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@RegDwighт what if it got an up vote?
Not that this one is crap, mind you. It's actually rather well formulated.
I presume that if it were positive, or at least nonnegative, it would be safe.
@MattЭллен yes, that's what I'm saying. Keep upvoting people for not searching the site, or keep looking at their questions to raise the views.
And I must say after the twentieth — and you know I'm not exaggerating, it really is the twentieth — dupe of the Oxford comma question I am not very uneager to downvote them into oblivion, and neither are other people.
Yes, well, I do that sometimes.
Then "multi-paths" is useless if people are always starting their own paths
So the system is schizophrenic in a way.
so deleting dupes is OK
It encourages us to downvote stuff to keep it out of view, but then it uses that information to move it completely out of view.
What annoys me is the people calling every potentially omissible comma an Oxford comma — when there are no series involved. I downvote those guys.
Maybe we need a feature request.
Non-stupid users.
Not auto-deleting dupes.
@KitFox Oh, that. Foggetaboutit.
Sorry, I meant "intelligent". Intelligent.
God made stupid people so other people could feel good about themselves.
You forget how good the stupid people feel about themselves.
I just didn't mention it
It's a win-win.
I wonder how often a dupe has helped someone find an answer to their question, here.
@RegDwighт There’s a term for that.
you can't easily count how many dupes there aren't
@RegDwighт That's what I meant, but that wasn't as funny.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their mistakes. Actual competence may weaken self-confidence, as competent individuals may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. Kruger and Dunning conclude, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others". ...
@tchrist there's a term for everything.
@tchrist I know I know. The Dilbert effect.
And a thousand other names.
Everyone likes to give this phenomenon a different name.
The Christians call it "Love thy neighbour"
The ignorance of the ignorant extends even to their very ignorance.
So I searched the chat for "Dunning" because I know I posted that very article before, and guess what the top result is.
May 9 at 1:43, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
dun dun-dun-dun dunnnn DUN Dun dun! dun dun-dun-dun dunnnn, DA Da-DA!
Q to the E to the D.
You can’t typeset that in chat.
@RegDwighт the superman theme!
@tchrist You can. Just very poorly.
You only get one super here.
Well I am sure you can do better than very poorly.
But Mr Shiny right there can't.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I was thinking James Bond?
Of course not. He’s subattuned to such matters.
@RegDwighт That's be da,da ,da ,da, da, da, da, da, dundle-iddle dundle-iddle dundle-iddle dundle-iddle dundle-iddle dundle-iddle dundle-iddle dundle-iddle DA DA!
I thought that was Peter Gunn?
Might I entreat you to swap your Q for an X? ₓᴇᴰ
There aren’t many subscripted letters.
Laundry, drywall, or more dishes? ponders
Ave Maria.
laundry and dishes together
@KitFox put the dishes into the laundry machine and kill two birds with one stone
Did I tell you that I suddenly realized two weeks ago that we can put a dishwasher in our kitchen after all?
@Robusto Meet me over in the general blogs room when you get a chance - sorry you couldn't get a hold of me yesterday. I'll help figure out the problem with your login.
@MattЭллен Awesome!
Six years without a dishwasher for naught!
@KitFox think of the savings in water and electricity!
oh, my son just started saying "doh" when, eg, he drops something.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 no, that's be dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, DÀ-daa, da-da-dàh. Dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, dàddadadà, dadàda, DÀ-daa, da-da-dàh. Dà-da da-dà, da-dà-da, dà-da, da da. Dà-da da-dà, da-dà-da, dà-da, da da. Dàda, dadàddada, dàda, dadàddada, dàda, dadàddada, dàda, dadàddada, DÀDA - DOMP, DÀDA - DOMP, DÀDADDADADÀDA!
Ok, I just upvoted the dumb adjective order dupe to spare it from autodeletion.
I hate using upvote and dumb in the same sentence.
I didn't put away the leftovers from the excellent dish I made last night.
It just so happens that I've been playing the theme on the piano all week. So bow before my expertise.
Ergh. None for me for lunch.
@KitFox So?
Why not?
I don't eat certain foods that have been sitting out for hours.
Food without animal proteins won’t go bad after a few hours.
@KitFox give it to Jez
@tchrist So?
or Cerberus. He doesn't believe germs are bad for you
leaves out some chips overnight as an offering
I hate it when I leave the chips out. They are too crunchy by morning.
@KitFox So don’t eat that, of course.
The rest is fine.
What are you giving me instructions about what I can and can't eat?
You misunderstand me. I am explaining what is safe to eat when left out overnight.
But there are tales of sorrow involving mere potato salad at long, hot summer picnics: mayonnaise and eggs.
Oh. So you think I am ignorant?
And you are seeking to enlighten me?
If it please you.
And not otherwise.
Because you were the one who questioned why I was throwing something out, as though I couldn't adequately make that determination on my own.
Rich people often throw away things that would feed the poor.
Everybody comb themselves before quarrelling on. Grace is watching.
I hailed her upon her arrival.
We could ask her about the dup deletion.
fixes beard
Right. Hey @Grace, how come dupes are not exempt from autodeletion?
You need a feature-request, @Kit is volunteering.
Yeah, it sounds like it would be a pretty good idea for a feature request.
Thank you, @Kit.
The direct answer, by the way, is because we don't special case duplicates in our machine logic.
I am surprised it hasn't been requested yet. Or featured.
I have pies to make. Someone else can do it.
Not me. I am making LEGO instructions for my sheep.
Or instructions for my LEGO sheep.
You threw away pies? Really??
your sheep play with Lego?!
Whichever strikes or caresses your fancy.
@MattЭллен what else, pray tell, are sheep to do?
This is . . . long:
And surprisingly well-done.
@RegDwighт You'd be surprised how often I ask myself that same question.
@tchrist Is that the Lord of the Penis Ring? With Jack Black?
You mean this one:
We have that in this very room, you realize.
A veritable troll hoard if ever there was one.
fluffs tail Good morning, Miss @Grace.
@tchrist Will have beened.
Hi KitFox.
Would you like some sheet cake?
No thank you.
I mean, really, if they're not hungry, horny or tired, what are sheep thinking about? What occupies their minds all day long?
Just like with people, really.
Forex trading.
Didn't I tell you?
Possibly grass. But what are they thinking? Do they ponder the flavour and texture?
I snuck some distributed programming viruses into sheep grass all over the world
now they're a giant super-computer
making trades on the forex
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Amazing. are you inconceivably rich? or are the sheep?
@MattЭллен Sadly, sheep turn out out to be incredibly poor decision makers when it comes to high-speed trading.
I snuck some light-emitting into sheep all over the world. Now they are sheeple.
Interesting. I wonder if I can hack that so that the sheep's glow is controlled by my algorithms. Then we could play sheeptris.
sheeper mario brothers!
Mass sheepfect.
Sheep Total War
Call of Sheep.
Alan Sheep
I just found a pair of socks in our laundry that I've never seen before.
They're coming back!
Wherever they've been, the socks are coming back. Soon we will learn their secrets
also we will have way too many socks
Hey, a Ghostbusters t-shirt.
Sorting my son's socks is a gigantic pain in the patootie.
At least the shirts have tags.
Yes! A huge cache of clean underpants!
OK. I'm off. Later!
this is lame, but is there a word to describe words such as 'yo-yo', 'can-can' or 'so-so' ? Furthermore, what if they don't have the hyphen like in 'tutu' or 'muumuu', etc. ?
@whoabackoff maybe reduplication?
A: crisscross, dillydally, riffraff, etc

tchristIt’s called reduplication. You find it in such words as zigzag and mishmash. It’s especially common in hyphenated words like chit-chat and teeter-totter. Here is a selection of such from the OED: bibble-babble drip-drop moon-man shiffle-shuffle tisty-tosty ...

@Matt, looks like you found it! thanks :)
you're welcome :)
@MattЭллен I knew without even looking that it had to be a @tchrist answer.
There is a comment to that effect as well :D
He always reduples his efforts. Or retriples them.
Team Sheepstress.
Counterstrike Sheep
Supermarket Sheep
Hahahaha. John Lawler: "Not and never are Negatives". OP: "So can never also be considered a negative?"
Q: Grasp on the business. Is this a grammatically correct phrase?

Warren van Rooyen... A law firm with a grasp on the business. I'd just like to know if this phase is grammatically correct. Thank you.

We want this?
no, thank you.
A: Nerd vs. Geek vs. Dork

HugoHere's a handy Venn diagram of geek/nerd/dork:

Hey! He's stealing my stuff!
Charge him royal teas
Can we close it as dupe yet?
Or do we have to wait for this one to get to MC and 72 upticks, too?
@MattЭллен Reg still owes me all the royal teas he hasn't paid yet. I should be the preferred creditor.
@Robusto wait, you mean the ones I have paid I no longer owe you? Woo-hoo!
Q: Politically correct for “fat”.

ColorfulTraumaI write articles for different blogs. I was recently thinking of writing one on overweight people and how they are literally tortured by our society. What politically correct term should I use for fat / overweight / plumpy / oversized / obese. Further note: Yes, I know you'd oppose me by saying...

Believe it or not, even this is a duplicate.
Except it looks like the original got deleted...
@MattЭллен he who cast the first vote...
it's deleted!
so I did! I'm throwing these around like rice at a wedding
It is open.
Q: Is "chubby" offensive?

BobI said to a person that she is "chubby" and, apparently, she took it very seriously. What I meant to say is that she's not skin and bones... some more pounds than needed but, precisely because of that, she should be actually more attractive. In Italian I would say that she is "in carne" but I do...

should this be reopened now?
@MattЭллен yo Cola so fat, she's bigger than yo mama.
Closed quite typically says "[closed]". Protected somewhat typically does no such thing.
Perhaps they should use different colors.
I got confused between protected and closed
@RegDwighт yo cola is to "healthy", she's "healthier" than yo mama.
Cushion amissioned!
@RegDwighт yeah, but your "possible duplicate" comment confused me when I saw blue.
indeed. having to look something up in the dictionary will often lessen the sting
Gosh and Gee, this sure is so complicated. Like in that Avril Lavigne song.
@RegDwighт No. You still owe those too. Those debts can never be completely erased. Something to do with singularity physics, I dunno. But you're on the hook.
@Robusto there is not a single instance of "she's so fat" in that sentence. Use a different optician.
@RegDwighт Really, "she's" so fat? Not "she so fat"?
She's crafty. She's a little bit fat.
@RegDwighт Sorry, I meant "she's bigger" ...
But you knew that.
Aug 23 '11 at 22:48, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Yo mama so fat, she sat on a binary tree and flattened it into a linked list in O(1) time.
No, that is how to do it.
Anyway, I don't get this bit:
> “Obese or overweight” are seemingly correct. But I was once in the so-called fatty disgusting community too and these words hurt me a lot. My target audience is that community.
"Yo Cola so fat, she bigger'n yo mama."
That's how to do it.
He is the expert we should be asking.
I don't understand people. They're the worst.
@RegDwighт Yeah. That sentence has never been spoken by a black person.
Nice adverbial litotes.
No I am not. Never.
@RegDwighт You're so negative.
See? Negative.
@Robusto sadly, YouTube never looked up the word "promotional", so not even promotional videos are available here.
It really is a crapfest of crap. I don't really use it anymore.
If everything means less than zero, then zero means less than zero.
Here's the Cliff Notes: "Everything means less than zero." Hence, negative.
No, now I am negative differently.
5 mins ago, by Robusto
@RegDwighт You're so negative.
Sep 14 at 19:33, by ЯegDwight
|rev2 = Rolling Stone |rev2score = }} Too Low for Zero is the seventeenth studio album by British singer/songwriter Elton John, released in 1983. Production For the first time since Blue Moves in 1976, all lyrics were written by Bernie Taupin, who has continued in this role to the present day. At the insistence of Taupin, John decided to go back to basics and returned to working with Taupin full time. John also reunited with the core of his backing band of the early '70s: Dee Murray, Nigel Olsson and Davey Johnstone as well as Ray Cooper, Kiki Dee and Skaila Kanga (who played harp o...
bananas are greater than zero
There you go, always taking the side of the bananas.
Looks like he's got some learning to do.
@RegDwighт I read it in the German. Still, who cares where the Saudis put their junk?
Pistol was still smokin', a man lay on the floor
Mr. Oswald said he had an understanding with the law
He said he heard about a couple livin' in the USA
He said they traded in their baby for a Chevrolet
Let's talk about the future now we've put that past away
@Reg: BTW, if the US is a comedy sketch about capitalism, I guess China must be the tragedy sketch. And the EU is simply a horror picture.
But it's got transvestites! From transsexual Transylvania!
@RegDwighт I didn't say it wasn't rocky.
It's run by women and homosexuals. The US is still stuck with Family Values. Cf. Petraeus.
There you go again, bringing up extra-marital liaisons.
Indeed there I go again. Richtung Bushaltestelle, to be precise.
I think if you're a 4-star general you deserve a little slack when interpreting the fine print in your marriage contract. And everyone else should just butt the fuck out.
@Robusto my point.
Nobody gives a shit about marriages here, or generals for that matter.
I know.
Mine too.
Ach, die Bushaltestelle.
Dort gibt's 'ne gute Party!
Nov 6 at 18:04, by Robusto
I find political parties to be the least fun of all the parties.
Does this mean you are having dinner?
@RegDwighт Well, I suppose he could have at least switched the color scheme from the garish and somewhat pastel CMY to a more manly and intuitive RGB. But how come the center isn’t grey?
Dang it, I was lured into closevoting as a dup of a dupclosed question!
1 hour later…
@tchrist I can't even wrap my tiny brain around that.
24 Nortonn S questions remain open.
@MετάEd I was about to come here to announce that. We managed to delete so many of them!
Hello @grace, welcome to this chat! =)
@WillHunting Balrogs are good for that.
@MετάEd So what do you suggest we do with them?
@WillHunting The balrogs? I think we store them in Moria.
@RegDwighт Generals don't matter, but marriages do, and shit does as well. One needs to shit every day.
@WillHunting Well, good, as long as one person is doing it I'll give it up.
@MετάEd No, I mean the questions. I think we just leave them alone, until they are closed, then we delete them.
@WillHunting I've long since closevoted them "Not Constructive".
@WillHunting Sadly, community closevoting currently requires five people to "pile on" within four days of one another; it's going to be much harder to close the remaining questions without moderator intervention. Those of us who closevoted at the time can't vote on them again.
@MετάEd Ah, this is news to me. No wonder a close vote on my question seemed to disappear.
Anyway, I have officially retired from ELU. I come here to cast some votes now and then and to chat.
@WillHunting As I understand the process: after four days of no closevotes on a question, its closevote count begins to decay: at a rate of 1 per day. The votes themselves are not reversed, though: once you've closevoted, you cannot vote again.
Q: What is the best free online English learning site(s) for Finnish students?

BishnuI have a friend who is Finnish and lives in Finland. He wants to learn English but the problem is that he has no knowledge on English. He is totally uninitiated so it has become very difficult for him to start learning because almost all the tutorial sites are written in English what he, as of n...

Is this question OT?
@Carlo_R. Absolutely.
Thank you @Rob. I'm going to vote to close.
1 hour later…
@JSBձոգչ That Zevran is bad news.
He weirds me out.
i killed him
Then you missed certain dialectical gems, such as...
I: "May I ask you a question?"
He: "Ahh, you may, as long as I may stare at you luridly in the process."
I mean, wtf?
It's bad enough that he enjoys killing.
yeah, i could tell that he was going to be annoying, so i killed him in the very first encounter
before he even joined the party
I'm not really taking him places anyway.
But in camp.
He also appears to be into S&M.
There was talk of ropes.
What was your favourite party?
I must say I find healers very useful.
I'm currently using Morrigan, Wynne, and Alistair.
What specialisations did you pick?
I learned Blood Magic from the demon.
But it doesn't seem that useful.
i used me (mage), alistair, liliana, dog
i thought that dog was great
he's very fast
What do you think I named my dog?
His growl is nice, it stuns.
i called mine Grrr
If only you had known me.
The dog is nice, but not very versatile...
anyway, i have to go get some things for my wife, now
OK later!
@MετάEd Yes, and every single one of those 24 questions has a close vote by me on it. Those that claim they have no close votes are ones my closes evaporated on. It will not let me vote again on them. Very annoying.
@tchrist A delayed closevote is a wasted closevote.
Not my fault.
Nor mine. They all have closevotes from me also.
I’ve done my part. It’s the rest of you slackers who let me down. Present company excepted.
Which is one of the odder second-persons.
I'm referring to the well-meaning person who thinks, "oh, the question is bad but I'll wait to see if it improves and maybe closevote it later ... wouldn't want to cause offense".
Of course.
And delete votes never evaporate.
Q: Login Authentication isn't acknowledging an existing OpenID

Grace NoteThis comes with a discussion with user Robusto that initially started from an inability to register a new account for the English Language & Usage Stack Exchange Blog. When trying to register for an account, the OpenID is not recognized, as shown in the following image: However, the login...

Can y'all give Grace Note a little love for this question?
And done.
Notice how gracias seems the perfect thank-you for someone named Grace Note?
I wonder if he has another account named Appoggiatura?
@tchrist That poem needs a third stanza. Something about a cunning runt.
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