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@BoltClock I'm honestly surprised that she hasn't like... Y'know... Died from severe internal bleeding at this point. Some of the things that have happened throughout my playthrough have been jarringly painful looking. o_O I'd've died like three hundred times by now.
@Fluttershy "Oh god I broke my bones from falling on a pile of bones"
Good afternoon!
I can't figure out if there are more explosions, more fires, or more falling in this game
@Fluttershy I remember an old Apple text game that was essentially, "See if you can ramp over these busses!"
Where you input a ramp angle and speed.
Lara Croft is actually Deadpool after a facelift and boob job
And if you didn't get it right, it would list the things you broke.
Some pretty horrific crashes involved breaking the same parts several times.
@BoltClock It's a tie between fire and falling.
I've also died in severely excruciating ways...
Fall out of a fire into an explosion
Would make for a great epitaph
@BenBrocka That's how Mr. Torgue was born.
@BoltClock Add lasers in and it sounds like a great game.
uh, this must be new
This is shown when you try to vote without logging in
So what
I suppose it replaces the "was this question helpful?" blurb at the bottom of posts
Yeah, and it automatically saves your anonymous feedback when you do that
@OrigamiRobot Doesn't seem to be enough swearing in that situation for Mr. Torgue's birth
@BenBrocka Well you never said there wasn't swearing...
Alex Miller on March 06, 2013

Welcome Back!  Our guest today is the one and only Robert Scoble – blogger and video maker extraordinaire.  He’s joined by the usual Stack Exchange crew for a packed hour of fun.

Robert is a geek who gets around and meets startups and tech innovators. He’s calling from Flipboard‘s headquarters in Palo Alto, CA. Joel wonders if Flipboard is just kind of an echo chamber, but it certainly is not! As with much of the internet, your experience with Flipboard depends on who and what you choose to Follow and Like on your social networks. …

Man... more people need to asking Tomb Raider questions. I made the tag, but it only has two questions so far. =(
Why? Why do people make things 1-indexed instead of 0-indexed?
@StrixVaria Bacon
@Fluttershy I want to post a question but I can't come up with a spoiler-free title
@StrixVaria If you aren't a mathematician, it's easier to understand.
cf VB6.
Hmm, TF2 Beta now has sv_pure support again.
@BoltClock I can't help you with that one. =P I dunno how far you are into the game, so I dunno what you'd be spoilering.
@Fluttershy "I got lucky and posted the first Tomb Raider question and really want the Taxonomist badge"
@Powerlord Well yeah. o_o I figured that was pretty obvious.
@Fluttershy More than halfway through the story, let's just say
@BoltClock I think I am too. Maybe... I just finished Shanty Town.
@Fluttershy Did you have any action cards in your hand?
@Powerlord I don't know what that's referencing. =P
@Fluttershy Hmm I'm way beyond that (and so is my question)
@Fluttershy The Dominion card game. :P
@BoltClock just ask
@Powerlord Nope. Just victory cards.
Avoiding spoilers in titles is a measure of kindness, not a real requirement
@Coronus Good, then you can draw two cards.
@Powerlord Which expansion is that?
Is anyone else having issues connecting to Steam?
@Coronus Intrigue
@AshleyNunn It didn't want to connect this morning.
@Powerlord Yeah, it keeps telling me I am not online,even though, well, I am here, so my internet obviously works
also, I am convinced that the user that keeps asking PM:SS questions is basically using us as a glorified walkthrough.
I know they had scheduled outages yesterday
Q: how do I get to the snifit or whifit level?

user43054I have these levels in world 3 unlocked: 3-1, Leaflitter Path 3-2, The Bafflewood 3-3, Wiggler's Tree House 3-4, Strike Lake 3-5, Loop Loop River And 3-6, Outlook Point. Is there anything like a secret comet piece to get? I don't know how to get to Snifit or Whifit. (I think Snifit or Whifit'...

Q: What can I do with all my EU?

MapCavalierOn my Tekkit server I have several solar arrays and a nuclear reactor producing tonnes of EU, and most of it if going into storage and rarely used en masse. Aside from a mass fabricator, how could I use this EU in a productive way?

Q: When I visit the questions of a tag, some page elements do not function

David Bhttp://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/simcity http://meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/bug When I visit either of the above Clicking on the downward triangle by Stackexchange does not pop its window Clicking on the downward triangle by my user name does not pop its win...

@Lazers This kinda proves my point :P
lol, wicca spam found RPG.SE by mistake
@Powerlord I only played Dominion one time and we didn't use this expansion. It seems really good.
I'll post later maybe
@OrigamiRobot Intrigue is actually the first expansion after the base game.
@OrigamiRobot Oh it is.
@BenBrocka They've spread beyond Arqade! :P
@AshleyNunn Someone asked a couple brain-dead questions about BL2 like that too
What's incredibly frustrating in Dominion is when you miss that there's a really good combo card set on the board.
Self answers are fine but stuff like "How do I reload my gun" "Press the reload key!" is pretty crap
@AshleyNunn arqade gets wicca spam? I didn't even know wicca spam was a thing. What are they selling?
I've probably seen one such post
@Powerlord On the other hand, it's incredibly satisfying to notice one and watch everyone else scramble to catch up.
"deleted:1 wicca" gives 0 results to me
@badp They aren't all outright wiccan, but a lot of spell related questions get spam of this variety
I'll say this, using Dark Age's Shelter cards instead of 3 Estates changes how valuable some cards are.
@AshleyNunn I see you as online.
@BenBrocka This user basically wants us to break down how to get to every.single.level. Asks a question, gets told what level he needs, then asks how to get to that level in a new question
@Coronus weiiiird
Here, I am offline
Wait, "Dr. Wicca?" Seriously? That's like Father Jesus
@AshleyNunn deleted:1 is:answer spell gives a hundred hits but not spam
Try pinging me?
@badp Weird. I know they happen, and I know they are spam.
> deleted by Mark Trapp, jmfsg♦ Jul 24 '12 at 2:31
lol, email ID
that is all
@OrigamiRobot Don't you hate it when there are weird people in your house and they refuse to touch your boyfriend?
@badp Is there a capslock spell?
Ah, there we go, Steam has sorted itself out
@BenBrocka Does this happen often?
@AshleyNunn Hooray!
@badp That's the one I was looking for.
@BenBrocka I mean it's bad enough they are in my house, but not touching my boyfriend? That is just not acceptable.
My browser turns 4 years old in 13 days. It has a dandy rss feature and as a bonus: it messes with the local webdevs when they want to show me their work. By your logic, I suppose no one should release a browser in 2019. — David B 3 mins ago
Hi badp
Internet Explorer 8: Now With RSS™
@AshleyNunn Some people just lack common courtesy.
@DavidB jokes aside I'm not exactly sure IE8 is still supported by the Stack Exchange team
@BenBrocka It's terrible.
that's fine, I'm not demanding anything, just reporting a bug
I haven't tested it with other browsers, so, might be broke for them too
Hm, it seems you're in luck. This was asked a couple weeks ago and it was fixed
If I can't get my responses and new questions by tag at a single url, I'll just visit the main page for responses, and use my rss for questions by tag
while IE8 isn't officially supported, it isn't explicitly unsupported either.
(do the page elements work for you at that url with your 2 year old browser?_
@badp I wish I could "not officially support" IE8.
Huh. Just came across a system with 11 neutron stars
@DavidB sorry? I'm afraid I didn't understand that.
did you follow one of the links and click on the triangles?
@DavidB Which browser would that be?
are you at all interested in the problem? or just your fun
@DavidB Oh. Yeah. Works on IE10 and the latest Chrome Dev
I bumped it down to IE9 works fine there too.
That said I'm not on the dev team for SE so I can't fix the problem for you. I'm sorry
(Nevermind I lack the knowhow to fix it)
@badp I do. Chrome
@Coronus Honestly I'm sure his "local webdevs" have already told him everything there is to know about IE9, IE10, Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac, Linux and pals.
They generally say: "that looks gross, I use Chrome" and then slink away
Yay, back from lunch.
@fbueckert Was it a tasty lunch?
I usually waddle rather than slink, myself
@AshleyNunn Indeed!
so "Darksiders II" is now a franchise?
Is it being sold separately from Darksiders or something?
Has anyone here played Homeworld 2?
@BenBrocka I dunno, the current sale includes Darksiders 1.
Probably just the license to sell that game then as opposed to the rights to publish new titles, maybe?
For instance they're selling publishing rights to some Worms games they published, though Worms as a franchise is still under Team 17
I'm just saying the current Steam sale is for the "Darksiders II franchise"
I'm not talking about the THQ sales.
Testing has begun for one of my projects. Sadly, we don't have an actual QA department, so I have to make do with non-technical people.
@badp That's an odd way to put it, I think, considering there is a game that comes before (judging by the "II")
@fbueckert :(
@fbueckert Many places I've worked don't have a QA department. The business resources (often the ones tasked with helping design the software) get assigned to do the testing.
@AshleyNunn Gotta make do with what we have.
@badp Ohhh. They probably mean "and DLC" and that's their standard template
So, our receptionist is now my tester.
@JasonBerkan That's sorta rough; they helped design it, they know what it's supposed to do.
@fbueckert okay guys. Get a cat. Place it on the keyboard. Now mouse around as randomly as possible. When the cat steps off, place it back on. Repeat until you find a bug.
@badp That kind of QA would give me conniptions.
@badp Maybe the franchise that includes Darksiders II?
@fbueckert Depending on what sort of things you want out of the testing, a person who isn't all up in knowing how it works might find holes better than someone who just goes "eh, yeah, its not quite right, but I can make a workaround because I have skills"
Alternatively, I just have to hand it to @TrentHawkins. He's got a positive talent for breaking my code.
@badp I swear that's the way people use my web app here...
Q: How do I increase the tech level of my industry?

authenticgeekI'd like my city to specialize in electronics, starting with the processor factory. One of the requirements of the processor factory is that I have to have 5 medium-tech industrial buildings in my city but unfortunately I only have low-tech industry. The industrial side of my city is pretty well...

@AshleyNunn Most of it is, "I've tested and fixed what I can. I now need someone who hasn't the foggiest clue what it's supposed to do to poke around and see what dies."
@fbueckert "When the cat vomits and I middle click on the header text, the web server returns undefined"
@badp If the cat's vomiting on your keyboard, you have bigger problems to worry about.
@fbueckert Yeah, my boyfriend will sometimes hand me stuff and be like "use this until it breaks". Apparently I am good at finding new ways to make it break.
@AshleyNunn Grats on your finding of a boyfriend
@badp giggles that sounds like I caught him on a wild safari :P
(Or like a wild pokemon)
Or both
@AshleyNunn uses Flirt!
It's super effective!
@AshleyNunn I wouldn't know, I never found one myself :P
@AshleyNunn Ha!
At least, I like to think it is
imagines @AshleyNunn trapping a guy in a Poké ball
Beat me to it, @agent86
@fbueckert hey, if he breaks his leg or something you just bring him into a Pokécenter and BOOM. He's fixed
@badp ......hey, that would be kinda useful
@badp I sense much abuse in his future.
@badp Hint: If it's safari then you have to throw rocks at them first.
@fbueckert I WOULD NEVER
Did someone say abuse? readies diamond
@RonanForman I do tend to throw rocks at things when I am frustrated
@AshleyNunn Not even if you just bring him to the Pokécenter to fix him?
@fbueckert Hmmmm....maybe. I mean NO. NEVER.
Pokécenter healing is free right?
@badp Yeah, it is.
@BenBrocka I didn't hear anybody say anything.
Medical tech primary reason for animal abuse.
I just barely avoided being sucked into a black hole, and as I passed it another system shot past me so fast I barely saw it
@BenBrocka Hey, I do have one of my own....
The problem in asking in SO is that if it's 18h +/- it take sooooo long to get views/answers T_T
Having been slingshot past the black hole
@AshleyNunn Double the abuse!
@BenBrocka Just how I like it..... :P
I mean
The user has fixed his question. Please be to reopening.
@AshleyNunn Have you been hitting the wine again?
She's so abusive
@fbueckert I am in a terribly boring class. So I am trying to entertain myself.
@fbueckert Done Marshal. Now the question looks very more like a real question =)
@BenBrocka I am not! (How would you know? :P)
@AshleyNunn Wine does make things more entertaining.
@fbueckert I don't have wine in class :(
@AshleyNunn I know. :P I just deliberately misconstrued what you said.
@fbueckert You are mean
@AshleyNunn No, I'm a tease.
@fbueckert you are AVERAGE
@fbueckert Oh, baby.
@badp snorts
Reconcile: comment and question
Somebody hasn't been reading the About page.
@badp You wish.
Why is it that I always get myself in trouble here?
@fbueckert I do wish half of the world was better than you
@AshleyNunn Because trouble is fun?
(I know I know median, average, different things)
@fbueckert It really really is
@badp Sadly, it's not.
@fbueckert I downvoted his question. one more down vote, and he can get the badge peer pressure =)
@AshleyNunn I know...things
@BenBrocka This is what scares me :P
I don't know what things you know
All of the things
If it is because @badp has bugged my room again, I am going to throw rocks
@AshleyNunn again?
@badp Still?
@SaintWacko I did what now to who?
I know you mentioned it at some point.....
@AshleyNunn Better idea: Throw poké balls!
@fbueckert does, now has ALL THE BOYFRIENDS?
(Not that I would mind.)
@AshleyNunn I don't want boyfriends, thank you. You can keep them.
As long as everyone was consenting and such.
Someone stop @AshleyNunn before she starts her own harem anime
pro tip: tossing balls does not help you get boyfriends.
@BenBrocka Shush. It could be fun
@agent86 Oh :(
@AshleyNunn pro tip: having fun is fun
@agent86 So is having a harem of poke-boyfriends!
@AshleyNunn Unless they're too high level, and they ignore your commands.
do poke-boyfriends enjoy being poked?
@AshleyNunn Have you gotten into the wine again?
@AshleyNunn it's the law of diminishing returns. past the first one, I mean, really, there's only so much you have to gain from more.
@OrigamiRobot I AM IN CLASS
@AshleyNunn Not an answer!
@AshleyNunn poké-wine
@agent86 Hey, what if I get bored
LOL 1 upvoted accept 7 upvoted not accepted
@agent86 You beat me to the "off-topic" comment
Sorry, I shouldn't be finding this as funny as I do.
@SaintWacko ahh, gotcha.
@badp What is the wine made from?
@AshleyNunn time
@AshleyNunn just think of the care and feeding. I mean, cats you just let them poop in a box and eat out of a bowl. guys take maintenance.
we poop in a bowl and eat out of a box!
@AshleyNunn Knowing Pokémon, it's produced by something that will horrify you.
that's like... insanity!
@agent86 .....
But cats I can't send home when I get bored.
@fbueckert This is likely.
@agent86 my cat doesn't even need a box to poop in. She can dig her own holes
Fine if I become a single cat lady I BLAME YOU ALL
@AshleyNunn Because blaming the internet fixes all world issues! :P
@fbueckert So far, so good!
@AshleyNunn sure you can. just like boys, they're usually not willing to listen :P
Looking at old answers. i got down vote in this one because the guy think that Kayle should be AD (but that has nothing to do with the question itself) o.O ROLF
@Michel People downvote for lame reasons.
I often downvote for, "I think this question is stupid."
@fbueckert Ok, but is in a question. not in an answer... o.O But I couldn't agree more... people are weird =X
Well, finish my clean up of my stupid / wrong answers hehehe
got autobalanced TWICE in the same match
@badp What are you playing?
@AshleyNunn Don't worry, some (not @agent86) of us aren't like that
Q: How to be successful in making nested circle/donut roads?

ValamasI can make a circle road. I use the shift key to make it an equal roundness. My problem is trying to make another road outside or within that circle. It is rarely anywhere near going inside or outside of it. Usually it is trying to make a half overlap circle offset to a side (like the olympic sy...

I for one eat from a plate
@BenBrocka This is good to know. Taking care of my demanding cat is enough! I need low maintenance men.
@badp Even soup?
Spoken like someone who's never used a soup plate
@BenBrocka A whowhat?
Soup goes in bowls
Soup? Who needs soup.
@AshleyNunn Are they the same bowls as @agent86's?
I generally eat from a plate, bowl or the skulls of my enemies
@BenBrocka Single-use, right? enemy skulls are a ***** to get clean.
Just dump them in the skull bleach-bath
I don't have enemies so I am lacking in skulls
Wee lost power at work!
Got to go home early!
@badp no! Different bowls! shudder
@strixvaria lucky you!
The ironic part is I was actually having fun at work today :P
@AshleyNunn hey, you'll differentiate between plates and bowls and not between bowls and bowls?
@AshleyNunn meow? meeeow meow? meow meow? meowmeowmeowmeowmeow
@agent86 I think he wants water sprayed on him
@BenBrocka hisses and scratches
tries spycap for five minutes. spy cap succeeds
@badp you never really were on our team :(
Q: How much data does SimCity transfer?

coneslayerI live in an area without cable or DSL, so my home Internet connection is a Verizon LTE modem on a limited data plan. I'd like to get the new SimCity, but I'm concerned about how much data is transferred over its "always-on" server connection. Does anyone have any metrics? If it's 10-20 MB per e...

Q: Cannot access location of Shalidor's writings in Wolf-skull cave (skyrim)

Robin LaberI've researched bugs on this quest and have not resolved the inability to access the location of Shalidor's writings when directed to wolfskull cave. I had completed the "The Man Who Cried Wolf" quest before I began the Shalidor's Writings quest, although I do not recall if I received the quest ...

Another evening hacking away with my Pi, another trail of destruction wrought through RPi.SE
@fredley I want one of those.
The device, not the trail of destruction.
@Coronus Buy one. It's not like it'll break the bank
Mine is becoming jukebox
I just found out my boss has a bunch of them. He was totally holding out on me :/
@agent86 The way you said that makes me think he bought a bunch of them and stuck them on a supply shelf and didn't tell anybody.
I had one preordered, but then realized I didn't have much use for it
@SaintWacko Unimaginative
@Coronus he had one on his desk. I don't know what he was doing with it, or how many more he has. I think he knows something. And I'm going to find out what.
cue mission impossible music: dun dun dun DUN dun dun DUN DUN dun dun DUN DUN DUNNNN DUNNN DUNNN.... DUNNN DUNNN DUNNN.... DUN DUN
oh, he's still in his office. will have to wait until later to stealthily descend from the ceiling and investigate.
@fredley I have to justify purchasing one. Not really the money, but getting yet another device to hook up to our TVs, and the time to spend in the evening and weekends is rare.
Did you climb into the ceiling before noticing that?
@Coronus Fair enough
@JasonBerkan psh.... no! of course not.
@agent86 Why are you typing so quietly? Are you still in the ceiling?
i haven't read this yet — axrwkr 16 mins ago
someone left that comment on my answer. I don't know what to make of it.
@Coronus NO! I mean no. certainly not.
@agent86 That's great.
@fredley I wanted it for a media center, but it can't do Netflix
@SaintWacko Yes it can, you're just not trying hard enough
At least I got the Ouya, whenever it comes.
@fredley What? How?
@Coronus "Whenever it comes" - The mantra of Kickstarter backers
@agent86 I... what? Why?
@SaintWacko Just implement the necessary APIs, for Netflix and XBMC plugin
@OrigamiRobot perhaps he's using the comment to bookmark it for later reading? I am unsure.
@fredley And LEAP preorders.
Shovelling complete for the moment.
Fuck mediafire and all such places that refuse to work with wget
@fredley Last I heard, the XBMC plugin didn't actually show video
@SaintWacko Oh, Raspbmc is epic. Had it on there until recently
HD video from attached 1TB drive, could push YT videos from phone via Yatsee
@fredley So it boots off the card, right? So if you wanted to switch functions all you'd have to do is power down and switch cards?
@Coronus Yes
@fredley Yep. I need one.
@Coronus I'm doing the Airplay speaker thing, to make a jukebox for work
On the final step, I wonder if it's worked...
lol I was using JSLint trying to find out which misplaced curly brace is breaking my code, and I noticed one of the options is "Tolerate Stupidity" Why would anyone click that on?
@fredley Have you done Minecraft: Pi Edition with it?
@Coronus No
A: JSLint's 'Tolerate Stupidity'

eyelidlessnessAccording to the documentation, it does this: true if blocking ('...Sync') methods can be used. Evidently Node Sync methods are blocking, and Crockford hates blocking operations in JS. Note: There's a lot of stuff JSLint is picky about that may be more a matter of taste than a matter of co...

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