Mar 17, 2024 10:58
Did not post it as my own. It's community wiki.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
If I indeed used the tag incorrectly as per the guidelines of the website, it's better to edit my question and remove it.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
Okay but I believe that this is still not a quality answer. If you want to keep the quote by Patel, it should at least be after the one by the IDF spokesperson. Also, the part about me being biased because of the war-crime tag is irrelevant to the question.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
Also, the IDF spokesman quote does answer my question and I wasn't able to find it myself before posting the question. But I cannot bring myself to accept your answer as it contains an incorrect statement about me not bothering to search. Regarding the war-crime tag, this deals with potential ill treatment of prisoners which is a war crime.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
Many of the images involve soldiers posing for selfies beside the tied-up detainees, which does not look like it was done for the purpose of documentation. Regarding the comparison with thefts, the equivalent would be thieves posting videos on social media of themselves during the act.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
It's a bit irrelevant to our discussion but I wonder how come there are 100+ such images posted by the soldiers themselves if soldiers were disciplined for such things before. Back to topic, now regarding the strip searches, I again understand why people might see them as reasonable. On the other hand, a counterargument is that the detainees should be given back their clothes as soon as they are searched, instead of being photographed while tied in painful positions. Again, not the worst thing in the world, but perhaps enough for a statement from senior officials.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
I understand why people might see posing with underwear as simply "bad taste". However, for feminists, these images are highly problematic due to the objectification of women, especially in the context of a culture that is very conservative in terms of the sexuality and "honor" of women. I agree with the general idea behind your comment, that there are indeed worse things, but I also believe that it might still be noteworthy enough to be addressed by a senior government official.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
I have literally seen 100+ such images as I am following the war on social media, and tied detainees is just a subset of the images. So, it's also difficult to pick something out of all of them to link to here.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
But I'm not asking you to make a statement on the images. You might have better search engine skills than me or have seen more news, so you might be able to link to an official making a statement on the images, without actually having seen them yourself.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
I'd rather not link to the images as it would be seen as an attempt to be biased or discredit the IDF. I wrote the question in the most neutral way I could and chose not to link to anything.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
No. I have not specified that, so either "I have seen the images of XYZ and I disapprove" or "I have seen the images of XYZ and I applaud them. We need more." is fine and will answer my question. However, Patel was clearly uninformed about the images when asked about it.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
I wouldn't even call this "referring" to it. He was asked about it and gave a "I don't know" answer.
Mar 17, 2024 10:58
Please provide the full context instead of assuming that I have not "bothered to search". Patel did not address the image himself, but was asked about the image and gave the following answer based on the description given to him by the journalist: "In relation to the image that you shared, I’ve not seen that image specifically. But obviously, it is – it’s deeply troubling. I have no knowledge or information as it relates to the circumstances surrounding that incident, and I will leave it to the IDF to speak to those specific situations."
Dec 9, 2022 08:07
I think most of the other puzzles were posted earlier, so I wanted to make sure
Dec 9, 2022 07:59
Hi everyone. I will post the puzzle in around 10 hours from now. I hope it's okay
Dec 6, 2022 11:54
@LukasRotter Okay, I took the 9th
Dec 6, 2022 11:39
I have a crossword puzzle. I'm not sure about the difficulty since no one tried it but it requires lots of googling to solve. Any suggestion on which day to have it?
Dec 1, 2022 13:05
@Anonymus25 If you like it, why are you feeling doubts about adding it to the calendar?
Sep 20, 2022 19:13
For now I will remove all the meta info from my question to try to make it more useful for someone who lands on it
Sep 20, 2022 19:11
Alright, I will think about it and consider asking it in a few days. Thanks for the tip and the discussion in general
Sep 20, 2022 19:01
I mean, people will say "yes but it depends on the piece". Is there any more to it that I am missing?
Sep 20, 2022 18:57
To be honest, I would have expected that question to be closed if I asked it... It sounds broad and the answer seems to be an obvious yes
Sep 20, 2022 18:54
@Dom I think that's a good idea, like "Is music in C and Am easier to play on the piano because it is on white keys?"... But I feel like this information was already provided here so I'm not sure how the community will feel about that.
Sep 20, 2022 18:51
@Dekkadeci That's an interesting point, thanks
Sep 20, 2022 18:51
@Dom I thought that the piano was worth its own question because these scales correspond to white keys on this instrument. It might sound strange to someone who is more knowledgeable, but it is a thought which I made as a beginner and assume other beginners may have the same question as well. If you disagree, I respect that and as you said we will see if somebody will vote to reopen.
Sep 20, 2022 18:38
@Dom I know that the meta information is a distraction and I really hope I can remove it or that I did not even have to write it. However, I believe that I have reformatted my question in a way that clearly shows that it is not a duplicate. I start by taking the key information from the other question and than ask about the area which is not covered there.
As you rightly point out, some specific versions of a more broad question are more useful than others. However, I believe that mine is quite useful since I have provided arguments on why the case of the piano is worth examining on its own.
Sep 20, 2022 18:28
@Dom It might seem like an answer to you since you have more knowledge on this topic. I see a lot of new and detailed information that's useful to a beginner like me in the answers that were already posted for my question. Regarding the problems in my syllogism, I have already shown that this is not a reason to close the question as a duplicate.
Sep 20, 2022 17:05
I invite everyone to read it again and consider voting to reopen.
Sep 20, 2022 17:05
I just edited my question to make it more clear why it differs from the on it was marked as a duplicate of.
Sep 20, 2022 16:49
@Dom No, not drastic. I read this post on Meta:… ... I see that the advice for these cases is to edit the question and clarify why it's not a duplicate and reword it to highlight differences.
Sep 20, 2022 16:45
@Dom I am glad that the answers were written despite the downvotes, as I find a lot of use in them. However, the downvotes do indicate that perhaps the question can be rephrased better, which is why I am trying to improve it.
Sep 20, 2022 16:39
@Dom I would also rather focus on the great answers which were already provided and research more, instead of arguing. I am open to suggestions that will help me improve the question and I hope to get constructive suggestions for improvement.
Sep 20, 2022 16:35
@Theodore So what were you saying exactly? You were equating my question being based on a false assumption to it being a duplicate or opinion-based.
Sep 20, 2022 16:35
@Theodore I also invite you to read this answer on Meta regarding questions based on a wrong assumption:
Sep 20, 2022 16:35
@Theodore Why is that a bad thing? There are many legitimate and common questions that can be answered with "your assumption is wrong". These questions contribute to the knowledge base on music which this website is trying to become.
Sep 20, 2022 16:35
@DoktorMayhem I see that now there is a concern that my question is subjective. I have provided my thoughts as a simple syllogism. My assumptions might be flawed, but what I am asking for is not subjective. If you still disagree, please explain why.
Sep 20, 2022 16:35
@Tetsujin Like I said, if I have made any wrong assumptions I would happily accept an answer that points them out. Well, because this is a question, not an argument.
Sep 20, 2022 16:35
@JimM I would like to know why composers do not start composing in the "simpler" key if there is no musical difference between the keys. I am not talking about the edge case where a composer has "planned ahead" a complicated bit in the piece.
Sep 20, 2022 16:35
@Tetsujin If my assumption that C major and A minor are the easiest keys to play on piano is wrong, that would answer my question. However, I would like to see some evidence or objective information regarding this.
Dec 15, 2021 11:47
hi all, just letting you know that I will post the puzzle in about 6 hours
Dec 13, 2021 08:01
I have a puzzle but it's quite easy compared to the others. Should I go ahead and put my name in the spreadsheet? If so, any preference for a date? Perhaps after a difficult puzzle which is likely to remain unsolved on the next day?
Dec 12, 2021 21:41
What is HNQ in the spreadsheet?
Jun 21, 2021 10:04
@elsadek To my understanding, there is no universal interpretation of Islam. Maybe for you leaving the door open is enough to consider that the place is not "closed". But for her, leaving the door open might not be enough and she might still consider that the place is too "closed". Is that possible?
Jun 10, 2021 13:13
@BradC Thanks for the detailed feedback. I have updated the question to include the context of why I am asking the question and how an answer is useful for me.
Jun 9, 2021 07:04
@fev My concern was that these few places on the internet were just examples of people putting the 2 words together. I was hoping to be referenced to a scientific paper or publication by a large corporation which has used the term. However, with more research and input from Jim, I think I am reaching the point where I can post an answer to my own question.
Jun 9, 2021 07:04
@FumbleFingers that's not what I'm asking. I'm looking for examples. I will edit the question to make it clearer.
Jun 9, 2021 07:04
@BradC Take a look at the examples I posted above when responding to WeatherVane.
Jun 9, 2021 07:04
@WeatherVane Thanks
Jun 9, 2021 07:04
@WeatherVane I am not taking into account the business side. Let's say there was a technical problem. Something more technical if you prefer, like serialized data not being parsed. People tried different solutions but the "final solution" resolved the problem and it's being parsed now.