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apparently this week is my most active week ever on chat
with somewhat over 1.5k messages
I will shuttup now
@pixel wild applause
how rude
Okay, this is getting really weird. The post which I had pinged @badp earlier to delete the spam answers hours ago still shows 5 answers even though 4 of them are long gone
@YiJiang Maybe if you added another one?
@badp Yes! I shall spam the site! FOR SCIENCE!
Actually, it'll be easier to just post this on MSO and reap sweet meaningless MSO rep
meh mso
@BenBrocka A wild applause appears!
Fixed font my ass
Q: Is "The Challenger" achievement broken in Halo 4?

KeithThere is an Halo 4 achievement that reads: The Challenger Complete 25 Challenges. My Spartan record shows 25 challenges complete, but I don't have this achievement. What am I missing? Is this achievement broken? If so is there anything I can do to get it to work?

Q: Further skill points and levels in borderlands 2

mr.user1065741Is it possible to get more than level 50 in borderlands 2 in any way? Maybe dlc? Or is it possible to gain extra skill points to unlock further skills? I know there was doc for borderlands 1 but can't find anything about borderlands 2?

@BenBrocka Your ass is in fixed font? Does... that hurt?
No, but it means I can moon people over IRC
Time for work. In my stead, I give you hardcore (NSFW lyrics)
@BenBrocka that's not hardcore, just saying
English Slang

Proposed Q&A site for English slang enthusiasts.

Currently in definition.

took me a while to find it
@BenBrocka badly renditioned unofficial remix of planet funk - taste the sun at techno speeds with hardstyle elements
Awww it doesn't one box proposal questions :(
hardcore is a much faster and completely different genre
with sarah and pae doing the melborne shuffle throughout the video
probably the only slightly good thing in the whole video
@pixel You're right. This is hardcore:
every major genre has a 'hardcore' category
I was specifically talking about dance music's hardcore
Actually, I'm pretty sure that hardcore punk was 1) the first, and 2) Has always been the one that gets to get away with being just 'hardcore' with no further descriptor.
depends who you're talking to
most people until 20 won't have a clue what you're talking about if you call that hardcore
and lets face it, those under 20 are the 'future'
Yeah, well most teenagers are idiots
hey, I clarified that each major genre (by which I mean 'Dance', 'Rock', etc rather than subgenres like 'Trance', 'Electro') has their own interpretation of hardcore
I mainly just wanted an excuse to link a Minor Threat song.
<3 Ian Mackeye.
@pixel You forgot these
after looking for an example of hardcore, I've decided I don't like any new hardcore and I'm stuck at around 2004
Q: How does weapon unlocking work? How do I quickly unlock the next weapon?

galacticninjaI'm currently getting parts to the Gatling Gun. How does unlocking a weapon work (what causes the weapon parts dropping)? Also, how can I quickly unlock the next weapon? Any tips or tricks in getting those weapon parts to drop frequently?

this will do
oh, that's a new remix
@Pixel /s/2004/1998 and we are the same!
you know, I chose a lower case p on purpose, not because I forgot to hold shift
all new hardcore steals too much from other genres
the current flavor of the moment is mixing electro and dubstep together at 172+bpm
which is fine, but if I wanted to listen to dubstep, I'd listen to actual dubstep
and if I wanted to listen to electro, I'd listen to actual electro
then again, 2002-2005 was all just stealing from trance
^ funny
it would have made more sense to star the picture imo
"Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever."
@pixel But I can't see the picture
@OrigamiRobot you can't see facebook at work?
can you see imgur?
Now it's like a way to cheat the system and star the message above it in the star list twice
@pixel Nope.
you can get on a website clearly labelled as CHAT but you can't see pictures?
"The lamp just sat there, like an inanimate object."
@pixel I can't get to gaming.se but I can get to boardgames.se
@OrigamiRobot you know, that means your previous visiting of gaming resulted in it getting blacklisted. I hope you're happy with yourself, your actions have deprived others of our collective greatness...
@pixel I've never been able to see gaming
so you say
I do say
So now its your evil corrupted robot brain versus... well, me.
We all know how that is going to end
Most likely with my kidnapping and extermination to keep the truth from being revealed, followed by a campaign of fold all humans
I'll clearly be the victor. You're just a purple feather or sommat.
it's an angel, your image recognition is faulty
just like my spell checker
You look more like a grape juice stain to me.
If I push you in the sand at recess, it means I like you.
You've never been the same since I left you for Guild Wars 2
She was a lot like you. (Maybe not quite as heavy)
Good morning, Bridge
@pixel I do want to get and enjoy GW2, but I'm hesitant.
@OrigamiRobot Stop being hesitant!
Everyone cool is playing it now. I feel left out. :(
@OrigamiRobot you'll have to wait for a week to get on the same server anyway
It is one hell of a grind, but it lacks a lot of the elements that makes it feel like a grind
@OrigamiRobot Crystal Deserts is so full
@OrigamiRobot I'm not!
but, transfers between servers are free at the moment and very very easy
@fbueckert You're not everyone
@fbueckert Fixed.
@OrigamiRobot +1
And since NCSoft published it, I never will.
@fbueckert what is your issue with ncsoft?
@pixel Hello? Killed City of Heroes with no warning and no reason?
Oh that's the same company that did that?
@fbueckert Hello? Never played that
Man, that pisses me off even though I never played CoH.
On the plus side, if I end up not liking it, I can turn my GW2 stuff into D3 stuff.
Treated everybody that paid for it like second class citizens by just going, "Nope. It's going down. Sorry."
@InvaderSkoodge Uh yeah.
125 minutes until hometime
145 minutes until I continue my grind to level 21
You didn't know NCSoft was funding CoH/CoV?
180 minutes until I reach level 21
@fbueckert Don't whine to me. I never got to play Steel Battalion online!
240 minutes until I reach level 22
300 minutes until I reach level 23
@OrigamiRobot I'm not whining.
@Powerlord I don't pay that much attention to publishers, usually. I just know the big guns like Activision and EA.
I've heard the names of others, but I don't know what games they do.
@fbueckert I didn't say you were. I said don't. So don't start.
tbh it's probably less than an hour per level, I have to say that lastnight I thought it was a lot later than it was every single time I looked at the clock
@OrigamiRobot I would've loved to play that.
Lots of buttons to press.
I have the game, just not the multiplayer version. And now there is no reason to get it
Q: What platforms of the Death Rally remake does the [death-rally-2012] tag cover?

galacticninjaDoes death-rally-2012 refer to the Death Rally remake for the PC released in 2012 only? From watching Youtube videos of the Death Rally remake on the iPhone, it seems that the iOS and PC versions are the same game. (Can anyone verify?) If so, they should both be covered by one tag only. And if...

@fbueckert Three buttons and five switches are dedicated to starting the mech.
@OrigamiRobot Yup, would've loved to play that.
@fbueckert you play Eve, don't you?
@pixel Nope
@fbueckert I'm sure you can still buy it somewhere.
have you for any period of time in the past?
I love the concept of Eve, but I would hate having to play with other people.
@pixel Nope. Never.
You hate playing games with other people??
@pixel Seeing as how 99% of people aren't worth knowing, yes.
Hmmmm the Thanksgiving break did cause Diablo 3 to release its hold on me... @InvaderSkoodge is Guild Wars 2 stupid?
@fbueckert I dislike the concept of Eve. Particularly the part where your ships can be killed and you get to start it all over from iirc an escape pod.
@fbueckert The Bridge is the 1%
@OrigamiRobot no, GW2 is good
@fbueckert you are so cynical, even I don't hold such opinions of humanity
@pixel I have to consult Strix on these things.
@pixel You will, young padawan. You will.
@OrigamiRobot consult strix all you want, I'm the impossible to please person here
@OrigamiRobot Hence why all of you are on my friends list for D3, and almost no one else.
@fbueckert you didn't let me finish... with rounding I believe 100% of people aren't worth knowing, the number of worthwhile people is that small
19 hours ago, by pixel
@OrigamiRobot <3
Not so impossible.
@pixel So...tell me why I should put up having to deal with those people, then?
@OrigamiRobot less than three indicates nothing relevant to your argument
@fbueckert I don't know, stop asking me hard questions, I finished school, I don't have to answer them anymore
I assumed you were saying I was less than three. Don't humans rate each other using golf rules?
@pixel If you turn off your brain after you finish high school, you've just chopped off the entire reason you went to school in the first place. :P
@OrigamiRobot what? gold rules?
@pixel As in, a lower score is better.
@fbueckert that is such an assumption, I merely said I didn't have to answer questions on demand anymore, not that I stopped thinking
@OrigamiRobot oh I use a scale of 1-10, with 1 being low, 10 being high, and the number 11 indicating almost orgasmic levels of approval
ahem I am a robot. I don't know what you mean.
@pixel Valid assumption to make, based on your statement.
@fbueckert but I said "don't have to answer" !
@OrigamiRobot exactly, which is why you'll never receive an 11
in fact, you got <3
Eh. This discussion bores me now.
@fbueckert the way I see it, it killed 15 minutes of my day, leaving me with 110 left
@pixel Oh, so I'm just here to provide amusement for you? :P
@fbueckert I didn't say those words
was thinking them pretty loudly though
@pixel I should go get my clown suit, then.
To do a proper job of amusing you.
@fbueckert oh, you're not wearing it already? :o
@pixel Ouch. That's cold.
@fbueckert if it's any consolation, I've just been asked why I am giggling at my pc
"sql isn't that funny", they said
"you haven't seen some of these triggers", I responded
@pixel Heh.
I have made you laugh, and that means my job is complete.
2 days ago, by OrigamiRobot
♫ @pixel and @fbueckert sitting in a tree. ♫ I dont know what humans do in trees so that's all I got.
@OrigamiRobot No.
@OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
@OrigamiRobot Just so you know, Strix bought it after the free weekend. Safe to say he likes it.
counterpoint, @badp didn't
@InvaderSkoodge Should I get it?
@OrigamiRobot Sudden but inevitable.
@OrigamiRobot The combat isn't as active as D3.
It's more about pressing buttons in the right order than actually reacting to anything.
If that doesn't bother you, then yes you should get it.
@InvaderSkoodge I don't know what that means.
Dodging requires reacting
@pixel I like this.
the combat is pretty much identical to TSW
Never played it
with the exception that they've allowed you to autofire with one ability
@OrigamiRobot B A CON I N G!
no defence stats, dodging it done by double tapping or pressing the dodge button and needs to be done right
but done right, you take no damage
There are defense stats, though.
yeah, armour and toughness
@pixel Except you can have more than one quest at a time, right?
not defence in terms of dodge/parry
@Powerlord You don't really "have" quests.
@Powerlord you could in TSW, you were just limited to the types of quests in TSW
(Seriously, that's the thing that annoyed me the most about TSW... only non-sidequest at a time)
The quests that are active are based on where you are.
and yeah, it's not really a 'quest' system
the only real quest you have is your story quest
everything else unfolds as you're exploring
Compare the combat to GW1
@InvaderSkoodge I'm... not sure I'd like that.
@Powerlord it works exceptionally well
feels very natural and intuitive
@OrigamiRobot I didn't play GW1
and if you had to use the word 'quest', they're not quests like you know them
instead of kill X collect Y
@Powerlord It's about a millionty times better than TSW.
I don't have much other MMO experience.
its more like 'welcome to the area, could you do <any of this list of things> for me please'?
@InvaderSkoodge yeah it feels a lot less clunky than TSW
@pixel I just don't think I like the "your goals change depending on where you are."
@Powerlord you don't lose any progress, so if you're in one area and do 99%, but then head out to another area, you won't lose that 99%
with the exception of dynamic events, where the dynamic event might not be active when you go back
And yes, you can argue in the other direction, pointing at WoW and its cross-the-world style quests... but they finally ditched those when they redid the old world in December 2010.
@Powerlord no, WoW is still full of 'get me 10 heads'
@pixel It has some, but a lot less than it used to have.
GW2 does have 'kill stuff' quests, but it's not just 'kill stuff'
> Guild Wars has been likened to collectible card games such as Magic: The Gathering because of the way the different skills interact.
they're more like 'kill stuff, or collect these, or fix those, or do these things - or do a nice big mixture of them as you please'
and WoW's changes to use instancing in the old world means that as you complete quests, you can see what effects those quests have on the world. The best example of this in the old world being in Stonetalon Mountains where a giant bomb is used to blow away an entire forest area.
WoW is not really comparable to GW2
GW2 is a next generation MMO
WoW is last generation
@OrigamiRobot @InvaderSkoodge is this true?
That doesn't make any sense to me.
@InvaderSkoodge I think it's in reference to the combo stuff
There are skills that create "fields" and other skills that, when cast in "fields", have bonus effects.
opening attacks/builders/finishers
That doesn't have anything to do with CCGs though.
Man, I want another Homeworld.
Wait... that was about GW1
And doesn't really make any sense.

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