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10 hours later…
cold someone please answer this question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/4956009/…?
sorry wrong chat
@FedericoRuck you're in time to delete the messages
sorry everyone
2 hours later…
Now there are 6 candidates
And then there were 7
@FShrike Hi sir; I'm curious to know what are your thoughts about the CURED chatroom? Would you participate in it if elected mod?
@Sahaj I definitely would participate in it as mod. I don't currently use the chatroom because I've always felt quite unable to achieve anything with my reopen votes, but that would of course be different as a moderator. I imagine my main role there would be watching that chat and deleting/closing posts as needed.
Right. Could you elaborate what you mean by "unable to achieve anything with my reopen votes"..?
@Sahaj well, even as a trusted user, my votes rarely led to posts actually being reopened or undeleted. It's very easy to close/delete things, quite hard to undelete or unclose them
Right. Thanks for the response.
1 hour later…
@FShrike I suspect that you would find many people who feel the opposite.
I like D.W. as a candidate
There are only a handful of moderators (actually one sometimes two) that participate at @FShrike: Only one (sometimes two, but that is very rare now) participate at CURED. I frankly would prefer that the number were zero, and if there were disputes, that they be handle with flags.
I've honestly only seen Mr. Henderson in CURED. No other mod, ever.
@FShrike: The issue is that moderators have an additional privilege and if a moderator starts putting his/her opinions in such a public forum and starts acting according his/her individual biases (instead of in consensus with the other mods as it should) then this starts to look as the current US supreme court. I appreciate that most moderators are sort of invisible (other than posting answers and questions of course, and math related chats). /That keeps the sense of fairness and impartiality.
@Sahaj: which is a great thing! CURED is prompt to heated arguments and flags to moderators are the best option to cool things down. Also, who would want the judge and prosecutor to be the same person in one case.
@FShrike sometimes it is, by the nature of being re-opened you need to "refresh the memory" of the question to the community for them to start taking any action. But sometimes there's really annoying questions which should be closed/deleted, but which happen to not be because the author is well aware of mechanics of this site (e.g. putting bounties, self re-opening etc.)
So maybe not so much to keep them closed/deleted when they should be
25 mins ago, by Jakobian
I like D.W. as a candidate
to elaborate, D.W. has experience (although on other sites), and I think is equipped with maturity required to handle being a moderator well
and although they were a moderator on CS.SE, they have experience with mathematics as well, being a former math major
They "are" still a moderator on CS.SE I believe.
oh you're right
I think it sure must be difficult moderating two different communities. But then there's Mr. Karagila who is also mod on MO.
@Jakobian he seems qualified, however he has a low candidate score / rep. I there will be more candidates, he may not advance to the primary phase
@SineoftheTime you're right. Somehow, I doubt there'll be that many candidates though
quid candidating himself would be the ultimate plot twist
I think being a mod is a sort of "social status" for some people, so think there will be more candidates
@SineoftheTime They wouldn't need to. If quid ever decides to start moderating again, current SE policy is to return that status to them.
@Sahaj I, also, have two diamonds. And there are several moderators on the network who have more.
I never knew you did! Nice.
1 hour later…
That's true for sites or forums like comicvine or platforms like Discord servers (where I have been a mod, and later on left the position due to many reasons), but doesn't necessarily hold true here.

At the very least a candidate whose primary motivation to have nominated themselves being enjoying the site-wide "social status" that inevitably comes with the position, isn't likely to be a serious candidate and certainly not likely to win.
@冥王Hades One would hope that someone running just for the status would be recognized by the community to be engaging in that kind of behaviour, and that such a person would not be elected. On the other hand... Trump was president of the US for four years, and might well be again.
@XanderHenderson Good point, honestly I don't wish to sound bigoted but dare I say that most people who have voted/will vote Trump aren't exactly the....brightest or most educated among us, compared to this site where I'd imagine this isn't the case.
@Mittens I did not suggest that I would somehow, dominate the CURED chat were I mod. I meant the CURED chat would just give a good list of posts s.t. the community thinks they require attention
1 hour later…
@冥王Hades did know you were a discord mod 💀
@SineoftheTime And on Comicvine too, and on VSBattle Wiki and a few other forums....left for various reasons.
@SineoftheTime Can't anyone be a Discord mod, simply by creating a new server and appointing themselves as such?
@XanderHenderson They can be, yes.
@冥王Hades time to become mod on MSE
@SineoftheTime I wouldn't be able to do it, I never intended to nominate myself nor am I going to.
5 hours later…
For the record, in case anyone is wondering (and for the sake of transparency): Math SE diamond moderators can see the flags which are raised on comments in the election thread, however we cannot handle those flags. Only SE staff can clear flags on elections. Math SE moderators cannot see how those flags were resolved.

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