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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

For some reason I'm starting to actually like related rates problems
This is so pedantic:
I mean if they'd specifically stated it wasn't necessarily differentiable, I wouldn't be complaining. But come on.
Well I guess Russia's jealous they can't watch disney movies 'cause they blew up Kyiv's TV broadcasting infrastructure
@lyxal survivor space? Eden would be newborn babies and tenured would be middle aged to old adults
The real question is: who would be in metaspace? Immortals?
I just got a really weird animation in the users list
Instead of the floating pfp thingy, bobble's pfp just like...shrank and disappeared
Ooh my lightbulbs are getting delivered today!!!
I hope one of my parents isn't home, they'll be pretty confused if a package shows up with my name on it
@RadvylfPrograms have you done differential equations yet?
@ophact No feedback?
No, aside from like, the easy separable ones
They were my favourite part of maths, but everyone around me hated them so they felt like a guilty pleasure to me
> in psi per mile
If I ever see this unit IRL I'm stabbing myself
Oh no it just got worse
> making the units of the average value psi per mile per second
Pounds per square inch per mile per second
kWh/year is the most annoying unit I've seen in actual use
That's a very reasonable unit
1000 * joules / seconds * hours / years
why not just megawatts
Why would you need to measure pressure over miles? Wouldn’t it be meters or centimeters? (Or feet or inches)
Well, because power companies charge by the kWh, so you can think of a kWh as like, an apple or a loaf of bread. Talking about how many apples or loaves of bread I buy in a year is far more practical than discussing the rate at which I consume apples or loaves of bread.
We should just make time actually metric
100 days’ in a year, 10 hours in a day, 10 months in a year
and 100 minutes in an hour, right?
"I bought 732 apples last year" is pretty easy to picture and work with, but "I buy 83.33 milliappleperhours" isn't
Who’s with ne? Let’s redefine inits of time
Is that your iphone typing again?
Nah, metric time would kinda suck
Base 6 ftw
Convert everything to base 6
I don’t think it would, but we can’t change it now
@RadvylfPrograms base 4 for the smol brain ppl like me
Or binary?
Only have to memorize 4 numbers
@ophact yessss
Binary or base 4 are very tough to work with
That’s what computers are for
With binary time, we could have 16 hours in a day, 256 days in a year, 64 minutes in an hour, etc and even get a nice 32 days in a month.
Base 6 makes halves, thirds, quarters, fifths, sixths, sevenths, eights, ninths, and tenths all relatively easy to use
@user I'm not even talking about computation, which binary does make much easier
It may take lots of digits to represent everyday numbers but just have computers handle it
@RadvylfPrograms hmm, god point
I'm talking about discussing and representing things. 25.2 is a far more useful representation of a number than 10001.010101010101010
Is it really?
I like 1s and 0s
Binary makes everything but power-of-two and power-of-two-times-three denominators totally garbage, and thirds are still two repeating digits
@RadvylfPrograms That's because you cherry picked an example. 100000.01 in binary is better than 32.25
@ophact No?
32.25 is fewer digits
Yes, but 100000.01 looks more satisfying
@user see, I don't
I like 7
No it does not, and satisfying is far from convenient
and 7 is far from both
Seximal also lets you use fifths without too much ugliness
It's just a single repeating digit
Binary and dozenal both have a horrible mess of digits for fifths
I'd much rather work with '14.111...' than 'a.249724...'
And seximal makes counting with your fingers just as easy as decimal (you use the empty palm for 0), and lets you count up to 35 without any weird tricks like the 1024 or base 12 ones use
We'd need a better name though, as heximal is confusing, senary would spend all day talking about the vietnam war, and seximal is a little amgibuous when you abbreviate it
@RadvylfPrograms sevenary
Seximal is base 6
Siximal could work I guess
"I like six" is still just as ambiguous as "I like sex" though
"I like b6"
@RadvylfPrograms better than the german "I like sechs" though
@RadvylfPrograms aronary?
heyyyyyyyyy if works
@RadvylfPrograms You just need to sing the song instead :D
Ooh I just did a really satisfying calculus problem
Well for the most part I don't, but I found the integral of xln(x - 1) which is a big long chain of stuff, and then differentiated it and all of that canceled out to be xln(x - 1) again
Which is quite satisfying
@RadvylfPrograms Imagine not using base p, where p is some fixed prime, smh
@RadvylfPrograms Yes it is! I remember doing stuff like that.
CMQ: globalfunc args vs :globalfunc args?
What language?
(by globalfunc I mean something like print in python)
@RadvylfPrograms Etch
: as a sigil for global functions seems like a poor choice
The normal syntax is class:method args
but global functions don't have a class
Seems like :print would work then
The func arg1 arg2 pattern seems like a possibly poor choice though, since you get ugly stuff like func x + 1 x + 2
And ambiguity in cases like func x + func x + 2
@RadvylfPrograms fear not, I thought of that
the correct syntax would be func x + func x+2; (assuming that's one line by itself)
Arguments can be terminated by either a newline or semicolon
Wait, the correct syntax for what?
My point is that func x + func x + 2 has at least three different ways you can read it :p
fair enough
func(x + func(x) + 2), func(x + func(x + 2)), func(x) + func(x) + 2, func(x) + func(x + 2), or even func(x + func, x + 2)
4 mins ago, by Ginger Industries
Arguments can be terminated by either a newline or semicolon
easy peasy
Does it have first class functions? If so, there could be some ambiguity in the fifth case
define "first class function"
Functions that can be stored in variables
E.g., var inc = x => x + 1 in JS
so like lambda functions (in python)
not yet
Once you add them, f 2 + x is going to be ambiguous. Is it f(2 + x) or f(2) + x
Oh, I guess ; does sort of fix that too
f 2; + x vs. f 2 + x;
Wait no
that is correct
I was talking about something different
I confused myself
Well, I guess ; fixes the func(x + func, x + 2) too
beeg brain
As long as putting two "nouns" next to each other doesn't make sense in any context
Like, x 2 when x is something like 1
Since then it'd be ambiguous at parse time whether x is a function or not
that doesn't work
And since without ; args do behave like an un-separated list of nouns, that would be an issue, but it's not because of ;
I do think f(1, 2) is a lot clearer than f 1; 2;, but I suppose I'd get used to it
@RadvylfPrograms eh? that would be f 1 2;
Then we're back to the ambiguity
Is f x 2; just f(x, 2), or f(x(2))?
There'd be a missing ; after the x 2 in the function case, but since newlines can end args, it'd just mess up a bunch of other parsing and still be ambiguous
@RadvylfPrograms in the first case, assuming that's one line, it would be f x 2 and f x 2;
Yeah sure, but you're looking at it like a human, not a compiler
> WARNING: 1 reduce/reduce conflict
oops seems my parser agrees
f x 2
Easy solution would be ; after every arg
But you'd need static arg list lengths, no optional arguments
Unless you use a different syntax to end the arg list than to delimit the different args
But then you might as well use () and ,
alternate solution: all functions end with a semicolon, no newlines
I worry that could still cause ambiguity, trying to think of a minimal example
Wait no
Since the ambiguity is caused by not knowing how many functions there are, and you can just count ;s
Wouldn't f x y 2;; still be ambiguous between f(x, y(2)) and f(x(y, 2))?
Ooh, good one
@RadvylfPrograms I just worked through this myself. It was fun. ^_^
Not having lambdas is probably the best solution I think
I think parentheses are the best solution. :P
Well, the best solution if ginger wants the ; syntax
You could do it like Haskell where parentheses aren't necessary for a single function call, only for disambiguating multiple function calls in a single expression
Or maybe when you call a lambda, you need a sigil
So like, %x means "call the function x points to"
OR, you could do it like Perl and make the parsing dependent on which things have been defined as functions earlier in the program :P
guess we're ending lines with semicolons then :/
Ideally newlines would close all functions, but I don't think LALR parsers can do that
Why not just write your own parser
It seems like whatever you're doing now is adding a ton of complexity
this is already taxing my braincells enough as is
Jan 16 at 16:14, by PyGamer0
so you drink tea?
Far more than just writing some parsing code would
IME doing things with code generators and the fancy theorems and stuff is almost never the best way
Just do it by hand a few times and think about how you're doing that, then do it
this system works fine
FWIW, I always write my own parsers
@GingerIndustries But you just said it's not :p
@GingerIndustries (coughs)
But it's totally up to you, at this point it's probably not worth the effort to do it again
@mathcat t = true
@RadvylfPrograms exactly.
@DLosc so you drink true?
But if it's hindering your ability to make your language the way you want it, then it might be worth considering
@mathcat I do drink, true. I'm drinking some water right now.
Making an entire parser just for the sake of a semicolon is a bit overkill
y'know, like the ocean has a bit of water
Ask yourself, in 1876, when we were fighting the british, did we just leave one semicolon behind?
@DLosc cool, I drink too
@RadvylfPrograms There is so much wrong with that sentence X^D
wait cats can't use computers
Calculators are a type of computer and mathcat's pfp clearly shows a cat on a calculator
@GingerIndustries o.0
As somebody who doesn't drink alcohol, I don't like how "alcohol" is the default argument for the verb "to drink." The default should obviously be "water."
@RadvylfPrograms exactly. that cat is not using the calculator
@DLosc cool, I don't drink alcohol too
@GingerIndustries ha ha broke your chain
you can't say underage cat drinking alcohol now
@mathcat oh yeah? watch this
underage cat drinking alcohol
that's not possible
GitHub Perks
evil laughter
I see I have rendered you speechless with my logic
that is genius
let me get se-nitro
got it
*summons rick astley*
What you gonna do about that?
*summons lyxal*
@mathcat I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Obviously.
uff double rickroll
I'd say "any last words" but that's what the villain says when they're sure they've defeated the hero and then the hero does some stupid shit and kills them
updated FizzBuzz program in Etch:
counter = 0
    if not counter % 15 then
        :out "FizzBuzz";
    else if not counter % 3 then
        :out "Fizz";
    else if not counter % 5 then
        :out "Buzz";
        :out counter;
not 100?
now I just have to figure out how to turn AST into code
send help
whats your ast?
Like, what is the AST you need to convert to code?
Abstract Syntax Tree
I'm not sure how to do shit like variables and stuff
I'm sure you can use functools for this but I don't know how
@GingerIndustries try storing variables in a context
or dictionary
That's what I've been doing
but it feels clunky
surely python has a better way to do it
A dictionary seems like exactly the right way to store variables
collections.defaultdict might be better
I'm going to make a Context object which can have variables and child contexts
Idk what your talking about but wouldn’t parent context s be better?
it has a reference to the interpreter
Ooh, LYAL is coming up in a few hours
Looks like either Desmos or Haskell, provided somebody is around who can teach one of those
Scala has more votes
I think we already did Scala--it just hasn't been marked as such
Feb 2 at 0:15, by user
Welcome to the Scala LYAL y'all
oh syt
I missed that one
I like Scala for the practical project I've used it in, but for whatever reason, I have almost no desire to golf in Scala.
Probably has a lot to do with it being statically typed, as well as the dizzying number of similar but slightly different sequence types it has.
1 hour later…
The frick kinda latin test question is this
Now I'm paranoid
sorry, latin test??
Okay what is with these...
why would your latin test even be about common english words that happen to be from latin
It's not even that, it's like, 75% actually difficult questions and then random questions like that about words derived from latin
Which isn't particularly fair as our questions are chosen at random from a larger pool of questions
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sinvecVisualize tag progress gode-golf ascii-art Task is pretty simple. Given non-negative positive integers s and a, your code should draw following progress bars. Examples When s ≤ 100 or a ≤ 20: s = 15 and a = 12: 15/100 score ++++++------------------------------------ 12/20 answers +++++++++++++++...

@RadvylfPrograms Ohh, that actually kind of makes sense. For a while I was thinking they inserted some super-easy questions just to see if people were even reading the questions or just answering "True" to everything. :P
Okay, time to test Hello World in Etch
> OEIS: The Movie
This is real
But it's a whole 27 MB, be warned
@RadvylfPrograms TNB movie when
Was this guy like, delivering doordash in a stolen car or something lol
Imagine you're waiting for your food and like, a car flies by at 90 MPH with a bunch of police trailing behind, and they like, throw the food out the window as they pass and it lands right in your arms
"My final act before they take me away is to deliver your meal. Savour it, for its the last of my freedom" the driver says as he's driven away to the jail
And of course, the charge would be for something non-violent like insurance fraud
Nah, the doordash driver's prolly delivering food in an armored personnel carrier and ran some poor sod over because the traffic was too bad
At least your food isn't soggy
Vehicular manslaughter is too bland for a doordash criminal backstory - it's predictable and logical. Something like importing illegal weapons or blackmailing the president would be more interesting for a doordash driver.
Good point
Like they have two lives - the one where they're an ordinary person and the one where they're a criminal mastermind
That'd make for an interesting movie
A fricking Mafia made of doordash drivers
You never suspect them of drug trafficking because they seemingly too busy delivering food
hmu Netflix for the movie rights lol
@lyxal "All right, sir, here's your double cheeseburger and a large... coke"
Drug trafficking seems like a very realistic crime for a doordash driver to commit
@RadvylfPrograms I mean like large scale highly organised loads
Like the kind the police make a point about when they make a drug bust
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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