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Is there a user experience site on SE? Think I saw a beta once
Found it
Obviously this thread is nc :(
NC = Not Constructive
.....did the description for this chat room change recently, or am I just ridiculously unobservant?
sorry for OT
It changes a lot!
Oh no Johan, it's okay. I was just explaining to Cerb :)
@JohanLarsson YW NP KTXBAI.
@Cerberus Okay good. Cause I was like...wait. has that always been there? lol
@Cerberus hahaha. Acronym revenge?
Our Underlords do as they see fit!
@WendiKidd You betcha!
@Cerberus ok sorry for adolescent use of acronyms
but you guys pun me pretty hard at times
I'm with Puns Anonymous.
......................had to look up YMMV. That doesn't even make sense in context, Cerb! You can do better!
I got the badge and the t-shirt.
are you pro puns?
@WendiKidd Haha I know!
@JohanLarsson ....are there people who are ani-pun?
I am an absolute pro at puns.
No, I'm trying to come clean.
Fatso had a snack.
I admit I occasionally pun, but I'm trying not to.
I'm getting there.
@RegDwighт Ahh better!
I no rite.
Still, could the head be smaller?
I mean, move the eye one brick to the front.
And flatten the back of his head by one brick.
It's hard at this scale plus all my animals have somewhat bigger heads on purpose, as the defining cuteness factor.
I noticed.
@Cerberus that is next to impossible.
Hmm OK.
I only have so many bricks to pick from, and in reddish brown there's even less.
You might want to extend his tail/lower body too.
<- :9027620
Those hind legs cost like 1 Euro apiece.
Are they considered legs?
@Cerberus yeah I'll have to build him first. He's already got longer by one stud.
And I have to compare him to the other animals.
Oh, they all have to be the same scale?
CAD doesn't get you far. Actual bricks are always better. It always looks completely different.
@Cerberus well I try. Obviously I fail rather terribly here and there, but I try.
Oh, and I'd like to see a lady bug next up. To scale.
@Cerberus haha
Lady bugs have between 20 and 50 dots.
@Cerberus easy. Hold on.
I'd like a lady bug made out of rubies and diamonds. waits
And six thriple-jointed legs.
I'd like a lady bug expressed in cash, to the vale of one million euros.
You can use a rolled-up cheque if you have to.
I don't think it works like that.
@RegDwighт Next, to scale: an amoeba.
Oh, and I'd also like to have the universe to scale.
Ans a quark.
Only one stud large.
So cute! I want one!
Umm I'm counting dots...
Can you buy those online?
I actually got four yesterday.
Where did you find them?
I think I paid 13 Euro cents apiece.
@WendiKidd there's an entire amazon just for LEGO.
Sets, individual parts, accessories, instructions, stickers, keychains, everything, from 1950s to 2013.
@RegDwighт I googled "lego ladybug" but didn't see them. I'll look up the amazon
Here it is.
You can see what sets it comes in, what colors exist, who has it for sale at how much and where.
are you allowed to make your own Lego parts?
@JohanLarsson there are many people who make custom parts.
@RegDwighт That is so cool!
ok guess a 3D printer would kill the fun
And so they all fit on normal lego bricks?
3D printers are fun though
@JohanLarsson not really, no. You need actual steel molds, and ABS.
There are many people who do that, around the world.
Then there are also people who take original bricks and chrome or silver or gold them.
You can see those on BrickLink, too.
So you can buy a knight's helmet, or a set of huge-ass 3-inch wheels for your crane, in actual gold.
the printers print ABS, think it is the most common material. The only material I use
@JohanLarsson LEGO parts are molded at a pressure of 25 tons with a tolerance of two micrometers. Good luck getting that with a 3D printer.
There are lots of knock-off brands who actually do everything LEGO does, with huge factories full of actual steel molds, and they never reach the quality.
2 microns can be hard but they are pretty accurate in two directions. The 'layer' direction is not that accurate though
What about density?
That stuff has to be dense as hell to not wear out immediately.
A: How much usage can a LEGO piece take before it loses its 'clutch power'?

pcantin37,112 times. Well I did it. I built a machine to test this. It took 10 days until the LEGO at the bottom couldn't stay on anymore. More details on my blog.

Ah, before I forget.
@RegDwighт yeah might another problem but when we require wear resistance we treat the prints with spray filler + paint. Not sure what the density is but it is not 100% that is for sure.
@Cerberus there's a Russian design studio, you probably actually know it, Art.Lebedev, where they use as one of their guidelines, "Always reject the first draft. Always reject the second draft." As a matter of principle.
@RegDwighт Damn, you have uncovered me. I was just pretending not to speak Rusky.
But sure, the more drafts, the better.
So every time I think I got it, and I show it to someone, and that someone says meh, do this or that, and I throw my hands up in despair, but then I go ahead and try anyway, and usually do come up with something better.
It may be that certain constructive criticism is just impossible to apply, of course.
Critics often don't know the limits, or they haven't tried implementing what they suggest.
Yes, but my point is I am often surprised to find out how much actually isn't impossible even though it's a clearly provable fact that it is.
Proven by whom?
By anyone. To anyone. You tell me, do this or that, I show you the bricks I have to work with, and we both agree that it is plain impossible.
Everybody agrees.
"Using the warp core today is absolutely impossible, Captain." — "Then make it possible. I need it ready in two hours." — "Aye, Captain."
@Cerberus that one goes differently.
Apparently I have to buy seventy zillion ladybugs at once, or none.
oh well
The point is, it could go either way. Sometimes the engineer is right. Sometimes the captain is right.
@JohanLarsson GUI Bloopers is mentioned in that question... that's one I don't own, but I remember reading and thinking it was good
"Repairing the warp core will take five weeks, Captain." — "You have three days, Scotty!" — "Aye, I'll do it in two."
@RegDwighт AWWH!
Civil servants and company representatives, for example, are usually wrong when they say it isn't possible. It is impossible if you stick to 1000 protocols of dubious value, sure.
That's every Enterprise episode ever.
Yeah OK.
And then he goes ahead and fixes it during the commercial break.
GUI Bloopers? That sounds fun.
Anyway excuse me for five minutes while I build that walrus in echt, as the Germans say.
@RegDwighт *in het echt
Everybody also keeps mentioning Krug, and I did read at least one of his books, but his in comparison to some of the greats just seems kind of unoriginal and obvious. But also really really quick to read so there's that. You haven't wasted a lot of time.
No im echten in German?
I think I read Don't Make Me Think! Spoilers: Users don't like it when interfaces are hard to figure out how to use.
@aediaλ oh and thank you.
@RegDwighт And then there's that Next Generation episode where Scotty is in it..... Geordi: "I don't have time right now, I told the captain I'd have this done in an hour." Scotty: "Well how long is it really going to take?" Geordi: (indignant) "An hour!" Scotty: "Oh, why'd you do that? You'll never be seen as a miracle worker if you tell him how long it'll really take!"
@aediaλ ty++ (I have not read any of them, I'm not even a real programmer)
So I'm done and he's the right size. Not too tiny, not too big. Perhaps a tad too big. Like half a brick, or a third.
The center of gravity is fine, too.
@WendiKidd yes yes/
Or what do you mean?
that guy forgot one lock when he poured epoxy on his hair
Ten tögrögs he did it on purpose.
a rebel then
It's the birth hour of metrosexuality.
@RegDwighт But I meant your thick-skinned creation.
I sometimes wish I'd never tried a honeycrisp apple.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 why? hasn't had one
@WendiKidd They're magically delicious, and usually about $3.69/lb here.
Ha, I psychically registered your ping! I sent a response before you edited it in ;)
So, go get one. mwahahahahahaha
And hey, where's that cornbread icon?
I'll go draw it right nao.
YAY! : D
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 What, so I can share in the addiction? no thanks, I need my monies.
My taste buds cannot crave that which they have never tried.
@Cerberus but I already showed you it.
I built the one I showed you. Now working out some details.
Cerb's heads rejecteded it cause a) too dark b) too blurry c) too much stuffs in the backgrounds.
Hi @aediaλ! waves
@aediaλ you forgot that it's also too light and too grainy.
Shouldn't have push-processed that Tri-X when you wanted T-max. And where are all the colors?
I really shouldn't taunt. I hope your animals get CUSOOed no problem next time.
@WendiKidd Hola!
About time for dinner though.
Just like with every other project, I have resigned myself to the idea that there will still be some bugs - ahem, "features" - I don't like in this latest w-rk thing. It gets down to the ones that probably won't affect too many people and everyone's all like naaaah it's fine. Blargh. I'm sure that's how everywhere is. It just bugs me to know.
bangs head on table softly just a little bit
tries not to pierce computer with horn because she needs that for testing more things
Okay. Right. Probably need food.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I love it!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 these united states are the worst. Those united states are much better.
@aediaλ I know exactly what you mean. We put up some pictures on the wall a couple months ago, and a few didn't look right, or didn't hold right, so I moved them half an inch into this or that direction. I still know exactly behind which picture there's a second hole left over from the original nail. It bugs me a lot.
@RegDwighт You said yourself the real thing is different...but take your time!
I don't think I did.
I said that everything looks different in echt when compared to CAD.
Anyway, it does look different now because I've been working on its behind.
Twas too flat for my tastes.
I also demand an owl. In good time.
@Cerberus speaking of time, puppy is sleeping and so should the rest of us euros.
@Cerberus that's trivial again. There are lots of owls.
And that's it for today, folks.
Over and out.
A: What do the American nicknames 'Dutch' and 'T-Bone' mean?

user42703T-bone means trombone, and Dutch is a language they speak in the Netherlands.

I'm not sure why the picture selector cut off the right and left extremes, but I don't hate it. I was going to upload it to Gravatar, but it wants me to log in with Wordpress. WTF is up with that?
Another line of text so I can see how it looks.
Okay, just one more.
y u no get bigger?
@RegDwighт Way to fatten that sucker up!
Mmm. Honeycrisp. debates changing avatar to honeycrisp so everyone will love her
That's not playing fair.
Who said I was fair?
I'm 29% of the way through your book.
I'm debating drinking an alcoholic beverage, but the non-drowsy decongestant I took makes me drowsy and alcohol may intensify this effect.

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