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Something's fishy.
Well ... something's fishy and Retro/Johann are being Retro/Johann ...
@kalina that was an invalid flag and you know it.
it wasn't me
Then I rescind my statement! <_<
The timing was just... off.
I can see why you'd think it was me
but it was a coincidence
Welp... Bridge is dead for the rest of tonight, apparently.
Looks like it.
Is... this a Skyrim reference?
@kalina Unfortunately...
There's an achievement for it called "Former Adventurer".
I miss the old Bridge.
I am not sure if they're being dense like a brick on purpose, or if they're genuinely like that.
@FEichinger I think it's the latter.
Sadly, I agree.
I wish they would just make their own fucking room...
@kalina It is pretty effective though! For what that's worth....
it is indeed
I still don't know why we didn't finally sack them.
At this point, they have been thoroughly disruptive.
Disruptive in the strictest sense of the word by making us abandon ship again.
I am pretty saddened in the recent massive increase is noise to signal ratio
@kalina Likewise. But we don't have any chatmods with experience here... Krazer's new to this whole fiasco.
Ben just showed up, but, well.
I actually hate using 'ignore' features, I normally just ignore people in my head
but it's agitating me reading all their crap
Speak of the devil
Oh for the love of god.
Look who just joined the chat room
@Retrosaur please leave
you are not welcome here
oh god....
I'm getting sick of this bullshit.
@FEichinger We all are, man.
Ping @MadScientist
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
This isn't going to stop him from quoting the contents of the channel
@kalina Wonder if that'd be a bannable offense.
With any luck, now it's a gallery, hopefully
I wonder if requesting my account to be deleted through the official channels citing the disruption of these two will cause action to be taken
Man... Giving all the necessary users write access is gonna take forever. x_x
@Fluttershy Easier to just make a few people owners and then promote as they request
@SaintWacko All set.
@spugsley Good to go.
this is getting fucking ridiculous, guys
who the fuck is brian?
Ah, good
RPG.SE mod
Also, all this shit has proven to me is that we need more Arqade mods.
Oh are we in here again?
@OrigamiRobot Someone hasn't been paying attention.
@LessPop_MoreFizz why is he in the bridge?
And I can't find Anna's post about stupidity being suspendable.
@spugsley Flags, probably
@Fluttershy I've been hunting monsters.
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by Brian Ballsun-Stanton
@kalina Because there were multiple flags on chat. If you all could then bring up a meta saying "look, X.Y.Z is a problem according to our community" we could fix.
in The Bridge, yesterday, by Anna Lear
@LessPop_MoreFizz If stupidity leads to being disruptive and antagonizing folks in chat, a chat suspension is totally appropriate. (Not saying that happened here, necessarily - way too much for me to even try to catch up on. But in principle.)
My hero.
@kalina needs to chill too
I knew my stupid chat searching would pay off one day.
@OrigamiRobot You really are pretty awesome at it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz @Fluttershy can one of you please tell me what went wrong on The Bridge?
why do we have none of our own moderators on at this time of day
@Scootaloo Retrosaur went wrong.
@kalina because they have lives
@kalina Because Oak and Juan don't really show up in chat much, Raven has become more of a daytime person, and badp is a euro
and agent86 has small children
@spugsley we were told we didn't need more mods, this is proof that we do
What went wrong is that noone suspended them. Other mods don't want to act, our mods aren't around and we didn't flag them to death.
@kalina Are all our mods in the same time zone?
@SaintWacko nope
@Scootaloo Somewhere around here, or near enough.
in The Bridge, 46 mins ago, by Retrosaur
no, it's a ripoff of mario
That'll do it.
@FEichinger Why won't anyone suspend him?
@LessPop_MoreFizz well I am happy I am not in this mix:
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by Mad Scientist
It might be futile, but couldn't we just all try solve this without having to suspend anyone? This means, Retrosaur and Johann try to avoid the behaviour that annoys the other user here, and everyone else tries to drop this topic?
@Scootaloo the difference between you and the others, is when we told you that you were being disruptive, you sorted it out
@Scootaloo I'd say it started around.... here; chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/35/2013/4/9/0-1
I'd say it started when Retrosaur found chat.
@TrentHawkins Why did you link to a post directed at me? I've sorted out my issues with most here.
So why the hell are my STILL taking blame?
@Scootaloo You aren't. o_o
@Scootaloo I think he meant to say that's when it all started. The total beginning of all of this.
As far as I'm concerned, you've apologized, expressed an interest in getting to know the community better, and we don't have any problems.
@Scootaloo I linked to the wrong message, sorry, meant that to be linked to "can one of you please tell me what went wrong on The Bridge?" which goes back about 48 hours, really, during the last exodus to the escape pod.
@Fluttershy @Unionhawk @TrentHawkins Alright. I'm logging off for a bit - too much drama going on atm. Nite everyone.
@Scootaloo nn
@Scootaloo G'night! Don't let this drama discourage you!
Can mods get around the write access stuff?
I think so
Do room owners not get the ability to kick people?
or is that mod only
@kalina There is no 'kick'. Bans/suspensions are mod only.
@kalina Doesn't look like it.
It's a shame that SE chat doesn't have more of the featureset of IRC
it would be nice for "room owners" to be able to remove people from a channel
@kalina Hmm, maybe we should just get an IRC channel...
@LessPop_MoreFizz I remember @badp kicked me out of a room once for brohoofing. I wasn't suspended, but I was thrown, briefly, from the room.
@LessPop_MoreFizz there is a "kick"
/join #bridge
@kalina There are days I want to get the last dozen or so people I needs contact or IM info, and be done with the whole thing.
@SaintWacko that fragments the community even more than this fiasco
alright guys, I can't do this two chat windows at once plus drama, etc. And it's late. Good night
While Retrosaur might have a history of being disruptive you don't need to keep calling him out on this. Go about your business, talk about something besides him. If he's trolling ignore him. If it gets too bad, I'll do the dirty deed of kicking him.
@spugsley nn
@kalina Yeah, true. I do love me some IRC, though
Hmmmmm. Should I finish this whiskey?
@LessPop_MoreFizz yes
@LessPop_MoreFizz When asking the internet, the answer is always yes
@LessPop_MoreFizz you already know the answer to this question
@Krazer We have tried this. Repeatedly. He's gotten smart enough not to do it when our mods are around.
@Krazer what is the official ruling on hidden/private channels, they're not allowed except for moderation purposes right?
in The Bridge, 12 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
We all support each others bad habits
If they're not doing it now, the acute problem is solved. For the whole situation you have the Gaming mods to decide.
I'm famous!
@kalina Yes, SE excplicitly said that they're not to be used for any other purpose
that's a shame
Currently on the counter in this hotel room: 9 12 oz beer bottles. 2 22 oz beer bottles. And an empty 5th of whiskey.
because for the most part, we were happy avoiding them
but then he came in here specifically to quote us in the bridge
@LessPop_MoreFizz Are the beer bottles empty? You didn't specify.
and we've asked him to leave here, but he won't
@Fluttershy Yes.
We really don't care where we are, as long as we can all find each other
We have essentially hit the point where we're tiering the chat into new guys and regulars. This should not be the case.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Dang.
@FEichinger You know with whom the blame lies.
@FEichinger trolls and non-trolls
Was that grammar good? I feel the alcohol... But not enough.
@SaintWacko I'm not saying right now, I'm saying for the future.
@Brant Done.
@FEichinger What do you mean?
@SaintWacko If nothing changes, this leads to the Escape Pod becoming our new General Chat. Locked down tight, needs permissions to be manually set. The normal General chat just ends up the newbie dump.
@FEichinger There are plenty of users newer than Retrosuar who have been welcomed.
This is stupid.
@OrigamiRobot this is true
I, personally, have neither nerve, nor heartstrings to stay in the Bridge, if it stays like that.
They all have blue default gravatars.
And if we actually abandon the Bridge, we are creating a newbie dump over there.
@FEichinger Agreed. I really don't like this situation. At all.
@LessPop_MoreFizz None of us do. =\
@FEichinger Ah, yeah, that's what we're being forced into if action is not taken against those who are disruptive
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am fairly certain no one does, but it's just exactly where we're headed here.
Oh hey! I might be starting the C25K program on Monday!
@Fluttershy I have a friend who just started on one of those, are you doing any routine in particular?
Okay, I really am enjoying the debate, but I have to be at work early in the morning
@Krazer I guess we're just doing the default one. This one.
I'm interested to see how I do now that I've been smoke free for ~5 months...
G'night, Bridge
@SaintWacko G'night!
@Fluttershy oh gratz~
@SaintWacko o/
@Krazer Thanks. =)
@SaintWacko nn
@Fluttershy ooh, I recall that being quite effective... I was on a similar thing with my dad back in grades 7-8
@TrentHawkins It's really the best way to train for endurance running. It worked for me before I hurt my back, and that was when I was smoking 1-2 packs a day. I'm excited to see how I handle it now.
Yea I'm here, though I really should be going to work. I've been trying since yesterday to understand what's going on, but there's apparently a huge chat backlog
@Oak Hullo again.
@Oak Two nights in a row of this crap. =\ It is a lot to take in.
It is a lot to take in
but tomorrow it will be three nights in a row
@Fluttershy I wish you luck. Which reminds me, I should probably get back to exercising this summer... I used to be able to ride my bike half-way across Winnipeg without breaking a sweat. Not so much anymore.
@kalina stops copies me!
@TrentHawkins I really miss exercising. But it's really hard for me to self-motivate. >_>
@Fluttershy DO YOU KNOW WHAT?
@Fluttershy so how come two people chatting becomes unbearable? Just a large influx of messages?
I think it's strangely convenient that there are all of these Lara-sized holes in the rocks
@Oak Retrosaur is being Retrosaur.
Also, for reference: This? What Retrosaur is doing right now? it's part of why I can't stand him. If you have something to say, you don't have to space it out over 8 lines of sentence fragments.
Johann is learning and probably needs less of a ban and more of a good example.
Retrosaur is the epitome of not a good example.
@Oak argumentative, trolling, repeatedly and aggressively trying to change teh subject
when you pull Retro up on doing something wrong he will then immediately go and quote out of context a bunch of other instances he deems justifies why he can do it
@Oak A lack of common decency sums it up.
sentences spread over multiple lines because they want to even after being asked to just chat properly
generally being annoying and unfriendly to the point where even the calmest of people (like @Fluttershy) start to lose their calmness
@kalina To be fair, that is extremely easy for me to do. I filter myself a great deal in the Bridge. Something Retrosaur needs to learn to do.
@Fluttershy I get too lethargic during winter, and if I don't make a real solid effort, if carries forth into summer, and results in an entire year effectively on my ass.
I have an incredibly short fuse.
they've each been asked to stop and sort it out by multiple people and because no action is being taken they take that as justification that they're OK
@TrentHawkins I know that feeling all too well. It makes me sad, really.
@Oak basically, it's bad enough that we created a new channel
and then they came in here, to continue stirring up more trouble
@kalina Which then got invaded.
fully aware that we don't want them in here
Well crap. I type to slow, apparently.
@kalina Only one. Not both.
and after asking politely for them to leave, he began pasting quotes from here into the bridge
well that's true I guess
When did 1:30 get here? I need to go to sleep.
@OrigamiRobot 6:30
@OrigamiRobot Sleep when you're like Batman's parents!
@kalina Even worse!
@kalina No sleep is best sleep, isn't it?
@FEichinger I sleep when it is light
@OrigamiRobot 1:30? checks clock oh, hey, it's the 10th. Happy birthday to me.
@TrentHawkins happy birthday
@TrentHawkins Happy birthday!
@TrentHawkins \o/
Okay. Trollish behavior is bannable, looking into it more. Why was there a need to create a new channel, though, in the presence of the ignore mechanism? Was something done to circumvent it?
Thank you, thank you, and thank you!
@Oak Ignore is good on a personal basis. Not when it's intentional disruptive behavior against the entire room.
@Oak because it would have involved every user on the bridge putting them on ignore
the correct solution in that instance is to remove the troublesome users
We removed ourselves, lacking the ability to remove them.
if you note, the entire active userbase of the bridge is in here
or was, some are now sleeping
Minus the ones who are sleeping.
@Fluttershy definitely a faster typer
@Fluttershy Ninja'd again!
I. Am. Inebriated.
I am still awake.
so am I
Stupid Internet
Speaking of sleep... looks to my left damn. Still scheduling. Oh well.
I'm here
@kalina Hush it up, you.
@Fluttershy :p~
@murgatroid99 /)
Oh, we're supposed to say that we're awake?
Yeh, I still am.
@Fluttershy one thing that gets me about this game, is you can walk up to a dude that is stood next to another dude, murder him, and the other dude just stands there oblivious
I envy those people outside the EU. Being able to sleep after the drama.
And finally, have their messages been flagged?
But yes, a good portion of the active Bridge users are in here.
Or before ...
@Oak their messages individually are not flag worthy
@kalina Because you're super silent?
it is the cumulative effect
@Oak Some have, but generally it was messages that weren't flag worthy on their own. And we saw "being distruptive" not exactly as a thing to deal with trough global flags.
@Fluttershy yes but the dude growns through a new hole in his skull and then collapses right there next to the other dude
@Oak The problem with flags is that individual messages are presented without context, and thus, they are invalidated.
we have discussed using the flagging system to remove them but figured it would be an abuse of the system
Okay. I have to go to work - getting late. Will look into it when I am able. Flaggable messages or not, a key premise of participating in chat is to be nice, and this definitely sounds like it deserves a mod's attention.
@Oak thanks for your attention on the matter so far, have fun at work
if it makes you feel any better, I'm off this week
@kalina Me too!
I've been off for the last 10 weeks!
Also, it's still like 80 degrees in here.
oh wow
I've only got three weeks off
and that ends on Monday
@kalina I'm unemployed. =\
@Fluttershy :(
I wouldn't be able to support my addictions if I was unemployed
I have every day off. While I enjoy the perks, I miss the income and independence that came with said income.
tbh, having three weeks off in a row, I feel ready to go back to work
I won't feel like that on Monday for sure
but right now, there is absolutely no structure in my days
@kalina Good luck restructuring in time. It can be a huuuuge pain in the ass.
meh, I don't worry about that, I will leave it until the last minute like always
tbh, if I force my day any further I will probably just stay up all night and then work on my first day back
I find that easier than trying to sleep when I'm wide awake
I find the best way to reset a sleep schedule is to just power through the day and go to sleep at a "normal" time. I used to have to do that fairly often when I worked 24 hour shifts. Especially when I landed them every other day for two weeks.
@Krazer The message removal is getting a little out of hand.
A "little" is probably an understatement although it's obvious his intentions are good
if it's got to that stage though, you might has well just freeze the bridge
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why you gotta pee on electric fences, man?
Please guys just let things settle down
Really, brain? You couldn't come up with a better metaphor than that?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm... a bit worried at how fast you came up with this.
@Krazer I stopped caring a little while ago. He deserves every bit of venom I can muster.
@Fluttershy It's a classic!
@Krazer And I'm gonna say it again, the Bridge needs an ice coat.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is true.
I really don't want to resort to that
@kalina Don't poke the bear. =\
Not that... he's a bear.
Christ... my brain sucks at metaphoring tonight.
he said "girl" gamer, followed by guy gamer without quotations
he was insinuating
it is my prerogative to set fire to him
@kalina I know. But the email bit was unnecessary. As was putting an entire room into timeout for two people, but... whatevs.
@Krazer No offense intended, but why do something now when you all were refusing so clearly to do anything earlier?
@Fluttershy he doesn't want to take action against an individual, freezing the room controls the situation without targeting an individual
@kalina Freezing the entire room just pisses its userbase off.
I didn't say I agreed with him freezing the room
I just detailed why he's doing it
All right, I'm out of here. Roommate's done scheduling, and it's 2:00. I need sleep. Night all
@Unionhawk nn
sigh This has been a long, long night.
Lara "panting while walking" Croft suddenly became suicidal and jumped off a cliff
@kalina I... don't remember this.
@Fluttershy I'm sorry to have to do this. I realize my hesitation has cause unneeded agitation to you guys, but I did feel that the latest "girl" gamer comment did seem out of line.
@FEichinger Yes it has.
@Fluttershy you don't remember her panting while walking?
@Krazer I agree with that. Removing, to an extent, was okay. But I honestly felt the room timeout was unnecessary.
@kalina Yes. I don't remember her jumping off a cliff.
the jumping off a cliff part was me missing a jump
Oh. That makes more sense.
its that silly bit where you're heading towards the research center or w/e
and you have the two lifts stuck that you need to pull into place
second one was swinging a bit too much and I missed it
The room should've been frozen for good in the middle of the chaos earlier, until a decision were formed. Now, it's just too late.
@kalina I died there too!
it's a long way down!
@FEichinger I disagree with this, but that's a discussion for another time. Potentially meta.
@Fluttershy the other mods were suggesting more drastic measures, I just didn't want it to escalate any further than it has.
@kalina Yes it is. Also....... I'd say you're at about 85% now. Maybe closer to 90%.
does this mean that everybody else will die soon?
@Krazer The other mods? You mean the ones who also refused to do anything earlier? I'm not trying to call you out specifically here, and I truly don't intend to be disrespectful... But every one of you has stated that you don't know the whole story behind what's going on.
So I'm just... struggling to understand why action is being taken now.
@Fluttershy Because I started using curse words at a specific individual. Clearly.
@LessPop_MoreFizz YOU! It's your fault!
as punishment, more whisky!
@kalina I am almost out of it.

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