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What the hell is up with this scare quote question
Well he keeps posting stuff as answers. Five stuffs so far.
I can barely keep up incorporating them into the question, verbatim.
He seems weirdly obsessed.
Today is the International ELU's Not A Forum And I Don't Get It Day.
Oh wow, Edit 5 incoming!
Only just saw that one.
Well at least we can scratch the "Don't Get It" part.
> i am doing major major reserach frm my computerless cave here in south Taiwan, been here since 1991, ..Tufts 1971 grad....literature ...been a reporter all my life since then....DC and Alaska and Tokyo..... and now i am doing RESEARCH on SCARE QUOTES.....can you interview me or do a light hearted piece on this re
This stuff needs some heavy editing.
> DANNY BLOOM 1949-2032
Is this for real?
Well if I were mean I would say he's twenty years off.
His comments have a... deranged quality to them as well.
thanks for heads up on this: and more here: Who's afraid of a silly old 'scare quote'? by Danny Bloom Tufts 1971, - Danny Bloom is a freelance writer based in Taiwan, where the mysteries of the English language still confound him. I'm not much a style guy and newspaper style guides don't interest me all that much, but as the coiner of "crash blossoms" and a few other newspaper terms over the past few years -- ''snailpapers'' for print editions arrive 12 hours late, for example -- I have recently taken a keen interest in the term "scare quotes." — dan bloom 10 hours ago
We're dealing with a character out of a Vonnegut fanfic or something.
Off with him.
Well I'm letting this one for the community. Can't be having all the fun for myself.
@RegDwightΒВB Historical Lock IMO.
In its current form more like an Instadelete.
Thirteen questions in one, including "I am writing OPED now for NYTimes on this. want to seek sneak peek?"
@RegDwightΒВB Also, "I am a word sleuth."
Well to be fair, I have to take his word for it.
We are not discriminating against sleuths here.
if only we could bring him to the chat room and explain to him some of the forms of his wrongness
You can leave a comment to that extent. "Here are some of the forms of your wrongness."
But he can't come in here to discuss it
he can only read the transcript
Well everyone upvote him many times quick.
I'm just voting to close the question
who's with me? it's a NARQ in its current form
Well I'm with you but I'm leaving this up for regular users to close.
It's just that everyone's AFK ATM.
@Cerberus @KitFox @MetaEd @Robusto @simchona can I get some close-vote love please?
As soon as I finish cussing out the sandwich girl.
anyway it is time for ME to be AFK. I'm off!
I said honey mustard, damn it.
@KitFox She thought you said "mustard, honey"
Mustard mayonnaise >> honey mustard. True story.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Sure, which questions of yours do you want closed?
I like the WAY he capitalizes some WORDS. Reminds me of Zippy the Pinhead.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 She doesn't know the difference between dijon and honey.
I kind of don't want to see this closed yet because he's still going with the deranged comments.
She just killed this sandwich.
Holy fucking crazy.
While writing formally proof-of-concept's could be used I guess.. — userSeven7s 1 min ago
I think someone must have recently had a psychotic break.
Jesus F Christ, how many comments does he need?
A: Who ''coined'' the term "scare quotes" and when, citation please, and why the word "scare" there?

IreneFrom Wikipedia: "Scare quotes are quotation marks placed around a word or phrase to imply that it may not signify its apparent meaning or that it is not necessarily the way the quoting person would express its concept. Use of the term scare quotes appears to have arisen at some point during the...

@simchona More.
@RegDwightΒВB I snarked.
> 11.my main qusest via you and crowdsorucing and comment feedacbnk is WHO coiend the term adn what did he or she MEAN?
I'm voting to NARQ this.
I was going to close it as a dupe of
Q: Words that are pluralized in the middle?

JayThis is purely a curiosity, but I'm fascinated by mid-word pluralization, even if the word in question is a compound word. For example, passersby or standersby. No others have occurred to me. Can you provide other examples, or a link to a resource that enumerates them? I'm particularly interes...

But now I'll just go with gen-ref.
Wiktionary has the answer.
Why is Total D still around?
@simchona His blog is even more deranged than his question/comments
@LessPop_MoreFizz THE RED. IT BURNS.
Try penicillin.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Link?
@simchona That was one.
Oh, I meant to that theory
He just commented on his question again
@simchona Yeah, I linked it 3 lines up. Here, have it again.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Brilliant.
Q: Only Meaning of

Total D///-----/-/-/-/-/---/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/--.-.,-,-,- Source For that reason, some academic writers conclude that the traditional civil law terms used in tax law should be interpreted in the meaning of the civil law jurisprudence. What could in the meaning of be? ///-----/-/-/-/-/---/-/-...

2 hours ago, by RegDwight ΒВB
dish dish dish wank dot wank...
> So what was the most decidedly not-Jewish Jesus-loving Palin doing wearing [a star of David] in Israel?
Um, maybe she was being diplomatic?
But it's Palin, so maybe this guy is right.
I love how he is now using Diabetes as an excuse for his discombobulated thoughts
For all I know, she just thinks that Jewish is some brown-people misspelling of Jesus.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, diabetes can make you crazy. I mean, look at Wilford Brimley.
@KitFox Point.
Q: Only Meaning of

Total D///-----/-/-/-/-/---/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/--.-.,-,-,- Source For that reason, some academic writers conclude that the traditional civil law terms used in tax law should be interpreted in the meaning of the civil law jurisprudence. What could in the meaning of be? ///-----/-/-/-/-/---/-/-...

Reg, can you please just put him out of our misery?
Slow jinx.
Oh FFS, I thought you had "More Meaning Of" up there.
I do wonder, what is it about this site that makes random passersby think that we don't care about quality or formatting or anything at all. We might be failing in some crucial aspect.
@RegDwightΒВB They come to it from google. Happens with every SE site in my experience.
On Gaming, we get people that think 'poop' is a valid answer to 15 questions within a 5 minute span.
... but it is, innit?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well yes. But if you come to, say, a NASA discussion board, the whole atmosphere is immensely different from YouTube comments, no?
Don't people catch the drift?
@RegDwightΒВB No. No they don't.
Many in fact do, but some seem to think that THEY can do ANTHING yteh please & get away wit it ololol.
Oh man, Danny found some new material to spam up the comments with quotes from.
I'll have spam, spam, gerunds, eggs, and spam.
Now where was I?
Q: Please, see the picture: how is this alphabet called?

Carlo_R.Anybody know how is the alphabet shown in the picture below called? How could we write the following sentence using this alphabet? He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

You were here.
> @fredley re ''This whole page is just surreal.'' – fredley .. please bear with me, i always get my man. remember "crash blossoms"? I used the same MO, these things take time. SMILE – dan bloom 5 mins ago
Where would he get the picture from without knowing what alphabet it was?
@RegDwightΒВB And how is it that I'm the first one to vote "off-topic"?
Googling for "peep bib tot" returns a Wikipedia article.
The Shavian alphabet (also known as Shaw alphabet) is an alphabet conceived as a way to provide simple, phonetic orthography for the English language to replace the difficulties of the conventional spelling. It was posthumously funded by and named after Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw. Shaw set three main criteria for the new alphabet: it should be (1) at least 40 letters; (2) as phonetic as possible (that is, letters should have a to sounds); and (3) distinct from the Latin alphabet to avoid the impression that the new spellings were simply "misspellings." Letters The Shavi...
It's not an English alphabet, and writing an English sentence using a different alphabet doesn't make it about English language.
Hmm, OK, well, maybe it's an English alphabet...
But writing a sentence out phonetically? How is that on-topic?
Adding my very own two cente, phonetic orthography is the most asinine idea ever. Closely related words would bear no resemblance to each other. History to historical would be like bottle to Madagascar.
Hmm. I never thought of that before.
I suppose they would sound similar though, so you'd probably get in the habit of grouping symbols that sound similar together.
And of course two, too, and to would all be spelled the same.
Like d and t, and b and p.
More to the point though, the people from the town ten miles away would write with funny mistakes, and the people from a town ten thousand miles away would write complete gibberish.
That's not so bad.
It'd be a kind of adventure.
Well, we already do not understand Australians.
But writing NZer would be easy.
How much more less understanding do we need?
All of it.
Then just assign random numbers to letters. Every time before you start typing a word.
@KitFox First part of the question is on topic: asking for the English word that identifies the alphabet.
412 51096 2 81459.
@RegDwightΒВB Aww. I love you too.
Oh, wait. Or was that Elvish?
@RegDwightΒВB A Google image search for the posted image immediately returned the Wikipedia article. I voted to close no research.
@MetaEd Not really. Only kind of.
@MetaEd ah, I tried TinEye and it actually failed.
@KitFox It wasn't not not not not not not Elvish not. 51926.
@RegDwightΒВB I have both the Google and Tineye extensions for Chrome; I very rarely use the Tineye extension anymore. Google has a larger collection and seems to do a fine job. But I do use the Tineye extension when I want to see exactly how an image was photoshopped.
I actually have to google for TinEye every time because I can't remember their name.
3 14 159 26535 8979 3238.
If you use Chrome, install the Tineye and Google Image extensions. Then you can just right click any image and search for them.
So this is who we're dealing with.
Do we know it's the same person?
> In addition to printing loo-lat on his name cards, Bloom rewrote Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star into The Song of ‘Loo-lat’ and then recorded it and posted it on the Internet to encourage students to use it every day when extending their gratitude to others.
@MetaEd All the facts match up. Taiwan, Tufts, etc.
It is sort of cute.
@RegDwightΒВB Same here/
@Cerberus Yeah, it's definitely a more endearing and determined flavor of crazy, rather than downright scary crazy.
Oh, well that's just perfectly normal crazy. Everybody has that.
It's not exactly crazy, trying to revive a dying phrase.
(Apologies to Douglas Adams.)
He can't help it. That happens sometimes when you engage in sexual relations with the Kitster.
@KitFox In a similar spirit, I put my name on my name card. And yet, exactly nobody to whom I gave one can so much as read it.
@Cerberus No, that isn't. But everything else about him seems pretty crazy.
@RegDwightΒВB The important thing is that you can't either.
A: When is it appropriate to use "scare quotes"?

dan bloomPunctuation -- can someone help me re ''feedback'': re: Who coined the term "scare quotes" and when? Why "scare" in the term? Might calling them "distance quotes" be better? Do you ever use this term? i have also heard them called sneer quotes, horror quotes, queer quotes, distance quotes, quot...

@KitFox Your Freudian slip is showing ... :-)
More like eccentric, and too chaotic to write a properly formatted, readable question, even though the "core" of the question seems legitimate?
If I say "smile", am I smiling or telling other people to smile?
@MetaEd Nuh-uh. I didn't say anything about 'wither.'
@Cerberus yes. But I'm afraid it's long past the point of us being able to help. Better start from scratch.
@Cerberus Or just engaging in forum-like discussion and needs to know the local rules of engagement?
@RegDwightΒВB I understand.
@MetaEd Right, that too. But his blog is also chaotic.
@RegDwightΒВB Four close votes. One to go.
I mean, and many people keep getting this wrong, "closed" doesn't mean "go away we hate you". "Closed" means "we love you, but can't you please edit this into shape first? Then it can be reopened."
@Cerberus It's his blog. He's allowed.
> Dear Simchona, i apolo and i will shut up now and let others post and comment. sorry for being a sorry mess. it's my MO. i have diabetes and a stent in my heart and my days are numbered and i can't type so save my life, only learned the 2 finger style deep bow of sorry – dan bloom 50 mins ago
My blog is a mess. Maybe not chaotic but certainly not up to MY high standards. :-)
@MetaEd Still unreadable.
@RegDwightΒВB It always helps to put a note to that effect in the comments on the question.
@simchona sweet
@simchona Jesus...
@RegDwightΒВB And which meaning would you interpret it as if you came here for the first time?
ADHD in old people. I plan to make many people crazy in my dotage.
@Cerberus I honestly can't tell, but I am pretty sure I would at least read the explanation of the close reason.
> Questions on English Language and Usage - Stack Exchange are expected to relate to English language and usage within the scope defined in the FAQ. Consider editing the question or leaving comments for improvement if you believe the question can be reworded to fit within the scope. Read more about closed questions here.
It is a bit of a boilerplate text, you know.
That should be a dash. Grrr. But other than that, it's pretty informative.
With links, too.
And the first thing you see is a big "[Closed]"...
Well what do you suggest?
...I wonder if he used "scare quotes" because it sounds kind of like "scarecrow."
Just expressing my sympathy who come to this site for the first time.
Plus, you seem to miss the point: many of those people don't so much as see the [Closed].
We are by now widely known as close- and downvote-happy even across the SE network.
It was just that one guy spreading rumors.
I'm sure SO is worse.
@KitFox The one who deleted himself?
I have heard it from several directions.
@simchona Yeah, that guy.
From nice people.
I think being ELU allows for more crazy
All of them with agendae.
Ergo more downvotes
@KitFox !
And all of them with confirmation biases.
What have you done!?
@Cerberus of course. Did you also point those nice people to the crap we have to deal with day in, day out?
@KitFox The whole world is crazy and we are not?
@RegDwightΒВB Yes.
Well thank you for that. Really.
@Cerberus There isn't enough evidence to decide one way or another.
Because it's driving me insane.
It is an impression.
And impressionists are frequently blurry.
I think, is how the expression goes.
I am just saying.
Q: Who coined the term "expressionista" and when?
@Cerberus What are you saying?
People see questions down-voted or closed here that they think are not so bad. That is the impression they give me.
We were very careful about quality right from the start. We had a great site. Then the powers that be showed up to tell us that we were utter crap, and provide us with an additional close reason only one other site has. How that was supposed to help us with closing less (hi @Kit) questions, is beyond me.
Why do you do that? Why?
You like seeing this little vein in my right temple, don't you, you sick bastard owl?
TPTB are in some ways more close-happy than we, sure.
Ohai, @Matt!
@Cerberus they should go spend a day on MathOverflow.
How's your hair?
@RegDwightΒВB Have you seen the screenshot I posted a while ago of the first page of questions on Phil?
3/4 were closed.
hiya @Kit :)
And still we are seen as more close-happy and downvote-happy.
Yeah, but most people don't get Phil questions.
@Cerberus Hah. Well that's because it's not a good fit for the SE format, I guess.
So they don't feel qualified to disagree.
Q: Counter Meaning Of

Total DSource "The word 'creator' should be understood in the meaning of 'author' as in copyright law. " What could "in the meaning of" mean here?

We had that discussion before, you and I.
@RegDwightB Can you please deal with him?
@RegDwightΒВB Perhaps: I must say I found those questions correctly closed.
Because philosophy as an academic discipline is more clearly defined; English is harder.
Perhaps because we do not aim at being about the academic discipline of English at all.
@simchona I think he will get autoblocked faster than I can say "jump".
@RegDwightΒВB Even though he's a dupe?
@Cerberus we kind of did, but we were always fighting a losing battle, which we have subsequently and unsurprisingly lost.
And so the hammer falls on poor Dan Bloom.
@RegDwightΒВB What are the conditions for auto-blocking?
As @Robusto correctly says, the only solution at this point is to create an ELU Lite.
@RegDwightΒВB Have we ever tried at all?
@KitFox he'll get autoblocked faster than I can find that out.
@RegDwightΒВB That may actually not be such a bad idea. English as a Second Language and an Excuse for Silly Questions.
@RegDwightΒВB I think you should make a chat room and shuttle all the ELU Lite questions there.
Anyone up for an Area51 proposal? ^
You could call it The Pineapple Express.
Then the target audience will immediately know where they are.
@Cerberus I'd say that some of the core people always did. Most of them still do, but many are not even on board anymore, and they got replaced with many, many, many more that don't.
For every linguist we lose, we gain three thousand people who can't spell "English".
@RegDwightΒВB How? Literature was banned a long time ago. Linguistics too. And ESL/SWR is allowed.
The overlap with the academic discipline is tiny.
I don't know what the site is about.
I guess we do still take linguistic questions that are only about English?
Well yeah, in hindsight that was probably our worst mistake: never really defining which ESL questions are and aren't on-topic.
Not sure that could be defined.
We relied on people having a look at the site and figuring out for themselves, "wait, this is not a place for my crap".
@RegDwightΒВB If we had wanted to be academic, they should have all been banned.
And SWRs too.
We would then be 90 % smaller.
The phrase "I know it when I see it" is a colloquial expression in the United States by which a speaker attempts to categorize an observable fact or event, although the category is subjective or lacks clearly defined parameters. The phrase was famously used by United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart to describe his threshold test for pornography in Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964). Obscenity is not protected speech under the Miller test, and can therefore be censored. The expression became "one of the most famous phrases in the entire history" of the Supreme Court. Stewart's "I kn...
Yeah, exactly.
That never works, unless you have a small, tight group of people.
Which brings us right back to my point: for every person who knows it when they see it, we have thousands who don't.
By tight I mean "who are always agreed".
@RegDwightΒВB Of course.
Exactly. That's the thing.
And it basically amounts to "no rules at all: we decide what we want on our own discretion".
I mean, the obvious question is, if there are so many people who see this site as X, and so few who see it as Y, why not make it a site about X?
After all, democracy etc.
throw it to the dogs, eh?
But the sad answer to that is, because it's the few people who actually care about the site at all.
And the foxen.
I would be quite sad if we let it decay
Everyone else is just in to post some crap and never to return. Some don't even check back to read the answers.
@MattЭллен Well, there isn't much we can do about it.
That's why I was in favour of "soft" closing: moving all questions that we didn't like to some sublist "low quality" (fill in euphemism).
@RegDwightΒВB That's what happens with any internet Q&A site...
Perhaps we should just stop talking the talk and start proposing ELU Lite over at Area 51.
@Cerberus much as meta tags are discouraged, we could do that with an
@MattЭллен Yeah, exactly, we could actually do that.
Nah, wouldn't stand a snowflake's chance in hell.
@KitFox If there are 5 people who care in the same way, then we can form a closing posse and close questions until dawn
Or the opposite: all interesting questions could be given a tag .
@RegDwightΒВB How about if we disguised it?
How do I put a line break in a span so that the span's border encloses the whole block? Or am I just doing it wrong?
Let's say, as .
@KitFox am confused at what you want. does <br/> not work?
@MattЭллен It makes two lines, both of which have the border.
If all interesting questions got the tag , those in the know could quickly filter out uninteresting questions.
The original post against meta tags was precisely against things such as "interesting", "beginner", or "academic".
Because of conflicts that could ensue over the categories?
Because you are a beginner. I am a beginner. Kit's questions are not academic.
Why are we beginners?
For starters, our SCUD scores are too low.
What are those?
I am talking about interesting questions.
No idea, but them's important, very.
stupid chat isn't autoscrolling
Surely we could easily reach consensus about which questions deserve the predicate interesting?
Q: Question And Meaning

Total D-==-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-==-=--=-=-=-=-= Some Source "The word 'creator' should be understood in the meaning of 'author' as in copyright law. " What could "in the meaning of" mean here? =--==--.,,.,..,=-=-=-.,.,,.

@Cerberus how so, if we can't even reach consensus on which questions are on-topic?
Well, what if you tagged your question with one of "linguistic", "etymological", or "(serious) enthusiasm"?
@RegDwightΒВB Because on topic is a bit of a bs criterion.
If you want to mark interesting questions, that's what the "favorite" star is there for.
@KitFox Yeah, like that, but then "serious enthusiasm" would have to receive the bulk.
Go look through the most favorited questions, you'll see some great stuff there.
then perhaps we need to downvote even more
What I mean is rather a way for you guys to get your heartbeat down over the uninteresting questions and duplicates and stop closing them.
> this question isn't the least bit interesting -1
Only close real spam.
Or just delete it, actually.
Unless you actually find managing and closing questions fun.
And you don't mind the bad experiences of new users.

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