Which I still disagree with--it ought to be the same size as the caster, so that giants or pixies can cast it and have an appropriate-strength servant for their needs.
@Medix2 Objects are generally things you can put in a bag of some size. The 5e rules specify objects are inanimate... which unseen servant's effect is definitely not inanimate. So not creature, not object, but can still be in a bag.
Those are collections of objects. E.g. wagon wheels and wagon bed.... don't wagons have tongues? I seem to recall losing those while fording rivers on the Oregon Trail. Right before dying of dysentery.
For the negative cents this is worth, Crawford has said: "[...] The force created by the unseen servant spell is neither a creature nor an object. It's a force."
But yeah I'm with NautArch here, it says the spell creates a Force, not a creature nor an object. I'll just assume the Spirit Totem was a one-off of being redundant
@NautArch Shepherd Druid Spirit Totem states: "magically summon an incorporeal spirit [...] The spirit creates an aura [...] It counts as neither a creature nor an object"
I'm already planning on joining a Level 6 game as a Flaming Skull (npc). Now you've got me wondering if I can play a game as an object that can take turns.
And I think that pouring stuff is pouring stuff. The trickier bit is that pouring the potion specifically requires an "action". But i'm having a hard time separating pouring wine and pouring potions.
@NautArch Also, the unseen servant can ostensibly sort out when the goblet is full and not make a mess of the table as it performs the task to completion.
D&D Beyond costs too much. If you already have the books, there should be a way to scan in your LGS receipts and get the virtual versions free or at least cheaper.
At 3rd level, the Thief archetype for rogues grants a feature called Fast Hands that allows:
[...] the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves' tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action.
Player's Hand...
@Medix2 The PHB in the using ability scores, adventuring section, and combat refers to characters alone or characters and monsters. So the PHB does specifically call out monsters as being able to do a bunch of things in the PHB as well. Does characters + npcs + monsters cover all creatures?
Oh no, with the window squished into the right half of my screen your names are all shortened... I've got Axor, Some, Thom, Naut... GcL's the same though
@ThomasMarkov Meh... the edit is fine because it adds an applicable tag, but don't make edits just for that (and probably don't force source going forward if the source is legit)
@Axoren Yeah there were feature requests about that stuff and whether something like @Axo should even work... interesting takes by people both ways, lots of MSE posts...
@Axoren It goes by most recent messages IIRC but then there's also the problem of something like @Tom actually pinging six people even if they are all literally named Tom
"This student's master thesis meets all the requirements. The main results he obtains are new and interesting." This was the longest of the three reviews. One of my classmates spent three weeks back and forth with the college fixing miniscule formatting details.
In Is the DMG 3/4 cover diagram incorrect? the question asker points out the diagram shown in the DMG implies 3/4th cover, but it's possible to get a better angle on the defender meaning they only have 1/2 cover.
To determine whether a target has cover against an attack or other effect on a grid...
20 pages is something that will actually get read, which is another bonus of a short thesis. Book-length thesis documents are usually never read again.
The papers you publish before and after are usually the juice.
It was important to have those 66 pages in my head though. All of it was machinery necessary for the result, but in a way that could be relegated to a citation.
@BESW One way that they used to 'balance' that was by giving the wizard the d4 (I will die if someone breaths hard at me) for HP. But beginnger players not wanting to die in the first session is I think why they didn't do that this time.
If I have a rect function , and I convolute it with it's self, I get a triangle function. If I convolute with a rect function again, I get a bell-curve. I can continue, so long as I know how to convolute two functions.
Alternatively I can multiply the Fourier transform of the functions together....
@KorvinStarmast There are a few times when Dex Saves are more likely to hit than Spell Attacks. Ancient Red Dragon is more likely to fail a Dex Save against Sacred Flame than be hit by that Cleric casting a Firebolt (somehow) by like +5%.
@Axoren Quasits For Treasurer - it's an election campaign slogan
@Axoren blue dragons have low dex. Use a wand of web, web their wings together, they fall 500' due to being restrained. 8^D It worked once, sure it will work again, just wait until he's close enou - BREATHE! (oUCH)
Your goal right now is to outproduce the enemy swarm that has drifted away from your swarm. It looks like you got that handled. Eventually that exploration number will go up.
But yeah, just max the amount of drones you are producing and have some numbers in explore and you should eventually get there. Make sure your drone numbers are consistently going up though. With those stats, I think they should be.
I've got a character who is to dual wield tower shields. The challenges are attacking, as well as the feat cost. I've done most of the work on GitP.
In Plot and Poison: A Guidebook to Drow, there is a feat called Double Shielding, which allows you to employ two shields with an armor check penalt...
@Himitsu_no_Yami A thought experiment about an innocuous but ultimately very dangerous AI that eventually turns the entirety of available matter in the universe into paperclips.
@Axoren Suggested edits and answers are sometimes just what I like to call "screams from the void". Some seem to mostly be words trying to convey an anger out of proportion to anything on the thread, and some are just downright nonsensical
I think this was someone picking up on "(I don't care if "tower shields are bad." That's not the question.)" in the Q, didn't like the answer "Tower Shields are always bad for a character" and decided that was an appropriate "improvement"
With noting that the line in the Q came in response to KRyan's answer