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If done deliberately, that sounds like a bad faith way of gaming the system. May that be the close-voting or the edit-after-close situation
It doesn't have to involve editing.
If you vote to close okay questions then it's pretty likely they'll make it to the reopen queue.
And then you get to vote to reopen.
Or vote to leave closed and wait for it to hit the queue a second time, so that you get an additional review out of it.
Hey, maybe that's what happened with the Burrow thing.
@Alex Essentially that, yes. That's why it's a joke. At least I hope it's a joke.
Everyone secretly wanted it to keep coming to the queue so they could rack up the reviews.
Oi @LuxClaridge!
Oh hey, finally an endgame question without spoilers :P
Q: Endgame puzzle: How to avoid stalemate and win?

user929304I'm stuck on this problem a friend shared with me recently, with barely any pieces left and apparently white is able to force a win but I've been hitting a wall with everything I've tried so far, as everything seems to immediately lead to stalemate...! Here's the diagram of the problem, with whit...

If you vote to leave closed it's like a guaranteed opportunity to vote again in ~14 days.
@Alex especially on HP stuff you monitor? ;)
@Alex Only on your questions, I suspect. Or at least I hope.
@LuxClaridge how are you? :)
@Jenayah Indeed. Whoever invented the tab that keeps track of your reopen votes probably regrets it.
@Jenayah bored at work. 30 minutes until the weekend. :) You?
@DavidW Most of the questions that I make issues about are actually not mine.
@LuxClaridge at home, waiting for a friend to arrive by train for the weekend. It's 10pm here
Hm, correction. It's 11pm here.
I guess I didn't see the time go :D
Time flies as they say. Or take the train in this case?
@Jenayah Daylight Savings.
Yeah I'd rather not have trains flying.
@Alex naaah, that was like three weeks ago?
@Jenayah And you might have just caught on now.
nope. Pretty sure I ranted about it here
Absentminded genius stereotype fits with being a child prodigy.
Apr 1 at 20:57, by Jenayah
Also, daylight savings sucks.
@Jenayah So complain about it on Meta.
I'd upvote it
@Alex not a child prodigy :P and more like, spent too much time on a stupid Flash game I remembered on a whim
@Jenayah Yeah, I think child prodigies would like brain knots more than you do.
@Alex it'd probably be closed as dupe ahah :P
@Alex ... Vote to Leave Closed
Apparently it'd come back in 2 weeks
@Jenayah Well it's a good thing mine is the only vote that counts here.
@LuxClaridge you're catching up fast :D
@Jenayah who knows, I may be one of these so-called "child prodigies"
Need to learn how to capitalize on Meta knowledge...
I think Alex is going to like you :D
According to the prodigy rule of two, you have to kill off the other prodiggy and take an apprentice.
Doesn't sound good for me in the long-term. UNLESS I don't tell the apprentice about the rule of two...
@Jenayah Until a couple of months from now when we'll get something like this:
Apr 28 at 18:52, by Jenayah
Oh hey, those were the times when I was young and naïve and took the time to read and think about your "closing/reopening debates" on Meta without knowing the brain knots it'd bring :D
And then I'll have to say this:
Apr 28 at 18:52, by Alex
@Jenayah I liked you better then.
@LuxClaridge Ha, I wonder if anyone thought of that for Star Wars.
Yeah, we take turns in getting our brains fried.
@Alex get dupe-searching.
Or lazy solution, ask it, and wait for Valorum to dupe-hammer it.
Q: What kind of Society is Gallifrey?

Kij Lo grop fodIs it Capitalist? Is it Democratic? Is it a Stratocracy? What kind of Society is Gallifrey?

@Jenayah A quick perusal of the 82 questions with "rule of two" seems like it hasn't been asked.
I guess this comes close:
Q: Why would Sith Masters teach apprentices, at all?

bitmaskWe know (from the accidents that happened between 1999-2005) that The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inward, only about themselves. and we also know that Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice. And from the EU, we know that each ...

@Alex this might be your first second non-HP question!
@Jenayah I don't want to ruin my success rate. That's my most popular question on the network.
Though it still managed to get a downvote.
Is it really a question of yours if it has no downvotes?
Actually, two.
If we all voted based on whether the author's minute biases (displayed within the question text) happened to fit in with our own, this Stack would be a lot less friendly and useful. Instead, we should vote because a question is well-researched and/or intriguing. When good research happens and the question's interesting, and there is a side remark which I happen to completely agree with, well, expect a "+1 for X" from me, even though the real reason is a good question. — Peter Cassetta Feb 16 '12 at 21:55
^this is a very sound comment.
@Alex oh?
So what are my minute biases?
Or is it just a coincidence that you linked a comment from a post I just linked, discussing downvotes, right while we're talking about downvotes?
well I was reading the thread you linjed and a comment made sense... And I'm known to re-post funny/insightful comments in chat
@Jenayah Speaking of which, we need a rematch one of these days.
True! Not today, though :)
I'll let you stew in victory for a bit longer.
Speaking of me posting unsollicited, spontaneous links:
Q: Middle school science/fantasy about global scientists who regress to gorillas in order to more easily live off the grid

WatergeekI read this book and another by the same author about a teenager with telekinesis and they were amazing. I'd like to find them so I can share with my kids. I thought the author was named Dale, but was a female. Last name could have been Anderson? I also thought the name of the book was The Hum...

That was one of the top results for "best French song".
Band's not my style... Like... At all :/
Okay, let me look at the last French song I listened to... gotta grab my phone for that.
There's only one French song that I repeatedly listen to.
Hmmm... It's by a French band, but sung in English.
Let me look at the latest one sung in French...
Here's a random one
(Yeah, I know, you weren't born yet.)
@DavidW I was
hey that's a new version or something?
The one "Désenchantée" song I know is by Mylène Farmer
It's the one that I've heard before...
Not surprising that it's borrowed. That happens a lot with dance music.
@DavidW Wikpedia says she's Belgian though :P
okay, next down the line is sung in French, but it's a Quebec band.
I've already linked that one here.
And, not surprisingly, the two latest French songs by French artists I've listened to are by Grand Corps Malade and Bénabar.
On the subject of dance covers, this is prototypically strange:
Q: Help me find Dutch Novel

John Starkwritten by one of the four (or five) "Lions" of post-war Dutch Literature. The story concerns an old retired actor who lives alone. He has had some mysterious dealings with his older (or younger) family members. One day he receives an anonymous letter in the post offering him one last role in a S...

@Babelfish @SQB
@Jenayah Absolutely!
@Jenayah You rang?
@Jenayah "groupe de punk celtique québécois" That is awesome!
@DavidW I know right? :D
@SQB yeha, see above
you know me, you get pinged every time someone mentions the word "Dutch"
Oh wait, there's some French in this song:
Except maybe when talking about Predator
@DavidW for more info about the song above, check the transcrit starting here
Jan 3 at 18:46, by Jenayah
@Donald.McLean translation of the above ^ https://pastebin.com/bj2b1Krw
Doesn't ring a bell. If it's a well-known Dutch post-war writer, it would be Harry Mulisch, Remco Campert, Gerard Reve, W.F. Hermans.
LEave it as a comment, I guess.
@Alex you like Children's Choir? Have you seen Les Choristes?
I think the English title is The Chorus...
@Jenayah Never heard of it. I think found the choir because of the song, not the other way around.
@Alex oh. In any case, it's a really great movie and I recommend it. LEt me find a trailer.
There's this one but tehre's no dialogue...
> In 1949 Monsieau Clement, an assistant teacher, comes to a school for "difficult" boys. The School is run by a hard minded principal. The motto of the school being "Action - ReAction". This method obviously isn't working, as there are a lot of problems and problem children. Monsieau Clement tries to reach his boys and build trust and true order through music.
Seriously, watch it, all of you :)
Q: How was Sasha chosen, if at all?

AdamantWhen Sasha had her heart attack was there to give her CPR. Given this, it seems likely that the Annex was involved somehow, maybe that they even caused her heart attack. However, how and why? Did they cause her to have a heart attack and how? Given that their first choice was the daughter of...

Q: Episode: Unnatural Selection

GalacticCriminalIn Star Trek “The Next Generation”, why did the federation sanction the Darwin Genetic Research Station to perform genetic testing to enhance children by genetic engineering? Why was this any different then the Augment crisis in the 20th century?

Q: That metallic sound at the end of season 8 episode 3 ("The long night")

Luis MendoAt the end of season 8 episode 3, The long night, Just before that, the dagger falls in the air, in slow motion, and a metallic sound is heard. I'm pretty sure I've heard that sound (or a very similar one) earlier in the series, but I don't remember when. Any idea?

Q: With parthenogenesis, who needs men?

Invisible TrihedronA new drug allows women to achieve orgasm AND bear children parthenogenetically without men. It's not long before men start to disappear altogether in mysterious circumstances, e.g., men who visit houses of prostitution do not survive the experience. Who needs them anyway? The last man, lured fro...

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