@RedwolfPrograms can't seem to repro (linux, .114, chromium). Out of curiosity, does doing for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) eval(";".repeat(i)+"run()"); instead of the separate loop and final run still repro for you?
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, I didn't reject it because I was waiting for OP to make the decision
since my main problem with it was potentially going against the OP's intended meanings, if they approve it, it means it doesn't go against their intended meaning :P
@RedwolfPrograms My guess would be that it's related to the new sparkplug compiler. Could try running chrome with --js-flags="--no-sparkplug" to see if that changes anything
Given a boolean function with inputs, check if it's possible to only use IMPLY gate to express it.
There's no extra limitation on how you use this gate, and you can use each input for any amount of times. See examples below:
\text{Expression}&&&&&\text{Solution}&\text{Your output...
@NewPosts found a 19 byter but i'm convinced it can be done in like half of that and i've decided to slow down on fgitwing and try to actually write good jelly answers
Totally not inspired by Lyxal repeatedly mentioning elevators in chat :P
In short: simulate some people filling up an elevator and then leaving it.
The elevator is simplified as a grid, where each person can occupy one cell of the grid. The height and width of the grid is the input para...
if yuno sees a mismatched close bracket, it just matches an open bracket at the start, and if it sees an open bracket, it matches it and parses the inside
@hyper-neutrino 3-train of ⍳⍤≢, ≡, and ⍋ which applied monadically as (⍳⍤≢ ≡ ⍋) ⍵ is (⍳⍤≢ ⍵) ≡ (⍋ ⍵) which checks if range(len(⍵)) is congruent to gradeup(⍵)
And whatever comes off is what it gets matched with!
I think I just finished a prepocessor in python
But I have to go too so I'll send it tomorrow
But it just loops through doing the stack thing, and so it's able to figure out which the matched ones are. When it finds a match, it just adds the indices to another list
Then you just remove all the brackets, and put the ones in the list back in
(I replaced the brackets with '-', put the brackets that belonged back, and then deleted the '-'. Otherwise the indices will get screwed up if you delete the brackets without a placeholder. But it's a lame way to do it. Sure there's better.)
huh. implementing tail recursion for yuno was not too annoying which is nice. which is slightly surprising given that python doesn't even have tail recursion but also not really surprising
basically, if the last statement in a function is return f(...), instead of creating a new stack frame and returning to this one to return, you can just replace the current stack frame with that of the function you intend to call
and that way you can recurse as many times as you want without actually increasing your stack space and thus avoid stack overflow
optimizing via replacing the stack frame is one way of doing it if you have direct access to memory or are like compiling or something
since python doesn't have built-in tail-call optimization, you can still simulate it with the trampoline construct, which is another common way of doing TCO, which is what i do for yuno
my TCO actually ends up being a bit stronger than jelly's, I believe
@hyper-neutrino where I am there's been 0 covid cases throughout this whole time. Yet now, when covid starts spreading roughly a few hundred kilometres down south (with those areas being placed on lock down), everyone panics
meanwhile people here are still ignoring restrictions despite our region having the highest provincial case-per-day rate, even beating toronto, which has a much higher population and density and used to be the main hotspot
Back in my days of primary school, I'm pretty sure that they showed us that you could make a Fibonacci spiral out of squares of length 1, 2, 3, 5 etc or something
Create a program P1 which takes as input a base 10 number N1 (the numbers for the variables are important). Given N1, P1 will print a program P2. P2 will take as input a base 10 number N2 and ou...
The bank has been broken into, and all the local mafia thugs have an unusual alibi: they were at home playing Connect 4! In order to assist with the investigation, you are asked to write a program to validate all the Connect 4 boards that have been seized in order to check that the positions are...
I have built a hashing function that hashes string and its substring but while testing it I got more than 1 hash value for the same pattern and I am not able to identify the reason, can someone help me out in finding the problem
static class Hash {
int N = (int) (1e6 + 6);
int mod = (int) (1e9 +...
i feel like if you pick two at random, if you filter out all the bf reskins, they are likely to have much less in common than a pair of practical languages
Compare the following two examples: Befunge > Jelly and Jelly > Befunge
Going from mastering Jelly to mastering befunge shouldn't be too hard - if jelly is your first esolang, then you already have a good understanding of how esolangs work and how to think in a different way to more practical languages
But going the other way is definitely harder
That'd be going from stack manipulation and the benefit of being able to explicitly manage program flow (in a quite unrestricted way - especially if you use the 98 variant) to having to think about how you arrange your programs so that they chain in the right way
So unrelated string is right that it depends on the two languages you choose
If they use the same paradigm, then it should be relatively easy given the second language doesn't have any majorly different quirks
But if the two are completely different, and one is more complex than the other, then the learning curve may be harder
And in some cases, knowledge of the first esolang could even hinder learning of the second
in jelly you just copy-paste a few characters from the atoms and quicks wiki pages and rearrange them until they work, while in befunge you don't even have proper arrays
@lyxal Simply styling the wrapper element should work, I just hardcoded the font size for the dummy resizer (big brain) so it doesn't resize the textarea properly. What font size do you want?