I don't think there is one "right" answer here, answers will bw opinion-based. This kind of questions are off-topic on Stack Overflow, but they are on-topic on the sister-site Code Review. You probably should give it a try there. — tyg19 secs ago
@toolic Ehhhhh... might sound strange but SE sites are 2nd-class citizens so we 'regularly' have to point to SO.Meta / Meta.SE for cross-SE rules. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a "no" back.
@Mast Probably not out of date. The rules on "im not sure "how" its working" have been pretty uniform since creation.
@JesseGood It didn't fulfil the purpose they wanted. In my expirience people famiiar with older language version are confused by type alias by using, to the point I had my code bounced by "code review" of "old dogs" claiming it's incorrect with following argument where I explain what it is. It's added 5th (!) meaning to using keyword. — Swift - Friday Pie1 min ago
Fellow 2nd Monitor denizens, I think this question is the English version of this question which was closed. Since the OP took the time to redo it, it might deserve some votes.