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@Mayube yeah I only mentioned that because of the Temtem with that name
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm obtuse "point zero five"
in fact I'd probably be even more obtuse than that "zero point zero five"
Opinions on my new practical language idea's current comment syntax?:
{}: line comment

{: nestable block comment :}
:} reminds me of flowey
@RadvylfPrograms weird....
I prounounce "Obi-Wan Kenobi" the way they pronounce it in the movies... 🤔
I also have {-: and :-}, non-nestable raw block comments
obi-wan is from Star wars right?
@RadvylfPrograms The line comment syntax doesn't feel like comment syntax to me.
@DLosc in my head princess leia pronounces it the same way I do, but she probably doesn't actually. It's been a long time
Maybe ; since I'm not using it
i never watched star wars ...
I don't tend to rewatch movies I didn't love :P
To be fair, I've probably only seen the actual movie twice. But one sees clips everywhere, and also this is on my "favorite songs" playlist X^D
do you like my art:
@RadvylfPrograms The line comment syntax doesn't really add anything, does it?
// line comment
/: nestable block comment :/
might be better.
I'm already using //
I like the symmetry of {:, too
I'm thinking ; for line comments
That way you can still end lines with them, out of habit if you're a JS programmer, without harming anything. Plus, it's used by other languages I like.
@mathcat Paint 3D
wait wat?
@DLosc I was expecting seagulls
@Adám Great, an excuse to learn APL :)
Some code in an unfinished prototype of the practical language I'm working on: gist.github.com/Radvylf/0fed1487c8eeb62e27392091780f2236
> rws
RedwolfScript? :P
Possibly :p
@att That's the idea, yes.
@Adám phase 1 is easy, i got 3 of them rn ...
@lyxal looks like Gru's girlfriend
or Madeline from Celeste
@RadvylfPrograms that looks like an unholy union of C and JS
Really? To me it feels more like taking JS, putting RWS next to it, tying them together with a rubber band, pulling RWS over to C, then letting go. RWS lands directly opposite to C relative to JS
it's also in many ways the polar opposite of Etch
I made this helpful diagram
@Ginger for example, lots of people will use it
I'm thinking I'll make it transpile to JS for now
@RadvylfPrograms I love that your brain explains things with weird analogies like this. I do the same
my brain explains things very simply
Etch would be a lot better if I could be bothered to work on it
@Mayube I think it's done for comedic value
there are like 50 tiny things that would take me like 60 seconds to add but would vastly improve it, but I just never get around to adding them
@pxeger Radvylf's explanations are part analogy and part star bait
@pxeger No, I just think like that. (I do do weird analogies for humor quite often though)
@Ginger Everything in TNB is star bait
imma go add dictionaries to Etch, wml
This message has been sponsored by the starboard. Please consider starring if you want to help this channel grow further.
21 secs ago, by mathcat
This message has been sponsored by the starboard. Please star if you want to help this channel grow.
more star-baity now
@Ginger no
it says "by mathcat"
Mar 3 at 13:54, by mathcat
Feb 27 at 22:41, by lyxal
@user no u
19 secs ago, by mathcat
Feb 27 at 22:41, by lyxal
@user no u
@mathcat If everyone gave just one star, we could reach our goal in 3ms. Starrers like you help keep our project afloat.
don't forget to SMASH that star button
Sincerely, Jimmy Beluga, founder of Starboards Inc.
downgrade etadpu
I have another KotH idea
oh no
Yes please, not enough KotHs these days
Starboard Inc. will sponsor you if you'll sell the challenge idea to them.
What about Port Inc.?
You control a bunch of soldiers. They're basically points on a map. They move in tiny increments, and the time it takes for you to calculate which direction to make the next movement determines how many ticks you have to wait before you can move again
and then?
They shoot at each other and stuff
The amount of times I've come up with a koth idea then realised it's just asking people to write Starcraft bots...
@RadvylfPrograms But then soldiers can just shoot from arbitrary places without the need to move.
Would be interesting though
presumably the soldiers have a maximum range
@mathcat If I sell the challenge idea to you, can I get 100 stars?
on the above message
@Starboard Inc. onions?
Counter offer: 3 stars and a firm handshake
@mathcat You should change your username to Starboard Inc. and partner with Ginger Industries
@ophact There'd be lots of obstacles and things they can do (like running to pick up more ammo or better weapons)
@Mayube That's on the playlist too. ^_^ (But it doesn't have a pronunciation of "Obi-Wan" in it.)
@RadvylfPrograms Sounds fun. Post please!
but sandbox first
(obligatory comment)
Yeah I've learned my lesson about not sandboxing koths :p
@DLosc it does, however, have a pronunciation of "hmm hah hoo hmm hmm hah hmm"
Oops I just stepped on more inspiration to work on Hunter-Gatherer
You can also allow soldiers to star messages posted by other soldiers. The soldier whose message was starred will admire his message and stop walking, allowing other soldiers to kill him.
seeing as you're sponsored by Starboard Inc
you must advertise their product
As founder and CEO of Starboard Inc. I am pleased to announce that today we will be minting 250,000 stars as NFTs on the Startherium blockchain. This is an exciting new time for Starboard Inc. and I hope you'll all join us for the ride.
Sincerely, Jimmy Beluga.
Jimmy Beluga?
The joke is that the early messages about starring to support the channel were parodies of the donation messages on Wikipedia, which always come from Jimmy Wales. Beluga is a type of Whale, therefore Jimmy Beluga is a parody of Jimmy Wales
presenting: the Ginger Technologies BrowniePoints blockchain
That's a much more in-depth joke than I thought :p
@ophact Simple: arm the soldiers with throwing stars.
I actually thought he went by James Wales, If I'd know he went by Jimmy Wales I would've gone with James Beluga
@Ginger don't use vantablack, use Black 3.0
Hunter-Gatherer's gonna be interesting. The post itself will only have a short description of each aspect of the game, and there will be an "almanac" with much more in-depth information on every aspect of it. Sort of like Catan's rules.
The preferred way to access the almanac will be through github, but I'll have a stack snippet that displays it for anyone who can't access GH
Develop it into an open-world game where soldiers can kill bigger beasts to earn powers, visit the shop to buy stuff, buy tech from research labs, go to villages to meet with other soldiers, etc.
or allow alliances
this will be good
welcome to scope creep, population: 13,000,000,001
Soldiers can also build shelters and fortresses to defend against attacks from other soldiers, and detonate bombs or set things on fire
Sorry, got carried away
how will you even build the controller?
Note we're talking about two different KotHs
Hunter-Gatherer and the soldiers one
Yeah, was referring to your soldier idea
I'll use performance
And what is performance? (I know what performance is, but not performance)
hopefully you know what I mean.
It gives you really accurate timing information
For Chrome, it's down to 10ths of a millisecond, but it used to be microsecond or even nanosecond level
I've been wanting to make my own KotH for some time, but I'm too lazy to build a controller
I've been wanting to make my own language for some time, but I'm too lazy to build a interpreter
Just do what I did for my first KotH: Not know you're supposed to make a controller before posting it, then have different people in the community who all make their own, and let competition narrow it down to the best one
I actually did build my own language. It sucks, frankly.
I've built several, but I have many more ideas I haven't touched
@ophact what is it called?
It's called "PPL", primitive programming language. Some of you might remember it
It is very primitive
and I've abandoned it
@ophact and it's a programming language?
it can add, loop, do ifs, functions etc
not sure about turing completeness, though
computational class is overrated
I definitely wouldn't be ready to nominate it for LoTM or LYOL
it's called LYAL
Learn You Our Language >:)
it's called Comrade and it has no concept of scope or variable ownership. All memory is shared, all variables are global.
what a fitting name...
"Variable ownership?"
as in variable names?
@ophact See: Rust
@ophact Speaking of which, can we get some more votes (and nominations) on the LYAL thread? Right now, the highest-voted language we haven't done yet has a score of 4.
I once made a language where all of the commands involved different kinds of communists
It would be helpful to delete the answers whose language has already been learned for great good
(or big bad)
E.g., it had event-based stuff. A Posadist was an event listener, and you'd trigger it by nuking the country it lives in.
Recursion used a Marxist, to run the function again you'd do a revolution
@ophact I think the idea was that we might repeat languages at some point, which is why those weren't deleted. But we haven't repeated any so far, and maybe we should discuss whether we want to start doing that or just delete the already-learned nominations like you said.
I voted for tinylisp
I imagine more people might vote for LMBM if I set up an up-to-date online parser for it
voted for Piet
what was the consensus for gibberish?
The consensus for gibberish is that gibberish is gibberish which must be deleted because gibberish is complete and utter gibberish.
Worst part of that answer: "O_O=nutearl"
> nutearl
Wait, you mean to tell me you don't pronounce "neutral" as "nute-arl"? /s
todd haunts my dreams OOO_OOO
@DLosc No, I pronounce it as noy-trall
of course, who doesn't?
@ophact Ah, Deutsch! Sehr gut.
@RadvylfPrograms I sea what you did there
@DLosc Another possible pronunciation is noot-ralllllllllllll
or of course, noo-tral, like a normal person.
> new-troll
I pronounce neutral as "ne-u-tral"
I'm about to post a question. Are those still on-topic?
@DLosc neh-chyol
@Ginger careful, you might summon something
*Satan enters the chat*
I don't see lyxal
@RadvylfPrograms not sure
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

des54321I've been hanging out on this site for a while now and answering a number of challenges, and I came up with a possibly good, if kinda meta idea for a challenge, would love any input on this. Output this string from the kolmogorov-complexity tag info page kolmogorov-complexity is one of the tags ...

@SandboxPosts iiinterestig
but it is a nice idea
(if you know what i mean)
let's sing a song in chat
We've know each other for so long
your heart's been aching b
you're too shy to say it
okay that's a bad idea
ok, i have a better idea
we sing jump in the caac
sing with me
or i will find some method of suing you for $2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001
I have reached 8k views
only 2k more for gold medal
@emanresuA what do i do after this
@ophact i voted for Python 3.7.1
press the red button
@Ginger you said something about an ascii spam room
where is it


unicode is weird Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©Í©...
ok but sing with me now ( a song of my choice ) or i will sue you for $444,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,004 (444 quattorquadragintillion and 4 dollars
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sylvester KruinDraw an envelope You want to send an ASCII letter to someone, but you need an envelope to put it in. Your task is to output an envelope given a size as input. Rules: Given positive integer input i, your envelope will be i characters tall (not counting the top row), and i*2 characters wide (not c...

@SegFaultPlus4 Relevant XKCD
> two octillion gigadollars
@DLosc that's the intention
I realized after posting it. :P "Wait, is that actually the same number plus 1? Oh..."
so don't make me bust out the quadragintaquattorquadragintillon
^ upvote this, it'll be funny out of context
Wordle 277 4/6

@SegFaultPlus4 What if I don't know the words to the song of your choice?
@DLosc it's jump in the caac, lyrics here
@SegFaultPlus4 that's a funny way of spelling Never Gonna Give You Up
@DLosc hyh
had to at least try
@DLosc and @Ginger r u ready
Why can't we sing the google song?
@mathcat what is the google song
utube it
wait no
googol song
@mathcat we'll do that first
10 tredecillion
ok now jump in the caac time
@mathcat refer to this link for the lyrics
just click "Captions"
> Matt, I thought you liked maths
@mathcat ... how do you make a song out of that
@emanresuA It's Helen Arney
@mathcat Greatest insult matt ever received
@emanresuA why don't we sing the output of the python program print("4"*1337)
But it doesn't have a cool name like Googol
and Googolplex
yes it does
it's the 13364th repdigit
of course, we could always go for the 13370th one (replace 4 with 0
Wordle 276 4/6


i had a 1 in 11 guess and just first tried it
i'm the 9.090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909%
@SegFaultPlus4 Different ones...
@emanresuA how even, 277 isn't out yet
It's 8:10 AM Wed 23 March for me
also @emanresuA wanna sing jump in the caac with me and @DLosc and @Ginger
emanresu A lives in australia
@SegFaultPlus4 I do not want to
Wrong country
@emanresuA woah
it's 8:11 PM here
@emanresuA that puts u 13 hours ahead of me
there is no place 13 hours ahead of the UK
pretty sure there is
i think offsets can go as far as like
@UnrelatedString no, it's 12 either way, the UK has the greenwich meridian
i'm serious
@Ginger where is the red button
@UnrelatedString where is ur timezone
okay it's 14
UTC+14:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of +14:00. This is the earliest time zone on Earth, meaning that areas in this zone are the first to see a new day, and therefore the first to celebrate a New Year. It is also referred to as the "latest time zone" on Earth, as clocks in it always show the 'latest' (i.e., most advanced) time of all time zones. UTC+14:00 stretches as far as 30° east of the 180° longitude line and creates a large fold in the International Date Line around the Pacific nation of Kiribati. == As standard time (year-round) == === Oceania === Kiribati Line Islands �...
@SegFaultPlus4 i think this time of year it's -4?
yeah est is -5 edt is -4
@UnrelatedString so the US
i think
the eastern us
there's like
four time zones here
the US is 5 hours behind the UK
excluding hawaii and alaska
so we get to the 23rd 1st
so i don't know how you are 13 hours ahead when you literally cannot be from all the evidence
new zealand daylight savings time is utc+13
@UnrelatedString qué
so you are in new zealand
standard time is utc+12
then where are u
that you are 13 hours ahead of the UK
i don't even know if they actually have daylight savings time on at the moment since the page says summer
i'm pretty sure emanresu is from nz
r u on lyxal's acc
lyxal is from australia
@UnrelatedString aren't u emanresu A
nsw is +10 or +11
Why are you golfing your english?
bc i can
@Ginger you ... you just golfed a ? out.
@mathcat where is the (lack of) a ?
(the message got edited).
@mathcat oh yeah
you almost joined the dark side
I see what y'all mean about the bottom of my pfp having rendering ussues
Q: Arrange a Haft-Sin table

Amir reza RiahiIt's Nowrouze and you want to set up a Haft-Sin table by words. This means find seven words that start with letter s. The Challenge Write a program wich its input is a list of words separated by space, and output at most first 7 words which starts by letter s. If the s is before letter h it doesn...

Chat Mega Steganography Challenge:
> fuvii paa vimuu daaop bi nukudgyd dupooirooiku
"Hi! I am Radvylf."
> kuufuu giipmuuvut muni dao curugi gig gidyyd girimo, goopaadid rutdygtuk. tiimucu padaodoig gipmuu dimutu. dagpuunu goodog gipri kid goo tiimunup bimudub suusgypmu dooi kimunu doigpuu dii lubirucoi
"This is a long string. It consists of lots of characters. Cats are fuzzy and adorable."
And the challenge:
> wunuu doopmutgoog dopmuk fubupdop giipmuru mupdad. kucuwi, di vurunup viimufu giidoop paot maitaodok!
This is the 1st chapter of Moby Dick if you need more text to work with
> padooi cukdydyd gimumdag
that sounds like an insult in Martian
@RadvylfPrograms None of your examples have an exclamation point in them. Is that significant?
I'll just reveal what it is, since it's not that important. A trailing comma is converted to an exclamation point.
No e in the output, why am I not surprised ^_^
I was going to but I had one vowel too many, so I really had no choice :p
@RadvylfPrograms I've been meaning to ask, do you perceive any difference between e and ɘ?
I don't really have much phoneme synesthesia. I've only really noticed it today.
So can't say for certain.
what about the glyphs themselves
that's what I meant
ɘ doesn't really have a color but if it'd did it'd be a sort of reddish yellow. Like honey, I guess
soon I will have access to all review queues *rubs hands together*
@Adám did you just retake your PFP photo but with the Ukrainian flag bg?
One of my cats got into a bottle of soap or smth and now smells like lavender
foka moment
interesting how that phrase is one of the only things that we still use from Katlani
> Received request to connect to chunnel
@Ginger I mostly avoid using katlani here due to our english-only policy and because I shouldn't be promoting breaking the rules as an RO :p
Error 13312: This connection is in use by Great Britain.
well, at least I have coined a TNB slang term
two, actually
the blue half has the same texture as the original (blue) background so i'm guessing he photoshopped the yellow half in
which seems like it might be hard with the beard but you might just be able to key the blue out by color instead of trimming around a border
that was what I was wondering
Out of context MOTD:
Jan 24 at 22:39, by Ginger Industries
new homepage made by the same committee that made Windows 8
1 hour later…
@Ginger hue-rotated using paint.net
Is still doings BMG?
Looks good to me
I think you need to clarify that the spaceships are only 3 tall, though
Ah ok
Edited @RadvylfPrograms
Who said you could edit me? :p
Q: recreate Minecraft's lighting

ChspsaMinecraft has a fairly unique lighting system. Each block's light value is either one less than the brightest one surrounding it, or it is a light source itself. Your task is to write a method that takes in a 2D array of light source values, and then returns a 2D array with spread out lighting, w...

Ill give 1 star for that
@RadvylfPrograms issit ok now?
I think you should clarify bullets are -s
It's clear from the test cases but it's nice to have it in the spec itself
Hi, I'm Lyxal's sock
Done @RadvylfPrograms
Noooo u stole my edit @RadvylfPrograms
I was gna add the matrix tag :(
@NewPosts This feels like a dupe
Also related: like, 15 other matrix challenges around spread via a von Neumann neighbourhood, none of which seem to be exact dupes
Is doings BMG?

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