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@fossfreedom: looks like UAdapter's account was hacked :/
@Takkat Why so?
@AmithKK Well, I never saw a post from them worded like the one today, now deleted.
Ah I need to wake up at 4:30 in the morning tommorrow
Sounds like an illegal time to wake up ;)
Town Hall Chat :P
well... it's saner than 2:30
<E> not enough light to wake up from sleep
I thought it was today ;p
No probs
its a saner hour for me, just happens to be when I walk my dog
Oh my god
Tomorrow's THC and day after tommorrow's the computer exam
Ok long day tommorrow
Amith's Java Hotline ;)
> Kite tablet will run Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Android 4.0 together as dual boot.
@Takkat probably having a bad day - all behind the scene stuff is coming from from his native poland - thus it points to UA being a bit p**** from an earlier comment from another of his answers.
@fossfreedom yeah altered mental states are another possibility ;)
They may have Popielec today in Poland.
Over here it's the day of hang-over, rather.
Hello everyone!
quick question what is the difference between the packages vim and vim-gtk
anyone please assist :)
one is command line interface and the other is GUI
can I install both?
@jokerdino thanks
hi all
I reviewed all questions on my queue :( Now what to do with myself
@mojo706 ... answer the 20000 unanswered questions .... :P
20K? :(
yeah just 20k
21,966 to be exact.
BBL let me answer some more questions as suggested by @jokerdino :)
@mojo706 Go for Necromancer :)
I don't have that yet. How do I answer older questions because everyone looks at the new questions?
if you answer, that question comes to the top
In the active list view
1 hour later…
I have answered only 2 questions and its been an hour wtf
There mostly is a reason for them to be unanswered ;)
some are way beyond my level and others I dont know what to say and have flagged a couple
Quick question: Can Deja Dup do backups of directories?
dunno - never used it.
have you ever used any back up tools?
<-- backups are bad for people who like adventures
I use rsync on an irregular basis
I rarely backup my OS or settings, only important data from HOME.
Ok thanks
Once I accidentally restored a really old backup instead of backing up my new stuff. This will never happen again, I hope ;)
Q: "Unable to resolve hostname" - how to cleanly change hostname without rebooting

Mark AmeryAt work, I work on a small website using Ubuntu servers hosted on Amazon EC2 instances. We have two webservers, and at any given time one of them is 'live' and one is 'testing', but when we've got our new features or bugfixes working on the 'testing' server, we run a script that uses the AWS API ...

hahaha backup if what?
Then I thought: if only I had never started to back up I still would have my data.
But then my drive had a crash and taught me better.
@FEichinger is this good news?
I don't like it, because this means instead of getting everyone to use the same standards, we just go the lazy route and use the same engine everywhere ...
But it's a step forward in regards to complying with those standards.
this is good because I for one I'm tired of all those browser prefixes. If all browsers used webkit then it will be standardized then we will stop with all the pre-fixes but also there will be reduced competition.
The prefixes exist for a reason.
Basically, what I expected to see was all three major engines complying with the standards the W3C spurts out.
@FEichinger that takes time unfortunately
I'll bet good money that WebKit will be forked by all three and turned into individual engines again, though.
(Yes, this means I also expect Mozilla to scrap Gecko.)
:( who built webkit?
Basically: Apple.
But it's Open Source, so ... Google, Adobe - and now Opera - all contribute as well.
How can Firefox scrap gecko when they have b2g coming up?
Gecko is a slow, bloated pile of ... Yeh. If Mozilla want to be anywhere remotely close to the top now that everything uses WebKit, they either blatantly copy WebKit's rendering, or they just use WebKit.
true. Html5test.com clearly shows the difference
If a user answers his/her own question is there a way to mark it as closed
@mojo706 just ask the OP to accept his own answer. If the OP has long gone - then either upvote him - or if a poor answer, flag as too localised and we can judge if to close.
Otherwise, there's no need to close questions that have been "self" answered, IMO.
@mojo706, with reference to askubuntu.com/questions/254611/… ?
Oh ok
A question is assumed to be answered if it has an answer with 2 votes or more.
no no. just one vote is enough
even if the answer doesn't help the OP?
why would you vote on an answer that doesn't help?!?!
that doesnt help an OP. it may help solve my problem but doesn't help solve your problem?
My Classroom session about ISO tests starts in 25 minutes!
Hmm 15 votes till my first Silver badge
@smartboyhw on which channel?
can I be a passive participant?
I have voted on answers that did not help me
That is why @jokerdino has so many upvotes (Drum roll!!! ^^)
@LuisAlvarado true
Not funny if jokerdino says nothing -.-
Joke going down the drain in 3..2..1..
....gone :(
Let us pray for the soul of joke, may joke heaven take thee. I remember when joke made me laugh.. yeap we had some funny times.. Joke I will miss you
@mojo706 #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat in freenode
@smartboyhw TY
@LuisAlvarado >_>
I had prepared a joke for Roland, if I am not online feel free to point Roland to it ^^
Based on his picture from yesterday hehe
user image
@LuisAlvarado Just ping @RolandiXor on that:P
Good joke BTW
@RolandiXor - Weird a couple of seconds ago doing @ on roland did not work, now it does.
@RolandiXor - Sup buddy!
@LuisAlvarado hahaha what is CCS3 new technology perhaps?
Stupid classbot
been waiting :(
@mojo706 Not my fault
@smartboyhw will there be a vid because I'm about to leave :(
@mojo706 just IRC scrollback
Thanks BBL
well, there goes the town. Opera is switching to webkit. :(
@mojo706 what @jrg said
@jrg what!?
3 hours ago, by FEichinger
ugh ... http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/13/3983594/opera-will-shift-to-webkit-rendering
You're late to the party, I'm afraid :P
@FEichinger: that makes me oddly sad
@jrg Wonder why they mention Chromium: "It makes more sense to have our experts working with the open source communities to further improve WebKit and Chromium, rather than developing our own rendering engine further." I know that Chromium is WebKit-based but why do they want to improve Chromium and not just WebKit?
@vasa1: thats a good question
maybe they are forking off the chromium webkit build?
what was that rendering engine started by the kde people?
webkit was a fork of that
KHTML is the HTML layout engine developed by the KDE project. It is the engine used by the Konqueror web browser. A forked version of KHTML called WebKit is used by several web browsers, among them Safari and Google Chrome. Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, KHTML is free software. Built on the KPart framework and written in C++, KHTML has relatively good support for Web standards. To render as many pages as possible, some extra abilities and quirks from Internet Explorer are also supported, even though those are non-standard. History Origins KHTML w...
right then. kde way up there
Q: What highly user-friendly distros are there?

cipricusI gave up Windows for Linux for more than a year now. I initially used Xubuntu 11.10, and then Lubuntu, up to 12.10. Trying to test other Linux distributions than those of Ubuntu, I found that Debian and Fedora as such are not for a newbie like me (one that will stay a newbie), but that having st...

I seem to have stabilised at 43 votes
@AmithKK Good
According to the current trend
1 Jokerdino
2. Luis Alvardo
3. RolandiXor
@AmithKK that's why I said in the election chatroom that the result will be Luis Rolandino
I'm still waking up at 4:30 :P
@AmithKK meh
@AmithKK I'll go asleep soon
@LuisAlvarado hahaha
Vote Amithkk for congress!
@RolandiXor Hahaha
I wonder what will happen if 4 people withdraw now
You mean 5, no?
If 4 withdraw now, one will still be eliminated.
@FEichinger yeah
@RolandiXor you'll be there at 4:30AM IST tommorrow right?
@AmithKK you mean 7 tonight?
(that's the time I was told in my email)
Q: What are the most effective ways to guide new users?

Monica CellioNew users' first contributions to a site, by their nature, often require improvement. There are different methods of dealing with this, and I am looking for evidence that would help understand which are most effective, where "effective" means "this person becomes a positive contributor for the s...

This could be potentially interesting.
@FEichinger Well, argument for sure. The question seems to presume that new users share common features.
I assume it'll get closed as not constructive.
But I'm definitely gonna watch it. Might show some interesting ideas.
Good Night
That user still exists O_o
weird chat flag
aren't they always weird XD
flag from The bridge
I bet.
I heard they have weird flags.
they sometimes flag everything.
in The Bridge, 2 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
Stop flagging stupid things.
there we go.
Well I'm only half way to 10k chat.
@jokerdino Do they always get user from other rooms?
If you flag, every 10k+ gets a ping.
and naturally, they visit the chat room to check things out
Once we had 5 users drop in
though they were following a spam user.
why italicize they?
Wow it's actually quite easy to get reps within 15 min.
@smartboyhw I am watching you on the front page >:)
@jokerdino because they weren't following a flag.
@Seth lol
should have emphasized on the spam user.
@jokerdino shrug shrug shrug
@Seth lol
look at this:
Q: how to install two ubuntus?

UAdapterI have edubuntu and I have installed ubuntu64. but only edubuntu is booting. how to make grub understand that there are 2 ubuntus.

i know him from somewhere
@jokerdino le me get a link
hm, Takkat was mentioning him earlier today. He was swearing apparently.
good grief.
8 hours ago, by Takkat
@fossfreedom: looks like UAdapter's account was hacked :/
That's the reason I remembered his name. But good find yourself.
Q: how to start script in console in auto-start on lubuntu?

UAdapterI want to run script after every login and see the output of it in console in gnome startx thing. How to do it ?

@jokerdino Hrmm... I don't know what he normally acts like, so I'll take Takkat's word for it.
Hmm his account was really hacked...
Doesn't make sense for a 1100-rep person to ask this.
@smartboyhw you'd be surprised... some of the stuff you see from users...
Ask like that? Yes. Comment like that? Nowai.
Some people know the rules by 1k others don't know them at 10k
it all depends.
@Seth I know the rules at 10:-P
well so did I..
but its true.
Users don't know the rules.
Why the "hacker" doesn't target SO is beyond me.
oh grrr. sigh
@FEichinger nice doubt
No doubt. SO just feels like a much more rewarding target.
@FEichinger What hacker would hack their learning source?
@Mahesh --^
tic tac toe!!
 X |   |
   |   |
   |   |
@FEichinger ah, new channel?
i wouldn't mind playing ;)
Seems like a surprisingly good idea, actually.
lol more
never mind.
@Seth ?
If you really want to see:
People can't be nice.
Being nice is not optional. A nice comment about re-opening this was all that was needed. Also, have you seen this? — Seth 6 secs ago
@Seth nice
Ah, spammy user is gone.
Q: Is there a difference in resource use/requirements between Ubuntu and Debian versions of Linux Mint (under the same DE)?

cipricusI intend to use Linux Mint on a RAM/1GB laptop. I'm used with Xfce and LXDE and I see that both Linux Mint 14 Nadia and Linux Mint Debian have Xfce versions. Is there a reason to prefer one to the other - from this point of view?

Remember what I said about weird questions yesterday... well...
Q: Not receiving emails from blocked e-commerce sites

jacob2106Ubuntu blocks two of my e-mail sites that have to do with building a computer. I guess that means I'll be stuck with Secure Boot or another distro. These are not porn sites they are newegg.com and tomshardware.com. And I can't even ask why gwibber doesn't work.

Quote of the day - "I have never been skydiving, but I have zoomed in on Google Earth really fast!"
You don't seem to be asking a question here, just ranting. If you have a real question please ask again and try to be descriptive. This question will be closed soon. Thanks! — Seth 6 secs ago
@Seth yes!! that's the word to describe that question. Ranting.
Oh my word.
this is getting scary
They are really working on catching reviewers who don't do anything.
@Seth Can you review the Suggested Edits queue?
@Lucio Yes, not in SO though
because I made a wrong edit :)
@Seth I mean here.
@Lucio oh? Just send me a link
Or submit another edit.
This is the question: askubuntu.com/q/254642/62483
@Seth I was wondering that
is ok?
Yes I think it's fine.
It certainly didn't need the tag.
May I put sorry in the summary :)
Can if you want, though I'd be a little more descriptive.
@Lucio remove the "removed unnecessary info" then it's even better ;)
You can link directly to your suggested edits in the queue from this page.
@Takkat yep
And thus, I think he means that one.
@FEichinger your right
@Lucio approved.
Once edits pop in in seconds it's hard to refresh the browser... :)
Thanks man ;)
You are *The fastest in the west*
Well, we are talking about the edit here... I suppose we'd watch the queue :)
@Lucio see me playing "Catch the Snail" :P
@Takkat ha, I have no idea what do you mean
Have you ever felt the only programming questions you have to ask are the dumbest?
I feel like that right now.
@Lucio to get the idea youtu.be/sZB4vm-M1fM
eh, no clip fish for the US
@Takkat is .de Germany?
eh look for another source then, sorry.
Youtube'd it. Usually it's no YouTube in Germany ;P
Oh? No youtube in Germany?
Many clips are banned. Really bad. It's the copyright holders who block it via the evil GEMA
We then need a US proxy to be able to watch.
Ah, I see. Awful. What happen to the reason for the internet?
It's not done by the government so there is not much to be worried about, but I worry about private companies who have that much influence.
It must take quite an effort to make Google block certain content.
meh, its what this place is made of. Private companies with that much influence.
Its not fun.
@Seth Indeed. Once they start blocking each other it's really no fun.
that would be funny..ish.
But it may be the rescue of the world: MS is blocking Apple is blocking Google is blocking MS, what remains is Ubuntu \o/
Ubuntu and Webkit.
I can't think of a good reason for Google to block MS though.
@Takkat Gecko rules.
Google bans MS for banning Apple who was banned by Google for banning MS...
now that would totally happen. Hacktivism.. meh.
Hey guys. I just converted my mother to Ubuntu
However there's a persistent problem with her wifi
Q: Ndiswrapper periodically hangs

SirCharloI have a strange problem with ndiswrapper apparently crashing periodically. This hangs my Internet connection, until I run: sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper sudo modprobe ndiswrapper Then all is well, until it hangs again for some unknown reason. The frequency of the crashes is somewhat erratic, b...

Just thought I'd give it a shot here before she flips out too much :)
Since you are using ndiswrapper, I assume the shipped drivers don't suffice?
No exactly.
Its a Realtek
Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8190 802.11n Wireless LAN
you might be better off buying her a new card.
@JorgeCastro Can I ask you a quick question?
(of course yes.)
I'm trying to clear out some of the new tags created that aren't needed.
I was told that if I remove the tag it will just die (eventually)
It doesn't stay around for the edit history?
I'm not sure
I think it's like 30 days for tag culling unless it's used?
OK. I'll go look around MSO
I'll have to keep my eye out if it's 30 days :/
@JorgeCastro :S
@JorgeCastro Really?
yeah, ndiswrapper is just a hack, it's going to break
@JorgeCastro Any recommended wifi pci-express cards list somewhere? i dont wanna have the same problems again
no clue offhand, let me check
hey check that out
it's like USB and 12 bucks
@Aditya Did you see my keyboard mapping question?
(I usually just search for ubuntu or linux on newegg or amazon)
I have this one and it works plug and play:
software isn't good at all, but it works fine on Ubuntu and (most) versions of Windows off the bat, without the software.
And there aren't any disadvanteges in using a usb dongle vs a pci card?
It takes a whole USB port.
@Seth Yes I have.... This seems to go over my head... However, I would again look at it tomorrow :)
@Aditya OK :)
@SirCharlo lol. I don't think there is a big difference. <-- Personal opinion.
Replacing the dongle doesn't require opening up the whole thing. :P
... or having an open PC.
+ 6 shipping.
@SirCharlo ooh, ouch.
what about ebay cards? any worries about those? if i get a card thats based on a suported chipset i should be fine, right?
Oh, where is my "in eBay we trust" picture ...
Dammit! Wrong HDD :(
Cross-compiling is fun.
@SirCharlo also think of a Wifi-Ethernet bridge as an alternative. No drivers needed.
@Takkat never heard of it
It converts Wifi to Ethernet and works at every LAN port.
You can plug this into anything that has a LAN port (including TV-set, printer, Laptop, Desktop,...).

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