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@Tsundoku Only vaguely. I read a paper about it some time ago. I have not read the novel but I've seen one of the (many) movie versions, if that counts, and the story is well known. The answers to that question speak about it in general terms; let me see if I can track down the paper that specifically used psych terminology to discuss the novel
Ah, thanks :-)
@Bookworm The question Identify the source of this quote by T.S. Eliot went HNQ two hours ago.
I have answered ten questions since this morning (or should I say 'yesterday morning'?). I'm off to bed now.
2 hours later…
@Randal'Thor voted to close as opinion based.
@Randal'Thor call it and have , , , , , and as synonyms
also: , , as synonyms
and of course
Explanation: there are four vedas, Rg Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, and Atharva Veda. Each consists of poems (Vedas proper) + commentaries on sacred ritual (Brahmanas) + philosophical explorations of sacred ritual (Aranyakas) + philosophical texts more broadly that riff on the themes of that particular veda (Upanishads). The "Vedas" as generally used refers to that entire corpus of texts. They're all Vedic literature.
Hence the tag structure I'm proposing.
Based on prior discussions about how we handle composite works, e.g., the Bible.
Indian philosophy is neatly divided into: "orthodox" schools that accept the Vedas as scripture (various forms of Hinduism) and "heterodox" ones that don't (Buddhism, Jainism, Charavaka).
Oh I should have said earlier that the Vedic poems are typically the words that accompany specific ritual sacrifices, hence the connection between the poems and the Brahmanas, etc. Sorry, it's so transparent to me I wasn't thinking about the audience. Apologies.
Is spamming the site with low quality questions grounds for suspension? It's explicitly listed as one, I thought. Don't remember where I saw it, but I thought if a person posts multiple questions in a short span of time that cause more than a certain (not fixed, but judgment based) number of downvotes and flags, that triggers a warning.
This is a small thing, but it annoys me. A lot of their questions have last lines that aren't phrased as questions but as commands. "I want an explanation of this" as opposed to "What does this mean?"
Generally "what does this mean?" questions applied to an entire poem or other work of literature annoys the fuck out of me too. That's not a real question; you're asking for an interpretive essay, not an answer. I say we should declare such questions off-topic.
That would require a meta question.
Going through the close-vote queue was the closest I'll get to being on SO
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I created my first tag wiki entry. 🥲 Proud of me?
@verbose Great job!
@Tsundoku I disagree. "Verse" is not a literature-specific word. It's like "paragraph." What is a verse? is a question for a lexicographer, not a literature site.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr thanks!
@verbose Aye, I agree
Wow, I have never reached my close vote limit on any site until today. I'm barred from casting any close votes for the next 18 hours. Hey folks with sufficient rep, please do go through the close vote queue!
I did some - voted one Leave Open, many Close, and a bunch of Skips. Led to me running out of queue items before close votes
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Don't I get a special badge for that? I want moar badges. 🦡
@Tsundoku before you ask, that emoji is a badger
due to watching an anime technical difficulties less timeline-answer progress has been made than anticipated
(in my defense it was a very good anime)
2 hours later…
WRT this question are "what genre is this" questions on topic for this site?
2 hours later…
@verbose Yes, there's a suspension reason for low-quality contributions. However, although there were a whole lot of questions posted yesterday, I'd say most of them are on-topic and reasonable, several of them even inspiring good answers already. It's a bit odd to have so many from one user on one day, but in the long run it'll probably be a net positive contribution to the site's Q&A.
@verbose That type of question is essentially what Gareth created the tag for. It does teeter on the edge of being too broad, but can make for very interesting Q&A when used for short works such as poems which can reasonably be analysed in the space of a single SE answer.
@verbose Meta says no, but OTOH this question was accepted without closure.
@Randal'Thor There's a difference between asking "Is this a reasonable interpretation of this poem?" or "what does this image / situation mean?" (which are reasonable questions) and "What does this poem mean?" (which is not). I'll come up with a meta question about this tomorrow.
@Randal'Thor Actually that's a good case in point. There is a specific claim asked about: "Is it true that there is only one epic in English literature." That is an answerable question without getting into genre theory: No, plenty of other works up to and including Walcott's Omeros are epics and in English.
The question of whether anybody has considered a particular work an epic is also answerable. But a more broad "why is this work considered / not considered an epic?" seems unanswerable to me except as opinion.
Congrats @verbose :-)
@Randal'Thor Thanks! When I saw that it took me a moment to realize what "Over 9,000" referred to. I honestly wondered whether it was the number of questions asked on this site today.
Well, yesterday, I guess.
@verbose Agree that question isn't a clear genre-classification question like the new one. Personally I've always been in favour of genre-classification questions, and I've argued for them on meta both here and on SFF, but I can see the case for closing that War and Peace question according to meta consensus.
Happy Valentine's day, Lit SE. I love all y'all. 💚
@Randal'Thor Well, I'd vote to close if I had any close votes left rn, but I don't.
Blimey. 23 close votes in the queue?
Don't think I've ever seen such a thing on this site before.
I think it reached that point in private beta at one point
I feel like this question is perfectly fine if we edit out the sentence about Wordsworth. It's reasonable to ask how a particular choice of narrator affects the poem and why it might have been written like that.
Maybe this one too - we've had several questions of the form "can X be considered literature?" which were left open.
This question to me is reminiscent of one I asked about Narayan a while back.
@Randal'Thor Except the on-topic section of our Help guide specifically stipulates we consider essays literature. And what is a good argument not to consider essays literature? We study essays in literature classes all the time.
@Randal'Thor Why does the poet make this choice? is always a terrible question when asked of an entire poem, IMO. "It's because that's how the poem is" is the only possible answer.
@verbose But the question of whether we consider something literature, i.e. on-topic for Lit.SE, is separate from whether it's considered literature in general or by scholars. And the answer being obvious isn't a VTC reason, although certainly could be a reason to DV.
@Randal'Thor Big difference between asking *Is this a consistent theme in this writer?" and asking "Why is this a theme in this writer?" Particularly when it's not even true. One novel and one short story each about painting across Wilde's entire career does not make artists in general a major theme of his work.
@verbose I prefer to think of those questions as "what does this choice add to the poem?", which can sometimes be reasonably answered by some analysis, independently of authorial intent or what reason might have been in the writer's head.
@KnightwantsLoongback It was unwise of you to store up all your questions and then ask them at once. This deprived you of the feedback that you would have got by asking them one at a time. Feedback would have allowed you to improve the later questions you asked, and perhaps avoided getting so many of them closed.
@verbose The Wilde one is more begging the question, true. I wonder if it would be too much of an edit to change it to "Is this a theme in Wilde's stories, and if so why"?
@Randal'Thor But essays are considered literature in general and/or by scholars. What is the argument to be made here? "Why do scholars of literature consider essays literature?" That's unanswerable without getting into "Well, how do you define literature?"
@GarethRees Your help may be needed in the review queue :-)
@Randal'Thor The answer is going to be "No, this isn't." Short of listing all Wilde's works and saying, look, artists appear in only these two (or maybe a couple others I can't recall—certainly nothing comes to mind), what possible answer is there?
Well, that'd be the answer then. (It could even be a frame-challenge answer to the question in its current form.) Who knows, maybe "no" is the answer to my Narayan question too. That makes it less interesting than if there is a major theme to be explored, but we shouldn't close "is this a theme" questions just because the answer is no - then everyone would be afraid to ask such questions unless they know the answer is yes, and we might miss out on some interesting themes!
@Randal'Thor Fair point. But the question-begging nature of the Wilde instance does need to be fixed.
Oh well, I'm going to bed. Or as I say in my head, rather less politely: "Imma nod off. Y'all can sod off." 😁
:-D nice one
Goodnight! And thanks for the Napoleon/de la Mare answer (I just saw it).
@Randal'Thor yw. I was rather pleased with that one myself (both the nod/sod off thing and the Napoleon answer) tbh
Q: Story with an example of perfection of Japanese manufacture processes

Joseph_JaroslavI'm looking for a book I read about 20 years ago, in which one of the main characters explained to somebody else the way Japanese factories operated and the difference with US. He stated something like: "After WWII the USA government wanted to help Japanese economy to recover, so they decided to ...

@verbose Happy Singles Awareness Day, as I prefer to call it :-P
@Randal'Thor I don't have an answer to that question. Is there any specific reason why you want to draw my attention to it?
@Tsundoku I was replying to your message about a question that went HNQ last night, mentioning another one that also did.
@Tsundoku That spells SAD.
@verbose (CC @PrinceNorthLæraðr) I prefer not to get my definitions of literary terms from general-purpose dictionaries. I go to glossaries of literary terms.
Q: Meaning of the parts in bold is unclear to me

Viser Hashemi ‘At night, because of the noise of people laughing, they turned up the treble on the jukebox. But in the early mornings, in the peaceful shift when customers on their way to work were reading the papers, you could clearly hear the trip and run of the bass lines. Some people came alone, with a li...

2 hours later…
@Tsundoku has broken 400 answers, nice.
Meanwhile there are now five users with >100 questions, but one of them doesn't even have an Inquisitive badge, let alone Socratic.
@Randal'Thor Heh :-) And I'm not posting any new questions until I have twice as many answers than questions.
Are you serious?
I hope that's a joke, because your questions have always stood out for their thorough well-researchedness.
Only 30 more answers and I can start submitting questions again.
In the mean time, I am collecting potential questions in a file. I promise I won't submit all of them on the same day.
1 hour later…
Still "1,119 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers" :-/
The percentage of answered questions dropped from 76% to 74% yesterday. Now it's back to 75%.
I think I've answered all of the ones in the flood that I can; any others would require further research and time that I would rather devote to my timeline answer
Of course. Thanks for helping stem the flood :-)
tips leaky cup to the answer-doku
@Randal'Thor Thanks for the ping! Might have to have a look at them a bit later though as workload a bit substantial atm. Also just saw that I completely missed your third Withered Arm question, but @verbose 's answer was very interesting to read!
1 hour later…
Q: Meaning of "Where the return stands by disdain" in a poem by Thomas Wyatt

CopperKettleFrom "Who list his wealth and ease retain", by Thomas Wyatt: Who list his wealth and ease retain, Himself let him unknown contain. Press not too fast in at that gate Where the return stands by disdain: For sure, circa regna tonat. What is the meaning of the phrase in bold? The word return proba...

1 hour later…
sigh of relief Finally! All the dead tags and orphan tags are gone
Highly related: Edgar Allan Poe's "Alone" (in which I asked for overall interpretation of the whole poem, and actually got an answer from the same person as below). — Rand al'Thor ♦ 28 secs ago
The answers are near-identical, although the new question is more specific.
I'd say it's a dupe
Especially if it's getting a near-identical response
I mean, the question is a bit more specific, but it's covered in your question & response. So I'll vote to close as dupe
@PrinceNorthLæraðr You missed ; I just got rid of it.
Oh, [bleep]
Or should I say
(cc @bobble who correctly added the tag - we have a policy to not use specific-work tags if the work in question is too short to merit it - "too short" is a bit subjective, but so far we haven't run into any big debates over it)
Hehe, all y'all literary critics are going to get a kick out of my new question
@Tsundoku Feel free to re-tag as needed, I wasn't sure exactly how to tag it except beyond
Q: Why are William Mcgonagall's poems considered so terrible?

North LæraðrWhile writing up the wiki excerpt for william-mcgonagall a couple of weeks back, I came upon a rather surprising remark about him in Wikipedia: He won notoriety as an extremely bad poet who exhibited no recognition of, or concern for, his peers' opinions of his work. The next line down, it says...

Wow, that was fast
In PSE it takes at least a couple of minutes to post new posts
and the bobble managed to edit before Bookworm got it!
the crowd goes wild!
I wasn't sure if the was needed. I wasn't really asking about a poem as much as an author of the poem, but I guess asking to deconstruct a bit of his poem would constitute the poetry tag
(I'm also hoping that it's click-baity enough to hit HNQ)
I see you're trying to forestall my inevitable rise above you
@bobble Inevitable? Bah, you amuse me
It is futile, young one
The student always surpasses the teacher; such is the way of life
You're cute ;). You'll never rise above moi!
I provide you with our 57-rep difference, despite my much shorter stay here, as evidence in my favor
What say you?
@bobble I am better!
pats tree fluff you believe that
The jury is rigged against me, I don't have to provide any evidence to win!
Ah, you're going the "alternative facts" route, I see
Not alternative facts
Alternative facts
There's a difference
Meanwhile, Rand laughs in the corner with his ~51k rep
rand cackles with his 100,000+ rep on PSE
@PrinceNorthLæraðr it depends on when the chat feed checks what's in the pipe, not when it was posted
@Mithical Ah, I see
There is no longer anyone between us in rep here
My slow and steady rise up the ranks has led me here.
I will not falter.
I shall push on, above you and to the first page!
Stop distracting me from my work, will ya! Quiet down, child
mutter mutter upstarts mucking around with the leagues
How do you like my surpassed edit count, mith? :P
What "work"? Writing tag excerpts for pittance? Bah!
I got +120 today and yesterday alone, off good ol' fashioned upvotes.
~Good for you~
@Bookworm Because the man is a Vogon
@PrinceNorthLæraðr >.<
I present the yearly editing rankings
Do you see how I am ahead, North?
I remind you, resistance is futile
blows raspberry
If you're going to do childish insults, at least spell them correctly
shakes head kids these days, I tell you
You saw nothing
Chat messages have a public edit history
@Tsundoku @Randal'Thor Do we need ?
@bobble Lieeesssssss
@PrinceNorthLæraðr despite this mockery, I'll even approve your edits
@Mithical So generous!
We all know that you're trying to cover up your misspellings
I present: the edit history
Q: What does "draw on" mean in "In the Midst of Alarms?

Ahmed SamirIn "In the Midst of Alarms" (1894) by Robert Barr, Yates, who was a reporter for Argus newspaper in US and was camping in Canada, was negotiating with a telegraph boy who demanded one hundred dollars to deliver his article to Argus office in Buffalo. Yates said: “Quite so. I think you will be ab...

So, does need its own tag?
Not sure if essays merit their own tag or not. Because I don't know anything about essays.

bobble will rise above North!

33 mins ago, 17 minutes total – 52 messages, 3 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by bobble

for posterity
We are officially at 10 Questions Per Day
@PrinceNorthLæraðr In my opinion, it's too short to deserve a tag.
@Tsundoku Aye, I was thinking along the same lines too. It's like, 7 pages long?
Do we need to make a new tag? Maybe like an or something?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Let me present to you: . Yes, in plural.
Oh, duh.
Of course one already exists
@Tsundoku I think it should be pluralized to the best of the ability. It just sounds more natural IMO
Wait, why am I upvoting bobble's stuff
Because I'm a nice tree, duh
resumes upvoting good posts
Finally got around to posting a question this year...
@PrinceNorthLæraðr You know, if I upvote too many of your posts, I will limit your reputation from suggested edits count...
@Tsundoku Yikes. Thankfully, I haven't posted enough to gain 1000+ reps yet. I don't think.
A bounty can fix that problem :P
But then bobble will overtake you... O_o
True... well, reputation from edit counts is more important :D
Q: What does the line "You're all that I can call my own" mean in Maya Angelou's "Woman Work"?

MithicalThe first half of Maya Angelou's "Woman Work" details the extremely busy life of the narrator, ranging from taking care of a baby to mending clothes to picking cotton. The second half longingly describes how she needs a rest. The last verse, however, goes like this: Sun, rain, curving sky Mounta...

35 more edits until the glorious copy-editor badge!
And 33 more edits until I reach the maximum reputation gained from suggested edits
I have double the number of gold badges as you, right now
No, you just have 1 more
Oh wait, I can't count
bobble likes these shiny Fanatic badges, yes bobble does
Gah, alright, no need to gloat >:(
bobble also likes their tree friend
hugs a tree
Hold up, how does the "community" suspend a user?
enough flagged stuff?
> The system will suspend users under three circumstances: when a user is recreated after being previously suspended, when a user is recreated after being destroyed for spam or abuse, and when a network-wide suspension is in effect on an account.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I can't suspend someone for liking you.
Ah, okay
@Tsundoku Pfft, not what I was talking about, but okay
@PrinceNorthLæraðr (And in chat, for a validated flagged message.)
Ah, I see
Huh, I did not know that flagging someone in chat results in... suspension?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr ... especially on Valentine's day.
@Tsundoku Pfft, you give them chocolate first and then suspend them
@Bookworm What the motherf...
Oh hey, Nap.
I see you've seen our 95 new questions from Knight
Many of them came in the night
> "Who asks so late, through night and wind?"
But we reached a QPD of 10. Our last peak was 8.2.
10.1, now
@Tsundoku I see that Dutch Language has failed to get past the definition stage again :/
@Tsundoku And next week it's back at 4?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Oh yes, they closed at two months ago, I think. I didn't have high hopes for it.
That's rather unfortunate :/
@NapoleonWilson I suppose so.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Then what have they all been speaking in the Netherlands? French?
@NapoleonWilson European, I suppose
That's what they speak in Europe, right?
No, Esperanto.
Yo espero por un canto.
(how many days in beta before a site becomes graduated?)
there is no hard number
As long as it takes (nowadays practically infinite).
The criteria are not so clear anymore. Last time they graduated a bunch of site, the criterion was that they had been around for 7 years.
Yikes, ConLang SE's really struggling
And that was likely just a sugar lump to shut people up, so I wouldn't count on it becoming an actual rule (not that they might not do a similar thing in the future).
Well, I have a cunning plan: ten of us start collecting questions until each of us has 30 of them. Then we start posting them, i.e. each of us one per day. That would mean at least 10 QPD for an entire month ;-)
If it sounds like a bad plan, blame Baldrick.
Someone already had that idea. They only missed to inform the others about it. ;-)
Oof, I've been going through way too many Beta sites way too quickly, so now the system's like "you've been temporarily rate limited"
"rate limited"?
Annnnnnd now I can't get on any SE sites. How long does this last?
For what?
I...never experienced anything like this. What have you actually been doing?
@NapoleonWilson Clicking on a beta site, quickly looking at their stats, and going back
I think the system thinks I'm a bot
A type of IP ban.
Actually, I might have run into something like that when clicking the vote balance button too often or when opening too many tabs in quick succession. It should go away soon, though.
"These rate limits usually disappear within a minute if it was just a one-off glitch or something (such as refreshing the page many times in short succession)."
It's extremely rare, though. Did actually conciously read the stats before opening the next or did you just open 5 million sites at once?
I would post the screen, except it has very very personal information like my IP Address, so yeah no
@NapoleonWilson I scanned it, and consciously read through it. It's... not something like out of the ordinary I do, like for example, going through tags or something
I think it was probably a system glitch
Comparatively to other sites, our 4 QED isn't too bad
Also, yessss, new tag!
Yeah, I just realized that it was from a short-story collection ;-; I even made a new tag!
Q: Meaning of "seldom anything but"

Jay Lee These old folks, you must know, were quite poor, and had to work pretty hard for a living. Old Philemon toiled diligently in his garden, while Baucis was always busy with her distaff, or making a little butter and cheese with their cow’s milk, or doing one thing and another about the cottage. Th...

@PrinceNorthLæraðr "The Miraculous Pitcher" is a short story, not the title of a collection. The collection is A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys.
@Tsundoku Yeah, I realized that. Makes me sad
I'm at 8 APD for the last two days. I think I'll stop answering questions today.
I've rejected the edit.
@bobble Which edit?
tag excerpt for
Ah, yea. You don't need to, since it'll go away on its own, but if you want to make me feel more bad ;-;
or if i want to get more reviews
Don't forget it's still Valentine's Day ;-)
41 mins ago, by bobble
hugs a tree
rolls eyes
"1,110 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers". Progress compared to yesterday.
If you upvote my recent answer to knight, that can go down to 1,109 questions
One of those questions is Rand's timeline one which should be getting an answer soon
If those 95 questions had been Fontane questions, that would have been the most successful topic challenge so far.
Knight seemed to be mis-using quite a bit in place of , are there any more from here that are mis-tagged?
If the question is just about the meaning of a line or a sentence, then should be removed.
I just heard the news presenter on the radio say, "Today is ... 15 March."
@Tsundoku Ha
But here I am, on 15 February in my time zone. Traveler time a am I.
Well, fellow time traveler, we must be in a time paradox! It is still only 14 February for me!
In my time zone, it's 16 minutes past midnight, so technically 15 February.
But for the SE network, I'm still on 14 February until 2 a.m.
Oh, I forgot to wish you all a happy new year a few days ago.
Ah, no worries. Our family doesn't really do Lunar New Year anyways :P
(Yes, it's a thing in Korea too, it's just my parents don't really care that much. They're like "money? Why should we give you money?")
I have no idea what you just wrote, but I will remind you I am not Chinese :P
I know you're not Chinese, but can't you guess?
We celebrated Lunar New Year yesterday, with the special cake and a feast. But I have to wait a while before opening my red envelopes for luck
@Tsundoku Merry Christmas?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr LOL! Why not Easter?
Good point. Happy Easter?
@bobble Ah, yes, the famous 红包. How long are you supposed to wait?
I forget, over a week. Though my sister already opened hers
새해 복 많이 받으세요!
If you're going to post foreign language I can't read, I'll just post foreign language you can't read too! Hah! Take that!
I hit another repcap today yesterday.
I need two more upvotes for a tag badge. Would I get two upvotes for answering "No" to this question? :-P

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