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So put one in yours!
A diagram of a banana!
You can even shave it!
Actually, I'd need a picture of a macabre too ...
I am a bit afraid to google for that one...
@RegDwight: That explains all. Thank you.
Hence my reluctance to post said question.
I keep to click on "Questions", and I noticed that sometimes the order of the questions changes.
@Robusto You know, we're talking rubbish, actually. You don't need a picture of both. I mean, you're asking for a difference. If you had both pictures, you'd see the difference. So what you need is a picture of a banana, period. Posting a picture of a macabre should be left to the answerer.
Actually, I see I made a mistake in my code. It should have been: function getGhettoric(rhetoric) { return "like, uh, ghettoric ... huhuh"; }
A common typo.
I'm surprised my syntax checker didn't flag it.
I'm surprised someone starred it!
Or perhaps they wanted to ashame you.
Pity stars ... well, I'm not proud.
@RegDwight — Excuse me, they wanted to ashame me? I'm going to wait till the edit period has expired so I can shame you, tovarisch.
Mess with me, will you? Harrumph.
"(transitive, rare) To make ashamed."
I don't know what part of Russia uses that word, but it sure ain't American.
It's also in Webster's Revised Unabridged.
That don't make it right.
Just saying. Better cover your bases before messing with me.
See, in this case the operative word is "rare" — just because some Commie somewhere misused it in a sentence, the literal-minded lexicographers thought they were obliged to include it.
Haha, yes, that's what they teach those nohats and Kosmonauts.
See, this is what separates your native speakers from your non-native speakers. No native speakers would have used ashame as a transitive verb, unless they were trying to be funny, contrary, or else had a sever brain cramp.
And that's the very reason why I used it.
Go ahead, tovarisch, order your three whiskeys now.
You know where I am pointing my Walther.
Who said I wasn't trying to be funny and contrary?
Yeah, well, I guess there's a first time for everything, huh?
Just you wait, I can turn this place into a boring pit of bore in no time.
Where people only talk about tea in received pronunciation.
please don't do that
@RegDwight — Wow, it already happened. And you did it in a single line. I bow in your direction.
I don't use RP. I use RPG.
Well you Americans sneak a G into everything.
It's the new, improved version.
It is actually kind of fun. When RP becomes RPG, every sentence ends with a bang. "Well, you know, this is all quite interesting, old chap, but ... BANG!"
I can totally see how you could do that for hours in a row.
At least until my ammo runs out.
@FX_ And now both are closed.
So ... after reading @nohat's frank and unapologetic, yet somehow dedicated and forthright (had enough adjectives yet?) self-nomination, I'm starting to waver in my support for @Martha's hardwood candidacy.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Hey, @Kosmonaut, been meaning to ask you a question. Do noun pairs always subordinate one noun into adjectival status, or do they ever coexist as equal, independent nouns. In The Marble Faun it feels to me that marble serves as an adjective, but I don't quite feel that princess is completely adjectival in The Princess Bride. Any thoughts?
BTW, RPG stands for "rocket-propelled grammar" and it is poised to sweep the nation.
I thought it stood for "ray-pun gun" or something.
I was initially thinking of it as "Received Pronunciation Grenade" but I like my other explanation better.
Well, I could just google. Don't open that can of worms.
I mean, don't open it again.
This place is nothing but worms.
A: What does "wrt" mean?

Akshay ThakurWRT can be used in many sense , abbreviations etc. Some examples are - WRT - With Regard To WRT - With Respect To Wrt - Wrought wrt - Write ->W.R.T. abbreviations - WRT-Walter Reade Theater WRT-Westchester Reform Temple WRT-Wallace Roberts & Todd WRT=Workforce Review Team...

Is there medication you can take for Googlitis?
Let me google for it.
@RegDwight — I already did. Turns out it's a topical lotion.
Hoi topoi?
Come on, my best pun of the day — maybe of the entire week — and not a single THWACK.
I should get back to coding. But even that can be PERL before swine.
Eins, zwei, Thwack-Polizei!
Sniff. @Robusto doesn't like me.
I'm so sad, I'm all out of thwack.
@Martha: Aww, there, there. I still like you. But if you're all out of thwack, what good are you to me?
How would you perform your moderatorly duties?
yesterday, by RegDwight
Hey, can't we all be friends, hitting each other with rulers?
@Robusto In fact, I would say that those two words are functioning as adjectives.
Even princess.
@RegDwight — Cue Elvis Costello singing "Man Out Of Time" ...
@Kosmonaut See? And you told me pinging you wouldn't work.
@RegDwight: Well, in fairness, I didn't look at the little pingy message, whatever it is called — the galactic rolodex or whatever.
I just showed up here and saw the @Kosmonaut message.
So we have to rely on your reading the entire log?
@Kosmonaut — I know what you're saying, but if two states of being are coequal, or the one that comes first actually forms a more applicable noun (whatever that means; work with me here), can't noun pairs simply be appositive and not in an adjectival-nominal relationship?
Noun pairs can certainly be in a noun-noun relationship, just not these two cases.
One way that often sheds light on this is the prosody of the phrase.
Can you give me some examples of legitimate noun-noun combos?
It seems like the really cool questions are being discussed behind the scenes.
poster board
hat rack
But doesn't "hat" get subordinated to "rack" in that combo?
A "hat rack" is a type of rack for holding hats.
In adj+noun pairs, usually the primary stress falls on the noun. But in noun+noun pairs, the stress falls on the first noun.
I'm actually going by pure phonology/syntax to decide this — how they behave in the phrase, and not semantics.
Ahh, interesting distinction. Hence my confusion with "princess bride".
^ This.
The stress is on the princess.
(nobody caught my pun. Sniff.)
But, your followup question about which thing is central to the meaning, that's an interesting question unto itself.
I just wouldn't use that to determine the lexical category.
@Martha — [Pats Martha gently, avoiding her ruler]
@Martha Indeed I must be missing something. Any pointers?
The usual phrase is "out of whack".
@Martha — Got it, and patted you gently.
In my defense, I wasn't here when you wrote the pun.
Oh. And there was I singing Anastacia.
But this is the one aspect in which puns resemble jokes: if you have to explain it, it didn't work.
Hence the consolation patting.
I like to tell myself that if you have to explain it, it means it was sophisticated.
I'll have to keep that in mind.
[Pats @Kosmonaut consolingly]
Hey, don't put adverbs in my narrative!
The real sophisticated jokes are when people don't even get the explanation.
I'll decide whether the patting was consoling or not!
I really, truly and even sometimes adverbially enjoy altering your narrative.
[argues that point victoriously]
[points at how hollowly @Kosmonaut argues]
I'm sure there's a Latin name for that logical fallacy.
There's a Latin name for everything — it's a Turing-complete language! :)
I still think they should have used pig-Latin on Watson.
And I wonder how he would have fared against withering sarcasm.
My dad doesn't have a Latin name. Come to think of it, my name is Aramaic in origin.
Your dad's Latin name is pater! :)
You just got Latin'd!
That's his relationship (or occupation). His name is Csaba.
And his last name is familias.
I think the verb form is Latinated.
Not in this dialect.
And that's another thing. So few Latin Americans actually speak Latin these days. It's appalling.
A sad state of affairs.
Romanes eunt domus?
Si, si.
The Life of Brian!
Funniest ... movie ... ever.
Now conjugate! Conjugate!
Romani ite domum.
Now, write that a hundred times.
Freaking Latin. So picky.
That movie is quite brilliant.
It really is.
The first time I saw it I thought I was going to die laughing. Sometimes I couldn't even catch my breath and started getting dizzy.
"He has a wife, you know ..."
That kind of suppressed laughter, like in that scene, is really infectious. I can't not laugh at that part.
Hmm, I wonder if anyone else on the Internet likes Monty Python movies...
That scene is the funniest five minutes in movie history. No doubt about it.
@Kosmonaut — Probably not. The Internetz cater to a lower form of humor. Cf. Tosh.0.
I wonder how many takes it required for Michael Palin to do that scene. It seems like it would be hard not to bust out laughing.
//slinks into a corner because she has yet to watch a whole Monty Python movie all the way through...
Oops, gotta go. Have fun storming the castle!
Ah, you've seen The Adjective Noun!
No, but I've seen The Noun Noun.
A: Can a book be divided in categories?

RegDwightBooks can be sorted or put in categories. For example, a book about Philippine cuisine written by Dostoyevski could be sorted into the categories "Cooking", "Russian author", "Philippines". But it would be sorted into each of these categories as a whole. You can't divide the book into categories....

I have no idea who's right or wrong anymore.
Them people are confusing me.
How is this about English?
Oh I guess I see
A book can't be divided into categories.
That is true.
That's what I'm saying.
Your explanation is right.
A book can belong to multiple categories.
That's another great verb.
Hm... it's a weird one, isn't it?
be looooooooooooong
Nah, I'm still talking about the question. I went with sort and put. But belong would be good, too.
"Don't be long, now!"
"Why don't you want me to belong?"
But yeah, "be long" is cool in any context.
I feel like I don't belong = I feel like I beshort.
Why isn't there a beshort btw?
And gelangen.
what? beehive?
In fact, Etymonline tells me that belangen replaced gelangen in English.
@Eldros I think Kosmonaut is looking for an antonym for below.
Yes, looks that way
The less you think you know.
The more you know what you don't know.
You know?
Je kluger, desto dummer?
But Eldros raises an interesting question, what's the antonym for bee then?
@Robusto Je klüger, desto dümmer.
Je dümmer, desto dümmer!
Now that's my motto.
Dumm und Dümmer
The antonym for bee is pee, btw
Dumm und Dümmerer.
b -> p
How do you make that upside-down b?
I think kaopectate helps with diaeresis, right?
My great uncle had a bad case of diaeresis.
Are there good cases?
He was Hawaiian.
(You see, there were many consecutive vowels necessitating diaeresis.)
(I just told a sophisticated joke.)
(You may laugh now.)
It's not sophisticated enough, as some people might still understand the explanation.
We have to go deeper!
Does ii count as a diaresis case?
Depends on how you pronounce it.
That's Japanese for beautiful.
In Japanese, it's just a long vowel, so no diaeresis.
Cue @Robusto saying that it means more like good or something.
ii desuka?
It means more like good ... or something.
Thank you.
I think it means more like "nice".
I don't have my Japanese gear here so I have to transliterate.
Oh noes not Katakana again.
Oh, you're trying to say nice. lol.
Actually, when you want to say something is attractive or beautiful, you would use kirei.
Which is also the word for clean.
How do you know what I would use?
One would.
Watashi no kuruma ii des.
Please use romaji
Ватаси но курума ии дес.
not really
انا عربي
He's talking about RegDwight. Whose ears should be burning about now.
I was talking to @Kosmonaut anyway
Him no like Katakana.
Don't worry, I don't know enough Japanese to go any further anyway.
I'm no likey difficults.
I actually hate katakana, because it means I have to slow down and parse each character and then figure out what godawful mess is being made of an English word.
Oh, I love Katakana because it tells me "hey, you might understand this word!"
It's like driving on the highway and then suddenly jamming the transmission into first gear.
Feb 3 at 20:23, by RegDwight
While romaji use latin alphabet, that would simplify the life of everyone non-japanese
Merry Kurisumasu everyone!
I think
I mean, would you get "demartment store" out of depaato?
I always liked arubaito
Ain't that a movie with Jack Nicholson?
Well I'm not that knowledgable
It means "part-time job" I think.
『ディパーテッド』()は2006年公開のアメリカ映画。製作会社はワーナー・ブラザーズ。2002年から2003年に架けて3作品製作された大ヒット香港映画『インファナル・アフェア』のリメイク作品。 監督・製作はマーティン・スコセッシ。出演はレオナルド・ディカプリオ、マット・デイモン、ジャック・ニコルソン、マーク・ウォルバーグ。 第79回アカデミー賞作品賞受賞作品(外国映画のリメイク作品としては史上初である)。原題である「The Departed」 とは「去りし者」の意。R-15指定作品。 この作品でレオナルド・ディカプリオはマーティン・スコセッシと3度目のタッグを組んだ。 また、この作品のビリー・コスティガン役でニューズウィーク誌に「この役でディカプリオの新たな時代が到来した」と絶賛された。 2006年10月6日に全米で公開、日本では翌2007年1月20日に公開され、日米両方で初登場第1位を獲得した。 キャッチコピーは、「男は、死ぬまで正体を明かせない。」。 概要 警察に潜入したマフィアの男とマフィアに潜入した警察官の数奇な運命を描いたサスペンス映画。それぞれの任務を遂行するために互いの組織への潜入を試みるというストーリーはオリジナルにほぼ忠実であるが、物語の舞台となるアメリカ合衆国の独自色を強めることを目的としてアイリッシュ・マフィアやFBIが登場している。 ...
I don't know of any other German borrowings.
There's another familiar German word that's been appropriated by the Japanese. I'm trying to remember it now, but I don't have good random-access memory.
Besides doitsu
At least you're not read-only!
@Kosmonaut Are you kidding me? Japanese video games are full of German borrowings.
It's a very common word too. Come on, stupid brain! [smacks forehead]
Isn't doitsujin the word to design german people?
『エアガイツ』(Ehrgeiz)は、ドリームファクトリーが制作した対戦型格闘ゲーム。1998年2月26日にナムコ(現:バンダイナムコゲームス)からアーケードゲーム版が登場したのち、1998年12月17日にスクウェア(現:スクウェア・エニックス)からプレイステーション用ゲームソフトとして発売された。 2002年1月17日には廉価版「PS one Books」として再発売されている。2008年7月9日にはゲームアーカイブスでPS3とPSP用のソフトウェアとして配信・発売された。 概要 3D格闘ゲームの人気シリーズ『バーチャファイター』や『鉄拳シリーズ』のスタッフが参加したことで知られる。システム面では、いつでも相手の打撃を受け止める「インタラプト」や、高低差のあるステージ上を走り回れる、対戦アクションに近い高い自由度などが画期的だったが、他の人気格闘ゲームシリーズに押される形で1作のみで姿を消してしまった。 アーケード版はナムコとスクウェアが共同で関わっており、スクウェアの『ファイナルファンタジーVII』(以下『FFVII』)から主人公クラウド・ストライフらがゲストとして登場することで話題になった。プレイステーション版は『トバルNo.1』や『トバル2』に引き続きスクウェアが発売し、さらに『FFVII』から主人公のライバルであるセフィロスなど、複数のキャラクターが追...
Well, the French think the Germans are "all man" ... but I am not so sure.
That is true, @RegDwight. But I guess I'm thinking about humdrum, day-to-day words.
I would point that I am french.
And my girlfriend is german
And the Germans think the French are very Frank.
If I didn't have actual "work" to do I'm sure I could think of it.
@Kosmonaut — You've got a lot of Gaul.
@Kosmonaut Actually, Franken is in Germany.
But Frankenstein belongs to the world.
There are all kinds of Franks all throughout Europe, if you ask ze Zhömans.
No, Franken is in Minnesota.
And, uh, Reg ... isn't that kind of thinking what got the Germans into trouble in the first place?
Don't tell me, we handed them their collective asses.
At least what was left of them.
You mean you put their asses on collective farms?
@Kosmonaut Is that in Transsexual, Transylvania?
Dr. Frank-N-Furter: A pansexual mad scientist. A flamboyant, hedonistic transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania.
(Ah, a sophisticated joke.)
Can we skip the double feature this time, though?
I thought Frankfurters were in Germany.
3 mins ago, by Robusto
And, uh, Reg ... isn't that kind of thinking what got the Germans into trouble in the first place?
Keep your Frankfurters to yourself.
They have all the meats: hamburgers, frankfurters, wieners, you name it.
The Germans don't have wieners
Vienna is not in Germany.
No wonder they get the munchies.
1 min ago, by RegDwight
3 mins ago, by Robusto
And, uh, Reg ... isn't that kind of thinking what got the Germans into trouble in the first place?
Beat me to it, so it was prejinx, or actually what we would call hijinx.
I was just copying the link address when you posted that. Saved myself a coke.
Feb 18 at 10:59, by Robusto
13 hours ago, by Robusto
27 secs ago, by RegDwight
2 hours ago, by RegDwight
yesterday, by RegDwight
Feb 7 at 15:38, by RegDwight
In the foundations of mathematics, Russell's paradox (also known as Russell's antinomy), discovered by Bertrand Russell in 1901, showed that the naive set theory created by Georg Cantor leads to a contradiction. The same paradox had been discovered a year before by Ernst Zermelo but he did not publish the idea, which remained known only to Hilbert, Husserl and other members of the University of Göttingen. Let R be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. If R qualifies as a member of itself, it would contradict its own definition as a set containing sets that are not member...
The funny thing is what is called wiener in frankfurt, is called frankfurter in vienna
I know I was there last week
I. C. Wiener?
And they are both the same thing in English.
Which is not what they are in either of those cities.
@RegDwight — Ah, that old chestnut. You need some new material.
That was in reply to your word.
I laughed heartily at "I.C. Wiener"... when it was written on the back of a Garbage Pail Kids card in the mid-80s.
At least I don't have a macro, I have to search for that beast every single time.
@Kosmonaut Don't explain my jokes, that makes them too sophisticated.
Oh yeah, that guy
Still funny after all these years.
@Robusto: "He has a wife you know...."
@Kosmonaut — Incontinentia ...
Incontinentia ... buttocks!
"Phone call for Mike Hunt."
"Is there a Hugh Jass in here?"
My Russian chauffeur is Pikop Andropov.
And who could forget Heywood Jablomi?
@Kosmonaut — No points for Car Talk references.
No points???
Sorry. I don't make the rules.
Oh, I have to go grab lunch!
later folks
That's a good idea, actually. Been wanting to cook some soup for a long time.
If you cook it too long it just evaporates.
Slow clap.
There's a treatment for that too.
Also a topical lotion.
@Robusto THWACK
I'm not thwacking you twice.
Ah, there you go. Thanks @Eldros.
no problem, he asked for it
But I'm still puzzling over how a thing can be slow if it's runny? Hmm ...
We should build some kind of thwack-o-mat...
Don't we have one?
A human one?
1 hour ago, by Martha
I'm so sad, I'm all out of thwack.
I rarely build a human
I'm no Frankenstein
Don't know about you
No need.
21 mins ago, by Robusto
But Frankenstein belongs to the world.
Even to France.
I live in Germany
Even to Germany.
Got to work. TTYL.
Well it seems he would need a Frankenstein of its own, because I think he passed his expiration date.
Frankenstein is a municipality in the district of Kaiserslautern, in Rhineland-Palatinate, western Germany. References
Every time I go to Frankfurt, the train stops in Frankenstein.
Ist es in Rheinland-Pflaz, was?
Frankenstein ist eine Ortsgemeinde im Landkreis Kaiserslautern in Rheinland-Pfalz (Deutschland). Frankenstein gehört der Verbandsgemeinde Hochspeyer an, die ihren Verwaltungssitz in der Gemeinde Hochspeyer hat. Geographie Geographische Lage Frankenstein liegt in der Pfalz inmitten des Naturparkes Pfälzerwald im Städtedreieck von Kaiserslautern, Neustadt an der Weinstraße und Bad Dürkheim. Die Gemeinde bildet gleichzeitig auch den östlichen Abschluss des Landkreises Kaiserslautern. Ihre Gemarkung schiebt sich wie ein Keil in den benachbarten Landkreis Bad Dürkheim hinein. Nachbargemei...
Gerne auch auf Deutsch.
Frankenstein is an unincorporated community in northwestern Osage County, Missouri, USA. It is located about 20 km (12 miles) east of Jefferson City. The community is believed named not for the monster, but for Gottfried Franken, who donated land to build a church here in 1890.[http://www.epodunk.com/cgi-bin/genInfo.php?locIndex=55265 link title] Additional info: [http://neatocoolville.blogspot.com/2006_08_01_archive.html Frankenstein] The Population only consists of thirty people
Yeah, Kosmonaut has mentioned that one already.
26 mins ago, by Kosmonaut
No, Franken is in Minnesota.
By the way, which Frankfurt are you talking about?
Very slow jinx.
a.M., obviously.
I told you I could almost see you.
yeah my link point to Missouri. That said, I always was bad in geography
Yeah, sure, but your sentence implied you weren't there all the time, as such, I though that you were more often in another place in germany
At times I'm in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
At times I'm in the biggest city in Europe.
At times I just am.
And as I said I'm very bad at geography
procastino ergo sum
I just go with sum ergo sum.
You seems to travel a lot
just testing out my privileges.
Welcome here @brianjd
I think I will break my record today... I've already got 23 votes that don't count.
My previous record was 24.
Jan 31 at 16:26, by RegDwight
There was that one day where I got 275 points (but 240 more were completely dismissed).
ok, I have a question: Would you write high frequency data-like when referring to something that is like high frequency data? My issue is that this, confusingly, makes that something seem like it's like data
@Eldros thanks for the welcome :)
@brianjd You're welcome
I would reword.
I suppose high-frequency-data-like would be clearer, but looks very clunky
This high frequency data example is just the first thing I could cook up. But it seems to come up all over the place. Rewording isn't always that easy.
I'm looking for that related question right now.
_it_=[the issue of having a 2+ compound word without dashes be appended by _-like_]
We have quite a few related questions, but I'm looking for a specific one.
Q: How to connect a word and a phrase with a dash?

Louis RhysFor example, "file system" and "related". Is it "file system-related"? It will appear as if it is a compound of "file" and "system-related", won't it?

wonderful. not sure if i like the second, en dash suggestion
Nor do I.
so, in my case of the high frequency data, it appears that the advice would be to avoid the -like if possible, but if i have to, use high-frequency-like
ok, i can deal with that :)
I just wonder what "high-frequency-data-like" should mean...

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