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05:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

Morning lovely people
In case you've never heard of http.cat, please let me the please of brightening your day
And they made one for EVERY HTTP code! :D
It's a wonderful time to be alive
Morning :)
@ExtrovertedMainMan just thought that you won't bother again maybe..
as expected, 404 disappoints me
@ankii It used to be my desktop background for a very long time
that great feeling when the bus you take to the station stops at no other stops after you got on
managed to catch a train earlier than normal
I'm planning on picking up my model railroading hobby again, but this time with digital train control. Time to read up on the interface/API and see howmuch I can tinker with it
Q: How to avoid being asked for your pronouns

CJ DennisThis is a serious question. I am fearful of the response it will get. I have thought long and hard about this very sensitive issue, and whether or not to ask it online. I hope that anyone who responds will be kind and respectful, and if you feel like saying something unkind or disrespectful, p...

1 message moved to Trash
@ExtrovertedMainMan "I am very offended when someone refuses to assume my gender, and asks me what it is." -> ok that's a troll
@Ælis reconsider
Let's get in the habit of not assuming others' gender, unless it's been made obvious (through name, profile, image, posts or comments). I've been part of a community where your suggestion is not allowed. In that community you're not allowed to assume a person's gender at all, and you have to ask them for their preferred pronouns (sorry, you have to ask that person for that person's preferred pronouns). Participating in that community was yuck for that one reason. I'm currently taking a break from it and I'm not sure if I'll go back yet, even though they're great in most other ways. — Cool Fool 2 hours ago
same person
Yeah, it's the same person
Well, my tactic for this is to use the username
since this is being addressed very soon when the heat goes down
Using the username every time?
@ankii Well, it could be a troll everytime... But his question is currently unclear to me, so I have vote to close until he clarify (since he wants me to assume his gender, let's do it...)
@Ælis you could've removed my message too :)
@JAD I'll let @ava do that, then ;)
4 messages moved to Trash
@Ælis poof
[cont.] What's absolutely crucial to note here is that a vast majority of the population on this site are non-native English speakers. In my part of the world, singular 'they' is considered to be absolutely awkward and foreign. In fact, I had never even heard of that usage before joining Stack Exchange. — Blue yesterday
JAD for RO
Jad (Java Decompiler) is, as of August 2011, an unmaintained decompiler for the Java programming language. Jad provides a command-line user interface to extract source code from class files. == See also == Java Decompiler Mocha JAD Softpedia Mirror == References... ==
lol :p
Q: 1 pixel gap between window top and menu bar

Андрей ИвановMacOS Mojave 10.14.6 MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) Having 1 pixel gap between window top and menu bar and can't move window close to menu bar. Is there ant way to solve this problem?

@avazula you're closely monitoring the post I think..
Did you delete the answer I just finished commenting?
comments were also gone while I was reading them
@ankii It was deleted by owner :)
I feel like this room could use a little cuteness:
@ankii nope
@ankii and yes, because they weren't useful anymore
@ankii I just read the comment you left on that answer ... that may be a cultural difference issue, but I sometimes find your way of guiding users towards the good practice rules ... quite unkind. Thought that maybe you'd like to be made aware of it.
mind quoting it here pls?
I just re-read it. You should probably add a "Hello there!" or another form of salutation at the beginning of your comments. Also, adding an "I'm sorry but,..." before making a critic, might improve the "friendliness" of your comment (but some people might take it sarcastically, so I'm not sure)
> This is nowhere close to answering How to avoid revealing my pronoun. Please understand that IPS doesn't host opinions as answers, actually very less sites do. If you need to clarify something about communities, edit your answer and it might later be converted to a comment and you can read the reply to that. Dont overuse it though, patiently wait for 50 rep for commenting. – ankii
It's wrong of them to carry meta discussions here too..
I avoided showing them two page long citation policy, because that requires an attempt to answer at least.
their answer was a pure opinion and what should happen, what not
I'm not discussing the validity of the answer, I agree with you on that
This doesn't justify my scold though.
after reviewing some bad first posts on AD, i shredded politeness (involuntarily?)
I will try to be better
@Ælis you also switched from Hey! to Hello there! ? iirc, it was ElizB's suggestion ?
@ankii Not really, I still use "Hey there!" most of the time ^^
@ankii In this comment of yours, I would switch the "Thanks." who can look a little dry to a "Thanks in advance!" (sorry to pile in about that, I hope you won't take it too badly :/)
I just thanked a coworker for fixing a bug... And then I realize that the bug was still here ><
I just said to a coworker who told me they hacked the frontend that one cannot hack something that has no intelligence :p
@avazula the best they did was .. ? inspect element and modify values?
@Ælis nothing bad taken.. I was going through my comments too
some user with association bonus is more receptive I think..
Thanks for having my back there..
You're welcome ^^
Well, I'm pretty sure people will fight about wether or not my question is on-topic but, yeah, I still decided to take my chance (and not post in Sandbox first)
Q: A taste of moderation

OldPadawanEveryone knows by now what is going on on the SE network. Topics and discussions are all over the place. Opinions vary. Pros and cons. Let me be clear from the beginning: This is not intended at pointing fingers or choosing one side of the coin. It's about more than that.... One of our streng...

Q: Negative feedbacks and "Language smoother"

ÆlisI don't know what is the "scientific" term for that but I noticed that, when people give negative feedback, they sometimes use "tricks" to make their words less harsh. For example, they will use smileys or exclamative ("!", "?") or sentences like: "I might be wrong, but...", "It seems to me that...

/!\ not an answer, merely a possible useful link in AElis' native language (French) -> non-verbal communicationOldPadawan 14 secs ago
#23076 OldPadawan (17081 rep) | Q: Negative feedbacks and "Language smoother" (score: 0) | posted 34 minutes ago by Ælis (9447 rep) | Toxicity 0.110828154 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
Ooh, @Ælis I think I can answer your question once I'm off the train
Q: Server without raid

fastkillerwe want to buy (me and few friends) some cheap refurbished server. I found this one that fits us. But we are not sure how raid work with this. There is required RAID Controller field. So the question is, do we need to use raid if we don't want to? (with this controller HP P410i) This is the serv...

Uh, didn't I answer the OP in the comment? XD
@Rainbacon \o/
@CaldeiraG you may flag for cleanup..
@ExtrovertedMainMan almost a personal attack.. in a meme-ic sense
@Ælis halfway through it I had almost voted to close in favour of english sites.. But second half is good defense
@AJ Evening @AJ! (must never miss pinging @AJ)
@ankii Sorry ^^ It's indeed your comments who made me think of this question
@ankii lol
@ankii Also, it seems like I was wrong. I made this question IPS-enough that no one voted to close so far :)
@AJ Also, yay! It's rare to not see you in the morning (your afternoon) :)
whose "psychological point of view" btw ?
@ankii What role those this "softener" play in the sentence? Why would a sentence be more easily accepted if you had a smiley or a "!" at the end? Why using uncertainty make those feedback better?
Definitely from recipient's view(read?)point.
@ankii Yes
I'll closely follow the answers ;p
Hehe :p
How many of you have seen Pirates of Caribbean movies?
If the answers are good enough, I feel we could even make a meta about that (as a supplementary guideline for leaving nice comments)
> There was a long queue outside a clinic.
A man tries to break the queue and move forward, but people caught and sent him back. This goes on for an hour.
After getting frustrated, he announces,
"Keep doing this and I will not open this clinic".
For those who have watched PotC movies.
> What do you call a pilot from the Netherlands?
The flying Dutchman
Done with my Friday joke.
Hey @ElizB
hey there good morning
What's up?
Trying to get out of bed. I think my hunger convinced me now... need food.
Been getting less sleep lately so I'm not having an easy time
Why less sleep? loads of work?
@ankii Yep :p
great jokes x)
@AJ old joke, the KLM's (Dutch airlines) newsletter is called the Flying Dutchman
I heard it for the first time. :P
look at the white part behind the wing
Afternoon. Here for some peace and quiet. Anyone got any?
@Ælis Just sent you an answer. I'll try to find some more sources and add them later.
@Snow :nods:
I haven't seen Tinkeringbell around for a long time. Is she ok? I don't know if anyone knows, people are entitled to take some time out if they need it after all.
@Snow on vacation she is.
Ah. Probably at the right time.
No lying.
That's good. I hope things settle down a bit by the time she returns.
Just marked myself present again after dropping that comment on meta :P
@Snow I've seen everything. Including that there's peace an quiet here, so that's why I'm back, here.
Ah. Sorry about asking after you. I was a little concerned, what with everyone downing tools and all.
I am off from work. See y'all later.
@Snow I basically did that quietly after catching up on Saturday. Didn't want to make a big deal out of it. But I see many people get a bit worried if I keep my mouth shut for a week. Makes me wonder if I'm too chatty.
@Tinkeringbell I was going to mention that one :P
I got too bored.
@Tinkeringbell The opposite, you're valued.
@Snow You can be both :P
Soo. hi @M.A.R.! I'll be limiting myself to this room for a while, so if you wanna catch up :)
@Tinkeringbell I don't know if you read or not, but I've requested reinstatement. TWP is currently running on no moderation.
Yeah, I saw :)
Welcome back!
Well, not yet. I'm waiting on CM to get back to me. In roughly 6-8 weeks.
@Tinkeringbell Hey there! Did you do any nice crochet those last few days?
Yeah, they're likely quite busy with other things :)
@Ælis Not really :) I read a few books... including a re-read of 'the subtle art of not giving a f*ck'.
@Tinkeringbell I really need to read that
I think crochet will be for tomorrow. Ironically, I was working on a pattern called 'llama-no-drama' XD
Awesome. I've been reading "How to lose friends and alienate people"
@Tinkeringbell Haha, I could see why you'll want to read such a book at this time ^^
@Rainbacon Title is misleading though :P
It's a bit like spoon-theory, but with more expletives ;)
Oh that sounds nice, I like reading stuff about the spoon-theory :)
@Snow I also read 'wicked plants' and 'the drunken botanist'.
Wicked plants might help you as an addition to that book you read ;)
Vegetarian literature. Now there's a niche.
@Snow I wouldn't eat the wicked plants.
Though coca is in there too :/
and khat.
so only eat some of the wicked plants? :P
@Ælis The whole basic principle of the book is that you can decide what you give attention too, and then makes a few great examples of how you can care too much or too little about something, or what you can care for instead so that you'll reach the same goal... all sprinkled with a lot of f-words. ;)
That still sounds like it could be useful to me
Not sure what you could do when you don't care enough about something, though. Maybe care less about another thing so that you have enough spoon to care more about this important thing?
@Ælis In the case of my job the answer appears to be "get more spoons". I've been talking with my managers for almost a year now about how I want to focus my job on one aspect rather than the other, and according to the review I got yesterday, it's not really acceptable for me to do that.
Well, one of the examples the book uses is 'wanting to be skinny'. If you care a lot about how you look, you're going to be a bit unhappy every time you look in the mirror and don't look like how you want to.

Instead, you could care about living a healthy lifestyle. That way, when you look in the mirror, you can be happy that you're actually working on the problem.
@Rainbacon :( In all honesty, I don't see how "getting more spoons" is actually doable. The only solution I could think of is to ask about a part-time but, if they don't like your previous requestion, they probably aren't going to like a part-time. In any case, I'm sorry for you :/
@Tinkeringbell Interesting, but what about the other way around? When you don't care enough?
I agree, getting more spoons just doesn't work
@Ælis Well, that's basically also a bit in the example: The person that's unhappy when looking in the mirror may care too little for healthy lifestyle, and too much for just appearances.
Ooh @Tink, welcome back!! :D
@scohe001 Thanks ;)
I missed you all :D
@Tinkeringbell We missed you too :D
Things were a little quiet without your squawks voice in chat :)
@Tinkeringbell Oh right, so you have to properly balance your caring
@Ælis Exactly :)
@scohe001 I understand :) I am a very chatty bird after all :)
Chirpy, I'd say.
@Snow 6-8 weeks which means forever :p
good to see you around here Snow, btw :)
@CaldeiraG Many thanks. I'm trying to stay away from things that are giving me headaches right now.
@Snow I wish you much luck with that
Had so many sleepless hours lately that should have been sleepful hours.
Yeah, that's rough
Ugh, I have a 2 hour long meeting this afternoon, and this morning it got pushed back, so now it doesn't start until 4pm, which means I have to work late
I start before 7am each morning. It sucks when I get a meeting request for 5pm.
Do the people who schedule your 5pm meetings know how early you start?
Sometimes. It's the downside of a multinational company. I work in the UK and work with people in the USA.
Yeah, that'll get you. I'm not working in a multinational company, but the people I have to meet with are 3 timezones away
@Rainbacon I forgot to respond to you, but nice answer :) I was surprised to see you include the "I statement" as part of it. Also, I still feel there is something missing to explain the use of smileys and exclamation (which doesn't change the value of your answer. I'm just saying that, if you find something related to that, I would be happy to read about it)
Hi @Tinkeringbell :) It's good to see you. I've been praying a lot trying to be calm too. What does that pattern look like? Just out of curiosity
@ElizB Oh, it's the cutest!
user image
Squeeeeeeeeee It's so cute!!!
that definitely makes my day!
I'm actually pretty far along too, just about to start closing up the butt ;) Then I only need to do ears, legs, and the brightly coloured stuff :D
@Tinkeringbell You also inserting a b-a-a-a-a-a box?
@Snow Nope :( That would've been a great idea though!
Have you ever seen the UFO I made? That one has sound :D
Next time. :D
No, I didn't see that.
incredibly cool.
@Tinkeringbell that's so cute 😊
Thanks :D
I recall when I first joined that you were working on dinosaurs, i think those were my favorites
I reread your answer just now, I found that I misunderstood something. The quote you shared of Tinkerbell clearly states the lie benefits "the person lied to or lied about", so I didn't understand how it applied here since the lie benefits the "liar", which confused me. Don't know if my comments are relevant anymore. I don't agree that OP has to lie for B's benefit if A asks about their week-end, but I responded in a separate answer, and comments are not for disagreements, so feel free to delete them :-) — MlleMei 1 min ago
#23067 MlleMei (4958 rep) | A: How can I tell a friend about a future trip without upseting another friend, who wants me to hold the truth about it? (score: 2) | posted 26 hours ago by CaldeiraG (264 rep) | Toxicity 0.3470761 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@IPSCommentBot I'm always amazed how many people confuse our favorite parrot with a pixie
@IPSCommentBot she drops feathers, not magic dust! This ain't no Tinkerbell.
@scohe001 But wouldn't it be cool if she also dropped magic dust?
Eh. Sounds like more cleanup to me
Although I guess as the mod, she'd be the one to have to clean it up...
Or maybe part of the magic is that any leftover dust cleans itself up
Maybe one of the Mith's will become a Mitherbell and then we'll be able to test that theory
@Rainbacon XD
@scohe001 You can ask someone to clean up the comments of my answer btw (as you're not a mod :p)
They're not useful now :p
@scohe001 That sounds a bit too much like miserable in my head ;)
LOL Maybe that's your puppet for when you're sad :p
Right now I'm pretty okay :) My code works! YAY!
10: Print "knit one, purl one. "
20: goto 10
30: ???
40: profit
@scohe001 I think this is the most elegant code I've ever seen
just wanted to point out that in my experience using any sort of 'language smoother' will always produce a statement that appears to have less confidence that otherwise — BKlassen 1 min ago
#23076 BKlassen (1374 rep) | Q: Negative feedbacks and "Language smoother" (score: 4) | posted 4 hours ago by Ælis (9477 rep) | Toxicity 0.09853743 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic", "experimental(@Mith)"]
@Tinkeringbell that's so cute, can't wait to see your version :D and hi!
@Rainbacon lol I'm glad someone else can appreciate old dried-up memes.
I've been really proud of / grateful for this room keeping things drama-free :)
I've been kinda curious how other site chatrooms are doing...but not curious enough to accidentally stick my head into a fire by peeking in :p
@AJ I've watched the first one so many times I pretty much have it memorized :P
@scohe001 yep, gotta be careful you're only clicking on "/transcript" links :P
@scohe001 I accidentally peeked into tavern a few times
@EmC lol
@Rainbacon ohhh boy. I'm sure that was a storm
@EmC lol I know! It's a pet peeve of mine when ppl post [raw chat links](raw_chat_link)
@scohe001 that's one of the few times mods edit each other's messages, since you don't want to flood an unsuspecting room with nosy people :P
@scohe001 It wasn't terrible. I got some compliments on my avazulatar
@Rainbacon ooh I might steal that name
But color me impressed. That's pretty cool things are staying civil
I know the SO room got shut down at one point
quick question.. are mods with rep 1 allowed to comment (rep 50), downvote (rep 125)?
@Rainbacon have you passed the compliment yet xd?
@ankii - I believe so, but would one with sub 125 Rep be elected?
Oh hi Joe!
one can see a decline in rep too.
@EmC is going to be so furious now.. :(
Hi, @ankii - Just stopping by, to see the mood around other chat rooms.
@JoeTaxpayer I'm guessing ankii is thinking of staff.
@JoeTaxpayer often see your avatar in AD room too, you might have favourite-ed it some day I think.. rejoin favourite rooms
@JoeTaxpayer how's the general atmosphere looking?
@ankii - AD? Sorry, I am acronym challenged. A few mod's dogs look pretty darn close to mine, but may have been me.
ask different.. Undo's similar, but I do click on avatars
@scohe001 - a number of rooms actively talking about recent mod resignations.
@ankii - Of course. Thx. Yes. I've been a Mac fan for nearly ever. Still have my first Mac Classic in basement.
oh wow! you must be older than Monomeeth♦ too .. hope he doesnt read this xd
I am 58 next week. (I'm so old) I once paid $300 for a (Apple labeled) 3GB Lacie drive. Not a typo. 3GB.
expensive ever since .. Apple
What was the selling point of this then?
3GB would hold a huge number of documents. When Docs were papers you'd have written. And spreadsheets.
It's a little crazy to think that a new Intel i9 cpu cache (16.5MB) alone could hold everything on a computer from 30-40yrs ago.
kudos to microelectronics industry for such scalability.. offering quite a huge amount, cheaply and power efficiently
This is what just 14 years ago looked like......
Time for a mandatory "Thank you Moore's Law?" :D
LOL, absolutely.
@scohe001 well let me predict that it will rain in the monsoons and then you can thank me every time it rains xd
Although Moore's law is flattening a bit. Semi industry moving towards extreme parallelism, multicore, vs higher clock rates. Physics still has limits.
Hey if I work fields for a living, you dang bet I'll be thanking the rains every year :p
@JoeTaxpayer ehh I started to believe those thoughts when people were expressing them 10 years ago. But then we still manage some crazy innovation every year or two
that is upto to material scientists.. they find/ might find something that is good to make chips on and things improve
I worked for a semi manufactured. They were at 12nm when I retired, in 2012, and I believe are pushing 5nm now. We'll see.
Didn't they start stacking them on boards recently though when they realized they couldn't get them smaller?
Yes, stacking was one method.
@Tinkeringbell Oh. Awkward.
I'm known for that ;)
Hi back @EmC !
@scohe001 - if interested, this is a good article - semiengineering.com/5nm-vs-3nm It addresses cost, which might be more of an issue than physics.
Ooh super cool. Thanks Joe!
NP, fun stuff.
Dang, if I'd known you were both going to step in @Ælis, @EmC I would've just sat back and watched :p
:51975395 shhh
(the OP just self-deleted it)
@scohe001 Haha :p
I hope the comments didn't come across as too harsh since I don't think they were totally trolling, but it was really broad / not really on topic :/
@M.A.R. aw you took that out of your username?
@EmC Well, I sometimes smile now, as out of character as it may seem
@M.A.R. ಠ‿ಠ
Yep, that's one of the newer selfies
haha :D
@EmC I hope that too, I even wish I could have answered their question :/ (but it was clearly off-topic)
@EmC That's a nice Haik . . . wait where's the third one.
^ my favorite 3-word haiku. funny enough, it actually came up at lunch today
Heh. Sounds like your lunch was more fun than mine ;) I was home alone
@EmC yea I really wish I'd thought to invite them to chat. I'm sure ppl in here would've been able to give them some good ideas
@Tinkeringbell my team usually all eats lunch together, it can get lively ;)
@EmC Same here if I'm at an office. Love those :)
Getting ready for my meeting to discuss my semi-annual review. *scared face
@Rainbacon Lots of courage to you <3
@Ælis Thank you. And thank you for all of the cats yesterday :)
@Rainbacon Will be sending you lots of good thoughts :)
@Ash Thank you, I appreciate that :)
@Rainbacon Haha, tell us anytime you want more, I will be happy to send them!
@Tinkeringbell I just saw this on Facebook :O
@Ælis Yeah! I saw it on Imgur today too. That's pretty awesome. It looks itchy too XD
For the itchy part I don't know, but it definitively look scary!
Yep! Kids always do though, even without crocheted costumes ;)
Haha x)
@EmC I keep popping in here and thinking "Wow . . . IPS is kinda being a role model right now." :-)
Same, i love this chatroom. Most of us are pretty level headed even when there's so much going on
@HDE226868 thank you for your compliment of this community.
@Ælis I saw this and I was in awe of how much detail it has
That's a lot of crochet!
It's probably pretty warm, too.
@HDE226868 Not at Haikus. NOT AT HAIKUS
@HDE226868 I keep popping in here and thinking "Wow, so many people complimenting us, that's so cool!" :p
@Ash Actually, it looks like a pretty thick yarn, or triple/quadraple strands... so probably not that many stitches....
@Tinkeringbell That's a good point, but it's still bigger than anything I've ever done :P (My biggest was a queen size blanket of rectangles of straight crochet, but my mom and grandma helped with that. :P
(and you can very much tell which "rectangles" are mine, because they're...wobbly.))
@Ash Ah. Yeah... that's why I like my blocking board! :D
All blanket shapes go onto this, get stretched and shaped a little ;)
Queen size is pretty big though! I don't think I ever did any blankets that big (yet :P)
It's pretty amazing what a combination of patience and effort can do.
Everywhere you see it, in every form, just gives you a really nice memorable feeling.
Hah. I'm usually not that philosophic about my crochet. It kills time and keeps my hands busy so I'm not eating or picking scabs. That's about it ;)
@Tinkeringbell that's gorgeous. I'd buy it.
@ElizB Meh. The end result is a pretty screaming colours blanket, (they actually look a bit better in this pic, I think) that's falling apart as we speak :/
I didn't work in the ends in the centers well, and it's acrylic so really stretchy yarn, meaning the center circles open up and fall apart :/
Like that :/
(So, long story short: Not something I would ever even consider selling)
@Tinkeringbell oh very neat.
@Ælis once I finish the major refactor, you're going to get some cats :D
@scohe001 \o/ *-* <3
sounds the alarm
@TheTinyMan I read something about Steven Universe recently and it mad me very sad :( All These Black Characters and 0 Done Right — How Steven Universe Fails Its Black Fanbase, Part I.
@Ælis Hmm, reading this now. I've heard some mumblings about these topics and am glad to see a full essay.
Hello again :)
Hello all
got more +200 on Meta.SE xd
Hiya! :-)
Oof. Yeah, there are some compelling points here. One or two that I don't agree with..out of a whole lot.
@bruglesco Hello! In case you need some cat, we got some here!!! :D
aww! I always need cat.
@TheTinyMan Yeah, it was very painful for me to open my eyes on those issues :/
@Ælis Yeah. From a quick Google search it's also worth mentioning that Rebecca Sugar has officially apologized for some of this, and I do think that the series got way better after the time that article was posted.
I might have to rewatch it with that kind of stuff in mind though.
@TheTinyMan I was wondering about that and I'm a bit afraid about what the promose "part II" of the artical could unveil. But I do hope that the show managed better after those remarks had been presented to the showrunners (I do know that "Grey's Anatomy" got way better with time regarding inclusivity)
I couldn't find a part 2 and this article is 3 years old now so I'm guessing that that didn't happen. Sadly, because it was about my favorite character, although I can see all kinds of potential things that could be said about her.
I need to stop rereading this and get back to work but the more I'm rereading the less I'm completely agreeing with. Of course the article specifically calls out that the opinions of white people there aren't very useful?
Ooh, @Ælis your question just hit HNQ
Looks like you'll be getting all the rep you've been wanting
@Rainbacon You are the one who answerer, you will be the one wining most of the rep ;) (I should probably stop giving the community so much easy rep to gain :p )
@TheTinyMan Yep, when talking about racism, white people opinion don't really matter ^^
@TheTinyMan Also, they didn't talk about this in the article, but Garnet is the result of "black" angry Ruby and sweet "white" Saphire. White this in mind, you can really show a tendancy of black people representation in SU always being angry :/
I do think that that gets better later on.

Mind you, I 0% read Ruby as black? Although I definitely do read Garnet as black. And the next time Garnet splits, Sapphire is the angry one, and Ruby the reasonable one.
@Ælis No, you should keep giving us easy rep gains because I'm only about 300 rep from being on the all-time front page
I'd really like to see what they have to say about Bismuth, though. Because, frankly, Bismuth seemed more effectively-goal-oriented than angry to me. And later on, of course, she's never angry at all.

Bismuth's my favorite character. :-p
It's messed up that we just...bury her...for a while though. After we'd kept her just buried for so long.
@TheTinyMan I don't know, Ruby hairs make me thing of an Afro haircut. And, as a non native English speaker, I really can't use accent to know if someone is using "black coded accent" or not. Actually, this makes me really surprise when I learned that Amethys was coded as a "black gheto girl"
Yeah, right away, I read Amethyst like that, due in part to her speech but due to her body just as much. And Bismuth also has very distinctly African-American speech, and also dreads, and a, um, stereotypical worker physique, we'll say? And Garnet, of course, has both the hair and skin tone, also things like thick lips.
Ruby does have the hair, but it's not...I dunno. It doesn't read as that kind of encoding to me, but I think that's because even thinking consciously about it I can't think of more superficial traits that suggest that, and without some of those, I don't associate anger or roughness with race like that either.

But that might just be because I'm white and aren't necessarily on the lookout for that kind of thing all the time.
I didn't read any of the fusions besides Garnet as black, but looking back I can see how Sugilite probably is coded that way?
@Rainbacon Since I'm already on that page, I'll happilly help you get there too. But don't dream of getting ahead of me! :p
@Ælis haha, that's a ways out
@TheTinyMan I definitively readed Sardonyx as black. Maybe my mind just associate red with black people?
I'm also confused at what the essay is saying about Garnet's femininity during the Sardonyx fusion dance - they even mention that her dance is feminine up until the point that Pearl literally needs to be caught? Watching that animation over and over I don't read that motion as masculine beyond acknowledging that she's catching a character who is both feminine and not independent?
Hm, maybe. I don't think I'd ever read anyone with that accent as black without more coding. Now that I've said that 'out loud' that's probably a kind of subconscious racial profiling that I need to work on myself... heck.
They talk about Garnet not being 'allowed' to be feminine but I feel like she's one of the most feminine characters in the show, when she wants to be?
@TheTinyMan I think it's about the part where Pearl bow. It makes Pearl look like "a delicat flower" which, in contrast, makes Garnet looks like "the big guy"
I mean, kind of, but I don't think that Pearl being feminine and needing to be caught (because she's expressing an almost dependent form of femininity at that time) detracts from Garnet's?
@TheTinyMan Maybe it does because there is no reciprocity where Garnet needs to be "taken care of"?
@TheTinyMan I never really though of Garnet as being "feminine". Sapphire yes (event though her being masculine during her marriage was pretty cool), Pearl definitively, Lapiz too, Rose of course, but the other characters? Not really. Amethyst is just mostly childich and Garnet is just too serious. I also have a hard time not seeing Peridot and Bismut as being both male
In any case, I'm not sure I'm the right person to talk to about this subject. Unfortunately, I don't know that much about racial issues :/
Something tells me I should really watch Stevens Universe
@bruglesco Yeap, it's a wonderful show, you should definitively watch it!
@bruglesco It's really good.
Yeah, that's fair. And I'm not as experienced with them as I'd like to be, and of course, like I said, I'm not sure that any level of experience would make me the right person to raise some of the questions that I am.
@bruglesco I think that one or two episodes should be required viewing for emotional literacy!
Pff, I was about to make that edit @scohe001 ><
Hehe :p
You thought you could escape my grammar edits by running to MSE. You thought wrong.
Hehe x)
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