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@Mithical Yes, I've found Ursula LeGuin a bit heavy too. I'm relying on a very small sample though
@bobble No
@Randal'Thor heh well I have read the short story in question (in fact I first came across the phrase there) so ...
@Randal'Thor wow! That's jaw-dropping
@bobble That's a guide for Stack Overflow employees, isn't it? Not for us.
Mostly, yes
No way they can enforce the "American English" bit everywhere
Those guidelines even say Write for a 7th grade reading level. That's meaningless if you aren't familiar with the American educational system.
Ofc someone downvoted the Myra Breckinridge question. I've no idea who but it's pretty easy to guess why.
That apparently happened just 30 minutes ago.
I noticed it last night, actually. I think you're looking at the daily vote summaries, which are posted at 00:00 UTC
Then I misread the vote summaries. And I share your suspicion about the reason for the downvote.
Is it time for @bobble to cast one of her soporific spells on @Tsundoku?
Haha, that seems to be what is needed :-)
Shall I?
sprinkles dust in a circle
tsundoku must sleep, tsundoku must sleep, TSUNDOKU MUST SLEEEEEEEEEEP
there that should work
Moderators sleep?
@Alex not of their own free will, they don't. Which is why bobble has to cast spells to enable them to rest, for their own health and sanity.
Moderators have free will?
Perhaps I should become one.
@Alex Good point. In which case I'd say, they don't, they just do whatever bobble tells them to, and for their own health and sanity, she tells them to sleep sometimes.
You're gonna ask whether moderators have sanity, aren't you
Moderators have sanity?
Rand has free will, at least - he wakes up while I'm sound asleep
@verbose You just met me yesterday (I think) but you already seem to know me well.
bobble will dinner now
@Alex well, hanging out in Lit SE enables one to read quickly 🙃
Enjoy your dinner @bobble!
I guess I have to hang here more often.
But I can't ask new questions until my existing ones get answered.
Why the ever not, kind sir?
@bobble I'm mostly joking.
Though it doesn't look so good to have so many unanswered questions.
I make up for it by answering other people's questions
Sorta silly, but this recent answer-spree was a challenge to myself to hit 15 answers, after which I would start posting The Lusiads questions
I like that. How about for every unanswered question you post you have to post five answers to counteract it?
I owe ten answers then.
Ah, too hard for me. I just try to stay neutral. One answer to an Unanswered question for every Unanswered question I have.
I call it my "net Unanswered score"
Oddly enough, this is the only site on the network where my number of answers and questions are about the same.
(Not counting sites where I only have one or two.)
I have more questions than answers on Puzzling, but those puzzles take a lot of effort to make.
Why is there nowhere to see total network questions and answers?
I have to look at each of my accounts separately if I want to calculate it.
You can see all your "good" (+5, I think) questions and answers on your network profile
But it doesn't tell me how many.
I want to see something like Total Network Questions: 156 Total Network Answers:1,549
Never mind.
You can figure it out quickly enough from the Accounts tab.
You might be able to whip something up with the Data Explorer, it supports network-wide queries: meta.stackexchange.com/a/333148
Wow, my guess was pretty close! 197 questions and 1,483 answers.
Do you do much moderation work here? Commenting, flagging, editing, closing, voting, etc.
A little. Mostly on other sites, though.
I help moderate Puzzling and here, it takes up more time than is probably wise :P
There are certainly worse things you could be doing.
For a while I didn't even realize I had close and edit privileges here.
These things sneak up on you.
I have been told it was very noticeable once I got editing privileges
On one site I got close voting privileges from my first question.
Gotta love Hot Network Questions.
A beta site, I assume
On Beta sites.
Association bonus plus 40 upvotes is all you need.
One of my earliest questions here stands at +21
My top question here is only at +20
I guess you win.
2 hours later…
@Alex well, I answered one, so there 😛
@bobble oh it was
(and that's a good thing)
@Alex and a second one.
So with the exception of the answer I just posted, all your questions here have at least one upvoted and/or accepted answer.
why don't you do mine ^^
Two of my questions (first, second) have sorta been answered in comments already.
When I read Alex's unanswered questions I thought of an answer immediately. I don't have the same luck with the two questions you've posed, sadly! I wouldn't know what answers to give. If you think the commenters aren't going to be back, you could self-answer by expanding the comments?
Part of the problem of Literature is the answerers and the askers need to have overlap, and some of my questions (the ones on Rose Under Fire, for example) seem to have no available answerers here.
Which is sad, it's a great book
@bobble yes, I agree
I think that's one reason our topic challenges are more successful if we choose lyric poetry rather than novels or other long works. Picking up an epic to read takes commitment, whereas reading short poems can be done more easily. So there are potentially more readers who can ask questions.
Good night, dearest verbose. I must away to dreamland
@bobble Good night!
@Alex not always *rolls eyes*
2 hours later…
Q: Book about a girl who was rich and moves in with a family where she learns how to bake and make silk

Laura A MerchantI'm looking for a book that is about a girl who seems to have been rich at one time and has to move in with a family where she learns how to do chores and baking from scratch and making silk out of silk worms. She falls in love with the son of one of the parents. It seems to be a story about the ...

Echoing @user14111's comment, is this question about the GLC series as a whole or about The Count of Monte Cristo specifically? Maybe you should edit the title or expand the question to make them match better. (Personally I'd suggest making it about the specific book, since there might be different reasons for the changes across different books ...) — Rand al'Thor ♦ Oct 28 '18 at 9:36
I just noticed now that for some reason I abbreviated Great Illustrated Classics as G L C.
I could silently mod-abuse a comment edit, of course, but may as well give @Alex the pleasure of needling me about it :-)
3 hours later…
@Alex In that case, I would owe 666 answers.
@Randal'Thor I hadn’t noticed it until now, but it’s definitely something to needle you about.
@verbose Both now, thanks.
I guess advertising in Chat works after all.
1 hour later…
Prompted by the comments on Is burning a theme in Jude the Obscure? I have expanded the tag wiki excerpts for and . Please have a look. CC @Randal'Thor @verbose
2 hours later…
Q: Follow up Poetry to the Raven

PProteusNot sure if this is an appropriate question for this forum. I did not see any rules against it, so apologies if I have inadvertently committed a grave transgression here. My 6-year-old has enjoyed hearing me recite the Raven. It has a great rhythm and rhyme, and she finds the archaic language int...

Nice numbers!
@Bookworm Recommendation request, VTC
@Tsundoku A beastly debt to pay off indeed.
Hello, dear moderators
Hello, dear bobble!
I only got one ping overnight from here - I expected more of y'all :P
You put a spell on me. What else could you expect ;-)
@bobble more pings (can get several from the same message if you like)
There we go
@bobble and a pong (for better balance).
I'm giggling
@Tsundoku Nice. Now there's probably some retagging to do :-)
@Tsundoku Pooh, who made a smell in here?
@Randal'Thor I can add some 乒乓球。
Q: Are birds a theme of Enrique Villasis's poetry, and why?

Rand al'ThorEnrique Villasis is a Filipino poet, and every poem of his that I've found is something to do with birds: Birds in Flight, 1965 Birds of Paradise, 1965 Birdman, 1973, and White Bird Dark Shadow, 1962 (all links are to webpages including English translations of these poems originally in Filipino...

"theme" in the title, in the tags
Aisling Bea: To me, ping pong looks like two perverts spanking a ghost.
I see you're quite the fan of these sceptred isles' comedians.
@bobble Since I am not familiar with the author's work, birds may be a theme or a used as a motif.
In my dream last night, I browsed a library and picked out a Redwall book to read. Perhaps this is a sign.
@Randal'Thor I wonder if the UK has the highest rate of comedians-to-population ratio.
Tangentially related: for a long time I was under the impression that there were more comedies among Shakespeare's plays than in all of German literature.
@bobble So you picked a Redwall book from a wall of books? Fortunately, the librarians didn't stonewall you.
@Tsundoku Especially Glasgow and Liverpool, perhaps.
Of course Aisling Bea isn't from the UK.
@Alex oh definitely not.
@Mithical It’s not meant to be easy.
Feb 14 at 14:59, by Tsundoku
@Randal'Thor Heh :-) And I'm not posting any new questions until I have twice as many answers than questions.
That’s the spirit.
That would take me 29 more answers D:
@bobble It’s probably a sign that you’ve had Redwall on your mind.
@bobble s/D:/:D
D: D: D:
3 hours later…
I got accepted to a second university over the weekend, and something has broken in my brain - now I'm checking my portals every day, worrying and worrying over the remaining applications.
@bobble Have you got a reply from the university that would be your first choice?
Yes; that was a rejection
4 hours later…
I'm going to totally shock @bobble by going to bed before midnight without a soporific spell.
I read my homework...
I was told to build another header...
I have some room where I have my headers. Not giving the link however because I'm not supposed to advertise.
You realize this is still advertising, right?
Also, why are you so enamored with making designs? Already got one room frozen over inviting random people over.

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