@ArturMeinild There is no policy as such (that I am aware of anyway). However I suspect the general idea would be that it is ok to 'unprotect' a question that isn't currently attracting a lot of attention and doesn’t have a long history of unproductive answers.
Questions can be protected (i.e. marked "highly active").
What does it mean for a question to be protected?
Why are some questions protected?
Who can protect and unprotect questions?
Who can answer a protected question?
How are protected questions displayed?
When should I protect or unprotect a...
Is there any way to let this user know that there is a solution to their problem? The answer has been deleted, but there is no way to comment askubuntu.com/a/1453644/124466
@andrew.46 Both @ArchismanPanigrahi and I have left comments at this point, and it should be good to re-delete whenever you want. Thanks!
Also, that should indicate that the parent Q is a duplicate.
@andrew.46 I know it's a thorn in our sides as far as some bad eggs on the SE sites, but in general I think more AI is a good thing. As long as it's not named Skynet, Cylon, etc...
@NotTheDr01ds Well, I still think that it is an exciting time to be alive with this new technology sweeping through. But the abuse of this technology on AU has been steadily increasing. I will get the numbers...
Looks like 26 suspensions handed out since January 1st 2023 - February 7th 2023. And these are all the easy to detect 'copy and paste from ChatGPT' cases.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in answer, bad keyword in answer, blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (281): Installing Spark on Hadoop 2.5 by bhima on askubuntu.com
I rolled back David's edit because the edit removed the screenshot from the post. This is the second time that I come across a post where the same user removed the screenshot. The first time was this post.
The removal of the images from these posts is not justified as they help provide useful context.
tag:reopen-pls I voted to reopen this question because according to the accepted answer the OP's question which is about software installation does not match Why don't the Ubuntu repositories have the latest versions of software? which this question was closed as a duplicate of and which suggests in the context of this question for the OP to give up because it's not possible to install this package in the OP's Ubuntu.
I voted to reopen this question because according to the accepted answer the OP's question which is about software installation does not match Why don't the Ubuntu repositories have the latest versions of software? which this question was closed as a duplicate of and which suggests in the context of this question for the OP to give up because it's not possible to install this package in the OP's Ubuntu.
@karel Interesting, what did the image show for you? It showed a keyboard with the media player controls on mine, which was related (but again, not terribly useful) to the answer.
@Pilot6 I think it was a poor choice, but not nefarious or spam in this case.
I was starting to point a Mod in the direction of the user if they were a spammer, but this appears to be a legit edit. Still, I'm fine with rolling it back - Just didn't want to get the user in trouble for spamming.
^^^ When the issue is hardware-related, it's better to use a custom closing reason. "No-repro" is not valid as the issue is reproducible, and "not about Ubuntu" directs the user to seek help in other SE sites which also don't support hardware-related questions, thus increasing the user's frustration.
@NotTheDr01ds It depends. Almost all Bash-related questions are. For other programming languages it depends on the nature of the question. If the question is, for example, about how to create a GUI application in C++ and have the window have a specific title, then this question is not on-topic here. If on the other hand the question is about an error they get while developing the application and it is related to the underlying system, i.e. Ubuntu, then it is on-topic.
@BeastOfCaerbannog The on-topic help doesn't make that distinction. I agree that it would be better on Stack Overflow, but the help text is a blanket "Development on Ubuntu" is on-topic ...
I have seen a number of users voting to close scripting questions as off topic. Is this the community consensus? Are bash questions not welcome here? How about other shell programming questions?
This issue has been discussed in the past: http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/5695/why-was-a-purely-programming-related-question-not-moved-closed
But I disagree with Andrea Corbellini because I believe that the question Emit signal for GIO.DBusProxy in Python? is completely on topic, because it...
Development is on-topic here unless it really has nothing to do with Ubuntu.
I wouldn't object to Python questions here but you might get better service on Stack Overflow which is really all about programming. If your questions involve Ubuntu peculiarities or packaging a Python application, then...
Agreed - But Oli's statement (which was probably the precursor for the help text, or at least based on it), is that a general Python question would be on-topic on either site, but better on Stack Overflow. If the question was about something unique to Ubuntu, then it would be better here.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Seems to be, according to everything I've seen. But again, if it didn't seem that it was unique to Ubuntu, I'd still recommend that they move it to Stack Overflow (after checking for duplicates, of course).
@NotTheDr01ds hahaha, sorry about that! I hadn't noticed the "nerfect", so I thought it was a typo!
@NotTheDr01ds BUT, I have you this:
The not about Ubuntu closing reason says: "This is not about an official Ubuntu flavor. Questions about other Linux distributions can be asked on Unix & Linux, those about Windows on Super User, those about Apple products on Ask Different and generic programming questions on Stack Overflow."
Such a question would be a generic programming question, thus off-topic.
@NotTheDr01ds The consensus about Bash is somewhat different than other languages. People here may be more well-equipped to answer Bash questions than SO.
@NotTheDr01ds I didn't say anything about a question being unique to Ubuntu.
Sorry, I might be misunderstanding your point. I thought you were saying that a "general programming question" isn't "about an official Ubuntu flavor", even if they are developing on an official Ubuntu flavor. My point (if that's your point) is that a question about Firefox (or Docker, or et. al.) isn't "about an official Ubuntu flavor".
I always like to go back to @Zanna's great quote, "We should not close questions just because they smell Minty/Windowsy." I'd say that extends to, "We should not close questions just because they smell programmy." ;-)
@NotTheDr01ds The problem of Firefox would be on Ubuntu, and thus we would try to answer for Ubuntu. If the problem is not related to Ubuntu or we cannot find a workaround for Ubuntu, then it could be a bug.
If someone would ask how to create an addon for Firefox on Ubuntu, then that would most probably be off-topic, because most addons don't depend on the OS.
That the would use Ubuntu to develop the addon wouldn't make the question on-topic.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Maybe, but even with programming questions, (1) The user may not know in advance whether or not the problem they are facing is unique to Ubuntu; just that it is occurring for them on Ubuntu. (2) There may be "unique to Ubuntu" answers that are possible. For instance, (purely hypothetical) a there might be a way to get a browser extension to communicate with a locally running Systemd service that provides the service they are looking for.
I think the "Not about Ubuntu" close reason is a stretch, since the help text (and Mod guidance in Meta) is that we accept "development on Ubuntu" questions here, even if they are general Python (et. al.) questions. Again, we're definitely not the best place for those - And I've recommended that users delete them here and repost on SO. But I don't think we should VTC them under the current policy, at least.
For (1), yes, that's up to a user to decide where it's better to ask their question. If it isn't the correct place, we can tell them and close the question (as we do). For (2) that's also true, but it's not the general rule. It's still not a great place here for such questions.
@NotTheDr01ds I would argue that most generic programming questions can't and won't be answered here, at least in a reasonable amount of time. Having them closed here quickly as not about Ubuntu directs the OP to SO, which is a much more appropriate place to ask and much more possible for the OP to get a solution.
We should also keep in mind that cross-posting is not allowed, so a user could not ask both here and in SO.
"most generic programming questions can't and won't be answered here, at least in a reasonable amount of time" - Agree with that, but that's why I recommend the user delete it here and repost on SO.
@BeastOfCaerbannog and I were having a chat discussion today debating the role of "general" programming questions here on Ask Ubuntu. The current on-topic help text includes:
Questions you may ask:
Development on Ubuntu.
There's also this older Meta post from @Oli who mentioned: