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@Axoren Notably, it does not have a creature type.
@Axoren That's another reason I'd expect it to be an object.
@MarkWells This doesn't make it a creature. Objects tend to have stat blocks as well. Notably Rope.
Similar to web and a number of other effects that stop when you cut them enough.
However, it has a Strength Score
Wait unseen servants and rope have actual stat blocks??
Mad Mage has an NPC unseen servant
This specific unseen servant is a Construct
@Axoren well, then I don't think it's an unseen servant
it's something like one
With 2 STR, 10 DEX, 11 CON, 1 INT, 10 WIS, and 1 CHA
@Axoren Yes, that part is super weird. It was recently errata'd to be Medium size so that the Strength score can be used to calculate carry weight
@Axoren So does Arcane Hand
@GcL Mage Hand does not have a Strength Score
Ah, it's a living unseen servant. A separate stat block and creature.
Which I still disagree with--it ought to be the same size as the caster, so that giants or pixies can cast it and have an appropriate-strength servant for their needs.
Arcane Hand AKA Bigby's Hand because, well, i don't actually know why every spell with somebody's name in it has two forms...
@GcL Which book is this from?
@Medix2 Trademarks.
@Axoren Player's Handbook I think
its in the basic rules
@MarkWells Doesn't WotC own both of them though?
Bigby's punching fist in 3.5e and prior
Also, the final white glove from Super Smash Bros
Bigby's Hand specifically claims to be an object in the spell
@Axoren I think of it as the store brand version.
Bigby's Brand Club Soda
Of note, something can be neither a creature nor an object
@Medix2 Which is annoying if it can be in a bag.
Dr. Thunderwave
Diet Smite
Arcane Hand is the OGL version of Bigby's Hand
Most other named spells just drop the name but who would want to cast hand? (I WOULD)
Lonely Wizard's favorite spell.
@GcL Did I miss a pun?
@Axoren I think it's just wizards.
Hey Medix, can you hand me the potatoes?

"Sure, make a strength saving throw"
You're right.
Artificer, Wizard, technically Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight, also the Human with Mark of Sentinel
@Medix2 Objects are generally things you can put in a bag of some size. The 5e rules specify objects are inanimate... which unseen servant's effect is definitely not inanimate. So not creature, not object, but can still be in a bag.
DnD beyond lists AT and EK because they use the wizard list, they cant actually get hand.
@MarkWells Dr. THunder isn't a bad Dr. Pepper knock-off
Old Wizards use Disguise Self to look like hot young women. Hot female wizards use Disguise Self to look like Wise Old Wizards.
@GcL Oh oh I see. Yeah... I'll go grab the only other example I know of a non-creature non-object
^ +1 could be informative.
Investigation checks mandatory. Mimic Wizards always Disguise Self as either.
"an incorporeal spirit [...] The spirit creates an aura [...] It counts as neither a creature nor an object"
Wagons are not objects according to object rules.
Nor boats.
@Medix2 That's interesting. Where's that from?
Structures are made up of objects. And I don't think anybody is gonna call an unseen servant a structure
@GcL The Shepherd Druid's Spirit Totem
While trying to search for Sage Advice on Unseen Servant "sage advice is unseen servant a..." and the suggested autocomplete was "...orphan"
Wasn't ready for that backstory.
Those are collections of objects. E.g. wagon wheels and wagon bed.... don't wagons have tongues? I seem to recall losing those while fording rivers on the Oregon Trail. Right before dying of dysentery.
A sword is also a collection of parts. A hilt, a pommel, a blade, etc.
For the negative cents this is worth, Crawford has said: "[...] The force created by the unseen servant spell is neither a creature nor an object. It's a force."
A chain is a collection of links.
@Medix2 don't even need his statement. THe spell descriptions says that,too.
@Medix2 thank you, I was looking for that exactly
@NautArch What???
@NautArch The current context is Unseen Servant, you may be missing what we were talking about
@NautArch It does not say that the force is neither a creature nor an object
Unseen Servant does not claim to not be an object.
But the whole "what is an object" is kind of a game of common sense. But different folks have different sense.
Unseen servant says "This spell creates an invisible, mindless, shapeless, Medium force"
It doesn't say it's a creature, so it's not.
It doesn't say it's an object, so it's not.
WHich leaves that it's a force. Which is what it says.
Then why do other things explicitly say they are neither?
doesnt say its not a creature tho
@ThomasMarkov that's a game I won't play.
Wall of Force comes to mind. It creates a wall.
If your DM is a chauvinist, Invisibility doesn't work on women.
For more confusion there's also all the other spells like healing spirit and spirit guardians
Spirit Guardians doesn't benefit from deciding if the things doing the damage are objects or creatures
Their area is the workhorse.
It definitely does, somehow
It's a Source of Radiant Damage that has an Angelic, Fey, or Devilish appearance.
I'm just not gonna wade through the rules finding that one feature with "when a creature damages..." or something like that
Would killing all the Spirit Guardians end the spell? Nope
@NautArch Me neither. Im just demonstrating the importance of assuming "spells only do what they say they do"
But yeah I'm with NautArch here, it says the spell creates a Force, not a creature nor an object. I'll just assume the Spirit Totem was a one-off of being redundant
@Medix2 The caster would be the creature dealing the damage.
Spirit Totem is an interesting one.
For the same reason unseen servant is not a creature or object, it cannot take actions or reactions.
@Medix2 spirit totem?
Because I didn't even think of a reason why it would be either before this conversation
Shepard Druid, right?
@NautArch Shepherd Druid Spirit Totem states: "magically summon an incorporeal spirit [...] The spirit creates an aura [...] It counts as neither a creature nor an object"
@Axoren It's essentially a visual to the AoE. Similar to spirit guardians. Visual effect of the AoE
In that regard, the visual effects of Spirit Guardians are no more creatures or objects than the visual effects of Ray spells
@ThomasMarkov It may be obvious, but where does it say only creatures get actions?
@NautArch heavy breathing
I have a thing on that I think, hmmm, not finding it
I'm already planning on joining a Level 6 game as a Flaming Skull (npc). Now you've got me wondering if I can play a game as an object that can take turns.
@Medix2 ah, gotcha. I think the case for that is an effect that looks like something. But it's not that something.
but because it looks like a creature, they want to be abundantly clear it's not one.
@NautArch An excellent point
just ordered mead from Groenfell Meadery in vt.
@NautArch The players handbook details actions player characters can take. Similar for NPCs in the DMG. The MM specifies monsters can take actions.
@GcL Likewise unseen servant details the actions the unseen servant can take.
Roads, castles, coins, flagons, wagons, and hammers don't get specified as having actions.
Wait creatures are explicitly mentioned in the PHB as the things that get actions??
@ThomasMarkov Those are examples of actions it can take.
@GcL NPCs can take general purpose actions as well. Otherwise, no intelligent creature could Disengage without it being on their stat block.
@Medix2 Player characters.
@GcL Where?
And I think that pouring stuff is pouring stuff. The trickier bit is that pouring the potion specifically requires an "action". But i'm having a hard time separating pouring wine and pouring potions.
@Medix2 Wait, the PHB doesn't say player characters get actions? We've been doing the answers on the site all wrong! /S
I just don't like the idea of "The PHB applies exclusively to player characters"
@NautArch Also, the unseen servant can ostensibly sort out when the goblet is full and not make a mess of the table as it performs the task to completion.
Players get actions, but characters don't. Oh no. I'm gonna have to go to the kitchen for a knife to stab the goblin (read "DM")
@GcL right, but if we're 'okaying' the action to use a potion, why not a wand?
dndbeyond is the agreed upon standard for offsite links to 5e material, right?
Wands are the Use Object action, aren't they?
Again, as DM I'd probably allow this potion shenaningan. Things that help bring players back into the fight i'm fairly okay with.
@NautArch Is want use an object? I thought most magic items require an activation action.
@Axoren depends. It's up to the description. Some are "use your action".
@Axoren I looked into when the books use "characters" and... yeah it is not consistent
But fast hands apply to them, too
@Axoren It's the Use Magic Item action IIRC
@ThomasMarkov Sort of. They're generally the most complete and accurate (and trusted to not be piracy)
@NautArch What they do?
@Medix2 maybe i'm thinking of something else
Aren't wands magic items so using them is explicitly not the Use An Object action?
yeah, i think that's right.
it's nonmagical. Except for potions of healing.
D&D Beyond costs too much. If you already have the books, there should be a way to scan in your LGS receipts and get the virtual versions free or at least cheaper.
Q: What items can a Thief use as a bonus action with his Fast Hands?

Josh ClarkAt 3rd level, the Thief archetype for rogues grants a feature called Fast Hands that allows: [...] the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves' tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action. Player's Hand...

@NautArch Yeah so they can't use potions either
Might make us start using D&D beyond for our games because one of the DMs in our greater group has everything
@Axoren They have definitely made posts about why that is impossible
I'd pay a subscription cost for unlimited access to content.
But the upfront cost is too beef
Do they have something like that yet?
I know there's a DM->Player share thing, but I don't really understand the mechanism
@Medix2 The PHB in the using ability scores, adventuring section, and combat refers to characters alone or characters and monsters. So the PHB does specifically call out monsters as being able to do a bunch of things in the PHB as well. Does characters + npcs + monsters cover all creatures?
I changed the links on this question to dndbeyond: rpg.stackexchange.com/posts/172050/revisions
@Medix2 There it is. That's the DM->Player share thing. You need Master Tier
But you still need to buy the content, right?
> subscriptions give increased functionality, as described above - they do not give access to additional content.
@ThomasMarkov Because?
@ThomasMarkov That probably wasn't necessary, but there's no harm either way. That site appears fully legal and surprisingly well organized
gotcha. roll it back if you like
Oh no, with the window squished into the right half of my screen your names are all shortened... I've got Axor, Some, Thom, Naut... GcL's the same though
Use Tab to start with someone's short name and autocomplete it
@Med --> TAB --> @Medix2
@ThomasMarkov Meh... the edit is fine because it adds an applicable tag, but don't make edits just for that (and probably don't force source going forward if the source is legit)
@Axoren Yeah there were feature requests about that stuff and whether something like @Axo should even work... interesting takes by people both ways, lots of MSE posts...
@Axo does work, but if we had an @Axolotl he would be alphabetically closer.
@Someone_Evil you got it, thanks
@Axoren It goes by most recent messages IIRC but then there's also the problem of something like @Tom actually pinging six people even if they are all literally named Tom
@Someone_Evil what if its wikidot? :p
That's their fault for not having an interesting name, like Ezekiel or Bartholomew
It was interesting stuff to read but I mostly just walked away going "people want competing things and the overlords are silent" ah well
@ThomasMarkov Didn't we blacklist that already...?
oh maybe so.
I know that in most linux systems, the joe account is banned because it was historically the least secure username of all time.
Hmm, no. Use your judgement
Somehow, there was a joe user are enough linux systems and their passwords were more often than not joe.
So, @Tom could suffer similarly. No one can be named @Tom
  No one in Toril is allowed to be named Manshoon because of the unreasonably large number of people named Manshoon.
No spoiler tag? :'(
Feb 28 at 4:43, by Adeptus
[spoiler](http://like-this "like this")
Which is a reply to
Feb 28 at 4:41, by Axoren
How do I spoiler in Chat?
@Someone_Evil Thanks. I know I've had this problem before, but I couldn't remember when or how.
I failed
:54965959 You need the http:// part
You need to provide a string of text after the url so it gets a mouseover text.
This seems more like a workaround
It sure is
rickroll Doesn't like multiline strings.
@Someone_Evil Should we? Probably...
@HellSaint weve had questions before that were just the result of the querent reading wikidot's wrong information.
@Someone_Evil I think blocklist is the more progressive term these days.
Can't use 
 to make new lines.
@ThomasMarkov They can quote the text anyway, no need to actually link to it
I started using redlight/greenlight in my work.
@ThomasMarkov Ha! Nice try. I'm not getting tricked into going to meta again.
Greenlight has a very specific meaning in various industries that would clash with that
@Axoren You end up with lexicon overlaps all over the place anyway. My favorite of all time is vector.
But that's a Not A Bar story.
Greenlighting something usual means to take a prospective idea and actualize it.
guys im about to cry
Or give it the go ahead. Greenlighting a project is giving it permission and sometimes resources.
@ThomasMarkov actual emotional distress? or meming?
my master's thesis was accepted by the college without requiring any revisions
its finally over.
YO! Grats dude
@ThomasMarkov Sweet!
You can now Prestige all your progress and resume from Level 1. This will refund all your Perks and Feats. Would you like to continue?
"This student's master thesis meets all the requirements. The main results he
obtains are new and interesting." This was the longest of the three reviews. One of my classmates spent three weeks back and forth with the college fixing miniscule formatting details.
Resume RPG talk lol
In many schools, they won't even let you attempt a thesis unless you're good enough to succeed.
Q: Is it mathematically possible to only have 3/4th cover?

PureferretIn Is the DMG 3/4 cover diagram incorrect? the question asker points out the diagram shown in the DMG implies 3/4th cover, but it's possible to get a better angle on the defender meaning they only have 1/2 cover. To determine whether a target has cover against an attack or other effect on a grid...

This likely means your department was confident your thesis would have been fine in the first place.
Formatting is usually the thing that trips up most people.
Especially when the thesis is book-length and the college has strict requirements for pagination and footers
@Axoren Mine was actually one of the shortest ever put out by the department. Only 20 pages of material.
Sometimes that's really impressive. If you can put out a truly profound thesis in as few words as possible, this puts you up there with John Conway: cdn.paperpile.com/blog/img/conway-2005-600x825.png
20 pages is something that will actually get read, which is another bonus of a short thesis. Book-length thesis documents are usually never read again.
The papers you publish before and after are usually the juice.
Yeah, me and my advisor cut out 66 pages of extraneous material before submitting.
Nice. That sounds like a good advisor.
Would have been nice to not need to write those 66 pages in the first place, though. Lol
I've had that feel.
It was important to have those 66 pages in my head though. All of it was machinery necessary for the result, but in a way that could be relegated to a citation.
@ThomasMarkov it's such a great feeling, congratulations!!!
Hopefully you won't be like me and have the thesis proved wrong after a few years.
@NautArch Stephen Hawking's thesis was proved wrong...
So... yeah... That happens.
Don't feel too bad about it :P
@NautArch That's why your results should be inconclusive, so you can't be wrong :p
@Someone_Evil someone could come along and demonstrate that your methods actually does work.
@ThomasMarkov Considering the chemistry I did, highly unlikely. Or not in a fashion that would reflect poorly on me
Not that further evidence reflects poorly on prior work anyway
@Someone_Evil it's not so bad. 15 years ago and I had brought up the concern which was dismissed by my advisors.
@MikeQ starred as I thing QFT doesn't do this justice
@HellSaint a shared world is a better way to do that, IME, in that more than one of the group DMs. Our 5e shared world is 3 years old and doing fine.
@NautArch we have seven when I DM or when my brother DMs. For Saltmarsh, five is good.
@KorvinStarmast Quick Fourier Transform? Quantum Field Theory?
Quality Firebird Tonseling?
@Axoren do people actually say quick Fourier transform? :P Never saw that for FFT
Quick is faster to say.
But it's FFT normally
I've only ever seen FFT personally.
Thankfully. The last thing we need is more acronyms
I can't imagine using FFT to solve a D&D problem
Maybe in measuring DPR/day?
I think if you are doing FFTs for your RPGs you are working too hard XD
@KorvinStarmast Quick Facts Translated?
But I must know if Wizards have the same frequency as Fighters
So I can make a "we're on the same wavelength" joke
rpg.stackexchange.com/a/172009/43856 - I guess this question made it to HNQ...
@BESW One way that they used to 'balance' that was by giving the wizard the d4 (I will die if someone breaths hard at me) for HP. But beginnger players not wanting to die in the first session is I think why they didn't do that this time.
@HellSaint It sure did (there's an event in the timeline/rev. history), and going strong
@Axoren Would it be an FFT if a Sorc/Wizard named Fourier cast a quickened polymorph?
Q: Can you Fourier transform probabilities?

PureferretIf I have a rect function , and I convolute it with it's self, I get a triangle function. If I convolute with a rect function again, I get a bell-curve. I can continue, so long as I know how to convolute two functions. Alternatively I can multiply the Fourier transform of the functions together....

There's an entire Plane of Existence chat room for this.
@GcL there is? I was just replying to someone
Elemental Plane of Math is useful for all things mathematics and programming.
It's mostly an overflow room, but I did put in a feed for the stat/AnyDice questions
(There's nothing wrong with using it, but activity is generally low)
@Rubiksmoose If you cast it 4 times, they go back to normal.
@Someone_Evil nice
It's useful because it can keep programmery and mathemancy out of the main chat. Similar to Not A Bar in that function.
@Someone_Evil just got the silver dnd-5e badge
@ThomasMarkov And you answered your 80th (non-deleted) 5e answer 2h ago which makes sense to me
seems legit
@Axoren It is, even though cover doesn't apply. It is only good versus zombies. And you can't crit with it.
@KorvinStarmast There are a few times when Dex Saves are more likely to hit than Spell Attacks. Ancient Red Dragon is more likely to fail a Dex Save against Sacred Flame than be hit by that Cleric casting a Firebolt (somehow) by like +5%.
@Rubiksmoose ... that's...
@AncientSwordRage isn't that essentially what a Characteristic Function is?
@Rubiksmoose I suppose polymorph is a furrier transform
@HellSaint ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AncientSwordRage yeah the answer agrees haha
I'm a programmer not a mathem'wizard
@ThomasMarkov HOORAY! Grats
For a continuous r.v., the Fourier transform of its PDF is the Characteristic Function
It's probably the easiest way to analyze functions of random variables.
@HellSaint /me eyes glaze over
@Axoren Quasits For Treasurer - it's an election campaign slogan
@Axoren blue dragons have low dex. Use a wand of web, web their wings together, they fall 500' due to being restrained. 8^D It worked once, sure it will work again, just wait until he's close enou - BREATHE! (oUCH)
@Someone_Evil That's really good lol
To whoever told me about that paperclips game... (image incoming)
I don't know what I'm doing anymore
but I've got all the paperclips
hahahah! yes! got another one.
You need to explore some space my friend.
how do I make that number go up faster?
or at all
I think you just keep doing what you are doing honestly.
I'm over 3 hours in and there are people who have beaten the game completely in less time
Your goal right now is to outproduce the enemy swarm that has drifted away from your swarm. It looks like you got that handled. Eventually that exploration number will go up.
My biggest issue looks to be Yomi
not to be confused with Yami (me)
Just wait until you win (there is an ending)
@Himitsu_no_Yami click make paperclip
I've seen the ending already by accident while I was looking to figure out what to d
@Himitsu_no_Yami It took me much longer a few days ago, don't worry. And I had played it before lol.
@doppelgreener not that number
@Himitsu_no_Yami is this like Cookie Clicker paperclip version?
@HellSaint except even more contrived
this is the only clicker game I've ever played but probably
I also bought this (for like $2) on my phone and holy crap does it drain battery
Idle game is the general term?
But yeah, just max the amount of drones you are producing and have some numbers in explore and you should eventually get there. Make sure your drone numbers are consistently going up though. With those stats, I think they should be.
@Someone_Evil I've also heard incremental
@Rubiksmoose oh they're going up... I'm at 4,000,000,000,000,000 and counting
And my numbers are going down now...
I'm losing them all to value drift...
You should stream the game on Twitch
I'm at work so I can't
Aha! I just needed more factories
Shame. This game has probably the best storyline of any clicker game.
It's guaranteed content.
I've been winning so many battles (getting over 6k honor per battle) that the game finally had enough
put one dot of mine up against probably like 50
Anyone see that suggested edit? wild
these numbers are getting so out of hand
@ThomasMarkov Which?
Paperclips: 3,839,189,457,527,878,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
@Axoren it’s gone. It was pretty crazy, quite rude.
Wait it’s not gone
@Himitsu_no_Yami That's a riff on the paperclip optimizer thought experiment?
Q: Non-feat-based ways to decrease ACP and bash with tower shields?

SangoProductionsI've got a character who is to dual wield tower shields. The challenges are attacking, as well as the feat cost. I've done most of the work on GitP. In Plot and Poison: A Guidebook to Drow, there is a feat called Double Shielding, which allows you to employ two shields with an armor check penalt...

@GcL the what now?
@Himitsu_no_Yami A thought experiment about an innocuous but ultimately very dangerous AI that eventually turns the entirety of available matter in the universe into paperclips.
@GcL didn't know that was a thing but that's literally this entire game
It's a thing. Now you know. Throw that in with Laplace's Daemon and Roko's Basillisk
@GcL I knew about the basilisk and only just recently learned about the demon from an anime
@Rubiksmoose did you see the edit vandalism?
I see it now. WTF?
Does someone have a grudge against KRyan?
It's a way out of proportion response.
Pretty crazy
Yeah, just saw it :/
I did it!
Universal Paperclips achieved in 7 hours 5 minutes 17 seconds
Congratulations! Now speedrun it.
I think I'm good...
I could have sworn there was more to this
Like, after you reach this point, I thought you were supposed to turn anything left (including yourself) into paperclips
Nope, you got all the matter.
@Axoren not it
@Someone_Evil Idle Clicker, I guess
@HellSaint my eyes glazing over doesn't mean i don't want to learn
@Axoren Suggested edits and answers are sometimes just what I like to call "screams from the void". Some seem to mostly be words trying to convey an anger out of proportion to anything on the thread, and some are just downright nonsensical
I think this was someone picking up on "(I don't care if "tower shields are bad." That's not the question.)" in the Q, didn't like the answer "Tower Shields are always bad for a character" and decided that was an appropriate "improvement"
With noting that the line in the Q came in response to KRyan's answer
@GcL another great AI question is how do you put an emergency stop button on an
@Someone_Evil I didn't see the suggested edit lol :(
@HellSaint Anonymous vandal changed a header from an answer into salt.
@HellSaint You can see rejected edit suggestions either from the timeline of the post, or (for 10k users) from the history tab of the review queue
@Someone_Evil Those weren't showing for me
I got lucky when looking for it
@Someone_Evil found it
It doesn't show up in the "edits", but it does show up in the timeline
Yeah, timeline is not revision history
You can find a post's timeline by clicking on the clock-symbol under the up/down votes on the left site of the post.
It's a really useful feature they added a button for a few months back (thanks shog9)
@Himitsu_no_Yami Candy Box next =)
I'm doing NG+ on paperclips
Jay Dragon wrote a twitter thread about "why I never say you're telling a story once, in all of Wanderhome."

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