The problem is basically "But that good teacher should [do what?] on internet friends." Without telling us something that they are doing, the sentence doesn't really communicate a message.
@SirCumference or it does but only to some people. E.g. the "pictures" of algebraic geometry are famously inscrutable for those not familiar with them :P
i don't see how 3B1B could possibly make a video about an introduction to algebra, e.g. categories or abelian groups, in the same style as his other videos
You just keep making universal assertions that might be true for some people and some topics but you'Re not doing anything to show that are true universally. There isn't the One True Way to transmit knowledge.
Some structures are very complicated and/or higher than 3 dimensional, and if you spend too long imagining it's structure as something that it isn't you can infer properties about it that it doesn't have
I don't really visualise much of what I know about physics
I actually thought I'd end up spending a lot of time trying to visualise when I was preparing to change from chemistry to physics but now I find that often leads you in the wrong direction
@Charlie I picture quite a bit to get an intuition for a lot of things; but I studied mechanical engineering which is basically all macroscopic systems, so it's fairly easy to visualize a lot of things. Some stuff I don't remotely visualize. Like when thinking of stress I don't really visualize it, even though showing stress on 3D objects can be quite visual
I recently asked a question on how the uncertainity principle applies to a situation described there. There have been some comments, which, I think are at least partial answers. I commented that and hoped that one or some of the users who commented would consider turning their comment into an ans...
An static solution of Einstein Field Equation (EFE), is given. Then I applied the Newman-Janis Algorithm. Is it guaranteed that the rotating will be an solution of EFE?