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Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Construct integers from 1, -, and (
4 hours later…
@Bubbler i am currently reading a book on arm, i copied a simple program to termux . tried assembling, and it failed.
What program and what command did you use?
Q: Spell out an integer... in NDos' way

Dannyu NDosObjective Given a positive integer, spell it out in the conlang I made. Specification Let \$n\$ be the inputted integer. \$n\$ shall be spelled out in the following specification. The entire spelling is case sensitive. With the decimal expansion of \$n\$, let d be the least significant nonzero di...

1 hour later…
@Bubbler a very simple program:
.global _start
_start: mov r0, #65
        mov r7, #1
        swi  0
tried nasm, yasm, and as .. they all error
as complains that the first operand of mov should be an int register, and an unknown mnemonic swi
swi is not an actual instruction
you need to use proper linux syscalls to print something
@Bubbler oh
Try using my hello world without .thumb instead
(frick wrong keyboard layout)
.section .text
.global _main
    mov r7, #4         // 2704   syscall #4 (write)
    mov r0, #1         // 2001   fd #1 = stdout
    add r1, pc, #8     // a102   string address = (pc+4) + 4 (msg)
    mov r2, #13        // 220d   string length = 13
    svc #0             // df00   syscall

msg: .ascii "Hello, World!"
I think this should work with as
> h.s: Assembler messages:
h.s:4: Error: operand 1 must be an integer register -- `mov r7,#4'
h.s:5: Error: operand 1 must be an integer register -- `mov r0,#1'
h.s:6: Error: operand 1 must be an integer or stack pointer register -- `add r1,pc,#8'
h.s:7: Error: operand 1 must be an integer register -- `mov r2,#13'
maybe gas?
well i'm trying to make a chat bot and
somehow even when i provide "0" as my password it fetches an fkey successfully???
and then when i try to post to chat.stackexchange.com/chats/ROOMID/messages/new i get a 404??
have you got some weird caching proxy in between or something?
the fkey never changes no matter what email or password i tell it to use which suggests that i'm not even getting the right field, but i basically copy-pasted npsp so idk how the fuck that's possible
@Bubbler how do i install gas on termux?
> Colemak Club, Stage 1: 17.79 WPM 90.7% accuracy
Hmm, actually mine was for arm32, and you need to code in aarch64 for android I guess
@PyGamer0 you could try this code instead
Is it just me or have all code blocks become invisible?
Just you it seems
Hm, seems to be a font issue.
@Bubbler worked!
Apparently "Cascadia Mono" is blank.
@PyGamer0 Nice, welcome to aarch64 :)
A: Code editor appears blank

Ben CollinsThis happened to me on VS2022 and it was caused by the Cascadia Mono font being corrupted (by Windows update?). Issue also broke VS Code. Explained on this thread.

I installed the latest font and that solves the problem.
@Adám has cascadia added APL support?
I don't think so. Why?
was wondering if you were testing that out
Not at all. Maybe a Windows update.
damn raspberry pi pico is cheap.
@Bubbler time to learn some aarch64 assembly :p
@Razetime How did it go?
Q: Windows place file on certain point of a HDD

John HI realized just now, that a huge mechanical HDD has different read/write speed at the outer track than the inner one. I use one partition for the whole drive. How can I tell windows if I do CreteFile Winapi call, that I want to place a file in the inner tracks, because I do not want to use that f...

I am officially a "fanatic".
so I own a bit of gold
@Adám they look very good with the font.
still needs the rest of the glyphs however. will take a while, i suppose
Maybe it'd be an idea to add a section to apl.wiki/Fonts with links to issues for addition of APL chars to various mainstream fonts?
it's an idea.. dunno if the links should be there, though.
@Razetime I don't follow. Without links, it'd be pretty useless, no?
nah i'm saying there's no need to put a pending projects section
the page lists fonts with full coverage and that should be enough
heyo ;
Mar 28 at 13:30, by mathcat
*cricket noises*
betcha weren't expecting to see me again
haven't been dead, just busy
@Ginger no, no I was
weekends are slow
plus I figured that the recent noise talks have scared a few people off conversations
so totally expected you back
ok then
now, about that game I was working on
y'all just ever look at all the files in your project directory and realise it's been that long since you've looked at the general file structure of the project that you forget what everything is?
because I do be like that
I really do
in reference to vyxal or something else?
Vyxal, but also some uni assignments lately
just do what I do and shove everything into 3 files /s
I think the intro to computer science fundamentals essay I've been writing basically non-stop for the last 2 weeks has finally gotten to me
I've forgotten how to code
or at least how to file structure
Also why tf is it easier to work with a group of internet strangers on a project than it is to work on a project with people I've met IRL?
like /srs tho
projects I've worked on here with y'all are easy to collab on
and they go smooth
but with a recent uni group, things were difficult af
maybe we're just more... compatible with your way of thinking?
i dunno
I just know that I really don't understand people sometimes
irl people that is
well I am an irl people [citation needed]
The fact I have a better perception of here than real life is probably grounds for concern
I see the main page and raise you their disclaimers page
The way I see it, it's free real estate for citations if you ever needed to reference why the factors of 36 do be like they are
because holy frick is it hard to find credible sources on things you'd expect there to be a lot of information on
say for instance the role of discrete mathematics in addressing the need of algorithms and complexity
shame I can't just cite "common sense"
hm, Wikipedia often doesn't have citations for the intro bits of pages for things like elements and stuff
@lyxal you can find 39543 metric frick-tons of blog articles/websites/quora posts/etc explaining the connection but the moment you try to find anything research paper or journal, you just get a big nope.
maybe there's a policy?
knew it
you know what I love doing? trying to fix bugs only to realise you're accidentally editing files in a version you downloaded from github instead of onto the actual repo files you have elsewhere
tons of fun
uh wat did i just type
some kind of cursed combination of quotations, slashes and the letter s
the real question is why did you just type
sorry what
@mathcat Looks like s/'/'''/ s/s/S s///s s/S//
the what?
@RadvylfPrograms closer to the first than the others
I don't understand regex
No, the first with the last three regexes applied to it
@RadvylfPrograms but I mean the actual message was pretty close
I am very confused
@mathcat no, you're mathcat.
I am very confused too
no, you're mathcat
that fact hasn't changed in the last minute
no I'm very confused
only because the fact changed in the last minute since I said it hadn't change in the last minute
okay true
@Ginger have you ever seen my website of my favourite things?
oop looks like you have
man this github skyline music slaps
@lyxal What is Skyline for?
Just a gimmick I think
or, more charitably, a proof-of-concept for 3D graphics on the web
do yall see code with syntax highlighting?
Could do with some margin on the sides
but looks good
@PyGamer0 yes
ok cool
i just need to tweak the colors to match my nvim theme
and i need to import the different font styles..
@PyGamer0 Yes.
@lyxal you do realize we’re people right?
We’re not all chatbots
I think it’s just that everyone here has some experience with programming
Also, if you’re talking about vyxal, part of the reason is that it’s your language so the rest of us are fine with decisions you make that we don’t completely agree with
If it were my langUagr id be disregarding everyone else’s advice all the time
I do have to admit, I’m a nicer person here than irl and i assume others do that too
@PyGamer0 yes, could be more variation in colors tho
@lyxal or trying to fix a certain bug, wracking your head over why you cant find it, and then only realizing youre on an old branch
@lyxal computer science essay? That sounds dumb
@Seggan i feel this, i wish my editor yelled at me whenever i madr changes on the wrong branch
Cmp: are you more or less the same in tnb as you are irl?
@user No. For some reason, I get off-topic here way easier than IRL.
Same. I feel chattier here than irl. Might be part of why we get off topic so easily
I feel like a dupe might exist somewhere (but with numbers directly instead of characters)
@BgilMidol Would be more interesting if the alphabet was given as an input.
(Also to avoid having to golf that constant)
To make it less trivial, maybe the amount to shift by could also depend on somd input
@Adám Added
@BgilMidol OK, but now you need some alternate test cases, and don't forget to specify what can and cannot appear in the two inputs. E.g. the alphabet has no duplicates and the string always consists entirely of characters from the alphabet.
@Adám added
@lyxal IDK, I have trouble with both :P
Huh, why didn't that one-box?
maybe because of the ping
@user Generally, yes. I'll talk about different topics in the different contexts, but I'd like to think I'm basically the same person everywhere.
@Adám fixed
@Adám because it contains a username mention
oneboxing only happens when the message contains only the link and possibly a :12345678 reply marker
Huh, TIL
SE chat FTW
Noooo wayyyyyy...TIL you can split sqrt(a + b) into sqrt(f(a)) + sqrt(a - f(b)), where f is a moderately complicated formula
@BgilMidol "Given a string consisting of only letters of the alphabet" seems to contradict the last test case.
Doesn't have to be a contradiction, but you may want to be a bit more clear about what you mean by "alphabet".
@RadvylfPrograms Could be an interesting CMC. Figure out what f is such that the formula holds true for any nonnegative a, b
@user umm i said i am trying to make it look like my nvim colorscheme
^ roughly how it should look
(may be outdated)
@ophact or just make it an actual challenge
@BgilMidol The title "Shift code points gradually" is a bit misleading. Nothing to do with code points, afaict.
@Seggan Was referring to Radvylf's specific case, but it could indeed make a fun challenge
@Seggan Seems more like Puzzling.SE: once somebody figures out the formula, there's no challenge for anyone else
@RadvylfPrograms Wait, it's not f(a) and a - f(b), it's just a formula f that uses both a and b, so f(a, b) and a - f(a, b)
> int main(void) {
I don't know C
but that looks weird
@Adám fixed
@PyGamer0 looks like a highly efficient sort...
@pxeger o_¶
@ophact You pass a function as your argument?
int main(void) just means that main ignores its arguments
@ophact main takes no arguments
I believe it's a special property of declaring main that you can do that
@BgilMidol You should harmonise your input nomenclature: "string" vs "input"
@pxeger wdym
I also recommend defining a bit clearer what "shift" mean.
int main(void) looked weird because since I know a tiny bit of Java I thought it meant that you would pass a "void" as your argument, i.e. a function returning null. But the actual functionality makes sense now,
void isn't a function returning null, it's a type with no properties
in Java I believe it was a function returning null or with no return type? I might be wrong about that one too
@ophact Ugh you just reminded me JS has a void operator
it does?
@Adám fixed
@ophact it's the return type of a function returning nothing
Yep, the only time it's ever used is javascript:void(0) links
It just returns undefined
@pxeger honestly i forgot how to make bubble sort, but that anyways works lol
@RadvylfPrograms it's sometimes used by JS minifiers
(although why not use {}._ or something?)
Yeah, I could see it being shorter in a few very rare cases, though void and [][0] are the same length
And if you don't care about being nice [].x is shorter still
And if you have some variable x you know is a non-nullish primitive type, which chances are you do, and you're a psychopath, you can do x.x
@RadvylfPrograms I remember the time you said that JS was the "English of programming". The void operator is a good example
@RadvylfPrograms what about just x?
(if x isn't defined)
That'll error unless x has been declared with var
@BgilMidol Hm, not sure that helped. How about something like "find the location of the first char in the wrapping string and replace it with the wrapping string char 1 step to the right of that, find the second char in the wrapping string and replace it with the char 2 steps to the right, find the third and replace it with the char 3 steps to the right, and so on."
@RadvylfPrograms top.a seems to work
That's just as long as the [][0] or void option, but doesn't always work
Whereas x.x (where x is a primitive) will always work unless a .x method is added to it in a later JS standard which is pretty unlikely
Or someone does stuff like String.prototype.x
And enters the realm of dark javascript™
is returning a function that does the actual calculation allowed in challenges?
Yes, as that'd be currying with an unused input
Both of which are allowed
function add() {
return (a,b) => a + b;
@RadvylfPrograms what is currying?
It's where you take input like (a)=>(b)=> instead of (a,b)=>
@Seggan If you really wanted to, you could do add = () => (a) => (b) => a+b
@RadvylfPrograms This is almost like currying the input rules regarding currying lol
ok so i'm trying to just send a message to SE chat in node and this is the sequence of requests i'm getting (up until before the send-message request) gist.github.com/hyper-neutrino/f1a2ff88fb54af3ed2e128a644bbf422
notably my password is not "0", but i still get an fkey somehow, and the fkey is the same even if i use my other email, and it's not equal to the fkey i get from inspecting the requests in the network tab
it's weird cuz i believe i'm just copying what npsp does to authenticate but it's clearly incorrect
@hyper-neutrino "0" is a super strong password tho, it's so simple, no one will ever guess it :P
true, brb gonna change all of my passwords to 0 :P
@Adám fixed
@hyper-neutrino Is that happening when you use your correct password?
@RadvylfPrograms seems like it, yeah
Might be a cookie issue then
@BgilMidol Maybe "Given an input string and a wrapping string, find the location of the first input string char in the wrapping string…"
possibly. i might just copy your cookie thing; i tried making my own but it could be causing issues. i'll copy the npsp code and put some logging code in it and run it on a test account and see if i can find any discrepancies
I'd try using curl to do the process manually (with lots of flags for verbosity) so you know what cookies you know to look for
Or yeah using NPSP's request and looking for differences
ah, yeah, i'm missing the prov cookie in the third request... idk how i missed that, i could've sworn i looked over each request to check for cookie issues. but i should be able to fix that easily then
This is a corporate part of SO I don't think I've seen before
Looks like it's just selling SO for teams but with fancy wording though lol
If you want to seem professional, add "solutions" to your name.
- Radvylf solutions
@Adám fixed. is it ready to post?
@BgilMidol You didn't add "input string"
"Given an input string and a wrapping string, find the location of the first input string char in the wrapping string…"
Also, I think you should have a test case where one needs to wrap around multiple times.
@Adám fixed (hopefully)
@Adám example?
If the input string is longer than the wrapping string, a character found late in both strings will wrap around multiple times.
@Adám fixed
@BgilMidol That result doesn't look right to me. The first 2 should shift twice. First shift gives 1, second shift gives 2, or am I missing something?
Do you have a reference implementation?
@Adám i think i fixed it
@BgilMidol I strongly recommend always solving a problem before posting it. This will help you catch lots of issues, including typos and problems with the spec.
@BgilMidol I'm not sure. The 5th 1 should shift 5 times: →2→1→2→1→2, no?
@Adám made a example implementation
OK, great. Imo, you don't need to include an implementation, just need to have one. Also, you should run all your examples through your implementation.
@Adám checked (and fixed) all of the test cases
Looks good to me then. You may want a second opinion, though.
Q: Shift a string gradually

Bgil MidolGiven an input string and a wrapping string, find the location of the first input string char in the wrapping string and replace it with the wrapping string char 1 step to the right of that, find the second char in the wrapping string and replace it with the char 2 steps to the right, find the th...

I wonder how much easier it would be to design and construct a nuclear weapon, given a sufficient amount of fissile material, today compared to the 40s, given that we know it's possivle, have some amount of knowledge of how they work, and can do computations that took hours in just seconds.
Rough ballpark guess, based on the amount of progress North Korea seems to have made: easier, but still not very easy.
Oh true
Well there goes my plans for the evening
CMQ: Can (and should) I answer my own question?
Yes, but if doing so in a mainstream/popular language, hold off for a while to give others a chance. I'd say a week is fine.
@RadvylfPrograms Depending on the amount of info you have available, the design phase would probably be measured in hours rather than days. Construction time would entirely depend on how much "from scratch" we're talking. I'd say anywhere from a few days to a few thousand years.
@BgilMidol I'd say hold off for a while even if not answering in a popular language.
@Adám Well, the info available would just be what an ordinary group of half a dozen or so people, perhaps some with nuclear physics degrees at most, would know.
A basic nuclear weapon is incredibly simple. Separate two 0.75 × critical mass blocks by a lead wall and spring load them together. Detonation mechanism will be to remove the wall, causing the springs to quickly join the two blocks.
"Safe" construction, storage, and delivery is a whole other question.
Hmm, true. I was thinking a plutonium one, but I suppose "given a sufficient amount of fissile material" is vague enough to include HEU
Don't try this at home.
@RadvylfPrograms Plutonium-239 will make for a handy little bomb. Two 7.5 kg blocks should be in the right ballpark. Can fit in a large backpack or suitcase.
...that'd just fizzle
The backpack? Surely, if you slam together the 15 kg of P239, you won't live to regret it.
The problem is, it blows itself to pieces before the reaction really gets going. That's why they went through the trouble of engineering implosion type bombs even in 1945.
A gun-type plutonium device just isn't viable
Ah, I see.
How tf do I log out of StackExchange?
Click the SE logo in the right of the topbar
(A separate question is why I'm suddenly inexplicably logged in as ATO instead of pxeger)
Yeah I got it, thanks
3 hours later…
@NewPosts Further evidence that Pip is often about as golfy as APL
1 hour later…
stupid math question: is 123x^y (123x)^y or 123(x^y)?
@Seggan Exponents are evaluated first.
So 123 * x ^ y = 123 * (x ^ y)
ik that just when doing algebra its so tantalizing to think that the number right next to the variable is evaluated first
ty for confirming my fears
the alternative precedence would be unbelievably scuffed
What's the best way in a BQN dyadic tacit function to apply a monadic function F to the left argument, apply a different monadic function G to the right argument, and then apply a dyadic function H to those two results? I've got F∘⊣ H G∘⊢, but that feels super clunky.
Specifically, I'm trying to write a function that takes two strings and returns a list of N copies of one string, where N is the length of the other string. ⋈∘⊣⥊˜≢∘⊢ is what I have now.
wait why did my edit apply immediately without approval?
@Seggan Welcome to 2k rep :)
ik it allows me to review suggested edits but insta-approval?
It needs two people to approve an edit suggestion, but you can bypass that by doing "edit and improve".
@forest I think they mean that their own edits are "insta-approved," i.e. don't need to be approved by anyone else.
Yeah, that's a 2k rep thing.
Fridge water is not a good thing to put into your drink bottle for the night. It tastes okay in theory during the day, but that stuff just tastes odd 9 hours later.

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