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00:00 - 18:0019:00 - 00:00

An ideal message would never depend on a "when correctly translated"
Maybe an addition table and a multiplication table, encoded in binary, could work
I think there was a message on Voyager which told aliens how to find us
(Something about distances to pulsars iirc
Yeah. If it were a serious attempt at communicating, it should be tested by having a small team of scientists who know nothing about the project sit in a room with the raw data being sent
Hell, I'm looking at the "decoding" thing on Wikipedia, and I don't see how half of what its supposed to be corresponds to what's shown
I don't think anything relating to the image's dimensions were transmitted, which is what really makes it useless IMO
> The alternative arrangement, 23 rows by 73 columns, produces an unintelligible set of characters
It's a semiprime, so there are only 2 options for dimensions. But, thats pretty damming that one of the two is completely unintelligible
lol... they tried to be clever by making the image size a semiprime, but can the receiver really detect the start and the end of the signal?
^ lol
Doesn't look like it, fucking hell
@RadvylfPrograms Thing is, they'd still have some basic knowledge of humans and human culture, but this is probably the best we can do
aka, there's literally nothing good about this space message
@allxy Get a bunch of monkeys into a room, send them the raw data and give them typewriters to write down what they understand
Boom, Shakespeare v2
idk why my website is down
> Even assuming that any extraterrestrial recipients would recognize binary, the encoding of the numbers may not be immediately obvious because of the way they have been written. To read the first seven digits, ignore the bottom row, and read them as three binary digits from top to bottom, with the top digit being the most significant. The readings for 8, 9, and 10 are a little different, as their binary code has been distributed across an additional column next to the first
the entire hyper-neutrino.xyz domain is unreachable
even though the server runs fine it just doesn't receive any requests; idk if my certificate expired or smth and i don't know how to set that up either
@hyper-neutrino I get one of those "this page is up for sale" kinda pages when I visit it
uh what
it just never loads for me
hang on, I'll get a screenshot
Sorry for the french
@hyper-neutrino your webapp's been pwned by russian hackerers /s
well i'll need to figure that out sometime
Having a website is probably important
Probably it has to do with the DNS
rather than the server itself
> Using the double vertical columns above, read from top to bottom starting from the right column first, and then top to bottom from the left column.
Sorry for the distraction for HN's site, but everything I read about the Aercibo message is somehow worse than what came before it
DNS points to amazon global accelerator
ok what the fuck
my domain is expired
even though i paid off the renewal invoice well before the due date
bro i fucking hate this service so much i've had issues like every year
TIL JS ArrayBuffer lets you encode a non-integer amount of bytes
i might just re-purchase my domain off a different provider later
Move to a .space, it's dirt cheap
@cairdcoinheringaahing okay yeah wait what the fuck
@Bubbler says it's $35 for me (on canspace.ca)
@UnrelatedString If even compsci people are saying "what the fuck" about something to do with binary, you know its fucked
the only reason i can think of to move stuff into extraneous columns would be aesthetics
and if there's one thing you don't want to count on alien life understanding it's a human's sense of aesthetics
@Bubbler i believe so
@cairdcoinheringaahing sorry what
@UnrelatedString "We were going to go with this universally understandable message, but figured it was too boring, so here's some glitter for you to send to the aliens"
massively overcomplicating a simple task? That sure doesn't sound like humans!
Q: simulate the ripple effect

ChspsaImagine throwing a rock into a pond. You get to see perfect circles of ripples spreading out over the pond, bouncing off of each other. Of course, nothing can be as serene as that in coding, but, we can try! Given a point on a 2D array (x, y) and the dimensions of a 2D array/pond (w, h), and a "f...

@hyper-neutrino I paid $24.71 for two years on domain.com
.xyz is like 11 USD annually
@NewPosts if it weren't 2am, I'd go through the "here's what you should change" with OP :/
I keep intending to get a domain
idk what tho
> Output is int[][][] or bool[][][] or something[][][]
because I'm pretty sure that all domains matching \ginger\..*\ are already taken
bleugh slug
Also, who writes regex with backslashes
Pretty sure PCRE regex lets you use custom delimiters
Well, ginger is a common noun
And adjective
iginger.space (and some other TLDs) at $2.99/mo
Gotta love when it's 2022 and it still takes 3 divs to vertically centre something
All you need is an outer wrapper with flexbox
I guess you could count the inner div that's holding the centered content, but that's kinda wack
Since you'd need it with really any way to center stuff
@Ginger ginger.page, ginger.codes, ginger.blog, ginger.golf, ginger.art
@RadvylfPrograms tried that didn't work
The only thing that worked was an inner, middle and outer div solution I found on stack overflow
And of course Sparkfun has 300 Pi Zero 2 Ws in stock now :|
@lyxal Then you're doing it wrong
align-items: center
Unless you're in IE6 or smth
well I was using Edge
Edgy Edge or the Chromium one
i'll check
You're doing something wrong then
so it's a div in a div right?
and the outer div has style="align-items: center" right?
You need display: flex
    <div style="align-items: center; display: flex">
        <h1>Sorry, you lost.</h1>
        <p>The number was <%= session.getAttribute("number") %></p>

        <a href="index.jsp">Play again?</a>
like that?
then explain this liberals
@lyxal Well if you didn't specify a height for the div it'll be vertically centered in a div as large as its contents
(just gotta wait for the screenshot to actually work)
Presumably you want it vertically centered within the body in which case you need a height: 100vh and probably want to position: absolute it to avoid issues with margins
dang it now it's working
now to horizontally centre it
Just add justify-content: center
Another flexbox thing
any width requirements?
Not sure, but you probably want to add width: 100vw just to be safe
tf kinda units are these vw and vh?
never seen them
They're awesome
vw is percentage of window width
vh is percentage of window height
They changed my life
how is this the first time I've heard of them?
They're "new"
Although nowadays IE support (the only browser worth considering that doesn't have them) isn't needed unless you know for sure you need it
@RadvylfPrograms how new?
I learned css after 2013
and still never seen them
I suppose that's what I get for learning from W3Schools
CSS3 is a bit of a dark art. You don't learn it from legit sources.
Aside from MDN
you should probably write an answer to stackoverflow.com/q/396145/9363594 then
They're also still considered a bit niche for some reason, I think
> but all of them are missing Internet Explorer 6 support.
I think that question wants stuff that's more compatible
even 2019 answers don't have vh and vw
Well, vw/vh are only useful additions to vertically/horizontally centering code if it's for the whole body and not just a part of the page
I see a lot of % in those answers which usually works but it's super janky with height
Welp now that my divs are aligned properly, time to see what tf I've done wrong with session handling
wish me luck
That can be a security thing so be careful not to do it too wrong lol
security doesn't matter here
it's a uni assignment
it's more that sessions are retaining data from previous runs
Security should be a habit :p
that's probably for next assignment
seeing as how there's no user authentication in the first place, security doesn't actually exist
This guy looks way too bored for someone standing a meter from a nuclear warhead:
well I would assume that once you've seen one, you've seen them all
I think I'd get bored too if that's all I looked at
also, that distance looks a tad bit less than a metre
more like maybe 30cm?
40cm tops
Well, I guess it depends from what points you measure. From the center of the human and MIRV it's probably about a meter :p
I wish they made auto-formatters for JSP files instead of just relying on standard HTML linting
because HTML linters have a habit of fricking up the contents of <% %> tags
which isn't exactly helpful when you're dealing with a language that actually has syntax requirements
You could maybe write a script that removes everything in <%s, runs the linter, then adds it back in
I could, but that would require me to understand how VS Code works under the hood
and making a theme was hard enough
as was configuring macros to expand java servlet boilerplates
I wonder what would happen if the US just completely denuclearized
it'd lose a lot of leverage in the world
nothing says power like "we can nuke you if you misbehave"
I wonder if it would lead to a bigger or smaller threat of nuclear war (or, I guess, nuclear massacre)
it'd depend on the context
if it was done under the pretense of an agreement with other countries, the risk would be smaller
if it was done just because you became president and no-one else did it, I don't think too much would change, but some people in the US would probably start worrying that you'd just weakened the military force of their country
The above situation could also (maybe) prompt a power hungry country to take advantage of the situation
Because the best time to strike is when the enemy is down and you're up
So really, it depends on what negotiations and deals you have with the world
What I find funny is how Australia is considered part of the West despite being geographically East of Europe and America
Like sure I guess we're west if you consider that there's directional wrap around, but then the analogy of west and east breaks down
@lyxal meh, w3schools is okay for learning, although it's often outdated and silly.
MDN's so much better thouugh
so today is my physics exam
and yesterday i figured out that calculus is hidden behind the concepts of motion in 1D (motion in general)
calculus is hidden behind everything
and math is hidden behind the hidden stuff :P
and currently i am installing arch linux on WSL2 \o/
bois we got arch
if anyone still is interested in helping to draw CODE GOLF on r/place, go to the designated r/place chatroom. thx
@RadvylfPrograms might as well use WSL while they are hugging :P
I solved Semantle #65 in 123 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 23.42. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #56. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 38.91 (930/1000). semantle.novalis.org
i hit 334 on guess 4 and have sort of been spinning there since
lel nice
...and i just hit 993
I solved Semantle #65 in 38 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 0.42. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #4. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 22.93. semantle.novalis.org
I got Semantle 65 on my first guess!
@PyGamer0 WTF
by giving up on another device and playing on the first lmao
ok bruh
gave me a literal heart attack for a sec there lmao
let me just continue setting up arch instead of giving people heart attacks lol
honestly i'd get more of a heart attack from 2-guess semantle than 1
because 1 guess is just dumb luck
2 guesses is absolute madness
2 guesses can also be luck lmao
Technically everything involves luck
Technically everything invovles math
Sometimes sheer luck, sometimes sheer unluck, more often it's just mediocre luck
Unlike all the previous times, we might actually make CODE GOLF on r/place
what is r/place?
@PyGamer0 some reddit thing
search it up
and join the chatroom for drawing code golf on r/place
what is the subreddit for?
@PyGamer0 its basically a big canvas where u can change a pixel every 5ish minutes
we are trying to draw CODE GOLF on it rn
shouldnt the top O next to the C be moved one to the left or am i tripping
Yes, all letters are 3x4
@PyGamer0 r u planning to help out ?
no -_-
oof alr
i mean, u can do other stuff while waiting for the pixel cooldown
its not like u have to be looking at the tab the entire time
unlike previous attempts, it is actually working out pretty well rn
28 mins ago, by PyGamer0
let me just continue setting up arch instead of giving people heart attacks lol
ok so i got my prompt done
idk what that is, but cant u have the r/place tab open while doing whatever that is?
i cant
for exam
@lyxal link ?
i have 3 vscode themes so far ;p
It's not published
Nor will it ever be published
Not by me at least
@PyGamer0 if you want I can put the files into a repo and you can publish it if you so desire
user image
Thanks vscode
yes i think thats what Console.log() does, for sure, no question about it :P
@emanresuA that's the secret capital C variant that they don't tell you about
lowercase c console just deals with the console in dev tools
Uppercase c console is where the fun starts
In other news, my r/place recreation now appears to be fully functional
Never mind
That was an amongus but when I reloaded the page...
it's reproducing
There seems to be a discrepancy between client-side and server-side decoding...
I see.. it was a faulty bitshift
And now the server's not even storing data???
ah the eternal problems of networking
okay why am i failing at link formatting
is that really necessary?
This is a simple webserver, it's more that there are inconsistencies between how the frontend and backend store data
Alright I'm switching from 8-bit to 7-bit
@lyxal idk my account password
i can link my themes here if yall want
i found it
> 664 installs
My data storage is still bleh
i just downloaded the latest xkcd and
it's 9 hours long
see the explain xkcd for what it actually is
i mean i can definitely tell that it's a text to speech reading of a turtle graphics tutorial
and come to think of it i assume it released on friday
got neofetch
very cool
and i can still use my favourite terminal emulator
getting arch on wsl sounds hard but its easy
i am currently trying to get a non-browser piet IDE working on my computer
aka i am treking through abandoned git repos and dead links to find one that might work
I solved Semantle #65 in 179 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 2.26. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #12. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 43.40 (962/1000). semantle.novalis.org
feeling dumb
@emanresuA where
oh i scrolled up more nvm
I solved Semantle #65 in 2 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 59.16 (997/1000).My penultimate guess had a similarity of 59.16 (997/1000). semantle.novalis.org
lol does this count
i have 3 devices
@des54321 Yeah, it's hard to find something that works today (aka I couldn't find any either)
Do you have a specific reason you want non-browser one btw?
im gonna be on an airplane for about 6 hours tomorrow, almost certainly without wifi, and id love to try to learn a bit more piet while im on the plane
That makes sense
i have encountered two different source-only IDEs, one in python, and one in C++, that i could not get to work due to a plethora of missing libraries and nonsense, and now i have downloaded an executable from 2007 that apparently worked in windows XP
Can you run linux binaries?
unfortunately not
im on a win10 laptop rn
right now im just trying different compatibility settings on this .exe to see if it will run
You could try enabling WSL on it I guess
Honestly the easiest non-browser way to try Piet is npiet (latest binary) + ascii-piet (also don't forget to grab an offline copy of this page and maybe ascii-piet's readme)
i think im going back to tinkering with the python IDE i found and seeing if it can launch
ASCII piet is probably the easiest way, but i SO wish i could get something a bit more like this online IDE, being able to see what different colors will do in the context of your current color is so helpful
well this one actually needs python2, that might be part of the reason it wasnt working :P
@des54321 This seems to work with latest Python and necessary dependencies, though it's more like a visualizer than an IDE
hmmmm lets take a look at that
ive been trying to get this to run so far
Source is 12 years old... that's way too old
probably yeah, but its what i can find lel
@Bubbler How to run: get a .png file (likely using ascii-piet, or you can find some examples in the repo itself), and run python main.py -f image.png -g in the terminal
hmmmm i think its closing immediately after it runs the file
@att Nvm, we got yeeted again
3 hours later…
Shall we kill this one while it is still small?
no yes
1 hour later…
hey guys look at this:
eldritch :|
are you playing dots and semi-colons?
you don't get it?
it's loss
user image
the mods summoned evil minecraft blocks to steal your rep
> oh hi
@lyxal nice
(that's a SE Nitro reference)
Mar 4 at 13:02, by PyGamer0
maybe start a webcomic like xkcd
hello radvylf
and razetime
@PyGamer0 I don't have that much creativity.
@lyxal D:
@lyxal that is a lie
Y'all talking to the person who named an esolang one character different to their username
purely because that's the best I could come up with
Xyxal would have been cooler
my username is literally my hair color
I don't think I've to explain my username
@Ginger it's hard coming up with the funny haha dialogue
@mathcat Lemme guess: It's an anagram for "tha mact", a misspelling of "the matrix", a warning to us that we live in a simulated universe named by people who don't know what a matrix is?
10000+ IQ
I thought it was just pointing to that mac
Oh yeah, that mac
chat tam
tach mat, a rug that can send information back in time
tha math
I don't think you anagrammed correctly
I do have a hat
all math
Which math symboi would make the best hat?
that product thingy
yeah right
Honestly if you turned it sidewats Big Sigma would be an interesting hat
user image
we don't talk about that mac
what have I done
Shut up about it already it might hear us
user image
That's the last one for now
Thank you for making me laugh in class as we discuss medical experimentation in the holocaust
what was everyone's reaction?
carykh is Jo King confirmed?
holy shit
@JoKing is this true?
@lyxal my brother made something:
2 hours later…
Opinions on this edit?
On the one hand, I don't think we're as strict about this sort of stuff anymore. But on the other hand, the question does say no answers >4d later should have "non-competing" in the title
But in the end I skipped the review
On a personal level I want to reject it, because the non-competing thing is a stupid rule
It seems a bit like it's based on OP's misinterpretation of the rule "The cop with the lowest-score uncracked answer after 1 week wins!" which is an imitation of other C'n'Rs
but in other CnRs it means "1 week after the answer was posted"
do any of u watch pointless
The first round of today's featured an....... interesting answer
@Ginger that's imaginative from my point of view
TIL "emanresu A" is canonically pronounced "bread"
Then "A username" would be "daerb" wouldn't it
Not necessarily, shoe backwards isn't eohs
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