting weird characters when copy+pasting plain text from one file to another?
Aug 1, 2015 18:31
Hey guys, this is @Phrancis, on friend's PC/account