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Yeah, now I am looking at it.
Thanks. Brb.
That one is tougher. I have not been deleting those.
Well, that one referenced by RD01 was a freakin' train wreck.
But only because I wasn't sure if I should.
Haha, I actually find that thread hilarious.
@Kosmonaut — No, a meta-Jinx is called a Minx. Its rules are open to interpretation by women, but clear and inflexible for men.
Kinda like marriage, actually.
"Am I right, fellas?"
[The guys all nod.]
@Kosmonaut: I just bumped you over the 15K mark.
Q: Rules for forming adjectives from Latin nouns

RecessionConeI read a paper today that kept using "multistrata" to describe an object with multiple layers. For example: I love multistrata cakes. This sounds wrong to my ear, I think "multistratum" sounds better, even though the plural of stratum is strata. Certainly "multilayer cakes" sounds better...

But I must say, I searched for hours for an answer of yours that I wouldn't feel guilty about up-voting.
The reign of the upside-down Beast was short.
I don't want your pity votes! I will downvote people and get myself back to 14999!
@Kosmonaut — You're going to make me spend more hours searching? Sheesh.
yesterday, by Cerberus
Oh dear, what happens at 10k? You see all the deleted stuff? One reason to start attracting down-votes...
And now @Martha's gotten her Favorite Question.
4th down, 4 to go.
OK, hypothetical time: What happens if you're over 20K rep and you get bitten by a radioactive spider?
I have to be ready for all emergencies.
You get to throw your rep at Alfred Molina.
I do that anyway.
Well, then you are prepared.
So what time is the new data dump? And what trends are you trying to spot?
I dunno. Laß' Dich überraschen!
The bad part about my "eeek" question is that I posted it very early in the (UTC) day, so I've long since hit the rep cap, and by the time the next day rolls around, it'll have (hopefully) lost most of its momentum. Although I don't see my envelope back yet, and Jeff Atwood is being an ass...
@RegDwight — But I hate surprises! Tell me now!
@Martha — Watch, you'll get screwed out of the steak knives too.
He said, bitterly.
What is the "eeek" question?
Q: Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?

MartiThe envelope is gone from next to my name!   How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page! Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page: The recent page has just th...

Jeez, Kosmonaut, pay some attention, please!
(@RegDwight: how do you post links so quickly?)
Thanks for the link. It let me add my meaningless vote to her massive pile.
Oh yeah, I agree with that one!
I mean, you can see that vote count from SPACE, @Martha.
@Martha Fingers. Keyboard.
He likes to brag about his huge hands. Thinks it impresses the girls.
Don't need to impress noöne, buddy, I'm married.
Peter Noöne is really disappointed, btw.
He usually is.
Well, that's just like a Russian, isn't it. No love for the one-hit wonders of the '60s.
By the way, is unit the opposite of it? And is it time to ask that on the main site yet? I'm ready to go, just give the word.
In Soviet Russia, there were only one-hit wonders, as far as Western music from the '60s was concerned.
@Martha Haha, I like Jeff's reaction to this:
Q: Why can't you roll out new features the way everybody else does?

sbiSo the new combined user/rep display got everybody confused, with the question asking to get back the old envelope amassing >100rep just in the first eight hours. This is but one side of a problem that has many facets. There's been numerous questions by confused users asking about new features wh...

@Martha — This is further proof that @RegDwight is, in fact, a computer programmed by a team from IBM. Don't believe his lies.
@RegDwight Is that a custom close message? I don't look at meta.SO enough to know
"Noise or pointless" seems like a really rude close option.
That would be a custom close message.
@Kosmonaut "Noise or pointless" is a rather popular close reason on MSO.
Now I would pay to see that one as a close message.
@RegDwight You know the Simpsons people had been thinking about making that episode be the Simpsons movie, but instead decided to make it a regular episode.
It would have been such an amazing movie.
My question has gotten 163 upvotes and 1 downvote. Draw your own conclusions.
@Robusto BTW, IBM is a horrible misspelling of Alexey Pajitnov.
@RegDwight — All right, if you have humanoid form you are probably tattooing these things on your body.
@Martha Last I checked (at 158), there was not a single downvote.
Like Guy Pearce in Memento.
Thanks for the explanation, at first I totally mistook it for Carrie-Anne Moss.
@RegDwight There is one now.
@Martha That's what I'm saying, it's very recent.
@RegDwight — In that case, I hope your software has an API that implements Tetris.
@Kosmonaut Actually, no, I didn't know that!
This chat is just upside-down Tetris, really.
It was on one of the Simpsons DVD commentary tracks I think.
The IDE I use has a plugin that implements the game because, as it says, "This is a Komodo port of Xultris by 'mackers'*, a Firefox extension of the infamous Russian block-puzzle game Tetris. Added here to satisfy David Sklar's assertion that any sufficiently advanced editor will implement tetris."
Off to stand-up. BBL.
Ok, I should do some actual work. TTYL.
Im in ur internets stealin ur stuff, @drachenstern.
haha, that's cool
I'm curious how many people in here get the pun. Only about half seemed to get it in the tav
I would love to link to that thread, but I don't know where to start. So much cool stuff in there.
ahem > longest running community wiki thread ever ahem
@drachenstern Which pun?
@Robusto What is Jeff standing on?
@drachenstern — Uh, his fortune in dimes? I don't know.
a pile of gravel
Oh, you mean Gravell.
And the name of the dev I put in the quote is @MarcGravell ...
Wow, that is a stretch.
it was a pun, all good puns need a slight stretch
By the way, from the look of it it's actually "pea gravel" then.
@drachenstern Yeah, thwack on behalf of @Martha.
and Marc is from the UK, which brings to mind Pea Soup
anyways, it was cute by itself, the meta humor made it more meta
Harrr, someone's dissing ShreevatsaR quite severely.
"Thanks for the stellar, totally original critique. Perhaps you could spend some time doing something other than trolling people's posts with the sole intention of replying with unnecessary commentary, which only mirrors statements of others. I, for one, am glad people like you are here. :-)"
Q: Biweekly, bimonthly, semi-confused.

ChrisThere seems to be a fair amount of confusion surrounding the meaning of the prefix bi when used with units of time measurement. Biweekly, according to dictionary.com, can mean either "occurring twice weekly," or "occurring once every two weeks." Falling within the same realm of confusion are bimo...

A: Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?

Popular DemandWow, I'm so glad I use facebook Stack Exchange. Every time any website with a non-trivial number of users rolls out a UI change, everyone has to get all up in arms about it. (And yes, I used to be guilty of this, too.) Why is that? Two factors are at play. First, humans are wired to dislike cha...

I see the envelope question still has legs. Excellent.
That thing will have legs for days
(until Monday at the very least)
Feb 11 at 15:10, by Robusto
@Martha: Look what you've done!
Hah, and a duplicate question WAS posted and deleted.
Deleted? How would you know without having 10k on MSO?
Well closed. Don't throw your super-high-reputation-user-thingamabobber-dohickey jargon at me.
Nah, genuine interest.
I'm a working class SO user.
@RegDwight That kind of comment deserved deletion.
Which I did.
Thank the gods I can't see deleted stuff.
Feb 24 at 21:40, by Robusto
Hey, do you guys have to wear blue-collar shirts with your first name over the pocket?
Some of the non-deleted stuff is bad enough.
Wooooo. I want a service station SO shirt.
Ahahahahaha. moor communts en mi favrite spulln thrad
Yes. That's Blue-Collar Membership for you!
I want a "Semi-Literate" badge for declaring my location in my EL&U profile to be the United States.
Shouldn't it be "Bi-Literate"?
Wait... you don't say "spelled", do you?
Yes, and proudly so.
I lived in Canada for years and I don't remember them being offended by my backwater ways too much.
Popular Question now. 5th down, 3 to go.
@RegDwight the envelope question?
Yup. It's the 12th most upvoted question ever.
And it will be the 9th in no time.
It's about to beat the unicorn question. Now that is something.
That's impressive territory. Jon Skeet facts and FGIW.
If it beats the official FAQ, I will retire. I will have seen everything.
BTW, it doesn't have a single downvote, @Martha. You must have been imagining it.
They could make a movie out of this. Oh wait, they did ...
Secretariat is a 2010 biographical film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Mayhem Pictures. The film was directed by Randall Wallace. The film chronicles the life of Secretariat, the 1973 race horse winner of the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing. Diane Lane portrays Secretariat's owner, Penny Chenery, and John Malkovich plays the part of Secretariat's trainer, Lucien Laurin. Filming took place on location in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky and around Lafayette, Louisiana and Carencro, Louisiana. The film was released on October 8, 2010. It has since received generally positive r...
Heh, do we really need a 'jeopardy' tag?
For a second I misread that as "autobiographical" and was immensely confused.
Where do you even go to see what the all-time upvoted questions lurk? Is that over all sites?
@Robusto No, MSO only.
Oh. Then I know how to do that.
At 20k, you should.
@RegDwight — I'll handle the snide remarks around here, tyvm.
At 20k, you should.
BTW, the Winners and automatic appointee starred posts could get the bum's rush at this point, don't you think? I mean, are we going to keep those around forever?
At this point it just looks like gloating.
Get out of my head! I was thinking just that.
At 20k, you should gloat.
They get auto-dumped after 2 weeks.
I was told that at 20K I would be bitten by a radioactive spider and I would suddenly be able to do amazing things. So far? Meh.
Also the suspension one seems mean-spirited.
For a day? Sure. Forever? Meh.
The 20k powers are more useful on bigger sites.
@Robusto 14 days at most.
Unless someone else pins them yet again.
Well, I really think it's not in good taste. Sorry. And that's coming from someone with no taste at all.
Q: “Relation” versus “relationship” in RDBMS/SQL?

vgv8Coming from question “Relation” versus “relationship” What are definitions of "relation" vs. "relationship" in RDBMS (or database theory)? Update: I was somewhat perplexed by comment to my question: "relation is a synonym for table, and thus has a very precise meaning in terms of ...

@RegDwight Given that my rep on MSO is 332, not 333, there must've been a downvote somewhere. And yep, /recent says -1 "1h" ago.
@Martha is 2 away from tying the unicorns, 3 from beating them outright.
@Martha -1 means you downvoted somebody. You meanie, you.
I'm betting on Jeff's answer to her question.
Martha vs. The Unicorns: This Time It's Personal!
@MichaelMyers Oh yeah! So I did. Jeff's "answer". Sorry. Got confused.
@Robusto That never was about taste, but there you go.
Martha's question now has as many stars as Robusto has Nice Answers here.
@Martha You Thwack! so many people you're forgetting who you hit now? What's your memory horizon on that?
@RegDwight — Is that supposed to make me feel small?
Nope, you should be feeling small by now anyhow.
I feel small next to your ego, true.
That's another thing we can see from space.
Space has no room next to my ego.
in Teachers' Lounge, 41 mins ago, by Mark Rogers
I like the idea behind the new arrow user feature, but for some reason I find it more frustrating than the old system.
Someone likes frustration.
> I like the idea
@Martha has tied the unicorns! She is moving ahead! Unicorns! Eeeek! Unicorns! Eeek! And .... it's Eeek! by a nose!
@RegDwight Eh? He likes the idea but he finds it more frustrating? Then what does he like?
It's an example of bloatware now.
More clicks to get less information.
Microsoft should be stealing it soon.
Your rep will be turned into shares.
You should've posted those in one post so I could star it. This way, each part is kind of pointless on its own.
Do I see that vgv has made a new friend?
@RegDwight — I'm just saying, when a user gets banned it is unseemly to visibly rejoice, at least for very long.
@Robusto That wasn't about rejoicing. Those five stars probably were, true. But not the pin.
hi guys,i am new one for this room
@Cerberus ?
@Martha — It's an example of bloatware now. More clicks to get less information. Microsoft should be stealing it soon.
@CNSivakumar Hello.
Hello CNS
Hi @CNS!
Problem solved.
Q: “Relation” versus “relationship” in RDBMS/SQL?

vgv8Coming from question “Relation” versus “relationship” What are definitions of "relation" vs. "relationship" in RDBMS (or database theory)? Update: I was somewhat perplexed by comment to my question: "relation is a synonym for table, and thus has a very precise meaning in terms of ...

That's the slowest jinx in history.
13 mins ago, by Michael Myers
Q: “Relation” versus “relationship” in RDBMS/SQL?

vgv8Coming from question “Relation” versus “relationship” What are definitions of "relation" vs. "relationship" in RDBMS (or database theory)? Update: I was somewhat perplexed by comment to my question: "relation is a synonym for table, and thus has a very precise meaning in terms of ...

Feb 23 at 11:06, by RegDwight
Lots of echo in here.
Wasn't a jinx: I just clicked that link, that's how I got there.
@RegDwight — It's a Slinx.
what is goal of this room...guys..
Now it's getting complicated.
Goals? You are looking for goals?
I assumed everybody had noticed the new friend; but apparently not, so I reposted.
Join a hockey team.
@CNSivakumar General discussion about English Language and Usage, plus some fooling around.
@CNS: Just talk about whatever you like here!
Heavy on the fooling around.
Or that.
@CNSivakumar Mostly complaining about stuff on english.stackexchange.com, interspersed with insulting each other.
It's a fourth place for this particular community.
Yes, @CNS?
@Cerberus k..
@Cerberus thank u..
So it seems this new friend of vgv's is rather a reputable one. Interesting.
i develop communiction skill and grammers...
Nice. For what or whom?
@Martha: someone's too late to your party:
Q: The envelope icon next to my name is gone.

John Hartsock Possible Duplicate: Eeeek! What happened to my envelope? I see that an upgrade has been made. But I really liked the envelope icon next to my name where I could view responses/upvotes/etc for today, this week, last week, etc. Is there a replacement. and If not do you think we could ...

@Cerberus — You're talking about me? Let's not say things we can't take back.
@Rob: I'd hardly call you rep... okay, never mind.
Harharhar. Well, @Robusto, you did ask for it.
I invited it.
That was the joke, dummy.
Incidentally, is there a term for Rob's "we" in this sense? We call it "nurse's we" in Dutch, as in, "now we are going to pee".
Geez, you so totally misunderestimate me all the time.
Well my response could have gone two ways: it was either the rep thing or the friend thing; yeah I could have worked with that.
<picturing Robusto as a nurse...>
Cute, huh.
You know, with the red kanji instead of the red cross.
@RegDwight — Stop putting me in your fantasies.
Haha right.
@Robusto I only just begun.
@RegDwight — Eeeuuwww, now I feel all sticky and, like defiled and all.
Two people downvoted Eeeek. Hmph.
@Robusto Yeah, baby, yeah, that's what I want to hear.
Besides, did you picture Rob as a female nurse?
@Martha I see four.
I did, with his feminine name and all.
I mean "Robusto".
Umm, the -o ending makes it masculine.
@RegDwight Yeah, that was in the last 45 seconds.
I'm overcompensating, though.
Nah there are plenty of words ending in -o that are feminine.
Quadruple "hmph".
It's the People's Front of Judea, Jon Skeet, and Unicorns.
Them not liking your reaching their heights.
Wait a sec! Eeek! has 201 votes and Unicorn has only 199 but Unicorn is leading! I think someone put the fix in.
It's called "heavy caching". Elton John wrote a song about it.
Unicorns rarely fight fair.
@RegDwight — I hate those wankers! The Judean People's Front has the only correct line!
@RD01 Well, now they're winning by a horn only.
Narwhals, narwhals, swimming in the ocean...
I believe those horns can get up to 5 feet long?
Perhaps longer.
(No it's actually 7-10 ft.)
Man couldn't you have warned us for that song...
Dammit, this chat is interfering with my work. I mean this work is interfering with my chat. I just wrote !isNaN instead of isNaN in a conditional.
At least the video is not an endless loop. The original is.
@Robusto They are equivalent, for all intents and purposes.
What, chat and work? Or !isNaN and isNaN?
Both. And both.
I think @RegDwight has a shrine to me in his house. Filled with pictures of me in nurse's drag. (Note to self: find out how he knew.)
Fair enough, they are cute.
Eeek! is 9th now, and the Unicorns are fading in the stretch.
If the comment upvotes to the envelope question generated reputation, the majority of MSO would have hit their cap today.
Yup, never had so many upvotes on a comment of mine.
Which question is this?
well, now your comment in the thread has 25 votes.
Oops, Eeek! got a downvote. Was 203, now 202.
Q: Eeeek! What happened to my envelope?

MartiThe envelope is gone from next to my name!   How am I supposed to check where those recent points came from? I don't remember the link to that page! Edit: just to summarize the ways that the reputation graph does not make a suitable replacement for the /recent page: The recent page has just th...

The unicorns are fighting back! And playing dirty!
2 hours ago, by RegDwight
Jeez, Kosmonaut, pay some attention, please!
Back to 203 now.
Replace "Kosmonaut" with "Cerberus", pls.
Provide a regex for it, and I will pretend.
Let's just cut to the chase: OMG it's over 9000 now!
I still think the bug tag is appropriate, but I knew Jeff was going to go ballistic over it.
@RegDwight — Wait, I get it now! The constant back-referencing is just your idea of recycling. You're going green to save the planet. Bless you, @RegDwight! Bless you!
2 days ago, by RegDwight
Hm. Come to think of it, "damn you" makes an interesting response to "bless you".
When oh when will people learn not fix what ain't broken? WHEN?
@Cerberus — How about never? Is never good for you?
Lol, I was just going to say WTF?
Okay, party people, you gotta party on without me. TTYL.
I think Photoshop is one of the few that abides by this maxim.
Bye Reg!
@RegDwight — Now the real party can begin. The Communist Party has left the building!
The result is that Photoshop's interface and menus are a bit of a mess, but it works fine.
Oh that party.
@Cerberus Photoshop competitions are being held elsewhere.
I'm out!
@RegDwight — You always say you're leaving just so we'll bring out the party food.
I would have preferred "status-by-design"
@RD01: Yes!!
@RD01 — Or how about "status-by-whim"?
Or that!
"status-by-fiat" would be best.
I can accept weird design; I just find it hard to have to learn new interfaces and buttons time and again, especially when they are weird and seem unnecessary.
I'd rather have "status-by-Mercedes" ... much higher status than Fiat.
Luckily I never bothered to learn this website very well, so I don't mind too much.
But I can understand your pain, guys.
Meh, I don't really care too much about user interface changes.
Or reputation, but that's another story.
I mean, it can be fun, but rep can't motivate me that much, or I'd be creating questions all the time when there were no good answers to write.
@Cerberus — Don't start pulling at that thread or our whole way of life will unravel.
@Rob: I know. I will follow RD01 in silence.
Hey has there been a tsunami in Japan?
Let me check the news.
There has indeed.
Wow, 8.9.
Thankfully Japan is probably the country best prepared for earthquakes in the world, as it should be.
Indeed, some of the strictest building codes around. For good reason.
I didn't read anything about buildings collapsing in Tokyo, so I suspect that the damage and deaths will not be too huge.
Yes, for very good reason. But 8.9, and so close...
I wonder at what magnitude Amsterdam would collapse 100%: 3?
@Cerberus — Why do you think the common word for "seismic sea wave" is Japanese?
@Rob: Right!
What about typhoon?
Or isn't that Japanese.
Oh, it is half Chinese, half Urdu-ish.
I gather no big waves hit California?
Or even Hawaii.
津波 ... pronounced つなみ.
The first kanji means "harbor" and the second means "wave".
The current warning specifically leaves out North America in the areas affected.
Well, Canada and the contiguous US, at least.
Fracking bureaucrats. There's a whole separate governmental entity, with its own website that handles the tsunami warning for Alaska and Canada. And their website is overloaded.

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