« first day (4944 days earlier)   

Arunabh is back! And he has now edited the question to make it a completely different question, invalidating the supplied answer.
A lot of you know a lot of math, right? Can I ask for homework help in the lit chat?
@CDR it's been done before IIRC
7 hours later…
oh wait @Randal'Thor specifically removed from this question and I didn't notice that until I reinstated it .... whoops
why is it not appropriate for the q?
sorry didn't mean to start an edit war
h'm I wonder why @PeterShor deleted this answer?
4 hours later…
@verbose It seemed pretty speculative. But maybe I'll revise it and undelete it.
I have another question about Michael Cunningham: Why did he title his novel The Snow Queen? There's no obvious connection to the fairy tale. And while cocaine does play at least a minor role in it, the cocaine user cannot be considered a queen — he's neither a woman nor gay.
I should probably Google and see if this is answered somewhere, and if not, I'll ask it when I have some more time.
And Googling, Michael Cunningham himself explains the title (not very convincingly) in this interview So I won't ask this question.
8 hours later…
@verbose Cry "Edit!" and let slip the tags of war.
The way has generally been used on this site (perhaps the tag wiki excerpt should make this clear, or @GarethRees who created it can correct me if I'm wrong) is for questions about interpretation of an entire work: like asking about complete analyses of all aspects of a short story or poem. Not for questions about understanding/interpreting a single sentence in a longer piece.
2 hours later…
I think that makes 4 requests to reopen the question today. He certainly hit the ground running.

« first day (4944 days earlier)