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Thought so.
@SOChatBot !!bitch
!! /give Kit a kiss
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand give Kit a kiss (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
!!give cornbread a lick
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Command give does not exist. Did you mean: live
@KitFox Mmmm! cornbread tastes just like raisin
waggles eyebrows
I just want to wallow in this fantasy a little longer.
@Matt Was I talking to you about the microscope I used to work on?
Turns out is was a Neurolucida.
!!should I eat cornbread or beans?
@KitFox You should eat cornbread
@KitFox You kiss-ass
@KitFox What's there to bitch about, as long as I have you...
@Matt taco pants
What on earth have I walked in on?
We were playing with @Zirak's chatbot.
I think it's a person pretending to be a machine
@DavidWallace It isn't
You can run the bot yourself
@KitFox It looked more like you were playing with Cornbread.
But please change the invocation pattern if you do
@DavidWallace are you going to see TMBG?
they might be giants
They are coming to your piece of dirt.
My team leader sends emails in 3-letter and 4-letter abbreviations. I spend half my time in Urban Dictionary trying to work out what he's talking about.
Teenage Mutant Buddha Giants.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Patch of dirt? Pfft.
@RegDwighт Now that sounds more interesting.
@DavidWallace Maybe. So?
To your beautiful, lush land.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I will go if you come with me.
I already have a ticket for here.
So that's a no then? :-(
That's a lot of airfare.
Split a taxi, then the ticket.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 troll One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a [newsgroup] or [message board] with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
!!should I stay or should I go?
@KitFox You should stay
!!Do you like being in this room?
!!should I go or should I stay?
@AmaanCheval Of course!
I'm all in a tither.
@RegDwighт You should stay
!!extract Kit from tither
Let's play titherball.
@DavidWallace Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand extract Kit from tither
!!Am I crazy for feeling this way?
@KitFox Probably
!!gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
@RegDwighт Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
. . . she was up to two mennonite.
!!Do you think I'm sexy?
@KitFox Definitely
!!Do you think I am?
@DavidWallace Absolutely not
!!how much is the fish?
@RegDwighт Nope
I doubt it can answer those
ChatBot knows which side its bread is buttered on.
Yeah, it can't
@SOChatBot because this is the incomprehensible room, gobble gobble gobble.
Hmm, that answer was a little bit too quick for my liking!
!! /google price of fish
@KitFox You kiss-ass
!!you are so beautiful to me, can't you see?
@RegDwighт I'm not so sure anymore. It can go either way
OK, definitely a bot.
!!you really got a hold on me?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand you really got a hold on me
!!/youtube talking kitteh
!!Why do you think Kit is sexy and not me?
@DavidWallace No way
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand you really got a hold on me?
ok ELU is now officially in self-trolling mode :D
!!why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?
@RegDwighт Absolutely not
!! will Robusto ever be a mod?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Impossible
!!How do you choose between Absolutely not and Y U NO MAEK SENSE?
@DavidWallace But of course
@DavidWallace It has some listener keywords
Amaan, are you the creator of this thing?
Like anything you say will pass if it has an or in it, because that means you're asking it to pick
!!lalala or blah
@DavidWallace No, @Zirak is
@AmaanCheval lalala
!!I've heard there was a secret chord that David played, and it pleased the Lord, but you don't really care for music, do you?
@RegDwighт Absolutely not
I followed its development closely, and almost made my own version before Zirak made this
@RegDwighт How did you know about that; I thought it was a secret.
The Swede recognizes.
!!Chocolate or peanut butter?
@KitFox peanut butter
!!Strawberry or tutti frutti?
@DavidWallace Strawberry
!!Have you seen my wolverine?
@KitFox Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand Have you seen my wolverine?
!! thing one or thing two?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 thing two
!!Do you see my wolverine?
@KitFox By all means
@Zirak Add Have to the keyword list pl0x
!!What time is it?
@KitFox No
!!Walking past the border guards, reaching for her hand, showing no emotion, I want to break into a run — but these are only boys and I will never know: How men can see the wisdom in a war?
@RegDwighт Indubitably
Chris de Burgh.
I think having the bot in this room makes for good practice for finding the flaws in the listener
!!Does and bind more tightly than or in visual basic?
But its main purpose wasn't to have listeners anyway
I got your flaw right here: it's spelled moustache
!!does having the bot in this room make for good practice for finding the flaws in the listener?
@DavidWallace in visual basic
@RegDwighт Yes!
Well, there you have it.
!!or in Java. Whichever you know about.
I think having it in Sandbox is best but that is probably just me
@DavidWallace Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand or in Java. Whichever you know about.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Went with mustache because that's how the service used is spelled
!!make me a sandwich
@RegDwighт Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand make me a sandwich
!!sudo make me a sandwich
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
@RegDwighт Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand sudo make me a sandwich
Well, that's a first.
!!man page
@DavidWallace Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand man page (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
@RegDwighт Hahaha, oh, man, you'd think we'd have that
!!woman page
@RegDwighт Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand woman page
!!man or woman
@KitFox woman
!! have you ever seen the rain?
@KitFox As if you really needed anyone to tell you that!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand have you ever seen the rain?
!!Sexist or not?
@KitFox Sexist
Tee hee
hangs head in shame
!!Do you communicate in languages other than English?
@DavidWallace Not at all
!!Wo ist mein schuh?
!!there's a word in Spanish I don't understand. What is it?
@DavidWallace Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand `Wo ist mein schuh?`
@RegDwighт Definitely
@AmaanCheval help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, define, get, google, hang, inhistory, karma, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, youtube (page 0/0)
No, that can't be it.
!! /beautify RegDwight
@DavidWallace Message -1 not found
!! /norris breakfast
@KitFox Jesus can walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim through land.
clears throat
!! /hang
!!there's a word in Spanish I don't understand, but I heard it in a film one time spoken by the leading man. He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere. And the words he spoke in Spanish brought the female lead to tears. What is it?
@RegDwighт Yes!
@AmaanCheval Will do
!! /mustache walrus
@AmaanCheval I'm Zirak!
@DavidWallace User -1 was not found.
!! am I the walrus?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Impossible
@Zirak Holy shit. YOU ARE!
!! could it be me?
@DavidWallace Indeed
!! /mustache 15060
!! could it be magic?
@KitFox User 1081110 was not found.
@RegDwighт Indeed
Oh ho, it's magic / ya know
!! It had to be you.
!!/mustache RegDwighт
@DavidWallace Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand It had to be you.
He is right. Walruses already have mustaches.
Well. Not much of a mustache.
Hey it's minifig scale.
!!/mustache DavidWallace
!! Could you please say indeed?
@DavidWallace Not a chance
!!/mustache cornbreadninja麵包忍者
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 User -1 was not found.
!!/mustache yourself
@DavidWallace User -1 was not found.
!!/mustache 77329
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Blame the Rekognition API
@KitFox You don't need to use the ID if the user is in the room
!!/mustache SOChatBot would yield the same result
Yah. OK then.
!! /mustache Cerberus
!!/mustache JohanLarsson
I already have a mustache anyway.
Nice one, @Johan.
He looks like Tim Ferriss.
!! /mustache simchona
Correct again.
!! Remind me to buy bread later.
@DavidWallace Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand `Remind me to buy bread later.`
@KitFox https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
!! /mustache Andrew Leach
!!/nudge 7 time to go
@KitFox Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
@RegDwighт Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand `WUT`
@KitFox Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
@KitFox Nudge registered.
!!/help nudge
!! Why is my train always running late?
@AmaanCheval nudge: Register a nudge after an interval. `/nudge intervalInMinutes message`, or the listener, `nudge|remind|poke me? in? intervalInMinutes message`
@DavidWallace No way
A deeply philosophical answer.
!! Will it be late today?
@DavidWallace Doubtfully
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you should post that in Terrifying Nightmare Monsters
Apr 19 '11 at 14:41, by Kosmonaut
Those dead eyes....
!! You are better than a magic 8 ball.
@KitFox can you fix hair? :D
@DavidWallace Certainly not
!! You are the sunshine of my life.
That's a petswitch of Vitaly's Reg avatar, and sim's cat
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Of course!
!! If I said I love you, would you say or course, thank you, or I love you too?
@DavidWallace Thank you for noticing
!! Is it me you're looking for?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Of course!
Hmm, I've never had THAT response before!
@JohanLarsson You are beautiful with no hair.
!! Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Are you somewhere feeling lonely,
!!when will the heavens part and, baby, shower you with my love?
@RegDwighт Indeed
!!/tell Reg I'll see him later
@KitFox Command i'll does not exist.
Oh. cmdname. Hmm.
!! /tell David norris
!!/tell Reg listcommands
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Command wallace does not exist.
@Reg help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, define, get, google, hang, inhistory, karma, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, youtube (page 0/0)
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Command wallace does not exist.
!!/tell 33258 norris
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Invalid /tell arguments. Use /help for usage info
:33258 When in a bar, you can order a drink called a "Chuck Norris". It is also known as a "Bloody Mary", if your name happens to be Mary.
!! If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
@DavidWallace Of course!
!!How can I go on from day to day? Who can make me strong in every way? Where can I be safe? Where can I belong in this great big world of sadness? How can I forget those beautiful dreams that we shared? They're lost and they're nowhere to be found, how can I go on?
@RegDwighт No
@KitFox ty ty, far too kind.
!! Your mission bells were wrought by ancient men.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand Your mission bells were wrought by ancient men.
!! Do you really want to hurt me?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 No
!!/tell 9443225 norris
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Chuck Norris doesn't bug hunt as that signifies a probability of failure, he goes bug killing.
!! Do you really want to make me cry?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Certainly not
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds 'til." After you ask, "Two seconds 'til what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.
!! Coffee, tea, or me?
!!do you have to put on the red light?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 me
@RegDwighт Yes, absolutely
@KitFox nudge time to go
!!and sell your body to the night?
@RegDwighт Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand and sell your body to the night?
!!thank you
@KitFox Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand Thank you (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
@KitFox You kiss-ass
Poor command. Always getting executed.
!!/define kiss-ass
@KitFox kiss-ass (slang) An obsequious person that tries to win the favor of someone, usually their superior
!!/define obstreprious
@KitFox No definition found
Gah. I canna spell that word.
!!/define bayan
@RegDwighт bayan A type of chromatic button accordion developed in Russia in the early 20th century and named after 11th-century bard Boyan.
That's straight from Wikipedia.
Uses the Wikitionary API
!!how long will it take me to learn the bayan?
Pretty handy.
@RegDwighт Probably
Yeah, that's my guess as well.
!!/inhistory 05-15
@KitFox 1940 – World War II: After fierce fighting, the poorly trained and equipped Dutch troops surrender to Germany, marking the beginning of five years of occupation.
!!/inhistory 7-11
@RegDwighт That format confuses me! See /help inhistory
You need two digits
Well sorry, I prefer to see Ice Cube.
!!/inhistory 07-11
He ain't singing no zero seven eleven.
@KitFox 1991 – A Nationair DC-8 crashes during an emergency landing at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, killing 261.
Ah so that is why it was a good day.
I didn't know that!
Oh you can teach it stuff too.
!!/learn stuff
Interesting. But I really must go now.
@RegDwighт Could not process input. Error: msg is undefined on line 2387
He hasn't pung you yet.
@SOChatBot my message had but one line.
@KitFox Command greet does not exist. Did you mean: get
!!/learn greet 'Hello, $0!' \w+ 'summons the lord'
@KitFox Command greet learned
@RegDwighт Command greed does not exist. Did you mean: greet
(is the given example)
!!/greet Reg
!!/greet greed
@KitFox Hello,0!
@RegDwighт Hello, greed!
@KitFox Hello, Reg!
!!/tell KitFox greet KitFox
@RegDwighт Command /greet does not exist. Did you mean: greet
@KitFox Hello, KitFox!
Must. Go.
WTF, where is hangman?
You still ain't got pung.
!!where is hangman?
@RegDwighт Certainly not
@RegDwighт Yes I did.
@KitFox I'm not seeing it.
8 mins ago, by SO ChatBot
@KitFox nudge time to go
That was eight minutes ago?
Then you really gotta go.
Yeah. See you later!
@RegDwighт Nice one, never heard it, ty.
!! /hang
!! refresh
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand refresh (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You do not have permission to use the command refresh

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