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Hello, I go by Draupadi
I'm new.
@Draupadi hello! welcome
let us know if you've got any questions
As of right now I'm more in the business of answering them, if you had not yet noticed.
@Draupadi haven't really looked at the site much today, and when I have I tend to have a myopia for 4e questions
It's not just been 4e.
In fact I've only answered one 4e question. Besides, haven't we spoken before, wax eagle?
About the Exalted tagwiki?
@Draupadi I believe we have :)
@Draupadi I'm saying I tend to only see 4e questions
I'm a silly foreigner, I don't speak English as well as I'd like.
There's a number of questions for various systems. More popular systems have more questions. Doesn't make them any more or less valued to their respective fans.
@Draupadi it's ok, i'm not always as clear as I'd like to be either
And systems with their own strong online communities also tend to have less questions, from what I can tell.
Well, less questions here.
@Draupadi exactly. When it's easy to get an answer on the publisher/other community's site there isn't a need to come here. Although even some healthy communities benefit from here just to get away from the forum noise
Yeah, definitely.
The Exalted forums are filled with noise.
A lot of speculation noise right now.
Since 3e is coming
1 hour later…
@Novian This would be an argument my group has for gridded combat.
Hi, @Draupadi!
Hey all! Happy Friday!
@Cat Salutations.
Thanks BESW!
How goes your day/evening?
@Cat Got up early to prep for an all-day D&D 4e session.
As it's 7:30am for me, that's about the extent of my day so far.
Wow - dedication!
I should really spend the rest of my evening prepping a bit for a session with my nephews tomorrow, but I feel more like uncapping a drink and relaxing
Perhaps the drink will inspire me to greater DnD heights, lol
@Cat One of the best GMs I've ever worked with did no prep at all; he was a maths guy with fifteen years' experience in 3.5, who could run all the NPCs on gut-level "how they should be" in his head, and his plots were pretty free-range.
Wish I had that "problem", lol
I'm not experienced enough as a DM to do that.
Although it is easier with my nephews, as we bend/stretch/break the rules quite a bit
Most GMs never are, and many have no interest in getting that way.
I'd like to eventually get to that point, but I'll need to game more regularly to do so
I do a lot of mechanical prep, especially for NPCs/monsters.
Me too.
I used to run D&D that way
It's part of the fun for me
Then I got bored of D&D
although it means more prep time
It's still a pretty useful skill for impromptu games.
But I was thrown into the deep end of the pool prep-wise; my first D&D session was my first RPG session and my first session as GM.
I don't play DnD often enough to get bored of it, though I do wish I could be a player again occasionally
Kudos to you for having the guts to do so!
I had ten pages of notes and halfway through the first page, the PCs walked away from my plot to save people from burning buildings and urinate on the mayor's doorstep.
I started with 2e, as a GM, with experienced players.
It was ... interesting.
But at least they weren't horrible players.
I played some 2 e, but didn't attach to it as much as 3.5
They just didn't want to GM and made the newbie do it.
So I did.
We had a lot of fun, and I learned how to improvise very quickly. I still feel more comfortable with NPC prep at the very least.
I guess it depends on what you're looking for (or it might just have been my 2e DM)
And it started rocky but eventually became awesome.
What I like about 2e are the settings.
@Draupadi yeah, that was me. Though none of the others were a lot more experienced.
Al-Qadim, Ravenloft, Planescape, Dragonlance
@Draupadi I fell in love with 4e's Points of Light setting.
Oooh, oldschool Dragonlance.
Draconians were a nightmare to fight.
Points of light can be fun, but it's not what I always wanna play.
And 4e really insists on it.
I can enjoy 4e if I pretend it's not D&D. :P
Just doesn't scratch the D&D itch for me.
@Draupadi Not really. They've got several other settings (Eberron, FR, Dark Sun), and the whole thrust of PoL is that it's very mushy and you can turn it whatever direction you want.
The PoL background material is deliberately contradictory to emphasis that it's a backdrop for the GM's world, not a replacement.
Dark Sun has always been PoL-y and they turned FR into a PoL-y setting
I like the Eberron setting (as written for 3.5 anyway)
Eberron was raped for 4e
That's sad.
Ruined all that made it cool.
@Draupadi I get that. My old group tried 4e and it didn't work for them at all. My new group (I moved) is totally the opposite.
And as I said, I can enjoy 4e
As long as I pretend it's not D&D
It's good as a game on its own.
It just doesn't do what I want out D&D
[shrug] I prefer my own settings, where I can make the world conform to be the best storytelling environment for my players' needs. I ran with some settings lawyers early on who were constantly telling me I was wrong about my world. I soured on that fast.
If I had more time, I'd like my own worlds, but I just don't
I like to build off of the foundations given by the settings books
It's still easy to personalize the setting to suit one's own style
@Cat Yeah, my more ambitious campaigns usually have at least a month of prep time involved. I'm trying to teach myself to be less ambitious.
I don't like games which don't come with a setting.
I don't have the time to flesh out a setting.
Yeah, I like to at least have a base setting to get my imagination started
I have money to make and children to raise.
I want to choose just one of the 4e battlemind's mark punishments for this NPC; which is most iconic?
If a player makes it explicitly clear that he's okay with the death of his wizard because he has a backup samurai he's equally interested in playing, and I think the samurai will be more interesting for the story, is it acceptable to load for bear against the wizard?
And does the fact that the samurai is a goblin make it any better?
Story always wins.
(Within reason. No your jetpack gunslinger isn't suitable for the story.)
@MadMAxJr I did once run a campaign where the multiverse was falling apart to the point where any d20-compatible PC was accepted (with final DM approval, of course). Balance was... not something that campaign considered important.
@BESW time to get out your killin' gloves ;)
If I can run a game and the players aren't wanting to kill each other away from the table 3 months in, it's a success.

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