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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

+C is my new least favorite pair of characters
um why?
Getting answers wrong on integration-related assignments
Looks sad
Oh, i thought because empticon
@lyxal your welcome
Now cookie 🍪 is gully automated
> gully automated
An automated grading system is trying to grade a drawing of a graph
Which works about as well as you'd think
A drawing
Pretty close, right? Well, it was counted wrong because the relative minimum was off by like a space
And you have to draw the whole graph in one go so I'm trying to visualize the derivative of a function as I do this
Have you tried hacking your online classes?
Because I did.
@RadvylfPrograms ಠ_ಠ
Q: Hello Shue! (Cops)

AnttiPRobbers thread In this cops-and-robbers challenge, your task is to write a program h that outputs "Hello Shue!". Next, you have to choose a string i and also write a Shue program p, so that p(i)=h. Your score is len(p)+len(i). Your answer will contain the language of h, i and your score (please w...

Q: Hello Shue! (Robbers)

AnttiPCops thread (read first) Robbers, your task is to find a Shue program p that when given the cops input i, outputs a program h, which outputs "Hello Shue!". The length of your p has to be less than or equal to the length of the cop's p. The robber with the most cracks wins.

i'm seeing double
overdosed on code golf
cops and robbers lol
I am stupid
replit ded
I depend on replit like 9 year olds on tiktok depend on roblox
Working on a super spicy new golfing language prototype
And it...might actually be golfy this time!
Lookin' at you Risky
idea: Minimal Etch
it's etch but the keywords are replaced with Unicode characters for more golfiness
etch is not a golflang
Here's a preview of my planning:
That's all you get
looks like BASIC with numbers
(These are tables of relevant data not code in the language)
As with Risky this language will use a rather novel approach for parsing
what kind of a preview is that
A very mysterious one
i'd make a mysterious preview of Etch but you already know everything about it
...or so you think
Idea: A programming language that takes its code as photos of stone tablets containing the code
@RadvylfPrograms call it Rosetta Code
Almost as old-fashioned of a model as Java
@GingerIndustries +1
programming language that uses only the Box Drawings unicode section
String literals in this language are gonna...oh boy they're gonna be some spicy bois
@RadvylfPrograms (・_・;)
replit be like
@GingerIndustries ooh is that a thumbs up emoticon?
someone at replit pushed to production
@RadvylfPrograms @RadvylfPrograms call the lang Spicy Yarn
I already have a name for it
Where does the "Yarn" come from btw?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GrogerGambling with an Alien You met a 4-th dimensional being who challenged you to a game of dice. The rules are simple: each player rolls 3 6-sided dice and takes the sum of each combination of 2 dice. The player with the highest sum wins. If the first-highest sum is a tie, consider the second-highes...

@RadvylfPrograms string
Strings aren't really a major part of the language, I should add
then what are
what's wrong with the name being unrelated ;)
@GingerIndustries it's a secret
But the name's already decided so don't spend too much time on it
@UnrelatedString 👏
@RadvylfPrograms is it capable of precognition?
what the hell is this
why have 35300 people run it
If I ever start a death metal band, I'm gonna name it Surprise Whole-Body Necrolysis
(Don't worry, that statement is only vacuously true)
you could also call it Turbo-Leukemia
Okay, I'm going to have to scale this down a lot
Like Risky, it can do adicity overloading
And no way I'm gonna take the time to come up with and implement 960 operators
ok replit back
mystery parse error go brr
@DLosc worldbuilding is a house of horrors
Someday I'm going to make a comic book about an ordinary scientist who's exposed to a powerful mutagen one day, and slowly dies of cancer while supervillains take over the city
@SegFaultPlus4 So is the real world... at least at Worldbuilding, it's mostly horrors we're unlikely to experience [citation needed].
Last call for tinylisp LotM submissions!
@DLosc what is a tinylisp
is it a lisp but only 30% of the time
@DLosc why is tail "all but the first element"
@SegFaultPlus4 Head/tail is one common terminology for the first element and remaining elements, respectively, of a linked list. I figured it was more understandable than the traditional Lisp terminology of car/cdr.
(Also easier to abbreviate to one letter each.)
@DLosc ok
but why not have tail be just the last element
@SegFaultPlus4 Because
@DLosc "" is not a valid parameter for because
Actually, now that I think about it, there are a couple of good reasons: 1) "First" and "all-but-first" together allow you to build any list operation you need to, including "last," so it's not necessary to have a "last" builtin. 2) In a singly linked list, "first" and "all-but-first" are O(1) operations, whereas "last" is O(N).
ok now i understand
Often, coding in tinylisp involves writing a function that does something with the head of a list and then recurses over its tail. The same goes for some other languages with similar data structures--other than Lisp, Haskell and Prolog come to mind.
I am in awe at how stupid my parser is
counter = 0;
    if not counter % 3 then
        out "Fizz";
    else if not counter % 5 then
        out "Buzz";
    else if not counter % 15 then
        out "FizzBuzz";
        out counter;
@NewPosts This really feels like a dupe as most of the work's in the date processing. Thoughts?
@GingerIndustries What language is this?
@ophact Etch, my upcoming golfing language
Maybe the outputting of "do" is simply a result of implicit output? If so, then I'd say your parser isn't that stupid and just can't deal with indentation yet
@emanresuA keep it - it's more than just a simple date challenge (even though it's not the most original)
I've fixed it, it was a problem with how the parser extracted the commands inside the loop
Except... it's basically the same problem, but with s/ascii art/unicode
Russia closing its airspace to other countries after they did the same to Russia feels sooo childish lol
imagine russia being childish, never seen that before
Oh yeah? You wanna sanction us? Well...well...we'll sanction you too! Yeah, that'll show you all!
Because everyone definitely wants to go to russia lol
@emanresuA I don't think the new challenge is a dupe of that one--maybe the one Digital Trauma linked
Yeah, that's closer.
Should I hammer it?
Ehh... I'd want to see close-votes from other users before hammering.
I haven't looked into it, but it's possible the Unicode aspect allows for some interesting shortcuts.
It does... but most of the task is still in the date processing.
(See the Jelly answer)
gtg now, o/
Wordle 254 4/6

@SegFaultPlus4 a snail
abstract syntax trees be like ]))]]]]))]]
@SegFaultPlus4 Did they change the colors of the tiles?
@lyxal Programming languages and paradigms was my favorite university course ^_^
@ophact i got 0 yellows
no but usually the black tiles were... well, black. Now they're white
ok, but have you heard of this
it's wordle, but 6 letters
okay, I think I finally got the parser working!
@user when you're 4 parallel universes ahead:
Hmm, no flights to Ukraine on Google Flights...
There are ones to Poland though I guess
now I just have to figure out how to turn the ast into usable code
Moot point since I don't have a passport
has anyone clicked on the link to play some 6-letter wordle yet
@SegFaultPlus4 hey look another reason for me to work on Rickroll Defender
@GingerIndustries when you try you're best but you don't succeed
alright fine, you win
here's the actual link to 6-letter wordle
@GingerIndustries btw what is rickroll defender
@RadvylfPrograms really?
20 mins ago, by Ginger Industries
@SegFaultPlus4 hey look another reason for me to work on Rickroll Defender
Lucky I live right next to Ukraine, I can go by walk
You should go :p
Bring lots of molotovs
They've said multiple times they'll give weapons to foreigners if they volunteer to help
Unfortunately I am 16 and live in the US so I can't take them up on their offer
I might help but all portals out of the Far End have been closed due to instability issues
@RadvylfPrograms will they give me nitro if i help?
Then I'm in
I'll do anything for discord nitro
If I start now
after 341 hr
it'll take 2 weeks
+ underage idiots probably can't play nerf with Russia
The 2020s have been off to a great start
COVID-19, winter storm (well, not for y'all), and invasion of Ukraine
There were no catastrophic world-ending events in January, so February is making up for it with an ACTUAL WAR
Well done february
keep it up
Hot take: observers are just Minecraft's ಠ_ಠ
2023: Nuclear war
2024: Mutant black plague outbreak
2025: Mongol attacks
2026: Everyone instantly becomes allergic to nitrogen
2027: WiFi stops working
2028: Everyone is banished to an infinite desert full of rocks and still gets hungry and thirsty
2029: Nuclear winter ends and the clouds move aside to reveal a supernova where the sun used to be
2030: World War -1
nah the 2030s cgonna be greet
2041: Minecraft gets deleted
@RadvylfPrograms r/ihadastroke
In the 2040s, angered by the restrictions from treaties after the Ukrainian invasion that have terms the Russians deem unfair, they come back for part two and nuke everyone
stop now before you doom us all
Also I'm kinda annoyed user called someone a commie in the Tanks chat, since "tankie" is a way more ironic and thematically appropriate insult for communists in that situation :p
@RadvylfPrograms they had us in the first half, not gonna lie
In 2050, Jon Skeet's dark twin will help Russland destroy Ukraine
Conspiracy Theory
Russia planed it for a long time
you see
Russia is an anagram of SUS AIR
Okay, radvylfprograms.com is the new domain for my website
radvylf.com and the old redwolfprograms.com redirect to it
That's right, I've got a seven letter .com domain name puts on sunglasses
you have 3 domains?
I have none
I have 6, actually :p
rto.run and amidst.dev for specific projects, and an undisclosed one for school stuff and proxying things
@RadvylfPrograms was not aware of that lol
@RadvylfPrograms undisclosed.one
soon I will have etchlang.dev
Just make sure you've got certbot configured before buying it, you don't want to be stuck without a cert since .dev is an HSTS-preloaded TLD
(If you're using certbot/letsencrypt, that is, and not something like github pages)
@RadvylfPrograms I'm not sure what to host the site with actually
I'd recommend a droplet with nginx, it gives you lots of freedom for future projects
Since you can add websockets, back-end stuff, databases, and anything else you might need at some point
@RadvylfPrograms I'd need a server for that, right?
because I don't currently have one that can host webpages
Yeah. DigitalOcean's droplets seem pretty good in my experience
The cheapest tier is $5/mo, and it's all you'd need for a website or something like NP/SP
but that would still be costing me 72 dollars per year
(counting domain costs)
Alternatively you could use an old raspberry pi or something
I've got a pi that runs GB and OLIMAR, but I can't use it as a server due to personal reasons
Port forwarding or something?
This would be very unconventional but you could set up a thing that forwards requests from a droplet I or someone else owns to your pi via a websocket
Although...that'd definitely not be great from a latency perspective
And it adds another point of failure
Is it going to be a static site?
If is is, or doesn't have too many moving parts, I'd be glad to host it on my droplet
Although if it's fully static you could just use github pages IIRC
I could, but you can only have a limited number of those and I want a personal one as well
@RadvylfPrograms I'd put the U.S. presidential election and attack on the capitol ahead of a winter storm :P
Ooh good one yeah
The winter storm definitely had more of an impact on me than the capitol stuff did, but it obviously didn't affect much outside of Texas
It was super cold where I live, too, but I think we're more used to it. I did lose power for about 30 minutes.
The 2000s got off to a similarly great start: the end of the dot-com bubble, another contentious presidential election, 9/11, and the war in Afghanistan.
Nothing quite like COVID-19, tho
I've heard a fun little confirmationbiasism that bad events happen on a roughly 20 year cycle, I guess we can consider that proven then :p
Ugh my english teacher just totally butchered the phrase "when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail" and managed to go on a 10m tangent about things you could hit with a hammer but shouldn't without even bringing up the "everything looks like a nail" bit
@RadvylfPrograms "Things you could hit with a hammer but shouldn't" sounds like a fun idea for a picture book ^_^
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah, that definitely requires a "no true Scotsman" definition of "bad events."
I hate that this game exists because when I'm looking for GoL stuff this comes up and if for some reason I'm looking for this GoL comes up
What. Complete. Idiot. Came up with these
Lawn darts (also known as Javelin darts, jarts, lawn jarts or yard darts) is a lawn game for two players or teams. A lawn dart set usually includes four large darts and two targets. The game play and objective are similar to those of both horseshoes and darts. The darts are typically 12 inches (30cm) in length with a weighted metal or plastic tip on one end and three plastic fins on a rod at the other end. The darts are intended to be tossed underhand toward a horizontal ground target, where the weighted end hits first and sticks into the ground. The target is typically a plastic ring, and landing...
@RadvylfPrograms What does this have to do with Conway's game of life?
it's a joke edit
because he's been searching for conway's game of life stuff
but gets results for the game of life board game
I did not see that was edited lol
@DLosc Honestly surprised COVID's still going :(
"Congratulations, you got $300!"
Totally not sus
btw you might want to crop out the top of that image
"Uh, actually, no I didn't" clicks no
@user it's a fake name and fake winnings - it's an advertisement
The point is that there's a "no" option on the supposed PayPal notification
Which implies you can just reject the money and return it to whoever sent it
Meaning you can be extremely petty about who sends you money
It does not necessarily mean you can return it, it seems to me that pressing that button will alter the timeline so you never received $300
It'll swap you with the you from the universe where the other person slipped and broke their neck before sending the money
Don't click the button
ngl I would love watching a murder mystery where the killer can manipulate the fabric of the universe
Sounds like something Star Trek or Doctor Who might have done at some point
(but there have to be limits on the manipulation, or how would anybody even know a murder had taken place?)
Okay so you know how github has special closing keywords that you can use to trigger the closing of issues upon the merging of PRs? I think it'd be funny to have merging keywords that merge other PRs upon the merging of another PR
@GingerIndustries BTW you'll need to put the mod 15 test first, otherwise the code will never reach it
@DLosc Speaking of manipulation, there was a Hercule Poirot where the "murderer" basically just influences people into murdering others. Kinda wack
@user Sounds vaguely familiar... though maybe I'm thinking of the one where the guy turns himself in because he thinks he's been committing murders and not remembering it afterwards, but it turns out he's actually being framed by the real murderer.
@user Just change the fabric of the universe into asbestos fabric
Give everyone cancer
It's funny just how many questions on wb.se are just "asbestos"
The SE API must've changed...
My random questions script broke
Huh..."page above 25 requires auth token"
@DLosc Hmm, I don't want to spoil it for you, but the one I'm thinking of has a different plot
@user Yeah, sounds different. Thanks for no spoiler. :) I haven't been reading a lot of Agatha Christie lately, but I'll pick one up from time to time.
It's called Curtain: Poirot's last mystery or something like that, I think
I'm just getting started with Agatha Christie myself, been meaning to read her books for a while
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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