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4:07 AM
I miss Dennis :(
8 hours later…
11:44 AM
i have a lang and an interpriter with fully working parsing and error reporting built in java, how do i got about getting it added to TIO?
wiki link: https://esolangs.org/wiki/NDBall
github repo: https://github.com/aspwil/NDBallSim
12:15 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing ^
I also dont know who run Tio but im walling to work with them to make special release version witch will be easier to use with how ever theserver works, right now the interpriter is just command line link to a file
1 hour later…
1:19 PM
@Aspwilenson At the moment, Dennis is the only user who can add languages to TIO, and he‘s currently working through some personal issues, so development has been more or less paused. I‘m maintaining a list of requests for languages to be added or updated for when Dennis returns. If you’re looking for your language to be added, the link to the repo is great, and it’s even better if you have an example Hello World program
I‘ll add your request to the list when I get back to my computer
2:05 PM
thanks unfortunately I don't have a hello world program made yet since I think it will be a bit difficult to make, and will take some time. i do have a truth machine though, that much easier to make, since it only requires 2 dimensions, i know i will have to use a lot more to do hello world
2:26 PM
@Aspwilenson Obviously I can't speak for Dennis, but he does generally ask for a hello world program. I don't think he's ever said no to a language because there wasn't one however. Time probably won't be too much of an issue, so whenever you're able to give it a go it should be fine
Reading through NDBall's docs, wouldn't something like this work for printing a fixed string?
2:42 PM
no, I need to redo the docs I did them quickly earlier today and need to probs add pictures to help get across the idea, but each cell can only hold 1 instruction. all the instructions are in an infinite-dimensional space. and exist at the same time. the ball starts at (0,0,0...) and moves around dimentions acording to instructions in the space
although i could make a simular thing with something like
(0) >0
(1) +
(2) +
(3) +
(4) >1
and then repeat that in the first dimention repeated untill i get to a number
@Aspwilenson Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of brainf*ck and related esolangs where you just increment and print
that could be possible i could probs make it smaller by useing a logic inscrament circuit untill set of code then go to the next dimention and repeat
You don't have to worry about making it smaller, just so long as it works
This is the file with basic info for each language, including the Hello, Worlds! and some of them are huge
yeah ill see what i can do
3:10 PM
well i at least found an error and fixed it
1 hour later…
4:34 PM
i just figured out how to do dimensional rotation modules, I may be able to get a hello world in a couple of hundred lines instead of thousands
5:26 PM
i did it
using the power of dimensionally rotating modules I did hello world using only 83 cells and 20 dimensions
@cairdcoinheringaahing done pastebin.pl/view/36aad88e

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