Ten fold

CrossValidated's general room for gossip, grumbles, and idle c...
Jan 24, 2019 10:15
Q: How to convert IRT theta score to a percentage score

IndraI am trying to implement an adaptive test using 3PL IRT model. We need to screen the candidates and label their expertise as (beginner, intermediate, or expert). We also need a percentage score for each examinee. When the examinee is given a sufficient number of items, the initial estimate...

Jan 24, 2019 10:15
Hi, Anyone knows the answer to this:


General discussion for unix.stackexchange.com. If you have a q...
Aug 12, 2015 04:47
Oct 30, 2014 07:09
hey any one read this book? The Linux Command Line
Oct 21, 2014 05:00
Sep 13, 2014 17:31
Q: How to Mount Western Digital external hard drive in Linux

Indrajith IndraprasthamI am using Debian. I cannot mount Western Digital My Passport Ultra on my system. I have tried sudo mount /dev/sdbx /media/hdd. It worked fine for me. But the problem is that I have to repeat this process every time I restart my system. And it is hard for my friends to mount it on their Linux mac...

Aug 18, 2014 17:50
@derobert Good Day
Aug 18, 2014 17:50
Ok thank you verymuch
Aug 18, 2014 17:48
actually i dont have the setups. I directly installed from the software centre..
Aug 18, 2014 17:48
yes.. i am using debian and i want to install manjaro. I dont want to reinstall all the softwares like codeblock,qt,netbeans, etc again .. is there any way?
Aug 18, 2014 17:46
sorry to interrupt you guys.. but i really need to know if it is possible to shift from one linux distro to another without loosing installed softwares and files...
Aug 18, 2014 17:44
Can we port from one Linux os to other without loosing files and installed softwares?

 Ask Ubuntu General Room

Normally: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & offic...
Oct 30, 2014 08:17
@JourneymanGeek next year i am going back.. probably 'll kick everyone's ass..
Oct 30, 2014 07:33
me a dropout.. :)
Oct 30, 2014 07:32
have learned unix and shell in college.. but i think it is not enough...
Oct 30, 2014 07:31
actually I planned to build an LFS system.. so i thought some basics would be good
Oct 30, 2014 07:28
author had given a free pdf
Oct 30, 2014 07:27
it looks promising though..
Oct 30, 2014 07:26
i was thinking someone here read that book. i just want to know if it is worth my time..
Oct 30, 2014 07:25
lets stop this mocking..
Oct 30, 2014 07:24
by writing a book and reading it yourslef..? LOL.. :P
Oct 30, 2014 07:23
@JourneymanGeek so you have'nt read?
Oct 30, 2014 07:22
vary funny.... i almost forgot to laugh..
Oct 30, 2014 07:11
anyone read this book: "The Linux Command Line"
Sep 13, 2014 17:39
Q: How to Mount Western Digital external hard drive

Indrajith IndraprasthamI am using Debian. I cannot mount Western Digital My Passport Ultra on my system. I have tried sudo mount /dev/sdbx /media/hdd. It worked fine for me. But the problem is that I have to repeat this process every time I restart my system. And it is hard for my friends to mount it on their Linux mac...



Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Aug 26, 2014 09:26
@BalarkaSen Do you know to find that answer?
Aug 26, 2014 09:22
Hello I am trying to solve this problem: "For each function f(n) and time t in the following table, determine the largest size n of a problem that can be solved in time t, assuming that the algorithm to solve the problem takes f(n) microseconds." This is the chart with answer : clrs.skanev.com/01/problems/01.html Can any one tell me how answer is found for (n Log n) and n! ..
Aug 17, 2014 19:52
rather than saying this is bullshit (which i agree) just prove that it is not possible.. that zero can never be the largest number and that logic which he said is wrong.
Aug 17, 2014 19:47
I don't get it. I am not a mathematician or a physicist. I am just a programmer. This is what I understood. I am not saying that what I say is right. I am just asking you to prove this wrong so that I can go sleep well..
Aug 17, 2014 19:42
according to him it was like this .. If set a+b= c . we can say that c contain a and b. similarly inf+(-inf)=0 implys zero contain -inf and +inf. so making it the largest. ..
Aug 17, 2014 19:39
@BalarkaSen N contain everything below it can be true?
Aug 17, 2014 19:28
I need my logical state back.. LOL
Aug 17, 2014 19:28
I am some what adjusted to that concept. can some one logically prove that wrong.. please
Aug 17, 2014 19:27
and so on
Aug 17, 2014 19:27
@BalarkaSen According to that consept .. 1 is only created when -1 from the whole set is taken out. Which makes it lessthan 0
Aug 17, 2014 19:26
seek to 17minut...
Aug 17, 2014 19:25
Yes. Later in the video this theory was mixed with matter and anti mater. Do you suggest asking this questiion in physics.sx ? Or is this just bullshit?
Aug 17, 2014 19:22
Yes. I agree.. But if we consider set a+b=c and we can say that set c contain a and b right?
Aug 17, 2014 19:18
I happened to see a video about [Imagining 10th Dimension][1]. In that (17:03m)
he say that Zero contains every possible values by referring to an author [GEVIN GIORBRAN][2] . It goes like this.

- 1+(-1)=0
- 2+(-2)=0
- 3+(-3)=0
- **∞+(-∞) = 0**

Considering Zero as the set containing -∞ and +∞, it can be the largest possible value. Any other values is simply the absence of the same negative value.

So 1 is the absence of (-1) from the whole set and so on. When put together will come to the conclusion that 1>2>3... which make no scene.
Aug 17, 2014 19:17
Any one here?
Aug 17, 2014 19:16

 The h Bar

General chat for Physics SE (physics.stackexchange.com). For M...
Aug 17, 2014 20:46
@ACuriousMind if you can seek to 17:03min .. he explains that in 20 sec. I want to know whether there is any physical or cosmological reason supporting his statement. Or is it impossible?
Aug 17, 2014 20:18
I happened to see a video about [Imagining 10th Dimension][1]. In that (17:03m)
he say that Zero contains every possible values by referring to an author [GEVIN GIORBRAN][2] . It goes like this.

- 1+(-1)=0
- 2+(-2)=0
- 3+(-3)=0
- **∞+(-∞) = 0**
Set A+B=C --> C contain A and B ...
Considering Zero as the set containing -∞ and +∞, it can be the largest possible value.? Any other values is simply the absence of the same negative value.

So 1 is the absence of (-1) from the whole set and so on. When put together will come to the conclusion that 1>2>3... which make no scene.

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about codereview.stackexchange.com - Welcom...
Jul 8, 2014 10:50
Jul 8, 2014 10:49
Do programmers drink a lot of coffee??
Jul 8, 2014 10:42
Jul 8, 2014 10:40
you belong to that group of "some people"?
Jul 8, 2014 10:39
you work as a programmer?
Jul 8, 2014 10:39
nope.. :) beginner
Jul 8, 2014 10:37
is it? o.O